A Tag SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 0, 1022.; DR. A.W. WINN DENTAL SURGEON, Corner of Johnson and Wellington Btreets > Phone 308 Fer a SAF FREIGHT, FU. 3, TAGE and STORAGE PIANOS, CART, DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. 2231. 377. Evemings . 158 WELLINGTON STREET Dr. Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington St. ens tans J When fa Kingston stop at HOTEL RANDOLPH THE POPULAR HOTEL Central location. " Rooms with hot and cold running Special attain ts Transiesticy Meals served on Daylight Baving Time Thm TORTURED BY KOONEY_ TROUBLE {MADAM LALONDE 170 Cumurramx St., Mowrazar, P.Q. "IL/am writing to tell you that moe my life to "Fruit-a-tives". This it medicine relieved me when I given up all hope of recovering my health, "I suffered terribly from Kidney Trouble, Dyspepsia and Weakness, I bad these troubles for years and all the ) medicine I took did not do me any Jroed: "I read about "Fruit-a-tives" and 1 tried them. After I had taken a few boxes, I was entirely relieved of the Kidney Trouble, and Dyspepsia, and had gained in strength, OGILVIE'S Insurance and Brokerage Office IR RS swt AGENT FOR EXCELSIOR LIFE, ROYAL EX- CHANGE, FIRE, SICKNESS AND ACCIDENT, BURGLARY. G. HUNTER OGILVIE 151 Wellington Street WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington: street. "I hope those who suffer with Kidney Trouble, Dyspepsia and Weakness. will take "Fruit-a-tives" to.recoverrtheir health", JEANNETTE LALONDE, 800 a bax, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250. At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit. a-tives Limited, Ottawa, BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? IT PILLS PIANO TUNING Plane Tunleg and Repairing. Alse Organ Werk, All work guaranteed, PETER D. BROWN Cholcest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by us. rma 30STHACS, » 13 Markland St. Phone 2307Tm, REMEMBER If you want dobing done, don't call oy ue, but If you ant first-class decorating. then telephones 2090J, for and decorating pinting is our usiness. ID STAMP APPILRD TO ORNUING AUTO TOPS RECOVERED THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Kingston and Vicinity Gone Home From Kingston, Miss Lois Richardson returned to Tweed, irom Kingston on Thursday last and her many friends are glad to know she 18 recovering nicely. Back to School Suits. Our range of Boys' Sults are the best values we have ever bought. See our range at $6.60, $7.50, $9. AlN sizes and styles, Prevost Clothing House, Brock street, A Real Progressive, The editor of the Deseronto Post has joined the ranks of the Pro- gresaives. This move has no pol- itical significance, however. He has purchased a IMmotype.--Tweed News. A -- ---- i ------ Visited The Exhibition, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Keyes return- ed from Toronto on Thurseay. While there they visited the Exhibi- tion, and Mr. Keyes attended the Convention of the Ontario Funeral Service Associatioon. After a Divorce. Charles Philllp Roy McCabe, of the township of Fredericksburgh, farmer, will apply to parliament at the next session for a bill of divorces { from his wife, Kathleen McCabe, cn | the ground of adultry. Cleansing The Building. The old medical bullding at Queen's is being refreshed for the opening of the session the end of the month. The walls of the halls have been freshly kalsomined and the wood work is being repainted. Killed a Fox. A few nights ago, Mel. Lee, Lan- ark, was motoring home from Car- leton Place when he noticed what he thought was a dog running ahead of his car. Suddenly it turned and ran into his car and was killed. It was a fox. Is Progressing Well. Jack J. Walsh, Bagot strest, who broke his right leg while alighting Friday, is progressing well in the Hotel Dien 'hospital _here. He is local representative of the Imperial Tobacco Company. The many triends of Master Alex. Parks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parks, Perth, who broke his log about two weeks ago will be pleased to know he is recovering nicely and it is hoped to see him playing around again with his ugual brightness. Going To School, The Park kiddies, who were with the Rex company here last season, are now at their home in Michigan and will go to school for the next year. Their mother found it dif- ficult to keep them om the stage and also keep up thelr education. det ---- A London Paper to Hand. The Whig is indebted to R. J. Carson, visiting in England and France, for a copy of the London Evening Standard of Aug. 23rd, give ing lengthy notices of the assassina. tion of Michael Collins, as well as vivid stories of his career. The pap. er is wel illustrated. from a street car in Toronto last geuers] sessions of the county court in December. At the preliminary hearing little evidence was taken. The prisoner emtered a plea of not guilty and evidence was given by of- ticers who were on the train. Attended The Meeting. The Westlake quarterly meeting of Friends was held at Thirteen Jls- {land Lake, north of Kingston. Five members from Wellington attended. Alva Bowerman, Picton, drove the party in his car, Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Arkett, Sebourn Cronk amd James WHA. They had a safe jour- ney over the rough ross that lay between Verona and Thirteen leland Lake. a ------ Kingston's Assessment. Edward Meoers, assessment com- missioner, is now busily engaged in preparing the schedules of 1923 as- sessment. It is mot lkely that the amount of the assessment will de very much in advance of that of It is understood also, that the population, even under the ad- verse circumstances of unemploy- ment, will not be below, but rather above that of last year, Had Fine Fishing Outing. The following party spent the las: ten days fishing at Long Lake, E. Trudeau, Stoco, D. A. Montani, Dr. Montani ind E. Sylvester, of Youngstown, Ohio, G. Guerrier and son, New York. They report a fine catch of bass, a twenty-pound pike, measuring thirty-seven inches froma nose to tail. In appreciation of the splendid week's fishing afforded them by Mr. Trudeau, the party presented Mr. Trudeau with a fine gasoline camp lamp. -------------- Died at Lanark Village. Recently there passed away iu Lanark village an old resident in the person of James Johnson, son of the late Nathaniel Johnson. He was born on the 11th line of Bathurst in 1832, and was therefore in his ninetieth year. He was the last sur. vivor of his family, five brothers and two sisters having predeceased him. He lived at Playtairville for upwards of fifty years, his health falling, he sold his place there a few years ago and moved to Lanark village. -------- Gallipoli Graves. The First Lord of the Admiraity, Lord Lee of Fareham, in the courss of a visit to Gallipoli, expressed to the officer in charge of the Imperial War Graves Commissions operations at Ansac, Sulva and Helles, his ap- preciation of the dignity of design and the simphcity of the treatment of the cemeteries at those places. Lord Lee further commended the spirit in which the work upom the cemeteries is being carried out and | the care displayed by those concern- | ed In it, A GENTLE LAXATIVE FOR THE CHILDREN Mothers--the surest way of keepy | ing your little ones well and happy; whether it is the new-born babe or the growing child is to keep their bowels regular and their stomach sweet. Nine-tenths of all childhood allments are the result of clogged! bowels and sour stomach. The most | necessary and the best medicine for little ones is a gentle laxative---some- thing that will relieve constipation; sweeten the stomach and promote rest and natural sleep. Such a medi- cine is Baby's Own Tablets. They are a gentle but efficient laxative; are absolutely guaranteed free from opiates or other injurious drugs and may be given to the youngest infant with perfect safety. They banish constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and give the baby that health and heppiness which all children should have. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Recalled the Past, During their stay in Carleton Place, Mrs. 8. J. Allen, Smith's Falls, and Mrs. Dulmage and her mother, Mrs, Green, Kingsotn, hap- pened to meet together at a friend's home near Miss Margaret Sullivan's. All three were former residents of Appleton, as was Maggie, now an in- valid. One proposed and all became instantly disposed, to make a call. They did so, themselves in such high spirits as to overflow into the in- valid's, an hour of joyous reunion wherein the Appleton of thelr day, with its vicissitudes and victories, its frolics and its fashions, formed the cheif basis of ther animated discourse. The visitors, through their wholesome humo#, the frag- rance of their disposition, with good sense ever on the reel, gave the pa- tient home-dweller a most pleasant afternoon. | at Colds Toothache Earache Dine at The NEW ENGLAND, to-date Cafe, and mearest to the You Accept only an "unbroken package" of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved Headache Neuralgia . Lumbago Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets--Also bottles of 24 and 1 Aspirin jacthe 1 { Bell kao va aaiisctare of Mono. SEES En UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all "Bayer Tablets of safe by millions for _ Rheumatism Neuritis Pain, Pain BOAT TRIP Kingston's most up- PORTLAND CEMENT _ LATH, DRAIN TILE, etc. | S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bayiand Men's medium weight, Blucher style plain, soft toe, Goodyear welted andisolid 1 ther--Black or Brown. Back to a; stan Price ...... ou. .oveainnes.v. 35.00 Call and see them at:-- : JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock St - Your Wrap For Next Fall and Winter It is not too early to decide what is to be done about & warm Wrap for the Fall and Winter, Either have the There are just two things to do. present Fur Coat remodelled-or fixed up or else see what can be done about a mew Fur Coat. ; It will be a pleasure to advise you whichever the | case may be. Gourdier's BROCK STREET; TWEDDELL SUITS are so designed thatddura: | 7 bility, style plus individual- ity, are the leading features ~--Styles becoming toithose of the most discriminating $f taste are the ones to be] found at:-- : TWEDDELL'S "131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) IGHT: 'Bed Comforters--good, full sizes, covered with dark Chintzs and filled 'with sanitary cotton down, for only ................. $2.75 cach ------_--