Co = TR = ot Be p ILY BRITISH ; 3 PORTING NEWS 2 A ------------ Notice to Water TO-DAY Power. I! 1and on the 5.8. Empress of Britain, Consumers ow This Through For Thrills ! arriving in Kingston Saturday after- (Gloria Swanson in Rocks" was the biggest the theatre ters, Mrs. C. Kenniston, Mrs. iI |The boys first of all had lunch and The general public's attention is drawn to the Medical Health Offi- a ll noon. He reports a good passage / RSHALL lll with a few icebergs in sight in the {has experienced for a long, long|Keyes, Mrs. P. Kenniston, and Miss [then played eighteen holes. Kingston \ secured a decisive victory and . . . . cers notice in Saturday's Whig WITH THE GOLFERS, | Sept. 11.--Early Sunday morning, | | Edward Gonyeau passed away at his | Caddies' Match. Crowds at Strand. {home on Brock street. The late Mr.| The Brockville Caddies arrived The matinee today at the Strand |Gonyeau has been a sufferer for a |Saturday morning by car uader es- theatre for Rodolph Valentino and | considerable time. The deceased is{cort of Mr. Ogilvy, to play the return "Beyond the survived by his wife and four daugh- | match against the Xingston Caddies. Dean Starr returned from Eng- Straits of Belle Isle. Theodore |time. This means that you will have | Lillian, at home; also two sons, Jo- e Lyman and the Misses Lyman of the|to be early tonight if you want a seph and Edward. He was a devoted several good rounds were played. city were fellow passengers. gocd seat. The first evening per- members of St. John's church, from Kingston. Brockville. H The dean is very much improved {formance commences at 7 o'clock | which place the funeral will be held, |S. Alken...(91) 3 8. White ...0 ll in health and had good weather both [and the second one a few minutes | . W. Patterson (98) 3 W. Field .. 0 lin France and England, in spite of |ailer nine. The biggest Paramount| Te funeral of the late Mrs. Al- |G. Aiken ... (101) 0 G. Garrott . 1 {il reports. picture fssued. during this year is fred Roderick was held at St. |H. Mclvor..(92) 3 C. Turner . 0 | In England conditions are improv-|now being showa at the Strand the- | John's church yesterday morning ot | C. Barrigan (101) 8 D. Shaw .. 0 l!1ng. Lloyd George still holds theatre. 19.30 and thence to the Rideau ceme- | W. Kennedy (115) 3 G. Yeldon . 0 ll | hearts of the people and in the event | tery. . A. McCue ..(107) 2 H. Jackman '0 of an election his government would . | L. P. Shortall has purchased they _._ S50, -- : "Fools First" Presents Unique Bank |},,mg of W. Martin on the corner of | 3% 5." 17 1 Robbery. | Stone and Arthur streets. --- "Fools First, a Marshal Neilan| william Sherby, Dexter Keyes and | The result of the usual medal production, which comes to the Allen | william Richardson have returned | round held Saturday was as follows: theatre to-day as a First National at- | otter spending the past week in To-| H. Lawson, 71; J. 8. McBride, traction, relates in a vivid manner ,ontq. 76; Mr. Livingstone, 76; H. M. the foiling of a band of crooks who | Mrs. RObert Hagan, Kemptville, |Hicky, 77; A. B. Cunningham, 79; had planned to rob the largest bank [nag returned home after spending a |H. F. Ryan, 79. in town. | tow days with her son, A. M. Hagan. The band reached the bank with- | Henry Abrams has returned home Crack Players For Queen's. out creating suspicion in the mind of | from Toronto where he was attend-| "Charlie" Mundell, son of Dr. D. E. any night policeman "by carrying [ing the exhibition. Charles Nutall, | Mundell, Barrie street, has definitely #18 borne very cheerfully with char-|their tools in musical instrument Montreal, is visiting his parents, Mr |decided to enter Queen's University acteristic English endurance. cases. For hours they toiled at the and Mrs. Thomas Nuttall, Brock |this fall and will be available for the France has made wonderful re-|[400r of the massive vault before street, football team. Mundell, who was =. | covery. Villages and towns are be-|they opened it--and then they dis-| Mrs. Alva Johnston, Brockville, |8.M. at the Royal Mflitary College ing rebuilt and the old battle fields covered that the packages of money [who has been visiting friends in [last year and one of the best ail cleared of debris and are under cul-| Which they were seeking were |town, returned to her home yester- round athletes on the campus, has ll! tivation. Even Rheims cathedral al- | missing. day. The Misses Helen and May taken a motion to business and after ll ready is holding daily service in the! As they were about to leave, dis- | Duncan, who have been guests at th? | spending the summer in banking at fl transcepts. Every man, woman and gruntled, Tommy Fraser entered, | Provincial hotel for the past month, | Toronto will come to Queen's for il child of working age, the dean said, | With the packages under his arm. have returned to their 'home In|the courses in commerce. He will be ll | were "putting their backs into re-|Tommy had formerly been asso- | Brooklyn, N.Y. a valuable addition to the rugby A First National Attraction it! construction" and were full of op-|clated with them, but had "turned a| Miss Ethel Rogers left today for | squad as he knows the game thor- ll| timism although hating the Hun |Dew leaf." He had stolen the pack- Syracuse, N.Y., to visit friends. Miss | oughly and can take a position ar- VAUDEVILLE warning the Water Consumers to boil the drinking water. The De- partment is anxious to take the first Hier, and the English people do not i! forget his wonderful war achieve- || ments. The Dean was with Sir George ll | Foster at the debate in the House i of Lords on the cattle embarg® which }| resulted in favor of Canaaa. #| Taxation is very heavy about $1.50 going to the state out of every ll $5 earned, for war tax besides the || ordinary rates and demands. But it & opportunity of testing the suction pipe. Kindly take notice that all drink- ing water should be boiled imme- diately, until fiirther notice, R. F. ELLIOTT, . Chairman, || with bitter intensity. Dean Starr be-|age, but just as he was about to {Marie Souire is spending a few |p 0st anywhere on the lineup. From Public Utilities Commission, | lleves the latter is able to pay and [board a train out of town had re- [days in Toronto. Mrs. Walter Ben-| present indications it looxs as || should be forced to do so. From |Jentied, and was returning. The band | nett and Miss Evalyn Bennett hava | hough Queen's will have an all appearances they are playing a/set upon him and after a fight es- | returned home from a two-months | jnyulnerable team. At any rate _ In a Musical and Singing deep game to enlist English sympa-|caped with the Joot. But when they tour of the old country. Mr. and |orgduates of the college seem . to Revue. * Wl thy. d the pack they found no Mrs, Will Lucey. Cleveland, are = : oMl| irelana seems Bopeless, and even money within. The bank president | vielting at Mr. and Mra. Geores Lus- | certain way. cE er American interest is lost since the|had foiled them. |ey's, Arthur street. David Walker,| , Kingstonian just back from To- atrooi murder of Michael Collins, Claire Windsor, Claude Gilling- | who has been visiting his son'in Ro- | onto states that during the exhibi- AWAIT FAIR WEATHER. two before the equinoctial On the whole the Dean is optim-{ water and Richard Dix play the | chester, N.Y., returned home yester- |4:on he met many alumni living in commence, In the meantime -ey istic for the future of the empire if |leading roles in this production, dav. Toronto and several of them were|S0 That the Waterworks Suciion| yoy, drinking water 1 only we follow the energetic exam-|which is based on the Saturday| The many friends of Dr. J. J. | earing ties with Queen's colors in Pipe Can Be Examined. . er -- ---- De - EP OE TE eral leat Wo bo Dh teed io | iam, Upon Suing asked thu veuson| ; Watas S000 58, 50 TIVES 2 Oat {Amp Sot Fire to Ourlaing We have been fortunate in book- {learn he is progressing satisfactorily | s.43. "Why, we're not ashamed of|erworks' euction pipe is to be under- The Wind Was Responsible BOY STRUCK BY AUTO, ing an exceptionally good vaudeville | from his serious operation. Charles |, . ;liege and you can be sure that|taken by experts of the local: aivic re SUFFERS BROKEN THIGH |act for the first part of the week in| Bosher, Hamilton, is visiting his |, oy een's man will be glad to wear | utilities to determine why the drinx- The wind was responsible for a Dewolf & Dewolt who are singers uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-|yp0 colors when this season of rugby | ing water is contamined. small fire on Sunday night, At tne C. C. Folger, manager of the ctv- {home of Mrs. Aylesworth at TY fc utilities, stated on Monday morn- | Bagot street, shortly after 's 0'wock Charles Molean, Aged Eight, | 2nd instrumentalists of merit. lam Pratt, King strest east. is over, We're rooting for the college eels Acc ent QGanan ---- ------ on the ol Ontario Strand and when m i on " the football season starts there|ing that as result of the report of |the Wind caught a pair of curtains oque Highway. DRUG ADDICT JAILED |THE MUSICIANS' STRIKE won't be a Queen's man in Toronto|medical health officer, Dr. A. R. B. |at an open window and blew them ON VAGRANCY CHARGE! Williamson, some time ago the equip- | against a lamp, SHght damage was Struck by a motor car, Charles ment 'at the waterworks was com-|doBe to the house and contents. The IS NOT YET SETTLED | without a Queen's tle." . ints : letely examined as well as the e | house is owned by Airs. ; McLean, aged eight, son of Mrs, Har Township Resident Summon=- The Union Ofcials Offer to |2nnouncement that Bud. Thomas, |Pietely 3 Dip! y dirs. Young. An From Ottawa comes the official : ' larm wa FM + Who resides on the King. Ottawa etar, is coming to Queen to the first valve. Nothing was|@ 8 sent in from Box 37. ston-Gananoque highway, was seri-| ©d For Drivirig a Car With=| Compromise With Theatre [ins fail. Thomas' name has bee |found to be out of order and J. W. and a telephone call was also sent In. ously injured Saturday evening. The |' out a License. Managements. prominently mentioned as a likely | Vanbenschoten, an expert engineer --------t accident occurred near his parents' player for Queen's squad and the of- {of the Wallace and Tiernan Chlorine-{ The London Evening News states home. It is stated the boy jumped| Aivin McCoy, alleged American in ma réach off a waggon and ran from behind | itizen, who ¥ was apprehended rns settlement has hey M seq be. tricolor's chances in the rugby ace. [brought to the city and went over the | quarters of the Guaranty Trust Com. ang {it into a passing sutomobHe. The! inrough the vigilange of the provin- fr. ob ty Farts theatfgs re- |As.a wing player Thomas will be a ghlorination plant. Ha found that it {pany of New York has been detracd.' ye driver could not stop his car before | ia; constable, as a drug addict, was arding the difficulty over orchestras valuable addition to Queen's. was in eatisfactory shape and gave ed of the sum of $32 00a = it had struck' the lad. '| Monday morning sent up for oue pie it 1s Tikely that no union plsvars Rahat his complete approval to the equip-| A serious automobile sceident oc- . The little fellow was removed to [month for vagrancy by Magistrate will appear in any of them until af- Have Workout. ment. curred near Milton, in which 'one of the General hospital where it Was | Allinson. He had on his person a full X pros rther conferences have been | Ld% Walker, Delahey, D. Nickle,{ The only part of the works still tothe victims, Carman Johnston ma found 'that he had sustained a 'com-|.,.q equipment including morphis So Pete Dolan and Bill Shaw were a be examined is the suction pipe, and |dje. The young men were all fr y eld. oo few of the Queen's rugbyists having a| KR. F. ElHott, chairman of the ut-| Acton, om pound fracture of his left thigh and | 5 4 lermic needies. also concussion" of the biain For- ypod c There was a conference Monday workout Monday morning. fiitles commission, has secured Sahoo] children's competition at CTA Swanson "Beyond The Rocks" ficial word further strengthens the tion company, New York, was|that it learns that the London head- ter. YOUNQ MARRIED WOMAN TAKES DOSE OF POISON ---- In a fit of despondency on Satur-|versation, L5e first thing you should day afternoon, a young woman nam-|cangider 's v hether he has a greater ed Mrs, Ferguson, reskling 6n Mont} inclination to hear you or that you real sireet, took some bi-chloride of{shonld Fear him. mercury tablets, and is pow in the Hotol Dieu in a very serious condi-| proper perspective. To judge righ: y on. On Monday afternoon at 2.30 o'-] wear, of cthers we can never ju ge clock. her attending physician stat-] rightly but at a distance. ed that the woman had a chance of | recovery, $ From what the Whig. was able to] ited States during July, an_ increase ascertain the young woman has been) of ten million In value over exports of a similar kind pending. Persons driving cars without a license will be prosecuted. It i= a secret known to but few thet when you fall into a man's con- Men and things have each their of sume it i¥ necessary to see them Canada exported goods valued at thirty-four million dollars to the Un- family "trouble. | in the same month of last yeur. p= " A resident of Kingston townshi . tunately the symptoms of concussion {p.. pean RE AOR driving ? morning between the theatre man have been alleviated and on Monday car without a license on the com- the 418 TOpOTIoR ta potome bet plaint of the highway patrol officer, to the hospital for some "time, who states that there are other cases Strike More Effective agers and the executive officials, when the latter offered to comprom- isd. The constitution of the music- jans' union specifies how many players shall comprise an orchestra in a house with a certain seating capacity, and according to the sched- ule, the Grand Opera house would have seven players, the Allen sev- en and the Strand five. The execut- ive offered to drop two players from the Grand, two from the Allen and two from the Strand, and when this condition could not be accepted the players were ordered to remain ab- sent. : The provincial headquarters at To- ronto has been notified and asked to send an organizer to Kingston to inok into the matter. The players ciaim that Kingston is the poorest field for musicians because the pay is smaller than anywhere else in Canada. xt $ wanders bs Than Ever, Says Gompers Atlantic City, N.J., Sept. 11. The "shopmen's strike is more effect- ive now than it was, even with in- junctions which are secured from government pets like Judge Wilker- She injunction gow. of pext 'week. Judge Madden Dismisses One and Finds For Plaintiff = inthe Other. ! + V-- Judgment in two automobile cas- es, which were before the Division court last week, has been given by Judge Madden. The cases were inter- esting in that they were almost par- allel accidents involving many prin- ciples of motor traffic laws. "In the case of A. A. Beaton, plain. tiff, and Willlam Cockburn, defend- ant, the action for $87.96 "and the counter claim for $$22.65, were G. P. Awrey, Queen's athletic dir-| through the courtesy of Dr. R. M. ector, is expected In the city the first| Coulter, deputy postmaster-general, the use of Matt. Murphy, diver, and ¢ Us essary diving equipment. It is ex- TWO AUTOMOBILE ACTIONS sie teetemmtnsion of SE pipe can be started within a day or M. Campbell has secured the nec- the flower show, in the Island Mar. ket, City Buildings, will be gh children who took seeds should com- pete. No charge to exhibit, Ex-Premier Georges Clemenceau, the French "Tiger," is about to visit the United States on a "mission." Let This Thought Drill In to your consciousness---we have the most complete equipment of drillers," planers, saws, lathes, files, and other machine shop apparatus. Therefore, we are prepared to undertake any job within range of our equipment. Bring your work to us. Bishop Machine Shop KING AND QUEEN STREETS dismigsed. The judge found contrib utory negligence on both sides. The accident occurred when the plain- tiff's car tried to pass defendant's truck a8 it swung out towards tho cetitre of the road to take a turn In- to Powell's garage on Johnson street. The judge found that the plaintiff did not signal that he wished to pass and was guilty of contributory negligence in attemping to pass from the rear on the right side. The de- fendant contributed to the negligence in that he "did le or audible warning © TH Bs $ hi i i? if Who our motor car, ten Daily' by \ Pays For Advertising? HIS is a direct and reasonable question; and in the case of Daily Newspaper advertising, intel- ligently used, the answer is simple: Nobody. It pays its own way, Nobody pays for the new carbur- etor that gives added mileage to it pays for Root? the gasolene it saves. 'Nobody for an improved cash ro » a modern depart - y it pays for I of human time. for well planned and writ- per advertising. It pays for itself by reducing the cost of sales amd increasing ceipts old bills follies with advertising labels, { The advertisement in your own lo- Newspaper tells you the to buy and where to p . Every new purchase olps the whole community to com- Tasued by the Canadian Daily Newspapers Association, Toronto And it often re-