SEPTEMBER 12,100 | | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. pe Consult These Pages Frequently, They Are a Source of Pleasure and Profit. ie ie Cain | tn Sut Wing ER -- (oihe, following classification hesdings BINGEN, vt a a me Crlnriod Cog By indexed. standards and popular: Bi yo queny one uy. A OA OR TWO O WOO ized acco to Re ie Fou io | | 7 A ote S10 Assorted Opportunities : REE SE Eh. B LOAD OR Fr D le ne., Pp : columbia, an reco! 5 he re Himes Bebe LIGHT, DRY WOOD ; restricted to their ANNOUSCENMENTS Proper clasanioation, and. to the 33% Hagot asd Quason regular Daily Whig style of type. "Opportunities come in all ind afd sizes--with a inde sh vo + We bave for sale al 3 50 d A ™ Q secon CLASSIFIED RATES world of different meanings and angles a ot os wy brreon ha hiture $ per Load. Dally rats par line or "consecutive Thete are dozens -of opportunities to save and make = TaDiLrS Jo 3 son. rin ks. fons: 3 y ; Minimum gt cents. money every day. Sometimes we seize one, but most of cess- Street. Sr 1600w. . wh . time we feel that "nothing comes our way." S & | | Monuments. Daily rates per line. Charge. Cash the MATTRESSES Fo hr Igde to James W ift Co mi 5 3 orde a udntity, 4 § dar - 4 It's easy to step out and meet opportunities more Toweet tactory 3 ue: ar nr: Be 1 i te ii 3 days 1 day ... than half way--when you follow the wants and offers in gt faolory ftroas Company, 377 ' & Found. Births, Engagements, Marraiges, in the A-B-C Classified Section. Kfig street. Phone 10613. ; Foot of Johnson Street AV MOBILES Degaths--One Insertion, charged, RIFLE--.280 Sporting Ross for sale; * hy: Da ==Automobile nejes. ibs; cash, $1.0 The A-B-C Classified Section fe made up of assorted new: with case; tefopnona 1193w' or emoriam fiAutomoniiss" For Sale. Rae pitas so; Mesh $1.00, % irtunities, grouped into Classifications and alphabeti- = © 33--Auto Accespories--Tires~Parts each insertion. cally arranged for quick reference. VICTROLA--W Real Estate For Sale : CRA I : fagos--_Autos for HifeeTaxi. Xdvercising ordered for irregular Thought ra ng. almont new. new. a a ee eee eae | ch Gaming Stateyeies and Bioyales. insertions ae An You ean practice ecofiomy and common sense by tak- leman's ans e. Apply 48 +: Farms and Land For Sale 83 . Dressing Tables | 3~--Wanted--Autsmoblles. basis of four lines. fog advantage of the buying service of this clearing 18¢ ACRES---Land, one mile west God. F 50 to 75 per cent. } ( Count six average words to the house of opportunity. WOOD--43 acres hardwood bush, one eA néar church, school, ! rom 5 per cent. be- BUSINESS SERVICE. b : mile froin am SFR station. Hardwood ss tation, ory: iid ow manufacturer's price. Here | $=-Buniness Services Oiferéd. rged ads. will be received by Read the A-B-C Classified Ads regularly! Joad Lob. Write Robt. W. is a chance! 4 « I Butiaine on acting. i gat ne he ! . Marie, R. No. 4, Perth, Ont. jot 10, 6th concession: 20-Cleaning.. Ta enovating. h ot ~ thin apy os township of Hinchinbrooke. For pa ! the first da; nseriiol . Sigua, apply to John Walker, Verona, | urk Dressma 1 lowed, Heating, lambing, Rooting. wii n. at reg er more than ane dey : HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS-- nt, : ALOE iofe expiration Rr of - : PHONE 705. only Private Sale F SR and Houser | 130 ACRES--Farm, three miles west of | | : Btorage, number Fit Decorating. pears and adjust- hold effects, ano. Elec- . ap i Service + Employment tric washer 'sporting 1 , ete. Ap- REE furnaces §o0d war @ Rate &F line for le space is hud 1 Colit Stre the same Ab & line of t Beorvices Offered 18 Tolp W. 8 7 y 309 ngwood : 76 Acres tillable, balance pasture. ri . Fi . 3 Special rate for yearly Savertising pr particulars apply to 3. Polk, R. 8. || Antique Furniture upon regh HAIR---Moles. Warts, Birthmarks, skin ORK--Ganére . a eit Publisners reserve the right to edit | oun ors, Soars, etc. removed perman:| ay No 3 Staff Quarters oval ia 2 Boats and Accessories 58 Houses For Sale 91 | | 13 SUnrisht Solid Rosswood et 3 or reject all classified advertising i % ently. Satisfactory glasses atted nd| tary College. Phone 114 3 = ou furnished after others have ary Bal ling Yacht, "Thistle" 20| 5 pvr N & SON--Real ro and ee frp ed a stock of modern furnis Telephone 243, ask for a want ad. Goltre removed. 356 years' pe I MAID-<At Ones, 1.80 to Toronto. Ap- BF Sh line; a Ser all. Ap- Insurance Brokers Phone S30w. Bee at HE Th ou, » - splay ad. on Page Two. cess one 3 teo this Physicians, __ taker, Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose,| ply 172 Barrie ¥ |= Throat, Skin. 258 Bagot Street. Phone| -- ore 3 Rehan. and Pressing. \ i . MAID] nersl housework. 1----Wanted--Business Service, Announcements - to ini" versity Avenue or ABR i Household Goods 59 BUSINESS SERVIOR 1249 BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, FOR EMPLOYMENT Personals PIANO TUNING-- BE Wal doubl : £8 elp Wanted--Female. LADY Y CLERK Fo te réaysian ae mat aa SALE els 'Wanted--Male, ment; experienced Tp rerred. a poly Hs Na open ite BAILY Sr. W. Kent 'Macnee 3 Anderson * Srothers. Roseive, Bank of Commerce. $2,000--For double frame; toilet and Rank of Commerce Buildin hh t for " a ght, and King Streets. Phone 70 p--Ma ma NOTIC os iors. Snvassork Agents, Lin not be Sesponai bje Jor any Plano Tuning, Repairing and Plag §a--Teadhérs Wanted, ; e ano et in florman 1 three tha McDougall, without & written er, WE employment Dalsy Heater, No. 14; side. Sener] Insurance Agnecy. is Buteher,. 37 o Btreer Phone ladles petsonality; "Court ai in room ch hairs, bedsteads, 000--Brick, nine rooms; H. W. floors; | | Writin mobile, HI re or ot J¢=-Situations Wantsd--Female. foes] order from me from date of th adles " 7-Situations Wanted Male. Roto. 1910w. ie Meese an springs. Very cheap. lectrie light; B. and C.; hot air heat-| | dent, Si --_ ary #8--Business Opportaniti Nope. etn, 198. Ompah, Ont. the A051 Thorne Curent. ng. ste Ri sickness Fist iy Setiapr lary Ho Investments rocks. B Bonds, : Rooms For Rent ' 300---BHek; jraivy rooms; H W.|| a 4 y to Loan, Lost and Found 10 Dressmaking--Milinory "1 heral. hg Ere ree pr Hent: Bang C hot fair; electric I--Wanted--To Borrow. ard or. "cen ABR Mr HY PATHOL, SUE Teint, let] RENTING cio Raging Te EE aos er a] wave Veter: h : © n's, » ing. Mrs. E. A. ohnson i -- 3 rame Bungalow, four Corr mdence Courses. Sandy Bottom Sunday. Owner apply 5 ad I ohn xy Lid oF: class oN ols 3 rrr and 3-plece bath; electric light; 'piped eterinary Local Instruction Classes. | 346 Sydenham Street. Insurance 88} 50s: & Brodk sttet, oh ments; centrally located. for gas; hardwood floors. DR. H. MURPHY, B.V.Se vate Instruction, BOX CANDY--- Found,: also tobdeco INSURANCE--Only the most = reliable Help Se 88 Rooms Without Board 68 | SEVERAL FARMS--For sale. Veterinary Surgeon Sated~Tnativetion, fisher box bok at hopes sn foo. Apply| gompenies Difaned In 1360. Office: $4,200--Brick V F NE i inf el 4 1 1 Office: 9 -_ . c Veneer Front," 7 rooms, 680 Princess Btreet, Ki f1e-pags, SEES Hod HERR Bree opotte Hout Ole. | SALIH Nope ts Putaty| 'oRoor, STREET, Sota fn "immer tiki ae TH" uO a ' abilit Call and ia it over th| Special terms to permanent roomers. ' 3 & wean i Horas. Cattre ESE BEES t, RR Borstal und FIRB-- Automobile and Casualty Tngur| 37 "Siccnell, Roye 3 oye "ii pe central location. ultry and Su ade, 8 H. Crumley, ¢ . HW anten--tive Hine $i ssday Pris jioon, Street. one oR (t6p floor), Corner T Princess and Bagot Oa TY AY BLE, J wan. $8.000--Frame dwelling, semi-detached: ' AB ae block from car line. Phone 883w.| Porth end; 7 rooms; B. and C.; elec- 8-2 Couper street--atten- SHOW CARD WR! Make ric lights; h. w, floors; lot 3833x105; steo at . : DOG---Lost, Beaton bull Answers to] tion pl fey a oar Sickness aud Atel] 'money at home, Lib to to "ep hy wel! Rooms For Housckeeping Pious 10 atreet cars. A snap to quick P y Equipment. De a lanier Pinger reuln rie any' Bo covered. While In . 44 York Street, or phone 895m. . a in UEEN EET, 386 -- Unfurnished REAL - dings a ¢ Buliding § Materials 7 ; Rha food h h phone or enquire for in wor. Yooma: on IRrooh fia og for BATEMANS ESTATE ucts, is dangerous. anos at a ame S Pita" ce, 1 light housekeeping: néw "HEALTH WITHOUP DRUGS" Is founded ov thé solentific fact th ly % the body | i a pelated; ih po Seping: oooting. pas 0 159 Wellington Street pain' dbp uma ma Ont a: p---------- , &lso wat n e n pro Storage or aa . To and ofter| i foshone. Apply. 286 i & Saas . Wanted--Real Estate 89 | | out using agmn order, By street or Carson's| NTORAGE--For furniture, clean, dry, rae an clusive s hole: SEL Estate For Rent Twelve years' success In Kingst. and receive reward, aad 7 s 3nd BE SNR Lo 8 onder © , 4 = FARM--Want to hear from owner hav- NEW ELECTRICAL CABINET yy ora . = Queen Bt. " ae. Res. Apartments and Flats 74 | ing farm for sale; give particulars and 2 Luke Brothers 1 West price. Joh I Black, Ontario DRS. ROBERT ofS EDNA Sin. strayed, . : aie i ry STORAOR-For furniture, Ii ur ore ght, dry APARTMENT -- Furnish f th Street, Chippewa Falls, Wiscons! Ph a with fregont] Mrs, W. G an ensakesine. oa ida n. one 447. fi Webber, 261 04 AY. Apply Alnslie, Yer a Res te 204 King Street, near SEER 2 Hie anes th locality avoir Adotions-Legals mahofany bifadia andy t ho v Buy. Tw -- % rach ith wae on py "" oe -- , : PIO RES : or a" BER. 2.2 oe. Tio LH RE ra it | Been ETF DISSOLUTION OF | ites Fo AF HEA or a : x rd o ] est, 16 | JOHNSON ST, 116--Flat to let, three P. ARTNERSHIP gt Unisys, enpeshunttibe o» ; your want sd. to 243. - corne " 1atge, clean, unfurnished attic rooms; ht poser : Papin ¥ _= conveniences: very pleasant; immedi The partastinip fetofors. Subsite gy Foweirn Sj) ate possession. App y 116 Johnson St, ® of UOTT (neAr Public Library COM: MPANY," at No. 18, Mont t Business aa For Rent 78 ived by or iv od i AUTO SERVICE DEPOT HE a FEE Es ES SE Street, BeAr Aleck : H gor. Finish n bee appro attentio at he k A wn ROMER ol son airese. ol 'pHisey. W Cl - gah ory Sos wpied by 4 de 100TH ap et Ah the firm will be | mee che Sh ik Maton inn 3 : 0 pply to Canning! Died oF =| Wi by M: to whom all debts J. MILLER y "ith wel % a ee 2 ite. : are = Ee wing %o the ren ata be "HOR EE As ator 4 Wore - Profousi: KR ot Houses Yor J. 3 L Sendai 12 youtw Sxberience Rar at BATH ROAD--Com i x Too Kingston, Sept. 11h, 1922, Phane 1370m. = "288 Queen 8 Rand Dreve brick house, Chat od i pe In hats : nt Apply i Jottor ofice" : Symp a re hibE ne 'Mereh cornet of Siigh- EE eae Sm | titra arnt ie VOTERS LIST 5G iy Ea I he af Semmes - 1922 || FOR SALE nace: Heht - % : il Beth. For particulars cali at at 68 0 die MymorALIFY Ta JOWNSHIP | | or Boats. 1 fo " P. Jam : 2 F8et or 174 Princess Stree Notice Is hereby given that I have Jasoline Engin : transmitted or delivered to the persons Pumps of all descriptions. he tone DT, | 33-<sAtry, comfort. tioned in Section 9 of t he tar! au ' . 6, stone Ae nea e rooms, Yontansd In. Seetlo Copies required by Dots Dry Dock Co. iy gp etry v hob ie 4 Di J : nt, Ja 8 the "gehen of ng be so transmitted East End W omviton Street. Narn tas on a : Lg Sects Bathroom. ADDI S8 Heme ac 0 Jy msde Pree of the said mu BE far a : or be for membe fa A petween 7 or i». rs my office at on Wed- = al ro foi | Jud, 1922, and remains eet call Ri all oters to Ae a we Furnished tw, a oF yl . Ey hed a Serers or. or WE hve Box ot 'Whig See. winter, . § rooms, Ap-