(Founded 1847) LIVINGSTON'S CUSTOM LOTHING _qualities--more value and lower prices --you save both ways: pay less, get more. WAITING FOR YOUR APPROVAL . The most comprehensive stock of Fall ~ Suitings in Kingston. SUITS TO MEASURE $45.00 up to $60.00 Making Good Clothes is Our Hobby. Livingston's 75-79 BROCK STREET If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk FOR THIS WEEK'S SELLING | CHEAPER PEACHES PEACHES All Crawford varieties and Elbertas will be on sale this week. Quality is excellent and we advise where possible the ; gor Faches this week. PEARS s still have a plentiful supply of this finest ould be ordered mow. Other yood v varié- The Late Hébert Wade. Robert Wade, late of the C.E.F., passed away at the Mowat Hospital, on Saturday, after a lengthy illness. The deceased resided in Cobourg and is survived by his wife and an infant child. Heavy Battery and served in France, returning to Canada at the conclus- jon of the war. The remains were sent 'to Cobourg by James Reid, un- dertaker, The Late Mrs. Compeau. Mrs. Margaret Compeau passed away at her residence, 58 John street, on Sunday night, after an illness of one month. The deceased was the wife of Thomas Patrick Compeau. She is survived by her husband and one sister, Mrs. James Angrove, this city. The Late H. R, Kirkpatrick. At Montreal on Sunday the sud- den death occurred of Herbert R. Kirkpatrick at Royal Victoria Hos- pital, following an attack of menin- gitis, which developed while he was returning to Toronto after spending |a vacation with his family at Murray Bay. The late Mr. Kirkpatrick is a fcrmer Kingstonian, having left the city some twenty-five years ago. He resided for some years in Montreal but latterly had been living a retired lite in Toronto, having retired from active associations in the real estate business. The late Mr. Kirkpatrick was forty-nine yedrs of age end an Anglican in religion. He is surviv- ed by & widow and three daughters, also three sisters: Mrs. MoGachen, Montreal; Misses Etta and Kathleen, Saranac Lake; and two brothers, Rev. F. G., Wolfe Island, and Char- les 8., of this city. et JOHNSTON & WARD, 4 , Members of Montreal and Toronto Exchanges, 86 Princess. MONTREAL STOCKS. Sept. 11th, 2 p.m. Abitibi Power Atlantic Sugar Bell Telephone Brazil Btompton .. . British Empire Common Can. Cement Can. Steamship Ptd. Can. Car Pfd. Can. Steamship Common { Dominion Textile Detroit United Dominion Bridge . Gen. Electric 'Laurentide Montreal Cotton Mackay .. .. panish River @lters .. Shawinigan Steel of Canada Toronto Rails British Empire 2 PN 149 PM. 57% ---- TER THE STOCK MARKET. | Reported by McKinnon & Co., Royal Bank Building, Market Street. MPW YORK STOCKS. Sept. 11th, 2 p.m. faa aya ss sae vee PewR 149% Crucible Steel ; wn vl aa 99% a Lay ices ahd a ean ee S88 - A 2 z = He enlisted in the Cobourg |® A FLOOK OF HENS ESCAPED FROM MARKET Owner Had a Lively Time Rounding Up Birds on Saturday. ---- How would you like the job of catching a flock of hens on a crowd- ed thoroughfare? On Saturday afternoon, while the market was In full blast, and Brock street congested with trafic, a flock hens éscaped from a farmer's rig and gave the owner the chase of his life. Two other men took up the chase, and for the crowd it was very amusing. Up and down Brock street in and out among cars and vehicles, the birds 'made their way and they had an easy time of it keeping ahead of their pursuers, but eventually the hens ran into an office, and werd rounded up, as the doors were well guarded, and they were soon beck in the farmer's wagon. SHAVED IN THE DARK. Local Barber Snipped the Whiskers When the Lights Failed. Minor trouble in" the lighting cir- cuit between Sydenham and Mou- treal streets on Princess street, plunged the stores in that block into darkness for a short time early on Saturday ' evening. One barber claimed on Monday morning that, although he 'had shaved men while he was blindfolded, it was the first time that B86 had ever shaved a man in the dark. He carried it on suc- cessfully, too -------- Had a Regular Houseful. . Rex Snelgrove had a full house on- Saturday evening although he wasn't playing poker. Every seat and available space, even the orchestra pit, was filled at the Grand Operas House when "Here She Comes" was the attraction. The laughter could be heard out on the street which is as good a recommendation as Rex needs for the popularity of the farce. "Our agricultural settlers musi be carciully selected in the country of origin, wisely directed on 'arrival so that they will not drift into the ranks of the unemployed in our éities, and 50 placed on the land that they may become substantial citizens ol the dominion." --RIGHT HON. MAC- KENZIE KING, DAILY MEMORANDUM, L.O.B.A. anniversary Ba and sale on 5 Tuesday, Sept. 13th, in . pi fon to to iE frp a a Brook. DIED. AMEY---At Swi on t. 3rd, Oharios Ti. Amey, Sod 11 years COMPEAU~In To wi Re En JLAIDLAV & SON LIMITED KINGSTON'S FAVORITE SHOPPING PLACE Phones 754-755. Store Hours: 9 to 5.30. Table Linens to her Table Linens. look worn? Come up for attention. After the hard wear and tear of Hany s sum- mertime guests, the careful housewife looks Are 'they beginning to Are they quite as new as you would like them now that winter and the en- tertaining senson are so close at hand? It not, this is an excellent time to replenish your sup- piv. TABLE CLOTHS $3.00 up. Fine Damask Table Cloths finely woven and have a lustrous linen finish, . They come in a range ofy pretty pat- terns and excellent qualitids; in sizes 2 LINEN TABLE CLOTHS * © $6.00 up. Pure Linen Table Clotlis made from all linen threads--cloths that launder up beautifully and come in a host of pe ie roe x3 and 2x2%. i DAMASK pretty patterns and designs.' TABLE NAPKINS $1.50 dozen and up. Our stock of Table Napkins was never more complete than it is at the pregent time--Cotton Damask and pure Linen Napkins, hemmed or not hemmed. There are many pretty patterns to make your choice from. Stripes, floral patterns, small checks ang tots. All sizes in stock. TOWELS White Terry Towels 15¢. to $1.00 'White Terry Towels in a range of excellent qualities. They dif- 'fer in sizes, according to price, but they are splendid values. Made from excellent quality towelling all nicely finished. Huck Towels qualities--made 'trom fine Cotton Huckaback Towelling--plsin or size. Doylies--6, 8, 10, from the Madeira Islands, w made. They are all reaso cording' to size, These. are very new and decidedly pretty. The genuine Cluny Lace used in their making is well sewn to a fine linen, which is used as | the centres. The prices vary accordin, (o | 5 12:in, Centres-- 18x18 in., 20x20 in., 24x24 ins. : Madeira work has;a gr . it is 0 dainty, clean and § These pretty pleces of work are direct importations wai,