TE t ILLS pEoNESS | mn FOR THE KINGSTON FAR| L - LORD NORTHCLIFFE'S Shu oe seg LAST WARNING! advice and boil your drinking water. A meeting of the directors of the | Mrs. Pete Lebarge, Twedd, has re- : Kingston Industrial Agricultural So- [turned from Kingston and is doing It §s from the Orient that KATHLEEN NORRIS elety was held on Saturday evening |nicely after her operation. Remarkable "woman to woman" talk that for the purpose of hearing reports Mr. Swaloe, plano tuner, order: + every wife will want to a YOUR FUR and completing plans for the King. ee er 100 Clergy street w SUNDAY'S CHICAGO ND And many big fea nel ston Fair which opens here on Sept. ERFUL SECTY "FUNNIES" | 19th and will continue to the 23rd. | Mrs. Wilson, Denbigh, is in the WORD 5 ON OF * GREAT ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY : A. E. Weller, first vice-president, | Hotel Dieu suffering from a tractur: Also COAT occupied the chair, and there was a [ed hip. A cow she was milking SIR OLIVER LODGE'S MAGAZINE full attendance of the directors. The |knotked her over causing the injury. Article on "The Futility of Suicide" and the Sreatest enthusiasm prevailed and | Robert Ward, a Scotchman with a penalty of self-destruction. ; ON SALE NOW. much satisfaction was expressed over | good record in English Colleges has ma - the success of R. J. Bushell, secretary | joined the department of history at y have a new Col and manager, in securing splendid at- | Queen's. g lar and Cuffs of this mii aut Was beanuly i hy tars. TH E COLLEGE BOOK STORE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1088 : In addition. to the usual purely |principally to discuss the local coal : popular and splendid agricultural features, such ss con. |situstion again. PHONE 919. OPEN NIGHTS y * el. tained in the prize Msts, and which George Radage and Walter Rad- wearing fur. A rich, places the Kingston fair on a high [ag0, Westbrook, accompanied by B. plane 'among the agricultural fairs |Salsbury, Kingston, motored to Tor- } dark Smoke color. of the province, there will be attrac- [onto on Sept. 3nd, and returned tions for all classes of citizens. The {home on Sept. Sth. executive approved the suggestion to Teddy Hanson, aged ten months meet the requirements of all classes {And eleven days, infant son of Mr. # . : i ; in the way of entertainment by hav- [and Mrs. Stanley Hanson, 98 Clengy It will add richness, and so comfortable. We bs merchants' day. farmers' day, [street west, passed away on Satur . izens' day and children's day. |day. have a beautif ul stock of fine F urs to choose Thursday, the third day, is expected | Mrs. Margaret Head passed away to be the biggest of all and Hon. Man- [in a Kingston hospital on Sunday. from. Come in to-day and make your se- imme of ll and Hon Man. HO a he yoy + . ecti agriculture, has been invited to de- |a8e and formerly resided in Picton. 3 1 on, Hver an address. The remains were sent to Picton by - agra The number of entries in the var- | James Rela, Soaaruker, » WE SELL . 8 fo ' . . ious classes of competitions is al-| Dr. F. X. onnor, who it attach- 5 : 1 ] JOHN McKAY, Limited ready large, in the live stock as well [od to the Manhattan Eye, Ear and tar Carpets. . on as in fleld crops, grain, roots, frutts, | Nose Hospital in New York, return- - Manufacturing Furriers | dairy products, but « resolution was [8d to New York on Saturday after --Window Shades. --Floor Rugs. passed extending the time for entries | Spending the past ten days with his 149-157 Brook Street - - Kingston, Ont. to Seturday, September 16th. The |brother, T. J. O'Connor, Division . exhibition of chesse is attracting |Street. --Curtains. --Floor Mats. much attention, and the prizes offer- he Funeral ot Je late Mes An. : § ed amount to $200. There are 840 |ur Fields took place on onday ¥ : 4 vob morning from her late residence, --Curtain Poles. --Floor Oilcloths. cheese factories in Ontario end as seventy-five per cent. of them are | YOTK street, to Cataraqul cemetery located in Eastern Ontanio, the dis- |OR Monday morning under the direc- . 4 . play is expected to be a notable or tion of John Cornelius, undertaker. --Kirsch Rods. --Stair Oilcloths. D. G. Laidlaw donated $125 for | Rev. Dn Torrance officiated. h rises, "I believe that the extensive sei- -- Wir : : : THN reat A SOI EE ae Window Fixtures. --Linoleum. The Dessert That Never Deserted la Jobe wil ve che wie | tow rer : at Never \ rt Clinic that 1s coming from the To. |SOclation, In alllance with the imoer- --Furniture Coverings. --Passage Linoleum. ronto exhibition pectal fal, federal and provincial govern- Have you sliced these two favorites for desert at the nde 3 ar meats, the Canadian railways, and] rangements made by Mr. Bushell. Mr, | 283 : : table? They are excellent, sweet and palatable, and Dushe!l has also secured an asroplane | Other inmigration agencies, piom- --Madras Muslins. Are Just the thing for » hurried meal. service which will operate during fair | 19¢8 advantages for Canada second @ --Congoleum Rugs, anly to those 1ealised from the Hild woek. . Ww Ing of the Canadian Pacific gali- --Terry C loths. --lviatt A The World of Mirth Shows which { "0." 0 JouN WILLISON. Y tun Mattings 0 h Henr ! will compose the midway will con- ' Slat of twenty separate marvelous . ' y . features designed to please every- Canadian Pacific. --Velours. ~--Pillows. iis body 180 Wellington street, advise the Oh M. abe l J There will be horse races every following arrivals of thelr steam- --FEiderdown Comforters. --Sh eets, etc., etc. ® ais afternoon for which purses amount- ships: . ing, to $3,000 are offered. Every Empress of France, from Quebec, has been made to give the (due Cherbourg and Southampton, Spectators high-c} ing and each . 13th, . JH . : o a a aint end ath aprons of ttn om Gusset. [J] The largest stock and lowest prices in Eastern Ontario. Always a pleasure to show our godds, and to quote our prices. They're right! ment in the character of the fair lasgow, . 14th: redes until they are now recognised aus. G ' Bo: as superb. The grand stand will Be occupied by three bands, the Ganano-|Hept. 14th... Sager que band for two days, the P.W.0.| Minnedoss, from Montfeal, arriv- band two days and the R.C.H.A. band [ea Southampton, Sept. Sih, 3 am. Mi one day. Montelare, from Montreal, due ' The various committee chairmen [Liverpool oth, 4 am. , - were appointed as follows: Horses, J. | Montrose, from Montreal, due Liv- BR. Baxter, Edward Bradden; ¢attle, [erpool, Sept. 144A. rian, A. E. Franklin, Colin Rogers, James | Vistorian, from Liverpool, due Henderson; swine and sheep, Thomas Bmpr ot 9th, 7 a.m. Ki : B H A Doyle, J. A. Wilton; vegetables and | Bm ot Oa from Vancou- ings 1 use ishi fruit, Arthur Day, B. Lancaster; | ver, due Sena, Hho 14th, ton 8 Hig rio Fee Furnishings Store dairy, B. Cooke, H. C. Orser; grain, | Empress of Australia, from Hoag J. 8. Sibbett; ladies' work, J. L. F. [Kong and Yokohama, due Vaacou- Sproule, A. B. Weller; superintend- |ver, Sept. 13th. ent of grounds, H, J. Simpson, H. C.| Bmpress of Russia, from Vancou- . Order; poultry, Benjamin W. WML |ver, due Yokohama, Sept: 18th, due| 1 3 ney. Hong Kong, Sept. 38th. : : i ¥ Mr. Simpson is engaged in super- | Wmpréss of Asia, from Hong Kong { IN MARINE CIRCLES i intending the work on the buildings |due Yokobame, Sept. 16th, and Vane 3 and grounds and he reported hearty |couver, Sept. 26th. co-operation om the par: of the city a The Tamer City of Ottawa pass- Aldermen. He complained of the €0f- | '\upy, (5.ordination of all interests [od down from Hamilton and Toronto dition of the grounds and buildings antaged In tm gfation Work for the to Montreal on Sunday. necessitating considerable expendi- dominion to avold overlapping, con-| The steamer City of Hamilton up The. balance of the RIDEAU VIEW property on Stephen ture. "You cam't leave o thing 10088 | 0. ..} anes: tsary expenditure aud | from Montréal to Toronto and Mam- up there, but somebody will teal I." | oy, ov (he greattet resiifa, is »* vit-|liton on Monday morning. and ThottiAb Streets, to be sold at bargain prices. MO, ee bail | Al importance to the Gputry. iiics| The steamer Kingston down and One Semi-detached brick dwelling--8 rooms; improve: lumber locked up In our office bulld- |... is tne 1eepoRsibility >! tha|up oh Monday. : ing, bat 2 all Sous: Btuishods departihent of immigration, [ have] The steamer Btasitord ¢leared for ménts; piped for gas and good yard. ; broke t on oor an Onl 8 on Saturday night. : Je bie Hr isn iy Me. | 7 en. $ taps ToT) poe Steamer Scout le tied up ot ihe Je 4-room Bungalows, with tollet, riiated at $12.00 per reer ve charge om R 7 ent dotk at LaSalle cause: mon ployment of constables gird mounted CHARLES FiE% ART. or sori On guards, ; Seven good building lots. The directors prosent were: J. L. ¥. Sproule, Thomas Dayle, A. O. Day, =] a James Henderson, K. Codke, E. i & RB po Full particulars with prices at office. Ei n ' | EE ty FIRE INSURANCE at lowest rates. ghaiuaiafariariadhuiadioh hid di a a ad a aaa a Phone 580w, Money to Loan at E. W. Mullin & Son Lowest Rates : © Real lustration) with straight instep strap, cross strip cutouts on side, the new Rounder Toe and in both Louis Afid' Military Hetls. This sew Fail Dress | Shoe, popularly priced ut .. $5.00 J Many other new styles 'in dress | footwear now being shows, at pope '