HAT For the Fall Season Our stock of Fall Hats is the utmost in style. All shapes and sizes in many pleasing colors FELTS . VELOURS ... SPRING and FALL OVERCOATS Tweeds and Gaberdines . . . $20, $22, $25 George VanHorne's Phone 362w. 213 Princess Street. "CAN YOU SEE @mall print and sewing without eyestrain and headaches? If not, you would be well advised to consult us about your eye- sight. Good Glasses if you need them---good advice if you do not. Registered 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Nowls The Time to decorate your lawns and Oemetery lots with our Flower Vases. Three varieties to choose from. Kingston Jement. Products H. F. NORMAN, Manager OFFICE: 09 Patrick Street Phone 780w, ------ Ford Motor Co., of Canada, reports #a slight decline én production fo "July and Jupe omtput. : Wedding Gifts of Silver Whether it be in Sterling Silver or Silver Plate, we feel satisfied that we can give you as fine a selection as to be found in the city, and priced reasonable. Every piece deliv- ered in a suitable box bearing our name. } Kinnear & d'Esterre DENTAL PARLORS 188 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON We specialize on Painless Extraction, | Latest = Pyorrhea Trestmemwt and X-Ray work. IN OPEN STOCK PATTERNS IS THE BEST TO BUY We have just received a large ship- ment of several of our OPEN STOCK PATTERNS, and our many customers can now match up their sets, Phone or call while the stock is complete. ROBERTSON'S Limited 73 Princess St. 2 '| donell, THE | HONOR AT ST. WAR'S CEMETERY { Unvelling and Dedication of 'ich as the comradeships formed. Monument to Catholic Sail- ors and Soldiers. Fully five thousand people atterd- ed the unveiling of the soldiers'.and ssllor' monument in St Mary's cemetery, and the decoretion of graves, on Sunday afternoon when His Grace, Archbishop Spratt officiat- ed at the solemm libera, assisted by Rev. Father Hanley and Rev. Father behoe, and the combined choirs of {men and boys of St. Mary's cathedral. The ceremony was the occasion for a garrison parade consisting of the cavalry unit of the Royal Military College. District headquarters, M.D. No. 3, the commandant and staff of the RM.C, RCHA. and RCA. under command of Lt.-Col. Cons'an- tine, local veterans association. The military units were in full dress and presented a most impressive sight. The parade formed. up at artillery park and marched by way of Bagot street, Queen street and Montreal streets to Princess street, thence to St. Mary's cemetery by Division street. The R.C.H.A. band led and the route was lined with people. A procession of automobiles followed and the approaches to the cemetery congested with cars. Many people walked both ways in order to be pre- sent and take part in honoring the memory of the Catholic soldiers and sallors who died during the great war. The ceremony of unveiling and dedication took place at the monu- pment which consists of a granite shatt erected on a spot facing the entrance to the cemetery. Here a platform covered with flags and carpet had been set up and the troops occupied one side and St. Mary's choirs and the R.C.H.A. band the other while all available epace adjoining was thromged with people including next- cf-kin and veterans of the great war. The programme was opened by the R.C.H'A. band playing 'Nearer My God To Thee" which was followed by the hymn "Prayer For The Dead," moet effectively sung by the choirs of nen and boys under the direction of Prof. Nourry, organist and cheir leader of St. Mary's cathedral The Unveiling. The monument was unveiled by Major-General Sir ArchibaM Mac- commandant of the Royal Military College who commanded the Firs: Canadien Division during the war, and this was followed by the "Last Post" by the trumpeters of the R.C.H.A. under Captain Light, band- master. All stood at at'ention and none escaped a thrill of emotion as the roll of the drums and the trum- pet's cgll bespoke the close of many & hero's duty to his country and his od. The monument was formally pre- ted to the Archbishop of Kingston ~ |and was received on bebalf of His Grace by Captain, the Rev. Father Nicholson, M.C., who, i an eloquent address bore testimony to the high Qualities of Canada's sons who ans- wered the call of their country and Fave up their Hves in a great causo. Such fidelity, heroism and patriotism makes their memory live forevér. {It has been truly said that « man y gain a life by losing it, and it is fit and proper that we should mite in a common act of respect to the memory of Catholic satlors and sol- diers who endured and sacrificed all to duty. They have not died in vain, for the flood-gates of memory wiil al- ways open to pay them the tributé {mt is due to them." The speaker referred to the late Archbishop Mac- donell as one of Canada's great chap- lains who served in different theatres of war during his career, and was a standing example of a great chaplain and a great patriot, At the con- clusion of the address, Major-Gen, Eimeley, C.B., C.M.G., DS.0., Gen- eral Officer commanding M.D. No. 3 placed a wreath on the monument. MEMORY OF HEROES DAILY BRITISH WHIG. of war are but a memory, but it is {well that we refresh ou+ memories [lest we forget the entYislasm of the | 9st days of the war, the sorrow, the j sacrifice, and many valuable lessons to us, however, and today the horrors {and the splendid work of the padre, {the surgeon and tac nurse. Also, Bargains For This Week | | lest we forget the returned men who |came back as hordes, aad what they {have had to endurs, whereas they | went away expecting to coma back to a pew heaven and new earth. In all heir difficulties we must give them words of guidance. It will only be a matier of time until the war is for- gotten by many and this ceremony affords us the opportunity to pay our i tribute of respect to the memory of those who died in the eervice of their | country and for us al." His Grace Archbishop Spratt offic- lated at the Solemn Libera, assisted by Father Hanley, Father Kehoe and Father Lacey, and the combined choirs of men and boys numbering SALE OF MEN'S FINE BOOTS ....... SALE OF MEN'S FINE BOOTS SALE OF MEN'S FINE BOOTS .. SALE OF BOYS' SCHOOL BOOTS SALE OF BOYS' SCHOOL BOOTS .... ' SALE OF BOYS' SCHOOL BOOTS . SALE OF GIRLS' SCHOOL BOOTS $3.95 $4.85 $5.75 $2.45 $2.95 $1.95 esse en one hundred voices under the direc- tion of Prof. Nourry. At the ocon- clusion of the service the R.C.H.A. band played "God Save The King" and then followed the decoration of the soldiers' graves with flowers by the veterans. The monument was donated to the ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE Army and Navy Véterans' Associa tion of Kingston by the MoCallum Granite Company, and transferred by that body.to the Kingston Archdio- cese as a memorial to Catholic sailorg and soldiers. It bears the inscrip- tion, "Eivonac of the Dead." Among the many prominent citi- zens were Mayor Corbett, several Get the habit--it is a good ome--use DALY'S GOOD TEA You will find it deliciously refreshing morning, noon and night. Order from MANOOD'S DRUG STORE aldermen, and residents of Pittsburg | and Kingston townships, including | A. M. Rankin, M.P.P, | John P. Dunn, Hartford, Conn. | war present as a special representu-| tive of the Knights of Columbus. that is, repairable. Letters to the Editor} Church Union. Prince Rupert, B.C., Sept. 2 -- (To the Editor): A spreading apple tree laden with delicious fruit is a geod example of unity in variety. The inner life of the tree is one, the outer manifestations of this life are many. While there is great variety fn trunk and branches, twigs and bark, leaves and fruit, there is unity of design, edch part being co-ordin- ated to the other parts so as to form one harmonious whole. A federation of the churches might allow for a certain amount of prac- tical co-operation, but it would not give sufficient scope to a unifying spirit. It would not provide for the; necessary co-ordination of the differ- ent parts. It would not produce enough cohesion to counteract de- nominational pride and sectional strife. There would be no unity of design and purpose, no harmony of the whole. sme While federation alone would not go far enough organic union, if pressed in the direction of uniform- ity, would go too far. The law of lite demands variety as-well as un- ity. There are different kinds of temperament, both Individual and ra- olal. 'There are different types of character, both personal and nation- A Opp. Y.M.C.A. ind GET IT REPAIRED Sewing Machines, Phonographs, Guns, Rifles repaired and refitted. | Parts supplied. Saws filed, knives, scissors and edge teoin_greund. 1 Leeks repaired. Me, tt | sil kinds of lochs. an makes of |] Mawes sewers saarpeacd and ve- paired. We van repair anytalang J. M. PATRICK 149 Sydenham Street, Kingston Tde Phone 20868J. Dominion Meat Store Tomorrow's Specials Complete Home Outfits Good taste, coupled with a knowledge of Furniture styles, may achieve much in making a home a delightful place in which to live. Especially # this true of the young Bride who is embarking upon that great adveature {=the establishment of a mew home. Our service in furnishing complete { homes, our vast display of all that is good and mew in Furniture, makes our store the logical place to choose the furnishings of your new home and you will find our sales force thoroughly capable of advising and asstey ing you in your efforts to make your home pleasant and comfortable. James Reid, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER PHONE 147 FOR SERVICE. Phone 1268J. BUS SERVICE KINGSTON TO GANANOQUE DAILY The Sunday trip will not be run with less than six people. Please make arrangements by Saturday noon for Sund ¥. TELEPHONE 311. 3 RATES: One Way, $1.00. Retura, $1.75, Sanday, $2.00 Return. al. There are different tend les of mind, some active and practical, others contemplative and mystical. absolufe uniformity is « human fm- possibility. : In' view of the fact that the social, indastrial-and political conditions which must be met vary in different countries and change with passing years, why should the living church be doomed to keep forever to one stereotyped form of government? In view of the fact that some find a li- turgical service most helpful and |. others prefer more freedom of utter-| ance why should the living church be | bound by any act of uniformity? In view of the fact that concerning spir- itual matters there is always a deep-| er meaning underlying every verbal |. statement, why should the living church insist upon a fixed interpre- tation of any accepted creed? In the comprehensive church of the future there will be unity which springs from the one Spirit of Christ |. energizing all, as' sap vitalizes the tree. There will be the conscious SOFT AND HARD WOOD We have received a limited quantity of Select Hard and Soft Wood Slabs. This Wood we have cut into short stove Jengths, and we are offering them delivered to your home at the fi SOFT WOOD, per load, $3.50. HARD WOOD, Coal is scarce and this wood tion for Fall and early Winter Let us fill your CANNELL COAL needs at this stack time. SOWARDS COAL CO PHONE 1350. UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. Suitable for all occasions--y Receptions Dances "At Homes" Afternoon Teas GRAFONOLA ever felt the lack of musical entertainment some : all ng dances ut Toms s