Lite's Social Side of Woman's Page, Tele- 248. Private phone 887w. . - - €ool breeze from Lake Ontario, the Red Cross Lodge and its ing grounds a pleasant place rday afternoon, when the 1o5- branch of the Red Cross Society A garden party in ald of thelr which are largely used for ths t of the men by whom the "not easily forgotten. Mrs. Carson, the president, receiv- guests and was about the ids with a welcome forbevery- _A big red, white and blue ban- ARR] Purest of all Pare cocosnut oil and rich palm ofl, from our own plantatiods, are skilfully blended in Sunlight ~Boap. It'ie the purest end "4 highest quality laundry soap and bas the largest sale in the world. Sunlight Soap Wishes beautifully and ae it bas no impure ingred- fonts it saves your clcthes and makes them wear longer. Buy Sunlight 'Clean Your Home " The Royal Way! 'School, outed ner gusrded the entrance, where Mrs. T. G. Smith, the treasurer, took the admission fee, and about the lawn were tables, with good things to eat and beautiful flowers for sale. At the home-made table Miss Isabel Ross, Mrs. J. O. Macdon- ald, Mrs. H. E. Richardson, Miss Jean Craig and Miss Kathleen Daly weré in charge. Miss Jean and Miss Helen Chown and Miss Lucy Mer- rick sold the gorgeous asters, roses and zinnias, and In a corner an ice cream booth was run by Miss F. Sullivan, Miss Redden, Miss H. Ar- dagh, Mrs. Duffy, Mrs: Van Wren, Miss Evelyn Nickle, Miss EMzabeth and Miss Esther Mahood, Miss Jean Richardson and Master Billy Craigs. In one of the rooms of the lodgas, and 'on the wide verandah, dancing went on under the direction of Mrs. H. F. Geary and Miss Gertruda Whitehead, and in the sitting room with its pretty chintz curtains and big fireplace banked with salvia as- ters and barberries with their hint of autumn days, Mrs. H. R. Duft and Mrs. Constantine poured tea at a table centred by a big sliver basket of red cock's combs. Mrs. J. C. Pons- ford and Mrs. George McGowan were joint conveners of a tea com- mittee composed of Mrs. J. A. Camp- bell (Vancouver, B.C.), Miss Daly, Miss Eva Fair, Miss Gwenith Mer- rick, Migs Lilian Fair, and Miss May Chown, The men from the hos- pital were. honored guests and greatly enjoyed this pleasant party. * . * Ethel Barrett, the Stato Newark, N.J., was at th? Y.W.C.A. during her visit to the city last week. She was most com- plimentary about the improvements in Kingston since her last visit, es: pecially of the schools and the "Y" as a useful institution. Mids Muckleston, Clergy street, 1s with her brother, Canon Muckileston, Ottawa. Mrs. Luther Breck, Barl streer, has returned from Lake Simcoe ana Toronto. Miss . . - Mrs. Davis, Kingston, is the guest of Mrs. J. Elliott, Wilstead. Prof. and Mrs. W. E. Macpher- son closed their island cottage at Fremont Park and returned to To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Howden, Lon- ton, have reached Tadousac, Que. on their yacht "Carclo." They ere on their return trip, following a cruise down the lower St. Lawrence, their guests being Mr. and Mrs. C. Corl- stine, Montreal, Mrs. Leach, Kinz- ston, and Frank Clark, Quebec. Mrs. M, E. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. John Ford and son, Kingston, were visitors of friends and relatives in Prescott. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Camp- bell and daughter, Kingston, are spending a few days in Carleton Place. Mr, and' Mrs. Thomas Gaskin, Kingston, Ont, are the guests of thelr daughter-in-law, Mrs, Grace Gaskin, Watertown, N.Y. They are accomp- anied by their daughter, Mrs. Thom- as Galbraith, Napanee. Mrs. H. O. Lawson and little daughter, Kingston, are the guests of Mrs. Flora Bulloch, Gananoque. Mr, and Mrs. James Trudeau, Tweed, spent last Thursday in King- ston, Mrs. Trudeau remained over the week-end a guest of Miss C. Brown, Wolf island. Miss Mcintyre of Kingston fs the guest of friends at Lancaster. Miss Rita Quinn, Tweed, returned after spending lest week in King- ston, ro . 9° Miss Gallagher, Kingston, is visit- ing Mrs. J. Luftman, Tweed. Rev. Dr. W, W. Giles, Mrs. Giles and family, returned to their home at Bast Orange, N.J., after spend- ing the summer at Charleston Lake. Dr. Clarence [Howard Kingston, and Division street, has returned to Ot- tawa. Miss Georgina Ferguson, a grad- uate of Kingston General hospital who has been appointed assistant superintendent at the Aurelia Fox Memorial hospital at Oneanta, N.Y., left on Sunday for her new post. Miss Norma Elmer accompanied her to Watertown, returning today. Owing to the illness of her broth- er-indaw, Hon J. A. Stewart, Mrs. Herbert Wilson, Victoria, B.C., has come east. - Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Neish left Sat- urday for New York to attend the chemical society convention. Dr. Broom and Capt. Douglas Car- ruthers, motored to Toronto today | for the Dalton-Tyrrell wedding. | Mrs. R. J. Driver, Brock st., left] Are You a Neighborly Housekeeper. | Incredible though it seems to ma, there are many housekeepers in this world who do not seem to know or to appreciate the joy of being on friendly terms with their neighbors. To my mind, there is nothing tha! makes the life of a housekeepor swéeter than being ready always, to welcome a friend into one's home, no matter what one is doing. Mrs. A., over her cake board, should smile with genuine gladness as Mrs. B.'s aproned form appears on her back poreh for a moment's chat: and as the two "vigit" together, for! a while, they should feel the truth that Jie holds rcthing Sweeter tha | good: neighbors --- than neighbor: whose proximity has brought true friendship. i But sometimes, even in the ase | What is the secret of living in har | mony with them, with my tempera- ment?" This letter will touch a sympathe- tic chord in the hearts of us all. For, we have all had the same experi- ence! My Letter Friend, "quotea above, need not think that she Is alone in her preomeness to make "breaks." She may rest assured that her neighbors regret their little slips, too--- although she may be so busy making slips of her own that she does not notice the slips they make. For, we are none of us perfect. We all do or say things impulsively whicH are not worthy of our better judgment. we would decide against uttering theré words or committing these acts. But, once 'out, the unwise isi l for England last week to visit herioe 3 housekeeper who does want to preaches must be paid for in re- sister. LJ * A party of canoeists paddled up| the Rideau on Saturday afternoon | and picnicked om the shore, those] present being Capt. and Mrs. J. F.| Preston, Miss Alison Macdonald, Miss Loulse Hill, Miss Edith Car-| ruthers, Capts. McCarter, Kenneth Taylor, Haréld Brownfield, and Mr. Holmes. Miss Reta O'Connor, Division street, has returned from Toronto, where she spent the past ten days. Miss Marion Ogilvie, Gore street, returned from Quebec on Saturday. Henry Cartwright, who has been with his aunts, the Misses Cart- wright, "The Maples," returned to Toronto, on Sunday. * - * . | Prof. John Waddell And Mra. Waddell, Earl street, have sent out invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth Gwendoline, t2 Richard Emil Dudley Cargill, in St George's cathedral, on Sept. 21st, and afterwards at their home on Earl street. Mr. and Mrs. George F. O'Hallor- an, announce the engagement their daughter, Mary Monica, Henry Anson Green, son of Rev. W. H. Green and Mrs. Green, THe Rect- ory, Almonte. The marriage will take place éarly m October. What the Editor Hears | That the wise ones will boft -~ watér, as structed by the medical health officer, while the suction pipe is being tested. That two college girls hiked to To- onto to attend the big fair from a camp in Connecticut. They are Can- adden girls dnd did the trip with 40 cents expenses. . Thet Kingston market was a splen- did eight on Saturday morning, great Jaouver, B.C., to spend the win- er. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Sutherland, ter and Gordon Sutherland, retura- ed to St. Louls, today. : ding. Mrs. Dalton will go on fo} Mrs. Sherry and her little daugh-|! { happy among my finds that it is hard to live happily | among one's neighbors because of} the diecomfort due to indiscretion. ! I have on my desk a letter from a, reader of this column which is sign- ed "Anonymous" and 'which {llus- trates this point. "I can't seem to be | neighbors," runs this letter. "And I know the fault] les with me. They are all friendiy! --but I am forever doing or saying impulsive things which, I imagine, makes them lose respect for mse, Some women never seem to say the wrong thing im the wrong place. Goura ud's {be friendly with her neighbors, one | greats! If we are sensible we wil not try to undo a blunder. Such an at- tempt only tends t6 make the mis- take greater still. The best thing jwe can do is to ignore it, Blunders are like candle wax which, when drcpped upon a wool fabric, may not be removed until i§ has been left alone for a while. If one tries to remove the wax when the spot is fresh, one simply spreads it and rubs it into the cloth; but If one leaves it, it will harden--when it may be removed easiy. So when we make our little break or blunder, let us run from it--mnot hover over it and experiment with it in an effort to right matters. In saying this I refer, of course, to tha wiong we do ourselves--not to the wrong done against others. It we hurt another's feelings the only pos- sible ease we can find is in apologlz. ing. A Neighbors, in being neighborly, must learn to live down the little breaks and blunders' which they make--which, in fact, everybody in the world makes! But, barring this sliht discomfort (which they hava Oriental Cream brourht upon themselves), what a . TN 0 | her'story:of i ee * It we stopped to think, |. you OR JUST TEA? "Salada" "SALADA" "There's a distinct difference in favor of ~~ BARNUM'S | BAKERY \ "The Taste Will Tell" : FRESH CAKES AND PASTRY WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY sent visiting Canada. Sa KING'S REMEMBRANOER VISITS CANADA. Sir Thomas Willes Chitty and Lady Chitty, who are at pre- souls who live out their lives nex: door to us! Tomorrow---Answered Letters. All inquiries addressed to Miss Rirkman in care of the "Efficient Housekeeping" department will be 9 "Anyone can buy milk," says this Cow privilege it is to know and love the sanswered in these columns in 'their turn. This requires considerable time, however, owing to the great aumber received. So ¥ a personal or quicker reply is desired, a stamped and self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with the question---The wastor. in your XKitchen--it may be good milk or it may not! It may be pure or it may not! It may be rich in nourishing quali- tics, or it may not! It may keep--or it may not. 'But the housewife who takes a pride in her skilful buying---who makes every cent do a cent's worth of work or more --who protects her family from the dan- gers of ordinary milk--who insists on supreme quality milk-- That woman insists on having in her kitchen always, a liberal supply of St. Charles Milk "with the cream left in", It is good! It is pure! It is rich! It does keep fresh! Wholesome! Conven- ient! Economical! For every milk use! Order a few tins from your grocer to-day. "A size for every need.' EER A A pce ead fos Sha Babin Souls hack. Itis FREE, Addsess The Borden