k 3 5 ® ISH From the Countryside * and baby, Vincent, visited at West- {me Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Donaghue, Rideau Lake, spent a day at Wm. | Harte's recently. P. J. Burns, Cleéve- * |Jand, has returned home after a vis it with his brother, Ira Burns. AN are planning to attend Kingston's big fair, . Frontenac BUNKER'S HILL, Sept. 12.--Raln is very badly Reeded in this district. Farmers are! Bow culling their corn, There is quite a falling off in the supply of milk at the cheese factories. The cows have suffered a great deal from the flics. The men on the roads Rave had very warm weather for their work. Farmers have about | finished their harvesting, Bm BELL ROCK. Sept. 12.--Monday was not a very pleasant day for the school fair at Harrowsmith. The farmers are busily engaged with their threshing: they repert a - good yield-of grain. Fred Scales, farmer, lost his barn on Monday; the lightning struck i¢ | during the furious storm which pass- ied over this section. It was the day school class had a very sociable darkest and worst storm that has evening at the home of Earl John-| been seen here In many years. Miss ston last week. Games were played G. Thomas has returned for another and then a good corn roast followed. term. The funeral of the late Mrs. Miss Eileen: Wormworth, James' James Porter took place here re- Wormworth, Fred Alexander and cently. She was one of the oldest 'Mig Euphemia William have gone to residents of the neighborhood and Tamworth where they will attend | greatly respected and beloved. Mrs. high school. Mr. and Mrs. J. A.M. Burleigh is stfll very low: sha Pringle spent Sunday at W. Sea's,| has been {ll for months. Visitors: Mount Vale. Mr. and Mrs. G. Sleek| Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Yorke, Veroha, spent Sunday at Sylvester Clark's, | at J. Pomeroy's, "Oak Hill Farm"; Mount Vale. Miss Bvelyn Loyst has| Mrs. W. Drew, Violet, and Mre. Ollva returned' from Bracebridge where | Brown, Peterboro, at M. Percy's: she spent the past three weeks. | Miss Stella Timmins, Toronto, at her Stanley Loyst accompanied her back | home for a few days. and will spend a week visiting ------ friends. Mrs. Fred Gendron is with her son, Archibald, at Godfrey. ARDEN. Sept. 10.--The young men's Sun- FLORIDA Sept. 12.--The recent rain was gladly welcomed by everyone. School has reopened with the former teach- er; Miss Guess, in charge. The hum of the threshing machine is heard again in this neighborhood. Ken- neth Martin is kept busy with his rn binder. Mrs. Alfred Compton and little daughter, Marjorie, have returned home after spending a month with friends at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Redden and son, Durward, were Bunday visitors at William Huff's, Lapum"s. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Burgess, Maple Avenue, at Walter Compton's. Mrs. John Pet- ers and daughter, Clara, are spend- Ing a few days with friends at Ve- rona. J. Anderson, Kingston, spent & couple of days recently at Walter Compton's. A young son has come to brighten the home of - William Brown's. A number from here at- tended the fowl Supper at Wilton on Friday evening. Clayton Redden {is on the sick list. -- COLE LAKE. Bept. 8.--A number from here at- tended the school fair at Plcadilly. Ross Martin lost a valuable horss last week. Thomas Coulter loaded a carload of hogs for Toronto market. Gerald Ball at Charles Ball's. Miss ! Luella Ball is in Odessa attending high school. Wesley Shillington 1s home from Belleville on sick leave. Miss Bessie Kennedy spent the week- end with Miss H. Giles, Godfrey. Mrs. Douglas Mfllar, Montreal, at 'Charles Lee's; Mrs. Swerbrick, Tich- borne, and Mrs. MacIntosh of Mada- washa, at Mrs. Willlam Hamilton's; Mr. and Mrs. Silas Martin spent Sunday at Mr. Meek's, Bell Rock. Some fine exhibits were shown at ths school fair. OATES. Bept. 11.--The recent heavy rains were welcomed by the farmers who have their ploughing to do. Corn cutting Is the order of the day. Miss DESERT LAKE. Helen Koen has resumed her duties Sept. 11.--Some of the farmers #8 teacher in 8B. 8. No. 10. The | are busy cutting their corn. The ser school children are preparing to take vices are well attended in the Des- y part in the school fair at Sydenham. | sert Lake church. James Campbell All are glad to see Ma Harte, who has purchased a horse. School has has returned home much improved | reopened with the teacher, only her -in health. Miss Ellen Keyes and Mrs. name has been changed from Blats "T. P. Harte, Cleveland, have return- to Wilson. A wee baby girl has ed home after gpending some time' come to the home of Mr. and Mra. At Willlam Harte's. Mrs. I. L. Koen Albert Freeman Visitors: Misses A AAA AA Sra PE 10 Inch Double Sided Phonograph Records 65 A BIRTHDAY Ever notice how interesting a birthda : This is the birthday of the Apex 10% of thousands of people, who : Pay More" are buying Apex only. . and his associates who put the record business on t e who spent years in develo pd machinery for m alers everywhere sell Apex Double Side save at least 20c every time you buy one Apex Record. WHY PAY MORE? SOME BEST SELLERS 583 Willie Eckstein Trio 4558 4554 466 4514 471 dust a Memory of You _ The Sneak ~ Pm Just Wild About Harry | © Just Because You're You Three O'clock in the Morning . Nobody Lied P : Why Should | Ory Over You Canada's Schubert's Serenade 1 have ous with "i re you Stumbling ing. Dear Night $557 Love Her By 541 DEALERS EVERYWHERE / The Sun Record Go, 210 Adelaide West, Toronto, er ------ Record When you want it. All mail orders propaid; Mail us yours. _ All the Latest Apex Records Can Be Had at Our Store is, whether of a chil uble Sided Record ave asked themselves the now famous question "Why map in Canada: the same peo- ing records faster and better. ecords Lovely Lucerne It's Up To You ar Vocal Records Greatest Vi olinist-Scherzer Mighty "lak a rose Gibson at J. Wilson's: M. Wagar at his sister's, Mrs. B. Page. Mrs. IL Bauder and children at her father's i N. Abrams, also Mr. and Mrs. R Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. B. Morey ut | Pp. Clark's; Mrs. J. Rallo and Mrs. | 8. Day at BE. Page's; Mr. and Mrs. A. | A gloom was | | Page at B. Page's. j cast over this vieinity by the sudden death of Mrs. E. H. Snook in the General hospital, Kingston. She will be greatly missed as she was a good neighbor. Her remains were brought to Desert Lake and a large circle of friends gathered to show their last respects. The floral trib- utes were beautiful. CROSS Sept. 11.--The farmers of this place are about through marsh bdy and cutting corn. The corn husking at H. Hanna's last week was well attended. J. D. Vandewa- ter has a gang of men at work ditch- ing the road across the big marsh near Dead Creek, on the Arden and Harlowe road. M. Peterson, mem- ber of township council, was through this place one day last week letting out road jobs. Fred Shorts got the contract on one job to gravel 28 rods of road ten feet wide, fifteen inches deep and put fn two culverts for thirty dollars. George Kelly had the misfortune to cut his hand badly with an axe one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Scott and Freeman Newton motored to Belleville to visit friends on Sunday last. Mr. am Mrs. Ro- land Scott, Welland, at Wm. Scott's; Mrs. Charles Gaylor visited at Mrs, Edward Wilks' last week. John Ba- ker, New York, and Mrs, John Mor- row, Saskatoon, have returned honie after visiting their brother, W. R. Baker, for a short time. John Bak- er-had not seen his brother for over thirty years. George Baker has pur- chased a new traction engine and is busy threshing. -------- {Lennox & Addington] VENNACHAR. Sept. 9.--Simon Ball, Denbigh, has a gang of men working on the road between here and Wensley. A bear appeared on the job this morn- ing and came within a few feet of one of the men shovelling earth on the road. Mrs. Andrew Wilson had the misfortune to be knocked down by a cow and run over by another cow, breaking one of her legs. Dr. Adams, Denbigh, rendered first aid, then she was rushed to the hospital in Kingston, accompanied by her son, John, and daughter, Sarah, and Chellis Ball as chauffeur. VEN. Sept. 12.--The farmers are all busy threshing. Many people from here attended Napanee fair. Every. one is looking forward to Kingston exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Burk, Na- wark, and Miss Mary Venton, Cali- d, an adult or a business. at 88¢ and the hundreds are made by H. S. Berliner at and you Radio cutting | WHIG We are offering reductions on all Suits, Fall 0 Suits and' Over. coats made to your measure. Some advertising serves One can't know beforehand of things never BEEN READ. Hundred come to the LION CLOTHING HOUSE ANY. chapter that's Suits for-- To go at SHIRTS hibition. It will pay you to make this they BUY FOR LESS. WAY, but to those who do not ity, nor seen the difference own judgment then. SS ----, A LUCKY PURCHASE OF MEN'S SUITS Till after the Exhibition we will sell these good Working $11.50 Regular $16.50 values MEN'S TWEED RAINCOATS Regular $16 and $18 values. $10.00 Sizes 36 to 44. MEN'S WORKING . Just arrived--regular $1.25 value--to go at $1.00 Sizes 14 to 174. TCE oer NEW CLOTHES] BUILD A that These men will know of our val HATS A Yes, you can LIKE GOOD FOOD but to remind people of are new, and this ND CAPS "That Have the Look" kind any place if you'rernot particular, but most men are. See our smart range at those same low prices. TO THE SMART DRESS. ERS OF KINGSTON AND VICINITY ! See the latest Double-Breast- ed Suit known as the "Lip- ton" --a very smart model. Sizes 36 to 39. vercoats and Tweed Raincoats during the Ex- hing store while in the city during Fair Week. Suits made to your measure MAN UP things they already know--but not this. season's styles at the Lion are a y forever at the store where s of men will buy ues, to those who have not heard of Lion qual- of Lion styles, this is an invitation that they may look and use their -------------------- Young Men's Smart, 2 But. ton, Square Front Suits -- Q get the other We are showing the Largest and Smartest range of GABERDINES in the city at those same low prices. MEN'S ALL WOOL CASHMERE JERSEYS See our range of Men's Negligee Shirts, 35 diff ferent lines of Men's Dress r-- are all guests at Oscar Amey's. Miss Irene Ameéy has re turned home after spending some- time with friends in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bell, Hamilton, are visit. ing at Harvey Amey's. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomas are preparing to move back to Carleton Place. luark | fornia, LAVANT STATION. Sept. 11.--Quite a number from here attended Lanark fair on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. WillLam Me- Dougall spent the week-end with friends at Ompah. Miss Elsie Loe visited last week with relatives at Poland. Mrs. Harold Warner, Cald- well's Mills, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. John Lee left Monday to attend the Or tawa exhibition. Misses Pear! and Helen McFarlane have gone to Lan- Mrs. Herbert Bolton and family. London, Ont, visited the former's mother, Mrs. Thomas Richardson re- cently. We are sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs. W. W. Roche but hope for a speedy recovery, ---------- : CHARLESTON. Sept. 11.--James Kavanagh went to Toronto on Saturday to join a fishing party for Lake Temagami. Miss Julia Hudson has returned to Summit, N.J. Robert Hudson has returned to Watertown, N.Y, after several weeks' stay at his home here that his brother-in-law, James w had fallen from a building afik tSevens, Montreal, fs guest of Mrs. W. B.'Connerty at cottage. Mr. and Mrs. T. Spratt and at i ---- $otrtttttt tbat tt aattnad Working Mitts, Neckwear, Sw Gloves, etc. THE LION "LOOK FOR THE LION IN THE WIND OW" Mrs. W. H. Warren spent Friday last In Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Gor don Summers and daughter Made- line returned, last night from a motor trip to Toronto where they visited friends and took in the last week of the exhibition. Mrs. C. Summers spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. R. Smith, Lans- downe. Mr. end Mrs. R. A. Foley apent one day last week in Lyn. Mrs. Francis Warren®is on the sick list again. Miss Anna Warren visited at Ray White's; Caintown, recently. Stm-- MORTON. \ Sept. 11--Mr. MacInnis = leaves next week to attend the student con~ ference at Muskoka ang will be ab- sept two weeks. Services will be conducted on Sunday by the Rev. Mr. Omond, M.A. B.D., Prescott. On the following Sunday it is ex- pected that the Rev, Mr. Adair, a former pastor will be present to con- ark to attend high school. Mr. aud | spent Sunday at T. J. Sly's, Jone's duct services. Mr. and Mrs. H. Sly and daughter, Mrs. H.- Perry, Falls. The many friends of Master John Roantres will be sorry to learn that he was taken to the hospital at Kingston guffering with blood pois- on and his condition is clusidered erdtical. ; Mrs. Samuel Jacob has returned home from hospital much improved in health. Mrs. B. N. Henderson, and daughter Miss Jennie have re- turned home after an extended trip | in the west, Mr. Foley has returi- ed to lis home at Gananoque after spending the past six weeks, the Buest of B. N, Henderson. J. C. Judd has returned from Toronto ex- hibition. Mr. . Mrs. i pop MEN'S COTTON HOSE in Black and Brown to go at 15¢ pair t-------- in smart combination colors, Regular $4 values, to go at © $2.95 Oa erent lines of Men's Working Shirts, 50 dif. eaters and Sweater Coats, Men's Trousers, CLOTHING HOUSE *: 356 KING ST. KINGSTON DARKEN GRAY HAR, L00K YOUNG PRETTY the popularicy | presents testified to @ former - of the bride who wag dent here, a Township Councils : ik Loughboro, Sydenham, Sept. 2.__Ceuncil met at 2 p.m., all members Present. Min- ules adopted. and beautiful, and thousands of wo: 2 Matin. | erty Spagion, tha' | oolor. that beautiful dark shade " teps en to have John Banks |." Which 1s so attractive, use only changed from Leland School Bection this old-time recipe, to Perth Road Section. Motion, Sine- Nowadays we get this famous mix~ Harker, that the clerk be authorized | ture improved by the addition of io call for applications for position | other ingredients by asking at any of collector for 1922, Bills paid: | Tug Store for a bottle of "Wyeth's $42.50, John Banks, work on Norn | Sage and Sulphur Compound," » Shore road; $43.69, Charles Smith, HTiems le lair se gromire Work on road at Wilmur; $13.50, G. | "eal; tha applied. You joes, toll W. Storms, balance for'work on Port. en a sponge or soft Fos with land Boundary; $26.25, Ad. Davey, {and draw this through your hair, take @ccount re crusher repairs; . | Ing one small strand at 4 time. By amusements branch, amusement Me. morning the gray hair disappears; ence for hall; $9.90, H. Wilkins, re- | but what delights the ladies with Daits to car; $98.16, Joha 8, Roberts, | WYeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound E88 account; $7.60, Imperial Oil Co. | '® that, besides beautifully dar oil for Gaetor: $2.50 W. J. Corkii | the hair after a few applications, ft e Amin Bl ih + | 8lso brings back the gloss and lustre Services ag sheep valuator; 36, F.land gives it an appearance of abun Campbell, culvert repair; $4, H RB. dance. Stokes, snow shoveling; $10.20, H. W. Guess, plank for culvert; $5, E Vancoughnet, culvert repair in Mur- ray's swamp; $171.38, Sawyer Mas- Sey, parts for crusher; $10.60, J. R. McLean, éxpress on crusher parts; $6, John L. Whiting, legal ser 3 $49.29, Anglin Oil Co., ofl for trac- tor; $6, Whig Pub. Co,, advertising; $27.50, W. Conlin, freight on tile; Halr that loses its color and lus tre, or when it fades, turns gray, da and lifeless, is caused by a lack of sulphur in the hair. Our grandmo- ther made up a mixture of and Sulphur to keep her locks -- $50, B. Kemp, street watering. Coun- ell adjourned to meet Oct. 7th, or at the call of the reeve, . -------- The ship without a rudder bound for the rocks, : The wish of today is the spur of tomorrow. : LULL TTUHTTER | SAFE MILK FOR CHILDREN July the cleanest, purest milk is good enough to go in baby's 3 "For the larger children, too, the wise mother | teurized milk trom Price's Dairy. Mother Insists upon pase Price's Dairy is SAFE milk. healthy, thriving. growing, happy babies get thely