a DAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1922. DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON. | 1 Corner of Johnson and Wellington | | Streets ° Phone 363 | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Kingston and Vicinity SILOS Wood Silos for ensilage, including Doors, Staves, Roof, Hoops, Lugs, etc, not only saves time and money, but pried the heavy car back down Bar- her looks as well." jrie street out of the way of traffic. | {Some crew, we'll say. i The Late Mrs. Sally R. Deans. | See-- i | At Alexandria Bay, the death took | Married at Franktown. i {place after a long illness of Sally Re-| A very pretty wedding took place | {becca Abel, widow of Robert Deans. {in St. James church, Franktown, For moving io Te FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CANTAGE snd STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION : Kingston Transfer Co. 'hose 377. Evenings 2231. 153 WELLINGTON STREET A Veteran's Fall. While descending a flight of stairs, Jaseph Crozier, the oldest inhabitant | of Bishop's Mills, had the misfortune | to fall and was seriously injured. HEALS ALL SKIN DISEASES LIKE MAGIC Went to Parham Fair. a Dr. Waugh § Dentist 106 Wellington Bt. Phone 236 When in Kingston stop at 'HOTEL . RANDOLPH Rooms with hot and cold running water. Special attention to Transients. -- ---- Insurance and Brokerage Office -------------------------------------- AGENT FOR EXCELSIOR LIFE, ROYAL EX. CHANGE, FIRE, SICKNESS AND ACCIDENT, BURGLARY. G. HUNTER OGILVIE 151 Wellington Street i ---- WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res, 1187, OGILVIE'S | W. R McRae & Ca. GOLDEN LION BLOCK, RRS, PEA COAL and COKE HARD AND SOFT WOOD Cut_in stove lengths. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 1383 INSURANCE OF 'ALL KINDS W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brock Street Phone 424 ---------------------- GUNNS MAPLE LEAF COOKED HAM Made from Pork Sausage Put up in one pound net tin , Cooked Iresh ---- the Havor surprisingly differen: to what one expects, Just ihe thing for holtday tel als. Th. and hurry-up me GROCERY nd Earl : i rT At alt Druggists 50° BRITISH AMERICAN DRUG CO. Limited WELLAND, ONT. LH. BEBLINGTON, > TORSNTS Canadian Bistributer. | PIANO TUNING Pinne Tuning and Repairing. Alse Organ Work, All work guaranteed. PETER D. BROWN 12 Markiand St. Phone 2307Tm, | mr -------- BUILDING ? | REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? { tes given by O. Aykroyd & Son' 1 Main Street. Phowe 1670. REMEMBER If you want dobing done, don't call on us, but if you want first-class decorating, then telephone 2090J. for painting and decorating is our usiness. W. H. FRANCIS 35 SIXTH ST. Phone 2000. meme Phenolax Wafers A dependable laxative is a necessity in every family's medicine cabinet. Phenolax Walers are safe--and dependable. At All Druggists e Norman §, Wright & Co, Ltd. Sales Agents Toronts, Ontarie ~---- AUTO TOPS RECOVERED and RH JONES 300 PRINCESS STREET Phone 15% Sct WHERE We are equipped to make any redairs to above pencils. We carry a supply of parts. Prompt service, 38C onsen W. McCammon, local constable, went to the Parham fair on Thursday afternoon. ¥, Entertain Visitors. A number of the homes in the city are preparing to entertain exhibi- tion visitors next week. The hotels lare counting on large crowds of vis- | tors. f | Bank Clearings. The total bank clearings at King- ston for the week ending Sept. 14th, were: $681, 907.53; previous week, $581,291.21; week, 1921, $811.- 565.52. | Back to School Suits. Our range of Boys' Suits are the best values we have ever bought. See our range at $6.50, $7.50, $9. Al sizes and styles. Prevost Clothing House, Brock street, | Left for Keewatin. | Dr. William Paul, son of Mrs. W. {| Paul, Clergy street west, who spent = | several days in town this week, left on Wednesday night for Keewatin | where he will continue medical work. Dr. Paul has recently been {situated in Simcoe: | Purchased Property. | Mrs. J. L. Murphy has sold her |cottage at Lake Park, near Carleton | Place, to Mr. Pink of Ottawa. George M. Edwards, Toronto, has purchased two lots at Lake Park and | purposes building a cottage for him- |self next season. ----------eeee Returning on Friday. Capt. John Donnelly of the Don- nelly Salvage and Wrecking Co., is expected to return to the city on Friday evening. He has spent the last week at the Lachine Rapids re- moving the equipment which releas- ed the steamer Rapids Prince. Attending the Fairs. This is the season of the fall fairs and many of the local business men have been visiting them to get in touch personally with their custom- ers. The standards of the exhibition are being raised every year and some of the exhibits are very fine. Retired on Pension. George Tealte, Belleville, who has been a locomotive engineer in the employ of the Grand Trunk for many years, being the oldest in years of service in the motive power depart- ment at that terminal, has b plac- ed on pension and has retired. Laborers Scarce Again. There was quite a strong demand for unskilled labor on Thursday and several employers stated to the Whig who would be willing to take over the rough work. For a time such labor was plentiful but it has been taken up in the last webk. Was Badly Shaken Up. Mrs, Cynthia Yates, Athens, aged eighty-five years, suffered a bad fall on Monday morning. While out in the yard, in stooping over she be- came dizzy, plunging forward on her face and shoulders. No bones were fractured, but she is suffering from bruises and a bad shaking up. Unexpected Death. There passed away on Sept. 7th at Philipsville, in her seventy-fourth year, one whose work and personal- ity have always been associated with that place in the person of Miss Viola eral month, her death came sudden- ly and rather unexpectedly. An Efficient Officer. William D, Ketcheson, well known in Belleville where he acted some years ago as bailiff for the city in the matter of collection of taxes, has been again appointed tax collector for Frankford. He also has been appointed bailiff for the division court at Frankford, No. 8. Mr. Ketcheson is a most efficient officer. Gond For the Crops. Farmers in town on market days are bright and happy because of the fall rains which have been urgently needed for some weeks to promote growth. They have come at the right 'jtime. The rain has also improved the grass around the eity which had a farm near there. On Dec. 19th 1865, she was married to Deans, of Alexandria Bay, ed to the United States. He died in 1920. -- kK You Blow. About yourself, or your boat, or your car, or your radio, or anything that is yours your friends will set you down as a grand pest. But in the classified ads when you want to sell your home or your ¢ar or your radio, or anything that is yours blow about it. You may---it is quite the proper thing because even your friends want to know all the good points about the thing, espedially if they want to buy. Blow in wour classified ads. Make them detailed and complete. reom------------ Industrious Crew. While the power was off late on Wednesday afternoon two young members of the street railway force |se showed a sample of industry which Fadyen, Kathleen that it was quite difficult 10 0nd sen {_ was appreciated by many passersby. Their car, a large closed one, had stopped directly across Barrie street as it turned to go out Union. The young men, "connie" and motor man, secured a plece of timber and license in- Mrs. Deans was born at Athens in|Aug. 30th, when Florence spector, and Roy Clark, provincral {1845, the youngest child of Lyman daughter of Captain and ' Abel and her early life was spent on Edwards, | Mrs. J. H. was united in holy bonds ot wedlock to Willlam Arthur Fer-! Robert |guson, son of the late William Fer- | and mov-|/guson and Mrs. J. Forks. On their return Mrs. Ferguson will take dence In Perth. Clyde and Love, Mr. -- Going to Conference. The Queen's representatives to the Student Christian Movement confer- ence will leave Sunday evening ar- riving in Toronto Monday morning and will leave by a special train with the Toronto University delegates for Muskoka. The official delegates from Queen's are Miss D. Sutherland and D. MacInnes. They will leave Friday evening so as to be in time to attend earlier conference sessions. Prof. J. F. McFayden and Rev. Dr. R. J. Wilson, who are to deliver ad- dresses at the conference, will also leave earlier, Among the other Queen's repre- ntatives are Misses Marion Mec- Lockhart, Julia Sexsmith, Sarah Young, Marion Ark- ley, Kathleen Dolan, Margaret Por- teous, Gertrude Milliken and Vivien White. The men representatives are D. K. Faris, E. Knetchel, M. McFar- lane, D. B. Taylor and J. M. Miller. THE MAGICAL SKIN BALM. IKE the lost precious balms of ancient Rame, Zam-Buk is of rare herbal origin. These herbal extracts endow it with a special power over the human skin. Zam-Buk isa soother, Its pure powerful Is a concentrated healer, antiseptic, and germicide. herbal essences swiftly take pain and inflam. mation out of a Cut, Scald or Burn, and heal any sore place neatly. ing 10 its extraordinary refine. ment, Zam-Buk soaks through to the ussues below the upper skin, and draws out disease. Eczei Scal Bore Leg Ulcers, Pp Swellings, Poi W. Arp: Tosoned Woun is ideal for "Rheum, Ring-werm, inful s, and Zam-Buk's wonderful success is due to its ingenuity In destroying all germ-life, tissue with and TO ORTAIN A FREE SANPLE BOX! Fo Postage) and sama nnd Guts of thin se en THE GREAT fe. so bet So. Toros ool 2 > IN FIR nd replacing diseased and fine new healthy skin A BUSINESS MAN'S LUNCH We have made a specialty of the business men's lunch. At the noon hour, drop in at The Victoria .Cafe. Our quick, courteous service and a menu for those of the most discrimi nating taste will assure you of a pleasant noon-day lunch. THE VICTORIA CAFE Phillips. While in {ll health for sev-| JEWLY LEE, Manager. eo M THE RESTLESS 5 ANG RESTORE THE ho SRC HOUSE--2 nd ; Bas; 3 piece : hy edhe STREET. TELEPHONE 762. = © wohl FomiERs BROUGHT ON BY THE PRESENCE OF WORMS CHILD TO NORMAL HEALTH, 354 KING STREET AA AA we ttt and attic; 9 rooms; 5 bedrooms; elec- furnace; fireplace; fine divided cellar; storey; '7 rooms; 3 bedrooms; electric > » x ' . 'STREET garage Srv errata enn san BHea erties private driveway--ALFRED $3,200 Teese n up resi-| Myvi, S. ANGLIN & CO. . i Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Weuimngtos Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 68. Factory ! Phone 1415. FALL SHOES Men's Solid Leather, Whole Stock Working Boots--just the thing for fall wear. Our spe- cial price for Friday and Saturday ... $4.45 When buying these, remember that we have a complete stock of fine Boots, Rubbers, and Rubber Boots, JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street Your Wrap For Next Fall and Winter It is not too early to decide what is to be done about & warm Wrap for the Fall and Winter. There are just two things to: do. Either have the present Fur Coat remodelled or fixed up or else see what can be done about a new Fur Coat. * It will be a pleasure to advise you whichever the case may be. Gourdier's BROCK STREET; TWEDDELL SUITS are so designed that dura- J bility, style plus individual- ity, are the leading features ----Styles becoming to those of the most discriminating taste are the ones to be found at: -- TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) i [ Saturday Full Range of Underwear for "arly Fall Wear. Separate garments and Combinations in Cotton, Union and Light Weight Wool, also Sil kand Wool--for Men, Women and Children -- all the best makes and styles, at the lowest prices. .N. Linton & Co. The ya 4 : . Q Phone 191.