Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Sep 1922, p. 11

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SATURDAY, SEPT. 10, 1032. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ' | Immigration is certainly a great | r Who Fills Your WORX AMONG THE BOYS |:--ni=: | | | - Dr. Higgins presented a vivid pic- | . : . : - | IN on OF NEW YORK ture of the conditions under which | PROBS: --Sunday, fair and cool; probably frost. ; il A : | {some of the families in New Yor: : -- : leity had to live, and all this, of Prescr Ip jons? | Charl - (a 2 '! @lves course, gave the work of the club a -- tio . i Dr. ag Higgins setback, but progress was being made EE Splendid Address Before |and every effort posstble was being Rotary Club. put forth to lift the boys up to a plane. Boys' clubs were [id Bring all your Prescriptions 1 | {higher to Us for Potency, Accuracy, i Do Not | That the Roary Club is carrying | formed, and addresses given, but ow- Results. jon wonderful work among the under- [ing to conditions, management of | ! Butey = Resi. a3 Iprivileged boys in New York, was [these clubs was made most dificult | o YOU il {shown in the very interesting address |and care had to be taken to see that But do process : i Wear our | Rotarian Dr. Charles Higgins, of New | 'he very best methods were used in ; We fill all doctor's pre. | York, gave to the Kingston Rotary {he endeavor Sut the boys on the | : scriptioris right. 3 {elub, at "the weekly luncheon held [Tig path. ere Were many ? . Watch ll |in the Bri'ish-American hotel on Fri- agencies through which the Rotary | day. Dr. Higgins is a former mem- [Club could carry on its work, in- | Phone 50. '- - - - Phone 59. ber of the Ottawa Rotary Club, and in cluding the Scouts and Big Brother | 4 $ | Movement | if [New York, he ie chairman of a sub- i - i We send anything, anywhere, { Without section on health and a member otf Au is Sots Suis work you will | fl ithe boys' work committee. The bene Tou , sa e Just telephone 34 | [speaker was given a warm welcome (8Peaker, who told about a big con- . ! if 4 [cert the New York club is arranging oF e i Qa Chain oy Leu mes A Cuil an to put on this fall, in the Hippodrome. | L. T. BEST] FE rn A rder Lomparison an ¢ great pleasure for him to meet the | 8nd this money will be expended in --just because YOu @imembers of the local club, and ex- | caring for crippled children. Prescription Druggist Dr. Higgins stated that it was esti- | . tended greetings from the Rotary | have grown tired of fl[cich in New ¥ ork. mated that therewere 40,000 eripples | I | i 2 Fork, his gave plenty | . I! In the forepart of his address, Dr. = New York, and Hl | | your old - fashioned, fllliigeins gave some in-eresting. ator. |ot cope for work of this kind, as the | mation about thé New York club, @ccommodation in the hospitals was | : | very heavy one. which he stated had an average at. |Very limited. The aim of the club B tendance of five hundred. Every [Was to get the cripples seM-sustain- fil --Let us show you | [ing } alton ilo Was pul. forth to keep | Speaking generally of the work of up 'the at'endance at all the club's | some of the newest. [19 the stiendanse at all the clubs | Te Ey rT I ; tuts the speaker told of an Interest- |#ach club had to study its own needs, S---- | WALDEMARS Hl{ing time the club in New York and ae She presest Siue.'s sulvey was bes othe silk ofeh hiiied k uf rh | [0d London had in a contest to see |In€ made of } de s the talk of the town--hundreds took advantage of the A C 0 | D E N T | ll | which club gould secure the best at- |® Paid secretary, who devoted his en- g -- The are on dis- | I - out | tire time to the work. . . y Ee a Bully won Gut UTE ues President 1) many special offerings throughout the store and our new house | | EE . : i} | by & very close margin of a few frac- | red the spea il play in our windows. tions. The cfub had about thirty |Leman A. Guild tendered the speaker furnishing d t t th f all eve I] committees to tarry wut an rn |a hearty vote of thanks, aad the urnishing department was the cynosure of all eyes. ll |and there was a system in vogue in | mentbers of the club ratified his ac- : : ich d 1 k wi h tion, with liberal applause, This great sale continues to-night, and all next week wit | which members who did not come up ! | ll [to the high standards of Rotary, | The Rotary lub Bias een rel : . lo ll were dropped from the roll, to give |to-doin with the Kiwanis Club, in 'he added attractions daily. | {community singing, which will be a [Place to some other person as there feature at the Kingston Industrial | LIMITED fll is always quite a large waiting list. { | | The club did not want any deadwood, Fair next Wednesday, Thursday and of : Friday evening. Cards advertising o ESTABLISHED 1840 au lot tis eS ho lo the big exhibition were distributed ' {to the members for their autos, = 1g \ and do the work required of them. . KING STREET, KINGSTON i/ . dropped from the chub, In addition to the club's usual "Boys' work in New York is a big "'sing-song," "Jack Elder, King- D.WIGHTMAN : ERNIE B. SUTER | sa mr : . : oe ston's Harry Lauder, who was a - problem," eald Dr. Higgins. We guest, favored with number of Scotch 151 WELLINGTON 151 Xatp fopain digteiets Nhete tere |s {songs which he put over in great - |style, Rotarfan Harold Singleton pre- || DR. H. C. MABEE |[hve uo piace to lay outside of ths Seine at the piame. =" ™™ 3 + 1, seet a0 someting as o bo dom, |, Ps, £9545 Inirdneed at rol cu The British fleet has been instruct- 79 WILLIAM STREET Playground areas have been secured Mor Col '5,; Jack Elder sad ° ed to allow no Turkish troops to at certain points, by getting streeis po > 4 cross from Asia to Europe, it {s offi- Phone 286 closed at one end, and keeping out Rev. T. W, Savary.. cially announced. traffic to a certain extent. All of p . "iw aya this Tas helped some. Dealing with | 50 new, Salts Plush Coats--in sizes 36 to 42--this is ositivel ) - the different nationalities is a big 1 DATES OF FALL FAIRS. ? - ; P = y problom. There is one section where . the greatest bargain ever offered on quality merchandise -- there are 150,000 negroes without | ™™™ bathing facilities. There is one ares | Almonte Sept. 18-21 these Coats are sold regularly at $27.50 and $32.50. In which there are 25,000 boys minus ses Ont. 3, playground and bathing facilities, Is Arnprior Cees vnsnaaSOpt. 26-27 SALE PRICE Cr i iat boys into the fold. To a Canadian Frankford Sept. 21-22 going into the city, the needs of Romptville ; vases ce ar. Sept, 21-22 : } these people come very forcibly, KINGSTON ... $ "There fs #ation on for im- : A heater to warm the room before you MieTtims: ay oe ni Leusagw Be 2-rryane-soBept, 1015 dalle ette dll ets ' "Capada heeds immigration. If we |yagoe ....... i tT) Oct. 3-4 . ~ should be taken '0 h . : ; : Hot Blast Oil Heaters . ...........$2.75 aiid: he tac 20 hate the men com- Noo Soria : \ ; : Peden CLF 400 pairs of Grey and White Flannelette Blankets with Pink erfection Oil Heaters ......... ¢ ; . a ; 0 $7.50" a ew, 2b Jef in the oities. Blatog + 15m, 19-23 and Blue borders--a double-bed size--sold regularly at $3.25 Star Electric Heaters "ee een k "en .$7.50 tat a tl, ttl SALE PRICE with 6 ft. cord to fit any socket. It Is a Good sr sinsettnunmaieibns sane rvras vines $1.89 Why THEATRICAL OUTLOOK a i fit any socket... . ... ........$10.00 pe mots Bene mesic 7s | G00D FOR THIS' SEASON . effects, above al G ---- \ Make your selection at once. DY thres generation. inPractical use | George F. Driscoll, Vice-Presi- See our stock of Ranges and Heaters. Foany homes. 1f yee medicine in | dent of Trans-Canada The- 00 0 C || fabuily "medicine why ot gu the atres Ltd. in City. ml ® the 'people of America for half : Lo : m3). M K | & Bir Limited cen ~ hat, made our" thes of ir easeolh, ¥ics prutlieut 500 yards of heavy weight F looy Oilclothy-full two yards wide C e VEY C reasonably sure to do 3 Montreal, owrters of the Grand Opera or 1 h " f 1 v - You know Hood's, Ges 1 today. |House in Kingston, is spending a = a large choice of all new patterns. While the quantity lasts Ch oi ce Lot of Is making & tour of the company's Ha d d Interviewed by a Whig represent- tive Mr. Driscoll ; r WOO timistio : about the outioos' . M 9 ® ® $ " "i the present theatrical geason, . en S e ee irts d jw w : ! Hardwood Cut Stove [uxt vigie bw") air €ac i any wonder that the police have so | Bancrote ean Sept, 26-27 : much trouble in such a district where | Bommanville . .. . . «+ +s.Sept. 19-2¢ . there is not one thing to help the | Demorestville ,.......... Sept. 30. light your furnace. ! are to have this immigration, steps Marmora ... j $8°00 proper place on the land, and not |Qouawa (Central Canada) Sept. »-i8 Famous Qil Heaters ies cade see where they will have a chance to de- Stella as 26 - . velop and grow up with the country. Sept. 26-27 a parr, While they last - . - . . & Majestic Electric Heater with 6 ft. cord to Family Medicine best, that which has m known to few days in the city, and is accomp- 3 anied by Mrs. Driscoll. Mr. Driscoll SALE PRICE... es cee Samui, Ji dG, portunity of sing up things theat- 'and Slabs Hel ia many places, the sood old 300 new, Negligee Shirts with reinforced backs -- soft, French days have not gone forever, but are coming back, and this will be good : Welsh Coal, Cannell | news to all lovers of good things on cuffs, ina wonderful range of patterns--all sizes from 14 to 73 C 1, Coke he Jase. dir ue foi : --regular $1.75 each. | : --~ "SALE PRICE ......cc.iv............... $100 EACH 15 Ontario Street | : Telephone 67. ||: nl | lem ~~------------" [Emperor Jones." ~ , Na Hy an La : mm == New Silk Ties 69c ea. 5 memtaed won the productin | Bt Ea 25 dozen, beautiful, new patterned, Cut Silk Ties, in a wonder- in, BE IE oe wut, ff { ; ful range of new fall shades. Men, these are the Ties that you cent instrument has won RET ~ | abe ing po BN ublic wanted. Th have been paying $1.00 each for. While they last * Se Eastern Ontario's Largest pad Most Popu- 1 1 ¢ , ! = : : : > outlook | Si Soe 9 © ar ous e urnishing Store. hy = Fo rr oe | teacy S -~ Li Y TF. Hanson Co Lied reo [{ IANRERROTE Eo" Tl oir beens

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