DAILY BRITISH WHIG. HARD COAL CONTROL. ft is seriously carried to completion. BIBLE THOUGHT FOR 10-0AY The decision of the city council! <The imperialistic spirit which sat | '0 appoint a controller to regulate | grated Germapy and molded the | BEGIN THE DAY RIeA | the sale of hard coal in Kingston 1s | gharacter of the German people was rib Tor Wo HS 6 ear. x a wise move, and now is the time 10 | developed by a careful system ada. in thee do I trust; eause me to know | begin. The dealers want a con'roller {eaton, extending from the kinder-. av wherein'1 would walk; fof] for their own protection and the |garten through the university. Kul | jiriup my soul unto thee.--Psalm | great majority of the people want |tur was {mpressed upon them when | 143: 6 5 n such an official, Moderate distribu- they wera most easily influenced, and | ~~ | A tion of coal now will enable the deal- | eventually the mind of the whole na- have had to be repaired with gravel, ers to build up a reserve supply £0 [tion was molded to the Kaiser's will. [those around Kingston are still in , 1 oa i i { that by the time the real cold weather | Doub: has been expressed whether | good condition. . } = in comes Kingsion may have no real |the German Sducations) posiey Wb : . - x | ] {coal "problem." What is needed |been materially chmnged. it has f/ vi B D : J {now 1s to prevent many cellars being |not, the same disastrous consequences ALONG LIFE'S DETOUR 1g omgs NN || Ee a filled up with the winter's supply, | must inevitably follow, | i while others, unable to pay cash down | The murder of the Republican BY BAM HILL ° » for a large supply, would have to go leader, Dr. Walter Rathenau, has | at Bibby S " without a share of the incoming coal, prompted Mr. Koester, the National { . The Spiey Kinde { ¢ J i : Distribution b I r, to inquire | ) ution by the ton, as house-| Minister of the Interior, to 1 do Rot ching mo ol ek = a Sr, @ |holders show their requirements, will into the reactionary. tendencies of the a na . Ie : 7 aad Semi-W sy |PrOvent a shortage that might other |schools, and subsequently to take I ge: more news BH ri WHIG PUBLISHING | Wise occur in midwinter. However, | steps to make drastie changes in text- On our vld party ljne. i £0, LIMITED bard coal may come to Kingston in |books and school Mbraries. ---- a | « President | larger nth 1 cinat Prow-| Observations of Oldest Inhabitant. | 'Editor and ger quantiles than we anticipate, This is a reassuring move. u I kin remember when ladies had to | Ausaulng -Hiswetor| Tho Gsalers would like to Tun in tem | ises of peace can mean nothing when have 'one hand free on a rainy day so | thousand tons by water before navi- | mind and heart are trained in the they cou'd hold up their skirts. | 1 | | Bx hin ~ J Cn 4 ation closes. If the ) g irection. Reciprocally, if ------ g y are able to do | opposite direction Pp Why--Snenr. this, Kingston will be well served as | the right principles are taught io the Marrisge Livers If mplisdeiphia Re~| it will recelve a fair supply by rail |schools, promises are not needed. poles { Edward De F. Why, 1 West Sey- | mour street, and BEllzabeth IL Snear, | 4202 Pechin street { | { during the winter eo long as enow- . siorms do mot tie up traffic to any WHY STUDY HISTORY? extent, : The time is coming--and the soon- ah ps " er the better--when the small boy's ON, Doctor 1 | Hot paid in [vance $1.50 AUNT EMILY plaintive "Aw, what's the use of | piack--"What's become of your a hi If you lived in a small town when studying all fais staf?" will pot pretty stenographer i" 20} N BEFRBSENTATLY AJ W arouse a vague query of what, in- Brown--"She was subject to | WW. Thompaon ....100 ew Jou were 2 boy of girl, doubtless you deed, is the use, in the mind of his [Many bad spells I had to advise a| : » 'Tovanto, recall some wo "whom he | change of employment." man w all the elders. In the case of hisiory, at % Let 1 oungsters, u . he ey hate Jade, i 9 on lod Felation, least, results will be extremely prac- We've Met Them All. | Hd the actus of the ¥ y unt, © was the sort tel; 28 well ta merely MeIDHIng | Cure o sous nT aly anime best hi babies west so naturally, and | 4g mind__and keeping the same | worid is divided Into ten parts, known | : 3 t ans, | . " . ose of the job | without shyness, and her ahild small boy out &f mischief during cer- | 88 Vertebrates, Insects, crustaceans, | ; It Il pay you'to shop Here mollusks, worms, star fish, corals, | in aN Site In Convsn, friends graded all the wa y from those " . . : in long dresses to those in Yong pants tain hours of the day. jelly fish, sponges and protozoans." | --Our entire store will be one great bargain counter. | The circulation of THE BRITIsIL Such a woman A v Since history was first recorded, |yes and man is represented in all * h Fai Week [ WHIG ls suthenticated by the |!sne wore her black hath wore, | ¥8tions have risen and fallen. They |the ten. Very attractive prices for Fair Week. id sliaasls Sg i | ha E Juried hii have risen when they have observed er ----You will get here more for your money than you really ex- Audit Bureau of Circulations a top knot that nowadays would look | "°F 0 }Ws of growth, and they have |, _ , "wy Toes the govern: | pected. : fallen when they have disregarded oth b bujlding dams, | . very funny.. She never married, and When the 'country already has mors | ~----We've prepared a wonderful feast of values, emer. ------ them. Over and over again, in dizzy . the older boys and girls kn th h anything else?' Yes, we | Ey drive slower. £! ew at damns than y g ° live long er, drive, sl succession, wars have appeared, pro- od Rs the coal strike 'has increased | there was a hushed chapter in her reas ked by the same causes, and pre- Jot--but the government ~ s . or | Hfe. , dg > them quite a lot--bu gove; I 9 Oh, well, scheol is not so bad after oa la Lusand inciden 5 ceded by the same succession of | pas to spend money some Way. | gets started. shy y 8 0. 1eF OWR youth {oy onts. Modern * business is falling ! and childhood, but never a word of into the same lines that characteriz- 3 Well Cooked. wo cannot sink war debts | her romance. | Of getfing badly stewed, I know, | The world ed the guild system of the Middle |" Gla Hiram Jones has often boasted; | Ay The coo ily" "by using more lead. se kie jor in Aunt Emily's Ages. In spite of tremcndous contri- | But when he gets so boiling drunk, | Was of generous size, but butions. to knowledge that are con- By his dear wife he's always roasted. INN X00 Are wou 3x pe iment ng when we The spice of life is not what boot- | little boys and girls had always to --Cincinnati Enquirer. | . fg hootch is flavored with. say please before they were permitted Siahtly Yolng Todde/b Story E3aunues -- -- to explore it. A bit crochety about |' ae} yo roe yi a i He has been drunk so aften, t scars who never tried self, with the same successes an e And roasted to a brown, : He laughs a 8 manners, Aunt Emily was, rather old- same mistakes. That old Hi ones is really the boys and girls loved her sincere- ; It 1s hard to analyze girls wha Iv worth in these historical movements ¥, and she loved them in turn, and A fur neckpieces on a hot day to had thelr confidence in all their or they would not be recurring again Helptal Hint. | In Our Store Must Be Sold By Last year the girls wouldn't wear an Y more. And the etbme-- ® ok Of hem |, recognize both In a carefal study rE ress. We must make room for our Toy Depart- Trusses, Abdominal A ory of i > i Plane flight ends deafness, says a |°™Y Whom called forth this little eminently practical way. Then there | Blinks. most daily. Our store has been enlarged to verything else. is studied ; A : JOHN L. WHITING, " growled Jinks, . : ; x -- {]l to serve the public to better advan 'but fitter wi lawyer has passed. The Kingston by Wonner Moore). Lace the h ; ! "The report that literary men are oy ih Handing attained by Mr. Twenty-five More Miles Good | en at the Sunkel damp, on *ba Musk- unheard of prices, J jainst prohibition cannot be true. ting in the legal profession of Highway All Around ingum, Tuesday. . WI § Drug Store During the past few years the It seldom works, you see; . : men; are as much a misnomer | legal mind and before he attained the roads around Kingston have been [But too much hurry's not enongh 1 hs one-man tops for automobiles, age of thirty he gave promise of be- greatly improved and with the com-| When you want to catch a flea. X ing one of Ontario's leading counsel. "pletion of work under construction --G. B. A. 2 o Bo is a hit with the ladies, _|(reining and practice, and tha asso- | belt of twenty-five miles of the first) n,, can 1 quite imagine who clation counted for much. Later in |road surface in the province will be Would WANT to catch a flea. ts at shining apples and shoes. ston-Gananoque highway to the| I don't ran after it, : upon to accept the solicitorship of Finger Board, which is now i I know that very well . Abdication of King Constantine of 'munlipal law of to-day--law that is Kingston Seeleys Bay highway to The only good thing you can say $Lidy In itself, As city solicitor he | Kingston Mills, witich is now almost ; another car at a curve, ; 40 pecs fashioned even for those days. All There must be certain elements of The donest man in town, p "cool. troub and again. There must be danger | If you can't afford coal this winter foubles and joys. signals on the paths that lead to dis- | You can keep warm by getting into a OCTOBER 1st. A complete line of ralls; this years they don't wear seoms the soror because of word word she | + nistory, and hasten to apply them | "Tt says here that planos are made ment for this fall. New Toys are arriving al- S upporters, Elastic tribute, has passed on. "Yes, and it is getting so they are 'French wonian, aged 101, urges In the sudden death of John L. "Hot Dog. Rev. and Mra Fillerbrandt were are offering our complete stock of Tires at 'Bee how dry modern novels are, Canada. Mr. Whiting chose well when he took to the study of law. He Kingston. Dut We Don't Want To! EXTRA SP. ECIAL TO CLEAR 185 Princess Street. Phone 848 A $ y Still avery once in a while you find | He was associated with the late by the provincial highwaye and the The sport. no' doubt, appeals to you-- There are reasons to beleve, how- lite he became crown attorney, and | @veilable for the local motorists. ~--Teéd Robinson. tia Corporation of the city of King- pleted; the road parallel to the road| But still if is a fact br Well, he knows | 00. Which gave him an opportunity previously mentioned and known as the pistol is that it has inspired ibe marked confidence of both | completed; then the Battersea road a or Jozema A Te 3 t ves at ; Chase ~--<Warren (Ohlo) Tribune. There are not many Aunt Emilies aster. The stat n must be quick heated argument with the coal dealer. ermuch. th i dg other day that Aunt Emily, the mem to the problems of the day in an }almost entirely by hand remarked nd 4 d sometimes it ends 1 r . : Mune. An m: ------ will be no question as to why history played almost entirely by foot," double the space we had last year, in order Hosiery, and an ex- d 'Work for a long life. But it hag | "biting, Kingston's most eminent R ADS (Social Item from Zanesville, Lamped we still require more space for Toys, and : : ot always worked. : years experience, at Bar and the citizens were proud of , : W---------- honor guests at & "wienfe" roast giv. 4 -------------- pt ~The so-called permanent waves for [soon developed the gift of the keen -- Too much hurry's like & bluff-- 1 d 't \ bachelor of thirty-five who doesn't | Judges Price and Britton in his early | suburban road area commission, a It Holts ne som on BUY NOW! BUY NOW! ir, that the Greeks can beat the a few years ago he was prevailed| TRIS drive will take In - the King- I often do catch hell. # Nt coi ini, to do it, having had experiencé. bt" 'teading more closely into the |the "Middle" road; the part of the CZEM the city council and the public utili- | to the ity, This latter road is now thri magazine advertising. - Bing Wagusite af ® [ties commission, When John L. | under construction by the local com- McCLARY'S "CANADA" BRAND EL tera mission as is the "Middle" road. send esi. for posiage L Ne care not who fakes the copu- | Whiting decked to contest a case [7 50% 88 18 the complete the | YOK: ail dealers or & ry's laws, so long as We can do the [A€8inst the city, it was a foregone twenty-five mile 1 whicl will ~ irtking, Seems to. be the view of too {Onclusion that he would win, and make & very fine drive. A shorter ENAMEL WARE : i Jars. ; & this was invariably the case. When loop may be made by cutting out the Within i ~~Par-o«wax, aul ii a citisen had a just claim againet the | drive towards Gananoque and taking ithin 5 Minutes of PRESERVING KETTLES in finest grade made. Mottled Blue 'averred that courtesy would | corporation or utilities, Mr. Whiting | the new highway directly to King- Everything Worth While dot tne me Jas. REDDEN & Co. POM forty. per cent. of automobile [always advised an amicable settle. |8ton Mills. 2 Side ana. whits Uning. A com and Jow priceq, "The House of Satisfaction" feidents. Bo courtoous and give ment. Even as an astute lawyer . For the work. on the Battersea -> Phones peed the rosd valued (he moral right of a claimant | FO & NOV Quarry has been opened m % ava wae. fs the rod, Co Ma oe sobs ant on A. E. Weller's farm. It is hoped . BUNT'S HARDWARE King St. a bitter Tor» oh }eorpo What Io : hohe that this whole section of these loops Broadway at 20h S¢. : fo sian that the air 1a [the interests of the citizens as a fay De Siied. befare tha Atay clon New Pork 3 . F-- = for gliding: than {whole and also the individual The work on the seotien of the ance. vw]. For forty-four years, he practised | Ki Seeley's. Bay. ; An High Class Horel France. prac ngston- ad Cine, be with ti Rates 3 Bis profession in the same office on {tween the ty Clisheadall is Bel ? anil ile | Clarence strest and attained a very gompiletion. The A ---- SPECIAL SALE 41 Fe Vani la lare--logal business. * As a counsel : M Popular priced Club Breakfasts * chp AROTILE services were ever in demand, but eg ; : - A Ey Ia a on ok fun. Bie wer oF cor mand, pt ; ou A Cafeteria --the last word in: «ts Double. {| ox BELL wormen MEDICINE co. down oly a few of his associates 3 || know. He never cared to load hiw tr think | . \ : |selt with work, irsitogiden ghwaps built in this section | | Single Room with bath » '$3.0 30x34 ......$12.00 F|lalurs. On more han one secasion ; ng up heavy: th ba ; Was offered a judgeship, but de- | trafic ane 80 4 : cltned the honor, having lo | an _... CORD TIRES ce to emt i's toms BR ; NTS. 30x31} ......$16.00 many friends that "his To vos 5 D. k Jal : : TUBES een .$1.75 while he was enguged In active work, pg ) PER--500 ! 1 : 3 And that the veteran lawyer, who WwW PLIRT ISLITN ae Larger sizes in never had an illness, was spared a] © or Lord WEMG PUBL - Bu TERT proportion an is so despised that some wo-