THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. \ SATURDAY, SEPT. 16, 1022. CRAPS | "TO | CRICKET GBY MATTERS HERE AND THERE Intercollegiate Looks Interest | ~ Ing--Limestones Hard at : It All the Time. _ MLOks Ifke a big season for rugby fall. People who never thought Of the game before are taking an Interest and clubs are cropping up over for the pursuit of the great man's game. In local circles thera 'Will be plenty of it. Queen's will have at least three squads and pos- #ibly 'four teams working in league fixtures, Royal Military College wil! Mave two, Limestones will have one fine senior outfit and probably a jun- dor aggregration, and K.C.I. and Re- (@lopolls will each have a team mak- ing ten squads In all playing here. What the outcome of the inter- collegiate race will be is not a safs ~ prophecy for even the oldest heads of the game. College teams can never be sized up and placed before. hand, but we can say for this corner of the triangle in the senior series that Queen's will put one grand team In the field. New names are drifting in every day and the tri- color squad will be hard to down. One of the latest to signify his In. tention of coming here is Adams, 'the giant wing man of last year's twelve. Some claimed that husky 18d would be out with Hamilton, but "4t ean be almost certainly stated thit he will be back with Queen's. The 'material for the junior teams can- fiot be sized up as yet. There 13 talk of attching Karl Quinn, star ~gentre half of the third team last ; Tr, to the senior squad and ha would be an acquisition. He is not earrying much weight, but can kick well and is as tough as leather. His Brother, Arthur, will also be on the Job again, probably as quarter {or 'the third team.. A lot of new mater. fal is expected for the fourth team, usually made up entirely of fresh. men, and the third will have no walkover in practising with the first © Year men this season. -- ~ Limestones are at it harder than @ver and are developing into a fino Mttle squad. Last evening a larger Squad than ever turned out and some Of those who did not get uniforms previously were given a chance. At the present time ft would be impos- #ible to select a team from the Squad, but all the players are going great guns and it will not be diffi. cult to place them. bz» the time the Sup is needed for the game with 'Royal Military College on September 80th. The amount of fine rughy terial to turn out with this team, and most of the players native King- stonians at that, is becoming more and more surprising, The lads seem to take to the game like ducks to water and with a little perseveranca Kingston's own team will show some . fans a little speed ii R. M. C. is an unknown quantity, in so far as actual there are al- Ways recuits of ability to take the of those who graduate, the sensational young fly- ing wing, will be back on the job "and will bear watching by the tack- of the opponents of the cadets. The boys from Point Frederick have not taken an intercollegiate cham- hip in a year or so and are get- rather peeved, {Watch out for om this year. a S-- } K.C.I. is working along well. Two three good players have moved ) ~but they have been developing Others and are all in line to work hard in whatever group they happen fall. If Regiopoiis should happen be put in with them this year re will be some of the interes:- ing. old-time battles, and they ars AIwWays worth watching. The lads at collegiate should be given every gement in sport as their lot the past two or three years has been very pleasant. : de m-------------- a Waiting For a Spot. til some promoter comes along an offer for the Dempsey-Wills that I consider fair, and a suit- place, the situation will remain 'standstill. 'The New York Polo are out of the Question,' Kearns, Dempsey's manager, SPORTIN NEWS BADMINIO J TO BOXING FIVE NEW YACHTS IN R. C. V. C. FLEET Probability That Quintette of! : "R" Boats Will Be Built. i | It was suggested by the Toronto {Globe when the Scrapper lost the "THEM DAYS IS CONEFOREVER® You not only read it, you sing it. Try it on your piano. comic hit. tne "FOR THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME." Watch nightly for this big wptnd | George Cup last July, the loss of the trophy was more or less a blessing | in disguise, tending as it has to add | efithusiasm and determination to the |efforts to regain the cup for Canada. {Now comes the defeat of Scrapper in |the international series at Cleveland, | where Goblin won three siraight |races for the Richardson Trophy. | The net result of these defeats is that { |over at the Royal Canadian Yacht {Club plans are being lald for a win- | iter of activity as a malter of pre- | paredness for next summer, | From what is known at the mom- {ent it is safe to assume that four or | | five British-designed, Canadian-built | | boats manned by Canadian crews will | {be ready next season and pitted | against United States boats in inter- | national competition. The Class "¥" AROUND THIS boats = hereabouts are 'he best all- round craft ever sailed, in local wa- | ters, but they laek the British trade- | | mark, and most of the yachtsmen | |here would be glad of a Nich EI Copyright. 1922 by Unwed Feature $ynducate PREVALENT STORE ! -- BY GOSH - NO MO ' 1 GOT NO HOME Re ! | -------- | | Back to Pastures f | 1model able to trounce 'he lot, | | ( For Old Billy Kelly 1 | | TT vr ¥ | Billy Kelly, sporting editor of the SAY - oonN'T Buffalo Courier, writes as follows of | joy retirement of the THE PLACE pris was named after "Commander J, K, IL. | decreed that Billy Kelly shall race! 10 more. Trainer H. S. McDaniel | | announces that the famous sprinter has been retired to the Ross farm at | Vercheres, Que., where he wii] spend | | his remaining days in pleasant past- | ures and well-earned idleness, While | at Fort Erie, Trainer McDanlel told | {Us our namesake was training well, | jand that he hoped to overcome the | | habit of bleeding developed by Billy | last spring in Maryland. But appar- | ¢ntly the ailment had not been corr- | ected by the rest or treatment and on |its recurrence in training gallops, | McDaniel reported to Owner Ross, who immediately ordered Kelly re- 'tired for life. It haq been McpDan- | NEXT great horse, | him: | Ross has | YOU (IVE wn POOR 2? [ter's desire to get Billy Kelly back | [to the races to win just one more [stake of a value exceeding "$2,000, Shag Drives Red | for he lacked just about that sum to | put him in the $100,000 class, hay. And White Hard ing won something like $98,100 for Thirty-five contenders for posi-| A wien, Wiliam Neon, hi tions on the McGill Intercollegiate | named him and Comma Ross Rugby squad were out for the Init- | who bought him from Palson at the | 18! practice of the red and white and | Saratoga meeting three years ago | were put through one of the stiffest | a Eg "|drills that Coach Shaughnessy has When Kelly was'the reigning sensa- subjected the squad to in a first | tion of the two-year-olds. Polson workout, # paid $1,500 for the horse as a yearl- Doug. Ambridge Cyril Flanagan, | 8, Won many purses and stake with and Eddie Crain were the three im, thousands of dollars in Wagars, {members of last year's squad in uni- and parted with him for $27,500, form, while there were several Commander Ross won him out the the 1921 substitutes out, including | first time he started in the Ross cor Jack Easson, Jack Emo and Leo! ors, betting $30,000 on him, and see- Timmins, who was injured early | Ing him win at even money. Billy fiat season. There were a number | Kelly was at his best over the six- of former termediate players in furlong route, but has acquitted action headed by Jack Mitchell and himself Randsomely at greater wrs- Freidman. The latter was used by tances, although a small horee, al- Shaughnessy at centre to snap back most under-sized. He finished 86 Ithe ball, taking the place of Livshin. ond to Sir Barton in 'the Kentucky |p, y, McGregor, who substituted for derby one year. In his last appear- Livshin at centre last year is ex- ancq he was beaten a head by that |pecteq back shortly and is the likely sreat old campaigner, Exterminator, choice for the centre position. Dick and came out of the race bleeding. It is gratifying to know that Billy Kelly will spend the rest of his life Helps a Weak Throat, in ease and comfort. It will be hard Strengthens the Voice ' Relieves Bronchitis. even to approximate what we owe By Breathing Balsams of Catarrh to that same horse. May nothing the H. Made but the sweetest cloyer, and the tend. erest, most succulent grasses grow Thozone, You Are Well Without Using ; You breathe through the Oatar- rhozone inhaler medicated air that in his pastyres." ------------------ Dodgers and Pirates Jumped from Pittsburg to Brooklyn to play a dou- is full of healing, soothing balsams: ble' header on Sunday, August 27th, { tull of piney antiseptic essences that but rain prevented the carrying out resemble the air of the pine woods in the Adirondacks. This piney va- por has a truly marvelous action on weak throats. It brings strength and of the programme. It was the first Sunday game postponed in Brooklyn health to the bronchitic, stops that hacking cough and difficult breath- since May of 1919, when It was ing. You 't ind anything for made legal to play games on Sunday, in New York state. 'After arriving in Brooklyn the two ball teams had weak-throat opl i nothing to do but wait for the next he oroated Joop a eheieia) train back to Pittsburg to complete on earth to the man that has had their series there. bronchitis, catarrh or throat irrita- Delahanty joined the Phillies ag tion. You will realize this the first a second baseman, but was shifted | time you use Catarrhozone, which is to the outfield in his third season. a leniifte aration, specially de- n or o @ nose, favath always played In the out- throat and bronchial tubes. Get the an, Tio man who Knows when | 35 HES, J lasts two monn. cont to speak, a wiser that knows when All storekeepers or the to be silent. ; me Co., Montreal. i A A A Lm ny NE Carroll is reported on his way to Montreal, and Philpotts, who will complete the half line with Flan- agan and Carroll, is also due short- ly. Grassick, who appeared to ad- vantage, was worked on the halt Hine, while Crain was worked at quarter, -- LIMIT WOMEN'S SPORTS. French Examined Question of In- fluence on Health, In connection with the recent wo- men's athletic meeting in the Per- hing Stadium, Paris, the Vichy Medi- cal Congress examined the question of the influence upon women's health of extensive athletic activity, and has adopted resolutions limiting certain co tigns and suppressing others alpothals In future at women's sports meetings in France held under the control of the General Federation of Women's Athletic Societies, the following limits will be adopted: Sprinting, 80 metres; cross country races, maximum, 2,500 metres. No long jumps will be Permitted, but the high jump is to be maintained. The hurdles will be 83 metres, with seven metres, 75 centimeters high: but in certain cases these are 0 be reduced to 50 centimeters. The weight put- [ting maximum wilt be 3 1.2 Mile. grams, The weight of the discus is fixed at 856 grams, and the javelin two kilograms, 800 grams, { om Po | The old Englsh game of bowls flourishes Ifke a green bay leaf in kngland and the game is by no means confined to the grandfathers. We saw what youth can do in the final of the English Bowling Association club championship when Belgrave, Leicester, defeated Darlington, Bast Park. The members of the latter are young for bowlers and when they Leld a lead of 17-9 it appeared as though they would win. The brothers Cope then came to the rescue of Lei- cester and in the next five ends their side scored ten shots, to one by the ' BOWLS. VTOF AT THE. CHINESE LAUNDRY FIRST - | HAVE - DOME THING VERY IMPORTANT TO FIND OQT! ro NEARLY YELLOW AB Co. A ee |northerners, so gaining the lead, Se- jcuring another at the final end, the | Lelcester pla¥ers won the champion- ship by 20 to 18, a very fine recovery. A St. Louis baseball writer who makes a specialty of boosting Branch Rickey gives the present manager of the Cardinals "credit for the great work of the Browns," saying that | Rickey made Sisler and also inculs cated into the Browns the funda- { mentals of play. If this be the case | then pupils have given teacher some | impressive lessons since Mr. Rickey | departed from his connection with the St. Louis Americans. William M. Johnson eliminated Vincent Richards in the 1921 cham-{ pionship tennis tournament. | nn NO SUCH WORD! BEDLIDES IN CHINA WE NO HAVE KLORM BLEEF AND CHINAMEN NO LUKE; ? 15 Shaves 135 cts. We will sell Fifty Durham Duplex $1.00 RAZORS for 15c. EACH One blade shaves fifteen times. Two styles to choose from. Only 50 4 Come in early or they will be all gone. TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. BICYCLES--RECORDS--PHON OGRAPHS---CAMERAS 88 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 529 34 (99 to . Government Exquisite in coloring and luxuriously soft in qual- ity. 1 Kinwood equals a pair, Made in Blue, Tan, Rose, Mauve --Kinwood Blankets aid beau- tifully light as well as warm-----easy to lift and easy to launder, ROBT. J. REID LEADING UNDE RTAKER 230 Princess Street. Ambulance Call 577w. I15¢ Where it Goes 25 (69) to anufacturers and Dealers to cover all charges and costs, including profits OINTY- | DON'T THINK |. ILL 4O- { JUST HEARD SOME. BAD », ote - i. J