SATURDAY, SEPT. 16, 1022. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. 15 T---- SE -- S-- § . . - Sunday Services in Churches . By the Rev. { Laslair, pastor. 11 a.m. sermon | theme, "A New Bible--What For?" | 2.45 p.m., Bible school, 7 p.m. ser- mon theme, "Money." Services con- } Chalmers Church--Rev. R. J. Wilson, D.D., minister. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The minister will preach, You are invited. To the ayerage man who doesn't |wieh to be disturbed by strikes or y { labor troubles, the only way to set- ducted by the pastor. Union street 4; Industrial disputes is through church--George Cowie, student past- jcompulsory arbitration. or, 3 p.m, Bible school, 7 p.m. Pub-| But compulsory arbitration usual. lie worship. ily means that one man decides the |Jeatiny of those involved in an in- Method'st Church ustrial dispute, ett Suse othod minister, | The chairman of the arbitration Bares on 1am and 7 poi; Mis 'board makes the decision, and no slomary Anniversary, Rev. R. Calvert, | Mater Which WALL goes, he can B.D., of Inverary, will preach at both sivas persuade the representa- services, Sunday school, 215 p.m.; frien 2 me side or the other to vote | ay, 5 Mes " [river meine, Wodnensss, § po. || When Wo areraton board co. w. | Eg cordially wel: {Jit of an equal number on each side, ge ? it Is s¥}l a matter of having one man making the final decision, for if one man on either side votes with those who represent the opposite side, he makes the decision for all the arbi- tors, assuming that merely a major- ity vote is required. Ne It is bad enough when the indivi- dual who makes the final decision is honest, but if he is bribed, it opens the way to all kinds of unfortunate situations, And such things have been known to happen. To place in the hands of a com- paratively small group of men the power to enact laws dealing with fates of wages or hours of labor, or working conditions, is an exceedingly dangerous thing. There are some in- dustries in which this may be work- |= out satisfactorily, but, ordinarily, there are too many chances for com- plications, no maliter how sincere the Bethel Church, corner Barrie and Johnson streets --Segvices at the] usual hours, Interesting subjects. Helpful singing. Come and bring Jour Bibles. a Bt. Paul's--Holy Communion, 11 a.m. Preacher, Canon FitzGerald, M. A., Bunday echool, 3 p.m., Evening prayer, 7 o'clock. Preacher, Canon FitzGerald, M.A. i = Bt. Andrew's--Rev. John ig inister. 8 a.m.) Stephen, Risin Servis ih 0 icomed to all services, Tonto; 7 p.m., the minister. Strang- 5 ers cordially welcome. First Church of Ohrist, Scientist, . 195 Johnson street.--Services,. 11 Christ Church, Cataraqui--Har-|a m. and 7 p.m. Subject, "Matter" + Yest Thanksgiving Services--8unday, [Sunday school, 9.45 a.m.; Wednes- Sept. 17th, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. day, 8 p.m. testimonial meeting. Preacher, Rev. J. dePencler Wright. | Public reading room open every af- All welcome. T. Austin Smith, rect-|ternoon except Sunday and holidays, or. {from 3 to 5 p.m., and on Thursday -- | evening from 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. All Sydenham Street Methodist Church | are cordially invited to the services Minister, R. H. Bell. Missionary ad- {and to the reading room. dresses. 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. by Rev. | D. Mick, of Gananoque. Sunday school, 2.456 pm.; W. W. Chown's class, 9.45 am. Come and worship. Queen Street Methodist Church-- {Rev. W. 8. Lennon, B.A., D.D., min- {ister>11 a.m., Rev. Rinaldo W. Arm- St. James' Church, ~cormer Union Strong, "He Shall Dwell in the 'and Arch strtets--T. W. Savary,|lands," (Stainer); obligato by rector, the rectory, 152 Barrie | Judge H. A. Lavell. 7 p.m., Rev. Rin- street. 11 a.m. morning prayer and | ldo W. Armstrong. Anthem: "Rock holy communion. Sermon subject, | of Ages," (Bowles); tenor 8010, [arbitors may be. "Rudeness Rebuked." 3 p.m. Sun-| 'Comfort Ye," (Handel's Messiah}, | It will be remembered that the day school, 7 p.m. evening prayer|by Wm. J. Eva. Sunday school at 3 supreme court of the.United States and sermon. "Lost opportunities." |P.-m. A cordial welcome to all. made some of its most tmportan* de- a ) -- cisions by a vote of five to four. Any 2 one judge on the bemch might have it. George's Cathedral--Very Rev, a Ea su M.A. DD. dean | Changed for many of us the meaning and rector 78 Wellington street, [Of the constitution of the United Epone 2156. Rev. W. E. Kidd, M.A., | 5:35. This was actually done! M.C., curate, 7 Wellington street, Winther Ld was right or wrong de- Phone 869w. Fourteenth Sunday elve altogether upon one's view- after Trinity. 8 a.m., holy commun- . fon; 11 ws holy communjon.| The Judges of the supreme court Preacher, he Dean. 3 p.m., Sunday | Fe superior men, spotless, so far as Sthocls 4 p.m., boly baptiems; 7 |*helr supreme court records are con- .m., evensong. Preacher, Rev, W,.|%Trned, If they disagree so widely, ele Wilson will conduct the Salva- 3 Kidd, "s and if they may be so easily honestly tion Army harvest home services on mistaken, why may not five out of Sunday. This will be Miss Wilson's |. --_-- nine ordinary men serving on an ar- last appearance here for some time, . bitration board be mistaken? ae she leaves In another week tor | Ly Sark son strey > : The principle of arbitration is har home in New York attér spend. (07. 7. duPe Fourteenth Sunday sound, but to make all decisions of arbitration boards compulsory i ing the summet in Kingston. after Trinity. (Harvest Thanksgiv- pulsory 10a ing Bervices) 8 a.m. Holy Commun- mistake, fon; 11 a.m. morning prayer and All the facts in a particular labor controversy should receive ih. idest Holy Communion. Music--Choral D 0 Wiges Psalms, Anthem, "Sing to the Lord publicity through the testimony given before an arbitration board, and the Of Harvest" (Maunder), Mies F. Lhoard may make a decision as to Peters and chotr; 3 p.m., children's] yhion side is right, but the public service; 7 p.m., .evening prayer. should be the final judge as io the Music--Choral Psalms, anthem, | verity in the case, "Fear Not O. Land" (Simper); solo, The public has the only unbiased George Graves. The Rey. Canon T. opinion to offer. Arbitrators are al- Austin Smith, rector of Christ most invariably strongly partisan--- church, Ctaaraqui, will be the Spec | they represent a conviction which fal preacher at all services. Cooke's Presbyterian Church, Prock street--The minister, Rev. W. Taylor Dale, will preach at 11 a.m. Rev. R. P. MacKay, D.D., of Toronto, WH preach at 7 p.m. on behalf of the Women's Missionary Society. Sun- day school at 11 am. and 3 p.m. Bible class at 8 pom. All welcome. Salvation Army Harvest Services ~It ls announced that Ensign Mad- Zon Presbyterian Church, Pine street--Rev. Edwin H. Burgess, min- ister, 11 a.m., subject: "Successful Frayer." 7 p.m.,, "Break up your fal- low ground, for it &s time to seek the Lord." The minister will preach at both services, Seats free. Bvery- body welcome. Sunday school at 3 p.m, 'First Baptist Church, Sydenham and Johnson streets--Rev. J. §. me yee THE MAN ON WATCH If Queen's university does not hon- or the marine profession by making John Donnelly an LL.D. after his salvage feat of a week ago at the Lachine Rapids, the Lampman will be very much disappointed. Is the city council going to recognize its distinguished fellow-citizen with a record on its minutes? -y M... in the famous natural wool, tailored to fit comfortably and teed unshrinkable, Admiral. Underwear is ideal for inside workers. Made in two-piece suits or in form-fitting com- binations. a Ask for i by name The Lampman thought the west was big in dts ideas but he finds it is just as small as the east can be. Note the action of a woman M.P.P. mm returning $250 special sessional in- demnity and making people think that the time of a member of legis- lature is not worth anything. It may be hard, however, for the Scotch members of the Alberta legislature to part with the silter if they are ex- pected to follow suit. Let Queen's medical college turn its attention to discovering a cure for what is called hay fever and the discoverer will become as famous as the man who invented ¢hlororors. Let the hay fever victims take courage. An old editor tells the Lampman that he once had the dis- ease but he has it no more. He is toughened against it. They 'say that the bulk of the horses exhibited at the Frontenac fairs this month were a lot of poor skates. Kingston can beat the farm- ers all hollow when it comes to a horse display. It's &n auto display the farmers should be called upon to make, for they are losing their knowledge of even how to hirem «p We are mow fully equipped to take care of your Auto Repair needs--First Class Mechanics to do your work, and all work guaranteed. Car Washing, any type ........5L00 Gasoline. and Olls for Sale. Distilled water always on hand. OWNERS ATTENTION STANDARD AUTO SERVICE PHONE 545, CHOICE POTTED FERNS For choice Potted Ferns it will pay you to Cut Flowers and Funeral Designs a specialty. Kingston 1s going to get P. C. LAWSON =] Soal anyway when it be- || comes necessary to appoint a fellow ERECT oa to dole it out. -- ek Tho Thers is no wet. Fugue 333. 17" | against ord mh I TS Shere was i SETTLING INDUSTRIAL DISPUTES PROGRESS 1S REPORTED Charles Stelzle. they usually try their best to impose {The Membership Has Grown upon their opponents. This is why | About 19,000 in Last Four they are appointed. | Years. As a matter of fact, the public is | usually right in its judgment It Tompto. Best To ignores "blue laws" because they are | 0. BeDL. 16.--At the Metho- jdist Gene unreasonable and the Prosecuting |, re on oy ntexenes, el Opens officer takes no notice when they are |. very department of the hw il violated. Je reported at the . by eneral co But that same public will set up {it is sald. The Said eae. laws of its own in local communities, |; oo grown from 388,210 to 406,933 and without the assistance of ALY lin the past four years, an Inerease bigher legal authority, these lawe of [op u1more 19,000, In 1918 the con. customs are observed by everybody, | ributions of the Canadian Methodists for their v lation would result in a to home and foreign missions were boyeott" which is often more tncon- $762,249, and' for the year ending vegtont 10 the Offender than a ruling |, 31st, 1922, the contributions a reached the total $1,016,118, The tort ay pust the beupie, There- | ial funds raised for all purposas h Jet us have e facts and |)... increased from $6,535,296 in give them publioity, and the peopls |;¢)5 to $9,303,323 in the year just will renderia Just judgment, ended, onary, Je aos ot She peo The salaries pald the ministers in - e hy n Spite Of | ine Methodist church have increased the few exceptions that may be quot- |, = $1,782,880 in 1917-18 fo 83. ed against this well known saying. 675,801 in 1921-22, This is partly so» due to the minimum salary having Democracy in industry doesn't [been increased as a result of the mean simply that the workers are to {¢fforis of the Ministerial Salaries share more fairly in the profits, but | Commission, tat they are to share more fully in The present value of the churches, the policies of industrial enterprise, |Parsonages and other buildings and Democracy in industry means not [Cemetary properties owned by the Merely that they are to bring the | Methodist church in Canada and bosses and the workers closer to- | Newfourddland ig close to $50,000,- gether, but that they are to bring the | 900. workers themselves into more har-| In the national campaign of 1920- monious relationships, 21 to raise funds for the Methodist Democracy in industry means that |hurch $4,837,513 was subscribed. Bo petty boss--no man who has Vf this amount $4,005,154 has been charge of a gang---can impudent'y {paid, the Christian Guardian states. put into his vest pocket the righteous Pr his special fund has been expenad- protest of a solitary worker. It means |©d chiefly on the church's missionary that the worker shall have the right |°ulerDrises and in putting the Supe:- 0 go to the "man at the top" with- |annuation Fund on a more satisfac- cut fear of being afterward injured |tOTY basis, about $1,410,000 on each, by the'boss of the gang. and $705,000 has been given -to Democracy in industry does mot |"eedy educational institutions in the mean that every worker shall do pre- Methodist denomination. cisely as he pleases, without regard to the well-being of his fellow-work- ors--it means that he shall be per- mitted to exercise his "personal lib- erty" only insofar as #t does not in- Jure those who work with him, whether it be in the matier of wages received, hours employed,-or other conditions of laber, Nor may ne do 8s he pleases in his daily Nfe if his actions are detrimental to the inter- ests of the mass, Democracy in industry cannot con- sistently be entirely separated "from democracy in government because national, state and local legislation has go much to do with industrial ccnditions. This does not necessarily mean socialism, but it does mean that 'every man who expects to enjoy the full fruits of an industrial de- mocracy must be a good citizen--in- terested in all affairs of the state that have to do with dndustry--and this covers almost ¢he entire realm of legislative action. year ago it was the bandit gang. Time was when shoplifting was com- mon in Kingston, but if you came of 3 prominent family and had backiyg, you were known as a kleptomaniac. THE TOWN WATCHMAN. IN THE SHADOW OF POOR HEALTH In This Condition Relief Comes Through Dr. Williams' Plano, violin 3nd other stringed in- struments. Ali V. Talghans, BE, teacher of Elocution and lsarie sys- tem of Physical Culture. Pupils may Pegin at any date. Terms on applica- zion, _. Pink Pills. When the shadow of poor health falls upon you; when hope fades and life itself seems scarcely worth living, | & then is the time you should remem-|_ ber that thousands just as hopeless as you, feel, have been restored to the sunshine of health through the use of Dr. Williams. Pink Pills. The rich red blood which these pills act- || ually make, strengthens the whole system. The nerves strengthen- ed, headaches vanish, ' the appetite improves; and once again there is Joy in life. Among the thousands benefited by the use of this medicine is Mrs. Jos. Robinson, Oshawa, who says: --"Some time ago I was in an anaemic condition and so weak I would faint away at times, I had no) ' appetite, could not do my housework; in fact life seemed scarcely worth liv. ing. I was exceedingly pale and tried doctor's medicine with no good |= result. Then one day I saw Dr. Wil | = Hams' Pink Pills recommended for |= a similar condition ahd I got a sup- | == I continued taki Wishes to announce that he has resumed his practice, cor. Wel- ington and Princess IN THE METHODIST Chie I First Compounded This 3 Newer Form of Iron For My Own Neighbors Their Praise of This Remarkable Remedy Has Spread So Rapidly That Now Over 4,000,000 People Use It Annually suffer from the symp toms of a great number of diseases when the real and true cause of all your trouble is a lack of iron in the blood. In theolddays often took w.tallie Years ago I began to wonder, at the grest sumber of my own friends and neighbors whowere always ailing, complaining and doc- toring, without ever seeming to getany bet- ter. Both working men and r wives were (rrorently all tired out in the evening, and a great many were weak, nervous and run-down. One bad pains in the back and thought be had kidney trouble. Another bad paine around heart, palpitations and dissl- | spinach, lentils and apples. pess, and was sure he was suffering | older forms of iron, it will from heart disease. Stili others had sev- | the teeth nor disturb the stomach, ere headaches, floating spots before the | it is ready for almost immediate eyes, tender spots along the spine and | tion and assimilation by the a grt varioty of alarming symptoms. | is the people whose blood or years | made a special study of | who possess great strength, this condition, consulting a great num- | energy. If you are ® ber of physicians and chemists. An you owe it to yourself to immense number of investigations by | following test: + physicians all over the country showed | See how long you can that three people out of every four you | far you can walk without meet lack 100% iron in their blood. | ed. Next take two S-grain Lack of iron In the blood Is the great-| Nuxated Iron three times a est of all devitalising weaknesses. It is | meals for two weeks, the iron in your blood that enables you | strength again and see to get the nourishment out of your | have guined. An astonishing n food. Without iron, nothing you eat oF Dervou, run-dava pe ] does you any good. Your heart, lun, ailing all the whi ve greatly im- and Lia all your vital o a" proved their health and increased get their nourishment from the blood | their strength, en and endurance stream, and when the blood lacks iron simply by taking this newer form of and is thin, pale and watery, yon may iron. For sale by all druggists. ! James B. McLeod. Louls T. Best. ---- if Eri § piid- ! j Frank J. Hoag. HOME COOKING NO MATTER HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT LUNCH, YOU can always find something to suit your individual taste on our menu. The courteous service which we have al- ways extended to our patrons, plus our real "home cook- ing," has built our business to its present ROYAL CAFE 157 Princess St. growth, 200-305 Queen Street F ROST'S MOTOR CAR REPAINTING The S8ame Superfine Lasting Finish Best is the Oheapest--The Lustre Lasts PHONE 839 The ---- Nn al FOR SALE BRICK HOUSE--2 storey and attic; 9 rooms: § bedrooms; elec- tric lights; gas; 3 piece bath; furnace; fireplace; fine divided cellar; nice lawn--EARL STREET. FRAME HOUSE--2 storey; lights; gas; 3 plece bath; garage; STREET. . M. B. TRUMPOU 237 Bagot Street : : Fianes Tod or bid 7 rooms; 3 bedrooms; electric private driveway---ALFRED $3,200 Saas Bases ened Fat unurrsnda . "an Now Is The Time To prepare for colder weather and make your * buildings warm and weatherproof. Our stock of Builders' Phone your diate attention. Lemmon & Sons needs and they will receive our tmme- AN you will be glad you have helped to make it such a good FAIR after it is over. € Tap " REDUCED RAILWAY RATES ON ALL RAILROADS. Ask your Station Agent. Entries closé the 15th September. After that date entry fees will be doubled. Hot ure cordially invited to write for a prize