Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Sep 1922, p. 26

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f 15 ol THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. = SATURDAY, SEPT. 16, 1922. | . ni A : K.D. mf. Co. ve. Bern SPORTING NEWS | Sow sr sawreneos ; Sherift's Sale of Portable House, 1 + : E d . X 27 feet--Ilocated on Thomas Street, ati Ft ip detrh X raor nary ngagement COURT HAUSE, on om. With The Bowlers, ; ' ' Strange as it may seem, all actors r wa AX, EF VAR. | Friday evening was e quiet one at ; vs are born. The event always takes In the engagement of Charles Gilpin at the Grand Wednesday, Sept. 20th, Sheriff, County of Frontenac jie Dawling green, the Jeuruasagnt place Spmewhero usually alos Kingston theatre-goers are offered the one outstanding dramatic event New a B | BC uled having been postponed un- an nowhere. There seems to be an idea ih : rw a i " ili a Al mem Oui NOTICR os of the| ti] nest 'week, Over the week end) among laymen, that all actors of any York City has had in many years. The acting of Mr. Gilpin has not been AO. are requested to attend a meel"| tho semi-finals fn the club doubles ,.e you pups to sell? Sell them |account are born in London or New | equalled since the days of Salvinni or Booth. pastant business. Provincial Officers will likely be played. through the classified columns. York. That is exactly wrong. Near- | In the interests of Trans-Canada Thealres Limited. in securing the best in the Will be pre] A. B. LAWLER, : A Twenty-five large rolls toilet pap- (ly all of our greater stars today were | drama together with original casts, I urge Kingston theatre-goers to greet Mr. CC President Mea. Hicks In Finals, or for $1.00 at Lemmon & Sons. (born In small towns or villages. The) Gilpin with a eapacity house and we in turn guarantee this attraction to b wp--e--------m----czmz= | Mrs. Hicks, Kingston, has enter- Looking for camping outfits for a (late Lillian Russell was born in a Pp Pp 5 8 ] n guarantee 1s atiraction to be NOTICE ed the finals of the second comsola- |r); vacation? Look in our classified [small town of Iowa. I think the] but a forerunner of a list of bookings such as the Grand has not had for many tion series in the ladies golf tourna |. 1umns. reason for this (not the fact that| seasons. i Meeting, Labor Hall ment at Toronto. In the semi-finals | 3. Swaine, piano tuner, orders four brighter lights made arrange- | Qi a Tc Musicians' MW RON : she defeated Mrs. J. Lindsay, West- | soceived at 100 Clergy street w [ments to be born in small towns, but ; (8 igned) ieoree F. Driscoll, 1 -- on, on the 20th hole. Phone 564w. the fact that our stellar actors and 1ce =f resident, aoe DANCE TO-NIGHT The Collingwood Board of Educa-|actresses come from them) is be- Trans-Canada Theatres Limited. er GANIEN HALL Queen's Rugby Practice, tion is seeking" co-operation in their [cause the city dwellers, the inhabit- Dancing fro. "5.00 to 12.00 Bm, ps Queen's first rugby practice will| port to have matriculation examin-|ants of London and New York, hav- NY xX NOVELTY ROHES- noon at 3 o'- { A A AAA a nt EAA AAA erate a a et a i ---------------- HARMONY hie o 0 WANG UERADE Be hold Menuay sfterhe ho a ation less sbolished ot your tomily ns Been Tuised fa tat Snvirgwment; nessed Me Cotion. Gia chs Mit seen him before. Well, theatregeer, | money at local entertainments and ANCE ND A eraded | Ue x ne time a certain c 88/1 S ally DAN ery or not masqueraded tic Director Awrey will be on the through our classified columns, We{things. They live in what the small B AO ai a "The or Buless Jou ae 2 frequenter 91. the {fually he became a yaudeville pers are all Welcome. Dancing from 5-4 Job to start the team off. The play-|{4on't approve of helping irrespon-towner thinks of as The Mecca of a was playing another theatre in Yaudevs = theatres, or unless you | former. later he joined a small a, Srives ers were notified to report on Sep- gible parents get rid of their respon-|everything, and are of course "fed i Mr. Coh A Bill | pr rtunate enough to see the stock company in Chicago, which the same city as Mr. Cohen, an Drinkwater play 'Abraham Lincoln," | gave im the necessary experience tember 15th, and those that are here S up" with t ki h PUBI IC MEETING sibilities P he whole works--There is |g ;1160 in to see the show. There during the New York run, you have | for the legitimate stage, His op- are doing light work. " ht to Eat Grasshop- Ino reason why Ability and Genius : = pore er Baptist Did," in [cannot be reared In the deepest for. |", POACh Of a red-headed chick never seen Gilpin, His firs: appear. portunity came when he was given a The Special Committee of the Sniarle Remarkable Goi' Score, {next Sunday's Chicago Herald and [est, and if they are, it is a certainty in he Smpany. ad BI got mer. aiey Ja . Brauivay Weare was as part in Myra Lizoolat How he i Legislature appointed to rev's ne| George P. Shaw, the well-known iner, Chicago's best newspaper. [that they realize that they have a at ,| the slave in "Abraham Lincoln," and [embraced that opportunity est : : Examiner, > Y, y ested that he went to the company |gnortly afterward New Yorkers were evemplified 'by the faet that Mr, zor vehicles, 10S By re Vans. teur golfer of Toronto, paid a |Buy it today f ur local news- hard fight ahead of th and that Load of Vehicles an e P "hil ama y u oday from your s 3- ead o em , v : ; 4 4 of Vehio y 4 y treasurer and drew forty dollars real discussing his merits as an actor. The | 0'Nefll selected him to pay the lead talk about Gilpin attracted the at-Jin "The Emperor Jones," and the Sles Acts will hold a public meeting] io 10 tye Kingston golf links, Fri- | dealer, they must achieve the cities, if their cash: money in advance of the next 8H ciry maALL, KI ON sotn | 48Y and scored a round of 71, which -------- certain ambition is to be realized.| co. salary, hired a hack and took or Mr O'Noil woo ab M1 io toed by Playing wx WEDNESDAY, SERTEMBER is Ukely to remain a record for Therefore, I claim, that the bright » ' 'emtion of Mr. O'Nelll, who at the [wor ame the gain y Playing 2 ithe lady to supper. It was'a case|u ovo. searching the list of avail- : 30 p able players to find one who would at m. ut bile, Motor Truck and Motor|some time. 5 lights from the lesser places of earth 2 : Bis wners, Dealers and Manutastuy. Mr. Shaw: 'a . put forth more effort to arrive, thau | OF 1078 8 Fat ergn Tus Dairs of a A oe Ialocoated. are an. jOut .. .. 5.3 4 BITUARY. the genius who is born right in the beating hearts, a brief and speedy| Ure UD to the requirements of . * vited to attend and express thelr views | , 4 4 4 3 [§ |beart of the cities of the mighty--. rtshi ands air of "I Will's" the lead in "The Emperor Jones." u C rary etn on the subjects under consideration. : cou Pp, p 7{0'Neill went to see the Drinkwater However, you take for instance £ ; re you are---. Strange to HON. F. C. BIGGS, { Bill Yule. He has never appeared on and Shore 4 this was about : hun. | Play and came away tarilled and sat-{ prime Ministers of Britaln--Bigham, C. Chairman of Committee. | ; v Broadway don, but h 1d). a baong i isfied 'hat at last he had found the |, oe 2 |. Mr. Newman: roadway or London, but he cou dred and fifty years ago, they are ed My Discoverey of England--Leacock, 8. J. P. BICKELL, tout. .... 444 have done so, had he cared to do so. just the same. Don't sa an thing to| Very actor for the difficult role of | Books and Characters--Strachey, L. Secretary of Committee. | Late Mrs. Spencer. It is no use of ing into Bill's e Same Y ANYLLNE 10. omperor." At the end of the run * ID.. ae. 5404 Mrs. Rath Amelia Speacer passed 28 5. my.golng into Hazel about Bill, you are liable to| FIMNNOl OF tie RG OL W0 T0¢ | Back to Methuselan--Shaw, B " ran |hoory, He was born and brought, 'tat perhaps a cyclone has|Of "Abraham Lincoln,' Gilp . | Bauitation--Bussigny, H. L. de. aw y or 4 . ha 1 " i SALE AA Mi Torgmo on, Priday alte: 22 4p I Kingston, he practised ais Brst hit you, with perhaps a forest fire, siguod and The Emperor Jones" was This Freedom--Hutchinson, A. 8 M. 4 iting With a bunch of barrels, Inf, nil" Well he Is the happiest [FT0duced. Mercy of Allah--Belloc, H. By Tender . married man in the world. I'd like to tell you about tne rest sided in Kingston most of her life |, certain grocery store as his audi- The success of both Gilpin and . ac a Love Story of Allette Brint a was the ee of William Charles | ance, and while barrels didn't ap- the play is now theatrical history an | = Frankau, & Coo Brinton pencer of this city. The family d ire Bi ¢ layed at the Prin- | Le Bouchon de Crystal--Leb! plaud his efforts they certainly did entire season was played at » on rystal--Leblanc, M. VALUABLE cry B A 5 E B A by moved to Toronto two months ago. not offer any adverse criticism, so he of the ity x 1 id the tims Tht | cess Theatre, New York, followed by | L/aiguille Creuse---Leblanc, M. PROPERTY SCORES La[sira truss, iv moar os fee Prank Juries. the doesie aries ss bo. | coe Thesis, Now 3k lr re: » hind the work of next week, and I ituth Amelia Smyth. She w a : : y 3 Bill Seymour used to live in Wind- have to go to the paint studio and [2nd Boston. ---- Anglican in religion and a member of 8 oR, mgusinss devitod pizds to praise of Gilpin"s art, and news- A yay PRG II Re Friday's Games, St. Paul's church. Besides her hus- Sor, Ontario. In fact he showed me sling a wicked brush for a while. . , signed for the purchase of the brick - band, there are surviving one daugh- [the "Ole Swimmin' Hole" near his|iHowever, I'll try and get the bal- ] ' ap, i - " FN apers in the four cities mentioned dwelling house known as 164 Barrie International League. ter, Miss Myrtle Irene, and ome son, [father's farm. Bill got into the the-lance of "The Family History Next Pan aad. other evtoliing hi Do You "Get" It i Street, the second house north of Union Wilt ! |atrical game quite by chance. He Week." So long, your old Pal, é raat aan: oppenite, the Court House Nowark 3, Jory Sy Hiseq, Harold, both of Toronto; aspired of course, and played a few --REX. work. Gilpin's career reads lke a Grounds. Baltimore 10, Reading 5. four sisters, Mrs. Robert Marshall, J fh Tn bi he 194 Ontario Street, Other games postponed. Clivton, Ont.,'Mrs. J. K. Carroll, [vaudeville dates around New York, chapter from fiction, in which me NICKLE, FARRELL & DAY, 3 i 4 : $ va rhe ppor- Mrs. when Geo. M. Cohen saw him. It reaps i's just reward when of irs. W. J. Driver, Kingston, and happened that Bill was an exact WHO IS CHARLES 8S. GILPIN? tunity presents itself. ® ® . hi Amelio York a ue, William Whaiwe?, Lethiridee, double for George, and was engag- Theatregoers who see the name Gilpin was born in Richmond, Va., Send «a < gage | '7 a 1 : Suh this oe Bai 9 Wotan | with one of his shows to under-jCharles 8, Gilpin blazoned forth in 'and learned the art of elocution from OMINION EXPRESS troit 8, Philadelphia 2 cer was of sym " disposition [study George himself. Many is the|lunge letters in the advertising forthe Sisters Mm a Parochial school 4 1] . Detroit. 8, Pafladeiphia 2. ys 2 Sympathetic BOBO when Bill went on the stage!""The Emperor Jones," Eugene !whkich he attended. Later his parents IAA El Cleveland §, Washington §. BE eouk iH WcEive pars 'n Church | en George Cohen was billed but|O'Neill's much talked of play, which moved to Philadelphia and he got a Where Princess and Division ira RAR SA eid National League. manity. Her a ate of the OM" | happened to be indisposed, and Bill |comes to the Grand Opera House on |job with a newspaper there. Cross. . 4 e/ Sho New York 7, Chicago 6. for deep regret and Monin |took his place, and the audience went | Wednesday, Sept. 20th, wonder who Iq splendiq singing and speaking : A elie pL PPT . Boston 4, Pittsburg 1. wita the bereaved family. The fun- |0Ut Quite satisfied that they had wit-{this actor is and in wha! they have !voice enabled him to earn somo Brooklyn 7, Cincinnati 2. eral takes place at 10 a.m. Monday - Gi Philadelphia 10, St. Louis 9. 'rom 278 University avenue to Cat- araqui cemetery, Canon FitzGerald Michigan-Ontar'o League, officiating. 'a Hamilton 2, Saginaw 0. : 00 : NO | ICE, A 30x3% tire, guaranteed 5,000 | MacDONALD-RICE NUPTIALS. A DEPOSIT WILL * Nailin. EXPRESS PREPAID Mile ar 13, 9) ISuunon & Sons | Popular Kingdon Tian Wott in Bui. HOLD ANY GARMENT ALTERATIONS FREE Kingston, Ontario Phone twenty eighteen 4 . falo Saturday Noon. TO WATER og A well-known and popular King- n ; . stonian was married at Buffalo, NY., ; on Saturday noon, when "Jack" CONSUMERS Macdonald, of the R. H. Toye Com- pany, was united in marriage to Miss ' Mary Agnes Rice, daughter of the It is important that all ; late Mr. and Mrs. David Rice, of ss e . 9 ° # dah a id i 5. "Sor Coma, Fr Every Article in Ladies' Wearing Apparel !! : Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald came on until further notice. to Kingston on Saturday night, and > . . : will reside at 108 Queen street, a R d C : on Meta oT R. F. ELLIOT I, (Ce urep home Jecanly purchased by the : 4 -- Fur Trimme 0a S J co - operate with The Chairman, ij --- Lge riicls of Tends wil ) FARE REFUND Standard in making an in- ; ucement to their out-of- Public Utilities Pembers Hair Goods Tho Saturday Market, | . " Pa $ own customers by redue- we i : ® ing many lines for Exhibi- (Late of Dorenwends Limited) There was a large market on Sat- : SlesesamTETIR RANDLE aL. 'on urday morning with plentiful sup- 17 \ tion Week. We believe the Rg THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st plies of commodities offered. The . a v 75 Velour Coats, selling at a very special price values represented here the There were no sales of cheese at Sh emplele CENT a! eyien prices were as follows: mutton, 18 : # Ea for Exhibition Week. only -- BEAVER, best in Kingston. Many Campbeliford or Stirling on Thurs-| fneinding mew alght-proot part. to 20 cents a pound; lamb, 20 to 28 7 ' v lines not advertised. Gour- - day. The bids were 15 1-4c and Phone Hot fo EDL ointment, cents a pound; chicken, $1.00 to 0 al a 0 BROWN and SAND shades with French feous service. Large assort- 15 9-16c. ' a 120 Yonge Street, Toronto. $2.00 a pair; fowl, $2.00 to $2.50 ft LE : | Beaver Collars--all Coats are full lined and nents ; a pair; ducks, $1.50 a pair; pork, Pe dion WET made to our standard, . ARMOIRE 15 to 22 cons o pound; butcer, 40 cents a pound; eggs, 30 cents a doz- en; eggs, 30 cents a dozen; potatoes ' x 4 > i -- Co. $3 40 cents a peck; tomatoes, 50 to 70 L HB F ari] x cents a bushel; corn, 7 cent a doz- ¢ DA 4 ) 7 e en; watermelons, 20 to 35 cents each I SR \ ; =~ i 4 ! $4 1S according to size; apples, 25 to 35 1 ; a*" . cents a peck. There was also a - * quantity of hickory nuts on sale. Za : "a CHECK BACKED MATERIALS-REGULAR $20.00 $ Nationals Recapture Ballina. 4 = BE HARD d SOFT WOOD d SLABS London, Sept. 16.~-The Irish Na- { ge" ph! be Sizes In Misses and Women, 16 to 20. Materials are all Wool Plaid : ) an an tional troops have recaptured Bail- 2 y 3 Backs, half lined or full lined, with all around belts and pleated backs, 2 Vu ate lina, county Mayo; says a Times de- } = " : : spatch from Dublin. The insurgents Colors are Grey, Browns, Heathers or"Sand. Be sure aad see these Coats hurriedly left town on hearing of the ; approach of the regulars. . J ¢ Whether you buy or not. & FALLON BROS. | me Phone 637. 137-141 Clergy Street general manager o the Asvoio Ie il House Dr ESSES | Hosiery Speci Corporation of Canada, Limited. = 20 rt alumi i i MASUR xe tr 5.50 at Lommon & Son. | $ 1.4 Lh Fue Bund wo I ! i 3 84 RN Wi | | 3] . PE Me = he | 50 different styles in Check Ginghams and Chambray, dark and light Pp Black and White, Blue and White. They are priced that they out fast. Values worth $6.00--All sizes. 89c¢ Black and Heather shade Pure Woo The McLaughlin | | [#8] Bloomers "o8c . Buic CB = *1.39 gr Oo St New 1923 models will be on exhibition at the Fair = || o R FARE REFUND SALE wit <ontrasting Clock Grounds next week. a gig 8 SPECIAL--Women's Bloomers, made with elastic band and $1.25 Made with They are the best purchase on the market to-day. sudo tle on oe hj ase Celors~Xauve, Fook Navy, Back, Wht Sad nes We invite your inspection. Also on Lihexion . sb] IMITED li4 PRINCESS STREET 5

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