Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Sep 1922, p. 27

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IURDAY, * 2 + THE DAILY BRITI SH WHIG.: i 19 SEPT. 16, 1029, a ------ il Fair Week Makes Opportunities for ee -- tems e---- Want Ad. Users--Have Your Ad. Here British MWhin The KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING, indexed, standardized and popular- ized according to THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM Inc, Philadelphia, Pa. All ads. are restricted to thelr Proper. classification, and to the Tegular Daily Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Daily rate per line or insertions: Minimum charge, 25 cents. Charge. Cash « 4 5 4 8 6 Marraiges, t Engagements, Births, Beg aay ti ne insertion, 60; cash, $1.00, x of Thanks and Memoriam Otices--Charged, §1.50; cash, $1.00, each insertion. : vertising ordered for Irregular rtions takes the one-time inser $400 rate; no ad. taken for less than A 8s of four lines. 3 unt six average words to the e. n rged ads. will be received by one and if id at The Brit- hig office within 6 days from the first day of insertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one ay and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjust- ment made at the rate earned. Rate per line for white space is the same as a line of type. Special rate for yearly advertising upon request. Publishers reserve the right to edit Or reject all classified advertising Telephone 243, ask for a want ad. taker. Index to Classifications The following classification headings a T in this newspaper in the numer- Ieal order here given, closely allied cl fications being grouped together. The Individual advert nis are Srranged under these headings in phabetical order fer quick reference. ANNOUNCEMENTS Engagements, Marriages, Deaths, $--1In Memoriam. ard of Thanks. #--Faneral Directors. Funeral Flowers, $--~Cemetery Lots, Monuments. 9-Lodge Notices. oming Events, Personals, 10--Lost and Found. ' AUTOMOBILES A Automobile Agencies, 11--Automobiles For Sale. 13---Auto Trucks For Sale. 13--Auto Accessories Tires--Parts. 1 rages--Autos for Hire--Taxl. Horn and Bleycles. 1 Repairing--8ervice Stations. 17--Wanted--Automobiles. BUSINESS SERVICE, 18--Business Services Offered. 19--Building---Con leaning -- Dyeing 1--Dressmakin ilinery. : Heating, Plumbing, Roofing. Insurance, 4-- Laundering, Moving, Trucking, Storage. inting, Papering. Decorating. «Printing Mn; ving. oN. enovating, Leo, Irving: lorlng and Pressing. ~~Wanted--Business Service. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted--Female, -Help Wanted---Male, Help Male or Female, olicitors, Canvassers, Agents, $a Teachers Wanted. $--8ituations Wanted Female. ($7--Situations Wante f--Investments, Stocks, Bonds. oney to NANOCJAL Bt Dn na or hi $1--~Wanted--To arrow. INSTRUCTION ~48--Correspondence Cogrses, 48--Local Instruction sses. $#4--Musical, Dancing, Dramatio, n, B~Private Inatrue §--~Wanted---Instruction. LIVE STOCK 47-~Dogs, Cats, Pets. 8---Horses, Cattle, implementa. '49--Poultry and Suppl 0s, B0--Wanted--Live Stock. MERCHANDISE Bl---Articles For Sale. A---Rarter and Exchange. Business and Office Equipment. Boats and Accessories, Buildings and Bulldin Materials. iry Products, Fertilizers. to Eat. S. Y and Watche ROOMS FOR RENT 8 With Board. oom Without Board. 'For Housekeeping. 8 ORL] Places, mE ere To » In Town. $= Wanted Romems or Board, ATE FOR RENT os For Rent, . TRIMONIAL--~Young ady, 'worth 1.000, would marry. Write me, Care +1022, Wichita, Kansas. « ATRIMONIAL --= Charmin rl, 19, rage B.0% ; h $15.000, desires ma § Tron, Kans. IMONIA Les u wish ng wife, write, enclo. lolet Ray: Dennison Onin® ATRIMONTAL -- mar Widows, Fite a8 wealth, wealth envelope, Announcements | Personals 9 ONE--Of Chicago's oid substantial cor- | porations has opening for capable man | to open office and manage salesmen. High class devices for which there is | extraordinary demand everywhere. Big | money-making possibilities for the | right man. $500 to $2,000 necessary to | finance exclusive agency. Will pay expense of trip to Chicago for the man we select. Sales 'Manager, 112 N, May Street, Chicago. BKIN BLEMISHES---Hair, Moles, Warts Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, ete, removed permanently. Satisfac- tory Glasses fitted and furnished after others have failed. Goltre cured with. out ration. 88 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Aye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin. 2568 Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1135J. Lost and Found 10 BEADS--Found, set of Rosary. a at 317 University Avenue, | BICYCLE--Taken In mistake or stolen from Victoria School! Finder return to 313 University Avenue or phone §52w. Reward. | BROOCH---Lost, on Saturday afternoon, | vi kdrl, Barrie or Johnson street, or| . University Avenue, gold brooch with] "H. BE, 1920" in pearls. Will finder | please return _to 169 Earl Street, and receive reward. DOG--Lost, airdale pup, answers to the name of "Peter." Finder please re- turn to Capt. Bray, RM.C, or phone 2028w. Reward. LICRNSE, NO. 180-583--Found, off On- tarfio car. Owner may have same by Read The Ads. That Have Your Number You open all the letters that are delivered to your address every day. Ls But do you read the A-B-C Ads in the Classified Sec- tion that are just as definitely addressed to your par- ticular needs? The address may be "Merchandise Group, Household Furniture, Dining Room Suite," or "Real Estate, For Rent, Houses For Rent, 606 So-And-Se Street." If you have some want to be satisfied, all you need do is watch the A-B-C Ads until yoy see the ones that are meant for you. Don't miss these everyday opportunities It You Know What You Want-- Then You Know Where It Is-- When You Turn To The A-B-C Classified Ads. Business Service applying to 135 Clergy street, city. PADLOCK---Lost, lock for spare tire, likely on Bagot or Princess street. Finder pleasd return to Whig Office or phone 242. PIN--Found, lady's, on Brock stréet, Bunday night, Owner apply at Lee's > Grocery, Corner Earl and Albert Sts. PIN---Lost, 8t. John's Ambulance Pin, Wednesday afternoon, Finder please return to Whig Offige. PURSE---Left in car, containing sum of money, returning from Outer Station to Tuesday night Please return to Outer Station Post Oftice, ROMPERS--Found, baby's blue romp- ers, on Princess Street, Saturday. Own. er may have same at 84 Earl Street. WATCH~~Found, Jentleman's, silver, open faced, on Ugust 3rd. Owner may have same by proving property at 45 Clergy Street West. Chiropractic 28c. Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 35 4 CREAM SEPARATORS --And Milking F., Dr. Jennfe A |» Lucy, Chiropractic Specialists and Machines, salesmen wanted by old es Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot Street, be- tween Princess and Brock. Telephone $43w. Hours 9 to 12 a.m., 1 to 6, and 7 to 9 pm. Spinal analysis and con- sultation free. Residential calls by appointment. LUCY--Dr. George t cash and commission. Give references, Apply Box R-14, Whig Office. GREETING CARDS--Opportunity offer ed to earn from ten to fifty dollars weekly with our line of Personal Greeting Cards, People all over Can- ada are ready buyers. Samples free. We pay, weekly. Write for informa. thon. ept. 122-D' Carlton Publish- ing Co. 326 Spadina Ave. Toronto, Ont, GREBTING CARDS--A big $5 private Christmas Greeting Card, sample book free to workers, celebrated. inexpen- sive Royal sertes; secure orders now; deliver later; men and women already making five dollars up daily even in Spare time; capital or experience un- Necessary. Garretson Company, Brant- ford, Ontario. Dental 28d. AYKROYD---Dr, Dentist, has resumed practice at 92 Princess Street, oevr Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone 1603. SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentists, 159 Wellington street, corner of Brock. Phone 346. ENAPP--Dr. A. E, Dentist. Office: 258 Princess Street. Phone 652w. Ee Legal Automobiles Automobiles For Sale 11 FORD-~Roadster, late model, in good condition, cheap. Apply to H. Yeo- Pans, Kingston and Gananoque Bus river, 12 ssories--Tires--Parts "18 in-------------- ceeds TIRES---Big sale of Bicycle Tires covers $2.00; tubes $1.00, at Muller's Bieyele Works, 371-3 King Street. Phone 1961w, Auto Trucks For Sale Ages--Autos for Hire--Taxi 14 mo BATH STAGE---Dally Service, Kingston ~~B&th. Leaves Bath § am standard time. Leaves Kingston 3 pm. stan- dard time. From Montreal Street, rear of King Edward Theatre. Pas. sengers an freight at reasonable rates ""wwaw Calver, Proprietor. Repairing--=Service Stations 16 Ing a specialty. Also Plano and Fur niture Polishing. Gordon Young, shop Queen street, rear of Abernethy"s Shoe Store, or phone 1876w. NS ---- a ee reese" Business Service -- 18 Work wor Smith, "Business Services Offered CARPENTERING--Ana eement by contraet or day. Pirst-class At reasonable prices. FW, 87 York Btreet. CARPENTERING--James iby, con Jidoter, 83 Livingston y 4g Phone eee est teeta as PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairin, and Play. er Plano Adjusting, Trl We Butener, 21 Pine Street. Phone w. v Dressmaking-->Miillnéry 21 HEMSTITCHING--Picot Fdging Pleat~ ing. Mrs, E. A. €ard, 116 Johnson St. HATS--Mrs. MoLaughlin, 118 Lower Willlam Street, wil] take orders for making trimming and remodeling. Hours 9 to 6. Insurance 23 INSURANCE--Only the most reliable companies represented, Strange & Strange, established in 1860. Office: 95 Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. FIRE--Automobile and Casualty Insur- ance. Mrs. H. 8 Crumley, 420 Earl Street. Phone 1782M. 3 + | E. WILLIAMS--2 Couper Street--Sijck- ness and Accidents. Qup policy pro- tects your income. To deiay is Janger- ous. Phone or enquire for informa- tion. - Fire and Automobile Insurance at low rates. Moving, Trucking, Storage 25 G r furnit el i ah frien: Vout Ss Frost's City 299+ 305 Queen St. Phone 526. Res. Iw. STORAGE=--For furniture, r airy. A Mrs, ° > on na x 'W ar bo Wal t iki, AUTOMOBILE PAINTING --And finish. | Somme MEN---And women; not te canvass, but to travel and appoint local representa tives; jit a week and expenses, with &oo0d chance to make $60 a week and éxpenses. State age and qualifications. Experténce unnecessary. Winston Co., Dept. W., T RR CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers and Soilcitors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. Cunningham, K.C.; Cyril M. Smith. SHEA --Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor. Law office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money to loan. Phone 19 Medical 2st. C--O D., 365 Barrie St. 2-4 pm.; 7-830 , Toronto. Er -- EE I ---- Business Opportunities 38 HARDWARE---And tinshop, in small country village: doing good business, Good reasons for selling, For particu lars address H. L. Schneider, Box 60, Odessa. . REPRESENTATIVE WANTED Local representative to sell in his home ter- ritory, dividend paying seeurity, Lib. eral commission. Apply by letter with references, Room b0§ Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto, SILVER MINING--Th er. rite for deta tive" offering recent years, Jiged development operation. ROBINSON---C, K., M. Houryg 10.20-13 am.; p.m. Phone 1 Repairing 3 FURNITURE FINISHING--OF all kinds, Call and see W Driscoll, 23 Jbhn Street. Phone 206F. : UPHOLSTERING -- Covering buttons made to order in all popular shgpes and sizes. Upholstering and repairin done. E. J. rid 244 University Avenue. Phone 18330 UPHOLSTRERING--New or used furni- ture; work guaran te: Callor drop a lat i card, W. J. Gavine, She Bagot streat. 2 Nines Co. Tula, Okla. YPHOLSTERING---And general repair- Financial ng. eave orders at or drop a card to ¥. W, Harold, 104 Clergy Street, Money to Loan FRONTENAC--Loan and Investment Society, Incorporated 1861. President, WW. Br Nickle, K.C.; vice-president, A B. Cunningham. Money issued on city farm properties; municipal and county debentures; mort ages chased; investment bonds for osits received and interes - C, Cartwright, manager, 37 Clarence Street, Kingston. & monheymak- Most attrac- Money Mexico 40 Wanted--Business Service 31 CONTRACTOR -- Rellable, wanted to cut from 100 to 500 cords body heech and maple' wood, 4 | J. Merchandise Articles For Sale HEATER--McClary Famous; good con- dition. Also stove pipes. Apply 312 Albert street IRON BEDS--Springs, Mattresses, Cot, Dresser, Parlor Chairs, Settees, Tables, Linoleum; quantity gas SP Colleg- late Books, ete. Apply $84 Brock St KITCHEN RANGE---In good condition Cheap. Apply 279 King Street West. LADIES CLOTHING--Hats, Furs and pictures, all in good condition; also quilts and mending spleces. Lowest prices for quick sale. Apply 386 Bar) Street. MATTRESSES--For sale, or made to your order, any size, -y quantity, lowest factory prices. Also renvoat- Ing. Frontenac Mattress Company, 377 King street. Phone 1961J. PANDORA RANGE---Also Coal Heater; will sell reasonable. Apply at No. 1 Plne gtreet, corner Patrick. Evenings. RANGE--Happy Thought, and one baby's white erib on wheels. Apply 149 Union Prreet. RIFLE--.280 Sporting Ross for sale; new, with odse; telephone 1793w or 1499 5 1 Epes Rooms For Rent Rooms For Rent a7 COLBORNE 8T., 142-Rooms, with ar without oard; every con nience; newly furnished. Siniy 142 Colborne Street, or phone 23 . COLBORNE STREET, 114 -- Two or three furnished rooms; central loca- tion. Apply 114 Colborne Street. Phone 1285). JOHNSON STREET, 357--Large, furn- ished rooms at 357 sJohnson street. Special terms to permanent roomers. PLUM STREET, 30 -- Two furnished rooms; modern oonveniences. Tele« phone. Apply 30 Plum street ROOMS For housekeeping: three nice ones; furnished and on bathroom flat, Apply to Box Q-14, Whig Office. UNIVERSITY AVENU 248 -- First class rooms and board; all Improve- ments; centrally located. T Wanted--Rooms or Board 78 GOOD RESIDENTIAL SECTION -- By September 25th, comfortable room, without board; good residential dis- trict; central. Phone 526m. UNIVERSITY SECTION--Bright, warm room, with kitchen privileges or kit- chenette; convenient to University; > mother and daughter. Reply Box U-16, Whig Office. ' Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Flats APARTMENTS ~- Heated, hardwood floors, gas and electricity, convenient to college and car line; west end. Ap- Ply to § Couper street, ar phone 1358J. 74 APARTMENT--Of three or four rooms for light housekeeping; electric light, Eas, hot water heating, Apply 313 University Avenue or phone $62w. APARTMENT -- Furnished, of three rooms for light housekeeping, on bathroom floor, gas for cooking, elee- tric lights, In sgood locality. Apply Box K-18, Whig Office, | Classified-Display MERCHANDISE BUY A LOAD OR TWO'OF WOOD LIGHT, DRY WOOD $3.50 per Load. James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street Classified-Dispiay MERCHANDISE it Real Estate For Sale THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY, 86 BROTK ST. $5,000--Buys an apartment house of § Apartments with two rooms each, fur- nished, with a rent income of $76. per month; also 6 rooms for the owner's use. Nice lot and barn . $32,200--7 room house, with good lot and garage. House has bedrooms, 3- plece bath and electric lights. Owner is very anxious 'of selling, as he is leaving the city. $3,800--8 room brick house, 3 piece bath, elec. lights, h. w. floors down stairs; hot alr furnace; 2 storey verans- dah; garage. Good location. WHEN--At the Kingston Fair be sure to call at Carroll's Farm Exchange in Main building. If you have a Farm to sell, or if you are thinking of buying, get our Farm List. OFFICE PHONE 68. HOUSE AFTER ¢ P.M. 2260J--2240M. - BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, FOR SALE $3,000--For electric lig $6.000--Brick, nine rooms; H. W. floors; electric light; B. and C.; hot air heat- ing. $7,300--Brick; floors; B. and C.; light; central 3 double frame; toilet and ht, twelve rooms; H Ww, hot alr; electric $3.100--Frame Bungalow, four rooms and 3-plece bath; electric light; piped for gas; hardwood floors. SEVERAL FARMS--For sale. $4,200--Brick Veneer Front, 7 rooms, summer kitchen and attic; B. and C.; electric light and gas; semi-detached; central location, $3,000--Frame dwelling, semi-detached; north end; 7 rooms; B. and C.; elec- tric lights; h. w., floors: lot 383x105; close to street cars. A snap to quick buyer. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE 169 Wellington Street. DIVISION ST. $8--Lower floor and part of d floor; with all conveni- ences; central location. Apply 98 Di. vision Street. FLAT---Four roomed, furnished, all im- provements, rent reasonable. Apply 331 Alfred street. FLAT---Ground floor, two upstair bed« rooms; all conveniences; partly fus- nished; garage: garden; rent $28 per month; near Brock on Alfred -Street. Apply Box T-15, Whig Office. Business Places For Rent 75 LODGE ROOMS--Rooms on King street --formerly occupied by the 1.0.0.F. Apply to Cunningham and Smith, Employment = h Help Wanted--F al Instruction Musical, Dancing Dramatic 44 MUSIC STUDIO--Teachers of Piano and Theory. Pupils will be prepared for Toronto Conservdtory examinations. or particulars apply House of Provi- ence. PIANO 82 COOK---Geéneral, washing, Appl; Miss Lyman, 137 King Street West, y COOKR--Or cook-general, by end of Ronth. Apply Mrs, Ryan, Rockwood 0 0 COOK--General, immediately, no wash. 8. apply in evaping Mrs, A. P. Migs Carrie Shepheard ils 1 Knight, Alice will accept pu n Plano; will pre- Pare for examinations. 447 Alfred St. PIANO--Karrinne A. Madden, teacher 1 iano. Studio: 50 Karl Street. hone 1838. VIOLIN -- Dalsy Johnson, A' .C.M., i83che of Violin and Piano, Studie: 7 Collingwood Street, near Johnson Phone 2329w. . SINGING. And Planoforte, beginning Dlember 1st. Misy Paterson, Asso- ciate of Royal Collage of Musie, Lon- don, Eng $18 vingston Avenue. Phone 12547, ; Cattle, Implements 48 LAMBS. h fords. Apply J. . Mo, ris, La Makes Porat. R ny! he: 1 Portas + Poultry and Supplies 49 TH BE---Ch Ao k id) Rpts 234 Earl Street. COOK-GENERAL-Private home; no laundry or upstairs Work; references required; wages $30 id month. 'Ap- Ply Box 11-J, Whig Office, £ DINING ROOM GIRL-- Appl Albion Hotel, corner Montreal and Queen ts, LADY CLERK---With experience Fruit and Candy Store. Apply P-14, Whig Office. LADIES--Have ladies of good for Box employment for thr years of Ray: to a Ss of age. Xper| ot n sary, Ply Mr. Mitchel Royal Bank Shomoal) i Mr ficor), Princess and Bagot streets. ' > SEWING--Ladies wanted to do plain and light sewing at home, who oF Spare time, good pay; work sent any for sarticonurges paid. end Stamp OF particulars. National Manufaeturs ing Co. Montreal 1 WOMAN--For Rotel work . ly Queen's Tose, Heth Street. PP a Help Wanted--Male Ll want 2 men Wha are ith themselv, J Who can liye pe 2a WHI ere] an Roe MENG Dueks and Springers wanted, 1 20 cents 3 . Ale Bert Lain 608 Dundas Bt he To- Houses For Rent 77 BEVERLY ST, 91-- Furnished, seven rooms; convenient to Queen's Univer- +8ity; all modern improvements; im- mediate possession. Terms reason able. Apply 91 Beverly Street west. Phone 1866m. CHATHAM 8T.--Comfortable, six room. ed brick house, yard, toilet. Posses- sion October 1st. Rent $16, includes water. Apply by letter to F. Clow, Bath Road Post Office, City. x FRONTENAC 8T. SOUTH-- Furn shed house, every convenience. Will fsss0nable for winter months, HOUSES--One § room and one session October 1st. Apply t owner, § Birch Ave, Kingston, HOUSE--Furnished, modern convenl- noes near University, for winter 'months. Apply Box V-16, Whig Office, HOUSE--Purnished, seven rooms, an bath, electric lights, fireplace an other modern improvements; central locality. Apply phone 1342w. LIVINGSTON AVE --Bix-foomed frame house, newly decorated, ¢lectric Hight, modern improvements; good outbuild- ings and yard. Moderate re _Posgés- Jion at since. Abpiy he Cotborne st. LOWER ALBERT ST. Seven rodmed house, furnishell or unfurnished, close to street car line, ern improve ts, rent reasonable, goud-sized yard. Apply 118 Lower Albert Street. RIDEAU FT. one House, § rooms, furnace, threé- Bath, Arep! urn 1 Spo Apply 3 Hacan Wanted--Real Estate FARM--Went to hear from ownér Bav- Ing farm fur sale; give particulars and lowest price. John J. Black, Ontario pTtreet, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, To get the full benefit from hr classified ad, the name and telephone number showld appear, unless a box number is used. HOTELS Densmere House Large, comfortable rooms. All conveniences. First class meals. Special attention to transients, Phone 791m. 72-74 Sydenham St W.4 MRS. E. P. DENISON. SEE Tn MERCHANDISE [re Dressing Tables From 50 to 76 per cent. be- low manufacturer's price, Here is a chance! J. Turk PHONE 705. --_-- Antique Fi urniture One Upright Solid Rosewood Eng- lish Piano, a? carry a stock of modern furni- LESSES ANTIQUR SHOP 507 Princess Street. 'Phone 1045w. Pearl A. Nesbitt, LLCN | Organist and Director Queen Street Church. Teacher of Vioice and Piano. STUDIO, 24 Division St. Phone 1167J Term to commence Sept. bth. ec r----- To IRI VICE W. Kent Macnee Bank of Commerce Building, Brock and King Streets. Phone 70 Genoral Insuranee A arog. 18m, dant Bh Rmautomobile, Fire en ckness, Ate Sass, I te. Representing only rellab ay panies. ; Veterinary DR. H. MURPHY, B.V.8e. Veterinary Sur, don Phone 21937 680 Princess Street, Kingston, re ---- Osteopathy "HBALTH WITHOUT DRUGS" is founded on the solentific fact that | the body ls self curative. Ostee- paths adjust the human machine and ®et it in proper running order, withe out using drugs, Twelve years Success in Kingston. NEW ELECTRICAL CABINET DRS. ROBERT ang EDNA ASHCROFT Phone 447. Osteopath 204 King Street, near 5H Ha EE RBS ey Advertise that Spare room for rent there are many desirable roomers to had through Daily Whig want-ads, 7 oni Te FOR SALE Motor Trucks. Automobiles, Motor Boats, Gasoline Engines. Pumps of all descriptions, | Davis Dry Dock Co. East End Wellington Street, "ng Anglo- American Hotel KINGSTON Ophasite G.T.R. Station : Rtirely renovated. American plan $2.50 per day Reg meals 50c. Everything new and. clean. The real spot for Grip Aen. Try it onde and save expenses. AUTOMOBILES i Ask Paliner For Used Cars k McLaughlin Roadster, McLaughiln Pouring. McLaughlin Four, mode! 1933, Chevrolet Touring. Baby Grand Tou ng. Ford Light Track, Our prices will mirprise yo@. OFFICIAL A. L. A. GA GE Corner Bagot ana Queen Streets ~ When you buy a Used the following Itst used only a few me HOME Boyd's Used Car Sale Car you should have absolute confidence in the one who sells it In of Used Cars, some of which Weeks, there may be just the OF GOOD USED CARs, CONFIDENCE," -

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