rorkl | as 2 junior I often retained him as Into first-class condition and wor mt | counsel, His loss will je severely {hard generally. Up to the present felt among the profession, the mem. pme, practises, while they have [bers of which all looked up to him hard enough, have not been up to as their leader. (ihe form of a team to meet such op- "Without doubt Mr. Whiting was one of the greatest lawyers in the dominion of Canada and, had he 80 desired, could have been one of the great provincial leaders." -- Donents as the cadets and the train- ers and coaches of the Limestones {are going to "make them step" dur- ling the coming two weeks. | The final instalment of tne uni- {forms arrived on Friday afternoon, a. . [consisting of the last load of swear. Bees Magistrate's Telus, OUR SPECIAL i jor, whieh are going io Make a a court on Saturday morning, Magis- ' fae wr a haar 5 the a ay at trate Farrell referred to the sudden : fits has not yet been decided but | Passing away of Mr. Whtiing, and Bl Suits Ia hard Td hing th |Pald & warm tribute to the deceased. avy ue Ok means anything then "It was with a distinct shock that all. the boys turning out deserve we learned yesterday afternoon of equipment, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. i > v REAL WORK MONDAY (Continued from Page 1.) . {judgment and ready knowledge. 3 : : | respected the best traditions of the ; In Preparation For Game With . { R. M. C--Queen's Also his desire was to see justice done " | regardless at times perhaps of the! LIMITED | On Monday the Limestones will death Ys a distinctive loss lo athe | , fon an | [start the first night of two weeks of | COMMmunily, the profess KING STON'S FAVORITE SHOPPING PLACE. {thelr game with Roval Miliary Cob| | A Bi Cuntaghon, K.C..oalr 1 lege on September thirtieth. ! . Whit= -- lads es set their hearts on | have been associated with Mr a rth. dolug 'their bas® io sot} was articled to him as a stugent, and --- g re wo » 5 \ You are particularly invited to visit the store this month as ouf - guest, and without feeling obligation in any way to make a purchase. You est creations. It is suggested that you do not limit your visit to this, but that you tour the whole Store, stopping to see such displays as the new Fall Dress Goods, exquisite Linens, Hosiery and Draperies. Such a tour TT -- L LIMESTONES START (FINE TRIBUTES OF LAWYERS ; -- | profession, his word was his rind Start Monday. '| fine technicalities of the law; his! {gruelling practise In preparation Ioe] friends." | - Open Until 9.30 | ing all through my legal career. I Phones 754 755. pe rugby, are goihg into It for all they | THE STORE IS HOLDING OPEN HOUSE will, no doubt, visit the apparel sections in a few days to see fashion's lat- will give you the enjoyment which comes from an association with beautiful LADIES* said Perfect tailoring, fast dye. . For the young man the new 1922 model "THE MECCA" Some with extra Trousers $25.00--$30.00--$35.00 and $37.50 For the older man, model as shown in above cut $30.00 and $35.00 Big Fall Showing of Fancy Tweeds and Worsted Suits--Newest Styles $15.00 up to $35.00 SEE OUR BOYS' SUITS AT $7.50 Boys' Armour Clad Suits--Double Elbows, ~ Seats, Knees, Seams and Pockets. Belt on each Trousers. eo 9 Livingston's 75-79 BROCK STREET If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk I ANDERSON BROS., Limited » * Private Phone 865. Public 458-450. Wholesale 1707. \ We are offering for sale to the Kingston public Il Monday and Tuesday the following goods at popular prices:-- 3,085 lbs. best Ontario Colored Cheese: BEeaia i... 0 vv ver ndlc. Ib, 4,000 Ibs. Victoria Brand Creamery But- - ter at ¢ From the best creamery in Ontario, 922 dozen Eggs--strictly fresh-- Perfection brand--1 dozen, dozen. 3,000 lbs. S sealed cartons, at 35¢. Do not accept if seal is broken. ugar-- standard granulated -- 00s... .........0 vis v2. with | Ib. Hersley Blend Black Tea at "45c. a pound. : Sanborn' Nat is Sry vw ay s--Perfection Blend |. | . .49¢. resh ground daily--Chase and bo TE | TY, FRUITS Tuesday Morning, © 1 Cie sas . Be. per Ib. . tient. 12c per lb. Et rEee ves oneal "sem. During the past two or three prac- | tises four or five of the first to get [uniforms have passed them over to {those less fortunate to give them a chance to get in the formations and {it is expected that the best twelve {of the erowd will be lined up by the time the R.M.C. game comes around, although it will be no easy job. Trainer Blake is sticking to his work and likes the bunch of lads he has to handle. The officers of the club are very pleased with his show- ing and that of the coaches and do not think the Kingston fans will have anything to be ashamed of when they turn out to root for the first team Kingston has had in a quarter of a century. It was learned at Queen's yester- day that George Awrey will be in the city on Monday and that prac- tice: will start that afternoon. A general meeting of all the players will be called for that afternoon at three o'clock and they will get down to business at onze, "Billie" Hughes IS very optimistic and is tickled over the performance of some of the hus- kies, who have kept in condition all summer and only need a few finish- ing touches. A majority of the sen- lor squad is expected in town for the first turnout ang practises will con- tinue from then on, Limestones are working out again Saturday at 4.30. Limestones' new Sweaters arrived today, made of special material and & very striking design. The sweates is made flat-knit; is hard for oppon- ents to get hold of, the color being plain black with two gold stripes around the chest. ee -- - PLANT IS SATISFACTORY. Source of Supply of Watér is Con. taminated, The final stage of the examination of the waterworks to determine the cause of the impure water supply was completed on Friday night when the last inspection of the water. works pipe was made. It was found to be in good condition and a report has been handed to R. F. Elliott, chairman of the Civie Utilities. The whole plant has now been examinaq and nothing has been found wrong with it. gt is, therefore, evident that the source of supply of the lake is cont sideration wil have to be given to the advisability of extending the pipe to a purer water supply. -- AT GRAND OPERA HOUSE, "Green fSokings" Drew n Crowd on Friday Evening. "Green Stockings' Was the attrac- tion for a full house at the Grand Opera House on Friday evening and although, curiously enough, the plot had very little to do with hosiery nt was funny enough to make an owl laugh, The roles were taken with customary fac.lity by the accom- En. lished cast and Zana Vaughn, as a Cinderella daughter, shone like the veritable star that she is. The play 'was wijoved and will be Dresented again at the Opera House this evening. ---- : BACK TO COAL MINING, ---- Robert Baxter, Veteran Leader, at Work in Pie. : Sydney, N.S., Sept. 16.--Robert Baxter, veteran United Mine Work- ers' leader, has gone back to active Work in the mines. He is now on the working force at Caledonia pit, in the Glace Bay sub-district, be- ing employed at shift ; The former president of the Un- ited Mine NF UTIIe Who Wag defeated in the recent dist; : 'Tot be. ively "eo ..16c. per Ib. {J the death of Mr. Whiting," Magistrate Farrell. "He was presid- ent of the local "law association, and was elected by his fellow mem- bers of the bar of Ontario to one of the positions of esteem and honor ia the profession--that of a bencher of the Ontario Law Association. "He was eminently respected and" revered by members of the bar in Kingston," added Magistrate, Far- rell, "not only for his great legal ability, but for his personality. He represented the crown as county crown attorney for many years, and I believe the concensus of opinion would be that while the crown could not have been more ably represent- ed, at the same time one had the feeling that he did not take advan tage of his position to the disadven- tage of the accused. He bhrougint out the facts, always placed the crown's case clearly before the court and was not unduly hard in an a'- tempt to make a conviction. He was fair in everything. He was looked up to and respected by everyons, and has left a distinct tone to the profession of which he was an hon- ored member. I do not think that this call which came so suddenly, could have come at a time to suit him better had he been asked, as the call came while he was still in har- ness. In his passing much sympathy will be extended to Mrs. Whiting in her sad bereavement." "Five Heavens," first a series of wonderful full page paintings in col- ors, by Willy Pogary, in Sunday's Chicago Herald and Examiner, Chi cago's best newspaper. Buy it to- day from your local newsdealer. D. A. McArthur, new professor of history for Queen's, arrived at the college Friday. A 2.qt. aluminum double boiler, for $1.50 at Lemmon & Sons. PRINTERS HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. | dist MILLER--WILTSE--At the Metho 5 Parsonage, Kscott, at nine o'clock Monday, Sept. 11th, 1922, Eva Elleen, daughter of John M. Wiltse, to oward Wesley, son of Mrs. 1. Mil- ler, Mallorytown, a SHAVER---QUIRT-- On August 15t ? 1922, in Montreal, by Rev. Mr. Mc- Intosh, Agnes Mary Quirt, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Quirt, Kingston, Ont, to James Percy Shaver, of Ottawa, Ont. TAYLOR--LAMBERT--In Rome, N. Y. on Sept 14th, 1922, In St. Peter's church, by Rev, Father Hartnett, John Joseph Taylor to Mary Cathe- rine Lambert. both of Kingston, (mtario, DIED. CLARK---In Hote ston, Sept. dress Monday morning at 8.45, to St. Mary's cathedral, where solemn requiem mass will be sung at § o'- clock. Hembe SPENCER---In Toronto, on September 15th, 1922, Ruth Amelia Smyth, be- » Javea wile of J iiliany Spencer, unera rivate rom of her brother-in-law, J. K. Carroll, 278 University Avenue, on Monday morning at 10 o'clock. ¥ on September biting, XC v, afternoon o'clock to Sydenham Street ist church : os : acquain respect. fully inviies to attend. In lovi mem . ang F. Dar i EE PULLOVER SWEATERS $1.35 New Pullover Bweaters knit from fine, Alpaca Wool, in the new style so popular for fall wear. Have long sleeves and V neck, are long-waisted, and have no girdle; they come in a range of wanted sizes and among the newer colors are: Nile, Navy, Black, emon, ite, Marigold SWEATER COATS $2.95 This is just the Coat ono Reeds to slip on under the Fall Coat. Not too heavy, knit from fine, all-wool yarns, in several pretty styles, they come in such pretty shades as: Mauve, Nile, Marigold ' 7" DELTOR MISS GILES, of the Company, of Toronco, days for the purpose of Kingston with the prettiest trimmings to use. LEARN ABOUT THE That is enclosed with every Butterick Pattern Butterick Publishing will be with us for a few of acquainting the women DELTOR that accompan- les every BUTTERICK PATTERN, Ask Miss Giles to tell you about ft, Consult her when picking out your new Fail costume; she will advise YOu as to the best style to get, most suited material to buy, and the She will be at the pattern counter to-night. Ask for her. HEATHER WOOL HOSE In many prett shades, ideal for Fall wear. 90c. to $1.25 Ladies' All Wool' Heather pretty shades suitable for Fall wear, Stockings are made from fine all-wool yarns, closely woven and have reinforced toes and heels. All sizes are in stock, in many pretty shades of heather and plain colors as well, i Stockings BRIGHT COLORS LIGHT, THE WAY FOR FALL BLOUSES $4.95 and up. 'There are many pretty shades being shown in the new Fall Blouses, and nearly all are bright. The prettiest Blouses, fashioned from Crepe de Chene and Georgette Crepe, some with Peplums that fall over the skirt; others with sashes that tie ' in the back, Kldborate broideries and beadings a gest that Madame's Suit will be a costume or sty Separate Skirts Will be the bet. ter half of many autumn outfits, $9.75 and up Fall's the time to wear one of the clever Wool Skirts, With crisp Taflored Blouses they make a very trig cos- tume for business or shop- ping, and especially for oe- casions that ocemr for an early morning appearance, There are many new pat- terns to choose from, and all are of the prettiest color combinations, Look for Our Full Page Advertisement on Page 28. 1 SA 'URDAY BARGAINS |