Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Sep 1922, p. 13

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WHIG THE DAILY BRITISH PF ---------- to Fill Their Wants a OlassiNed-Display A MERCHANDISE . Se Jd Exhibition Visitors Should Read Whig A-B-C Ads. Classified-Display - MERC HANDISE -> BUY A LOAD OR TWO QF WOOD LIGHT, 'DRY WOOD $3.50 per Load' & | James Swift & Co, Limited Foot of Johnson Street Merchandise Articles For Sale 51 MOTOR BOAT-Four cylinders; cover- ed engine; 24 ft long; newly painted and overhauled; a Snap. Apply at Palmer's. Garage, corner Bagot and Queen streets. x uti PIANO--Stanley upt ht, In beautiful mahogany case, full iron frame, 3 pedals, ivory keys, 7 1-8 octave 1s iano is in excellent conditio: and fully Buaranteed, for only $3235. C. . Lindsay, Ltd, 131 Princess Si t. PIANO---Heintzman & Co, Usright Cabinet Grand, mahogany e, 7 1.3 octave. This piano is in firsteclass condition, for only $285. Terms ar- ranged. T. F. Harrison Co. Ltd. RANGE---Happy Thought, and one baby's white crib on wheels. Apply 149 Union Street, RIFLE--.250 Sporting. Roses new; with case; te ephone 1499. ---- ce I] Announcements Personals ° SKIN HS8--Hair, Moles, Warts | Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Sears, Pits, | oto, removed rmanently. Satisface tory G fitted and furnished after othérs have falled. Goltre cured with. out operation. 38 years' experience. | Dr. Hitter J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin. 255 Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1136. Lost and Found KINGSTON, (CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Indexed, standardized and popular. # ized according to "THE BASIL I. SMITH SYSTEM = Ine, Philadelphia, Pa. y 4M ads. are restricted to their r classification, and to the Tegular Daily Whig style of type. | CLASSIFIED RATES © "Dilly rate per line or consecutive i insertions: Tie British Whig What Brings Trains In On Time? 10 Steam and good engines and good engineers. Yes, and something else-- Think of the trains leaving and coming into the great railroad terminals--a train a minute. Think of the num- ber of trains running from eity to city, and town to town in this province. Think of the expresses speeding in all direétions across the country. Then 'you know the all-important "something elce" is system! J And system 3s responsible for the success of the ser- vice that the Whig's Classified Section is giving to the People of this city. ' Instead of trunk lines, branch lines and individual stations, the Classified Section is laid out according to its main Eroups, its classifications, and its indexed in- dividual "ads. . A service that enables you to find what you want-- immediately--MUST be built on an efficient plan. , You can tell the difference! Turn to the Classified Section--to-day and every day! nd, set of Rosary, Apply BEADS--Fou at 317 University Avenue. & long-shaped bar pin, Il diamonds, engraved tween Masoud's and Finder please phone Minimum charge, 25 cents. 5 BROOCH--Los' fa per line. Charge. Caan set th § ra 4 on i Bagot streets. 4: . 440. Reward. Marraiges, charged, BICYCLE---Taken Ih mistake op stolen from €toria Behool, Finder return to) fu iajvere ty Avenue or phone $52w. | eward. DOG TAG--And lock, lost, on Sunday. Finder please return to 365 Earl St. HCHNSE, NO. 180-882--Found, off On- tario 1922 car. Owner may have same by applying to 138 Clergy Street, city. PIN--Found, lady's, on Brock street, Sunday night. Owner apply at Lee's Grocery, Corner Karl and Albert Sts. ordered for more than one aay PIN-Lost, Bt. John's Ambulance Pin, fore expiration wi Wednesday afternoon. Finder please Blopped Defore the number of return to Wiig Oftice. adjust. gga appeared and. ad;u PURSE--Founa, containing a sms oon hl. _-- " t made at the rate earned. hit ace is of Mmouey. Wher may have same by Jet line for white sp proving property at 184 University Business Service Employment Help Wanted--Male 88 Same 88 a line of type Avenue, Painting, Papering, Decorating 26 SHOW CARD WRITING--For us. Make ial rate for yearly advertising PUP--Lost, Boston Bull, male, PAPER HANGING---And Painting done money at home, $15 to $60 pald week- '4pon request. right to edit Any hishors asejve the rig person harboring this Pup after this date, without notifying me, shall be At reasonable prices; all work guaran- teed satisfactory. Rowley. Phone| )y pr Yaur spare time writing show cards for us. No canvassing. We in- or. reject all classified advertising Talep a want ad. rosecuted. Reward on return to Ene 343, ask for "rank B. Fallon, 316 Barrie St. Phone 2 637. 1361w, or call at 138 Bay Street. Struct and supply you 1t k. PAINTING--And Papeshanging; work- | Wegt. Angus Dy 5s, Bach, ork, fra, Index to Classifications AINTL Pp guaranteed; prices right. 8es| Copp, Bld. Y our choice selection of Wall Paper. 8. one : Toronto REPRESENTATIVE WANTED-- Local {Phe.following classifiodtion headings R_ Lyons, 314 Barrie Street. -- Phone PPOATr in this newspaper in the Bums a 358w. . representative to sell in his home ter- order here given, closely allie ritory, dividend paying security. lib. tions being grouped together. gL PRYDE security. L. » Ina ividuel advertisements are aa a mission. Apply by jotior With bi these headings in eferences, oem Oya. an SpaRbatice "order for quick reference. Bldg., Toronto. ANNbUNCEMENTS PB Engagements, on ss aertion, + ih, $1.00. EF inane: And Memoriam s---Charged, $1.50; cash, $1.00, insertion. Advertising ordered for irregular tions takes the vne-time Inser- Fite; no ad. taken for less than f four lines. t six average words to the ed ads. will be received by one and if paid at The Brit- ig office within § days from st day of insertion, cash rate allowed. or sale; 93w or MERCMANDISE 0 Dressing Tables From §0 to 75 per cent. be- low manufacturer's price. He is a chance! » . J. Turk PHONE 08. . : [ ------ ; Antique Furniture Hea $i prient Sela Rosewood Eng- ae SArTY a stock of modern furni. UE SHOP "Phone S048 w. SAFE--Taylor, 38" x 26", in Al condi- 1 ADPPly 244 Princess Street. Phone 2285. . MULLIN & SON--Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. Phone 539w. See display ad. on Page Two. FRONTENAC STREET Near Sglleg fate Institute--37,000, solid brick, 10 rooms, hot water hewiing. all conveni- ces. Apply J. B. Cooke, over Bank of Toronto Butlding. JOHNSON STREET, 258--Frame house, with Satpenter shop and wood-worke ing machinery; also small quantity of lumber. Will sell all together or Separate. Apply at premiges. BTOCK--Feed and implements, to sold as going concern of No. 1 Dairy Farm; close to city limits; market al ready, established for milk at good price. For Jesticulare and price ap- Ply Box A-18, Whig Office. FTE el Rooms For Rent Rooms For Rent 7 COLBORNE STREET, 114 -- Two or three furnished rooms; central loca- tion. Apply 114 Colborne Street. Phone 1295J. JOHNSON STREET, 357--Large, furn- ished rooms at 357 "Johnson street. Special terms to permanent roomers. PLUM STREET, 30 -- Two rooms; modern -oonveniences. phone. Apply 30 Plum street. ROOMS--Furnished, two, central loca- tion for exhibition visitors. Apply Mrs Lake, 34 Quebec. 1506m. UNIVERSITY AVENUE, class rooms and board; ments; centrally located. Rooms Without Board a8 JOHNBON STREET, 406 -- Furnished, hot or cold running water in each room, and every convenience; good lo cality; close to car line. Apply 406 Johnson street. Phone 9977. three PINE STREET, 25 -- Two or rooms, within three blocks of Fair Grounds, suitable for married couples during Fair week. Apply 25 Pine Bt. gn Wanted--Rooms or Board - THE J. X. CARROLL AGENCY, 58 BROCK ST. $5.000--Buys an apartment house of ¢/ | t apartments with two rooms each, fur- nished, with a rent income of $76. per month; alsp 6 roams for the owner's use. Nice lot and barn . $3,200--7 room house, with good lot and SArage. House has 4 bedrooms, 3- fece bath and electric lights. Owner 243 -- First] {J very anxious of selling, as he is all improve. leaving the city. $3,800--6 room brick house, '3 piece bath, elec. lights, h. w. floors down- stairs; hot air furnace; 2 storey veran- dah; garage. Good location. furnished street. o- ROSARY~Found, on Clergy Fe No. C- Owner may have same at toria Terrace, Montreal Street. BCALES--Found, part of welght scales. Owner may have same at Whig Office. en. TEXT K-~Found, on street car, name acBeth." Owner apply to Street Rallway Office. WATCH---Lost, I8dy's gold wrist watch, Monday noon on Frontenac, from Mack and down Princess to Fisher's Drug Street. Phone 856m. Store; valued ag keepsake. Reward. Phone 1513m. or return to Whig. ' Professional Services | 28 bile ARCHITECTS--Power, 'Son and Drever, Automobiles vib Bank Chambers, corner of ce Automobiles For Sale 11 Brock and Wellington. A MOBIL E-Dadite S040: oRertest Chiropra -- Unnang, order. Apply H. B.'Card, 4 MARCELIS--Wm, A., D.C. PhC., core Upper Will'am Street. ner Princess and Barrie Streets' 2nd floor, Barrie St. Kingston, Ont, Consultation Telephone 822J. Hours 11to 6 pm, Chiropractic Pearl A. Nesbitt, LLCN, Organist ana Director Queen Street Church. 9 Teacher of Voice and Plano. STUDY. 24 Division St. Phone 1167J Term to commence Sept. bth. WHEN--At the Kingston Fair be sure | | i call at Carroll's Farm Exchange in | ------""_ _ ain bullding. If you have a Farm to BUSINESS SENVICE 2 sell, or if you are Shinking of buying, st. W. Kent Macnee #¢t our Farm OFFICE PHONE 68. ~ Bank of HOUSE AFTER § P.M. 2260J--2240M. and King Streets pronLding. Brock General Insuran Writing: --A uto 1 dent, 8 ckness, Plate Glass, ete. Representing only reli panies. PAINTING--Paperha ing, Decorating, Glazing, Hardwood oor Finishing, rst class work, reasonable Wallpaper samples. Estimates submitted. A. Mounteer, 208 Alfred a me -- Sus --_-- , Help--Male or Female 33 LEDGER-KEEPER--Ang Sales Clerk, Competent, experienced, with good ref- erences. S Anglin & Co. WHAT---WIIl you be doing at ten o'- clock to-morrow morning or seven. thirty to-morrow venting" Come and See me about a bigger job. Apply Mr. E. W. Mitchell, Royal nk Chambers, corner Bagot and Princess Streets. "Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 35 GREETING CARDS --A big $5 private Christmas Greeting Card, $hm le book free to workers, celebrated, aaxpan sive Royal serfes; secure orders now; deliver later; men and women already making five dollars up daily even in spare time; capital or experiences un- Reveagary. Garretson Company, Brant- ford, Ontario. MAN--<Energetic, reliable, responsible man, Jiefeiably with large acquaint- ance, both business and Social, to han- dle an old established product, in oon-« tinual use by over 50% of the popula- tion. Steady income and good profits. A to both the retail stores and consumer. Address: Mr. West, 16 Pear] Street, Toronto, ks. . Directors. 28¢. Flowers. Lots, Monuments 78 GOOD RESIDENTIAL SECTION -- By September 25th, comfortable room, Without board; good residential dis- trict; central. Phone §25m. QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY BECTION -- One or two rooms and study, conveni- ent to Queen's, with or without table board. Reply with description. Box Z-18, Whig Office. UNIVERSITY SECTION---Bright, warm room, with kitchen privileges or kit- chenette; convenient to University; Le 4 mother and daughter, Reply Box U-14, Whig Office, Real Estate For Rent Ap partments and Flats 74 entrance, free. Jam. and Found AUTOMOBILES #~Automobile Agencies. omobiles Wor Sale. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, FOR BALE-- $2.000--For double frame; electric light, TOURING CARS--1 Gray Dort Touring 28¢ car, in good condition. A bar in for . quick sale. 1 Chevrolet tour ng car, 1 Mclaughlin Special Touring - car. Warren & Williams Garage, 110 Clergy Street. Phone 275. toilet and LUCY--Dr. George F. Dr. Jennie A Lucy, Chirepractic Specialists and Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot Street, be- tween Princess and Brock. Telephone 943w. Hours 9 to 12 a.m. 1 to 6, and 7 t0 9 pm. Spinal Analysis and con- sultation free. Residential calls by appointment. $6.000--Brick, nine rooms; H. W. fleors; electric light eat. ing. i B. and C; hot air h DR. H. MURPHY, B.V.Se Veterinary & on $1:300--Briek; twelve rooms; H. A . Phone 21937. oors; . and C.; hot air; electric 880 Princess St y § light; central. . Street, Kingston, 3 « Automobiles For Sale 11 MeLAUGHLINLight Six, in good run- ning order; very cheap; tires in good shape and one Spare tire, Apply 653 Princess Street. rooms $3,100--Frame Bupgalow, four piped 4nd 3-pilece bath; electric ght; for gas; hardwood floors. AYKROYD--Dr., Dentist, has resumed nee. naoring. '12 loving, Trucking, Storage nting, 7=Printin fessional ceountants. chi Ta vi ring. Decorating. hE br. rvices. Auto Trucks For Sale Parts 18 of Bicycle Tires -- ky! $1.00, at Muller's FActice at 92 Princess Street, oeyr Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone 1602J. BPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentists, "1859 Nellington street, corner of broek.) Phone 346. NURSERY STOCK --An agency for a reliable nursery firm is profitable. You 'can gell in country, town or ETow and sell the Best onl reliable, ener Cc sented terr'tories. nts r+ APARTMENTS Heated, hardwood floors, gas and electricity, convenient to oollege and car line; west end. Ap~ ply to 5 Couper street, or phone 18657. three or four rooms SEVERAL FARMS-%or sale. $4,200--Brick Veneer Front, 7 rooms, Shimer jschen and i DioAnd S& electr ght and gas; semi-detached; central | Osteopathy [ "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS" | 5, ch * n Bloyels Work 5 1-3 Lor 1 King". "Strest. APARTMENT Of ham Nursery Co. Toronto. Financial Opportunities irop: 0. EH he Snisorains Physicians, in| 3 Tah ring And Pressin orin, n ressing. i Wanted 8, #iness Service, EMPLOYMENT 33-Jelp Wanted--Female. $3-Help Wanted Mate. 24Help--Mali sors, Agents. S-Bollcitors, Teachers Wanted. 3 tuations Wented-Fomale. 37~Situations Wantéd--Male. rasan, Busine Ef ocks, Bonds. oney to 4 anted---To - APP-Dr. A. B, Dentist. Office: 5s Phone 1961w. néess Street. Phone 652w. uted LEI 0) Legal Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxi 14 bo 28e. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristérs fd Bolleitors, 79 Clarence Street, ingston, 'A. B. Cunningham, K.C.; ril M. Smith. SHEA Ambrose, BA, Barrister and Sollettor. Law 'office, corner of Ring and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money to loan. Phone 1999, Medical 281. ROBINSON--C, RK. M.D, 365 Barrie Bt. Hours 10.30-12 am.; 2-4 pm.; 7-880 p.m. Phone 1648. Repairing 20 FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinds, Call and see W. Driscoll, 23 John street. Phone 296). UPHOLSTERING -- Covering buttons Ae to onder An ah Jobuas Sha 8 and sizes. stering and repairing eB. J. Goodriaen. 244 University Venue, hone 1833). UPHOLSTERING--Néw or used furni- ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a card. W. J Gavine, 216 Bagot street. UPHOLSTERING---And general repalr- ng. Leave orders at or drop a card to F. W, Harold, 104 Clergy Street. Wanted--Business Service a3 CONTRACTOR -- Reliable, want to cut from 100 to 500 cords body #3.000--Frame dwelling semi-detached; north end; 7 rooms; B. and C.; elec- tric Hghts: h. w. floors; lot $3x108: €lose to street cars. A snap to quick buyer. 1 for light housekeeping: electric light, 48, hot water heating. Apply 313 /niversity' Avenue or phome s62w. APARTMENT -- Furnished, of thres rooms for light housekeeping. on bathroom RNoor, gag for cooking, elee- tric lights, In Sood locality. Apply ce. Twelve years success in Kihgstof: NEw BLECTRICAL CABINET. + DRA. ROBERT ang EDNA CR! Box K-18, Whig O 159 Wellington Street Phone 347. rT Osteopathy, Eres =x 204 King Street, near Ear] Bt. DIVISION BT. $8--Lower floor and HOTELS § part of second floor; with all convénj- y ences; central location, Apply 98 Di- Re aS vision Street. : -- Business Places For Rent 75 Densmer c House LODGE ROOMS--Rooms on ing Na Large, comfortable rooms, der, X 60, SSA. = =x anarmerly occupled by the Apply to Cunningham and Smith. ' All conveniences. First class meals. Money to Loan 40 x LIT Special attention to transients. FRONTENAC--Loah and Investmen ' Houses For Rent 77 incorporated 1861. Pr t BEVERLY ST, 91-- Furnished, seven Phone 791m, 72-74 Sydenham St. w, MRS. E. P. DENISON. 38 BATH STAGE Dail Service, Kingst ~Bath. Leaves Bath § am, standard BATEMANS REAL ESTATE time. Leaves Kingston 3 p.m. stan aard time. From raiontreal Street, rear of King Edward Theatre. sengers and freight at reasonal le rates. Henry Calver, Proprietor. Repairing--Service Stations 16 BILE PAINTING--And finish. TRA Ee: 5 sho, gusn 8 a rear i » tore, or Fy At ffi Abernethy 8 Shoe ins Services Olen ness Serv CARPENTERING--Ang cement work by contract.er day. First-class work &t reasonable prices. F. Ww. Smith, 37 York Street. CARPENTE! G--James Selby, con factor, 5 ann Averiue, Phone PIANO TUNING . GROCERY BUSINESS -- With stock and fixtures, In good location, also horse and livery waggon. Apply 246 Wellington street. HARDWARE STORE--AnA tinshop, In \ Advertise that spare m small country village; doing od here man as o Fopmach oF business. Good reasons for sel ing. hi Datly Bie pomers b y fit--Usg For FHCpiM address H. L. Schnej- © wy § Sa aa Read for Proe A rrow, te I nucTIo [ron rrespondence ¢ uetion Clases usical, cing, mate, te Ins ted Society, WPF Nickle, K.C.; vice-pres dent, A. B, Cunningham. oney Issued on city bms; convenient to Queen's Univer- and farm properties; municipal and sity: all modern improvements; im- county debentures; ages pur<i mediate possession. Terms reason- n or sale; de-| able Apply 91 Beverly Street west. and' Phone 1855m. Chased; } Al nterest allowed . C. CATtWHEhY, manager, 37 Clarence CHATHAM ST.--Comfortable, gix room. ed brick house, yard, tollet. Poases- Street, Kingston. tions. Instruction , sion' October Ist' Rent $16, {néludes water, by letter to J. F. Clow, - Ce Sa yi Bath Rog Bost Once & Da t s Dry Doc sical, D tic a4 th Road Post ce, Clty. ; € on Streét. tee i, HOUBE--Furnisheq, modern conveni- - oy Te a 15 he hed ATA Anglo- ences, near. University, for winter Pare for examinations. 447 Alfreq St. Ameri months. Apply Box V-18, Whig Office. - ~{ HOUSE--Furnish d, for wint nt PIANO Karrinne A. Madden. lsacher esirable locality © wu Tonths 0 udlo: 50 Earl Street. Phone 1838. Johnson, AT.CM Hotel GSTO! tire! In very desirable locality; all modefn conveniences; Joasession at once. Ap- and maple wood, 4 feet long, at $150 5 Petusard [for September and October| VIOLIN -- Dui M., tescher of Violin and Piané. Studio: al 307 Col JS wood Street, near Johnson, KIN N Opposite G.T.R. Station AmeBtr pra t4d. da. r Ri lar meals doo. y Ply Box C-19, LIVINGSTON AVE --Six-rodbmed frame ow Lar, and good cam in Does: App. nd Bron. Mow. cow, Ont. Phone 2329w. rpm : fn rt 50 egal Everything new and clean. house, newly decorated, electric 1 modern improvements; good outbufld- SINGING A d, ciate of he real spot for Grip Men. TY it once and save expenses, 4 4 i ruction, 4 Instruction. 4 47 Catniperse fo Cattle, Impléments. ry and Bupplies, ted--Live Stock. gi aEACHANDISE I==Articles For Sale. Barter and a ianas. or 3 and Office uipmént. ings and ullding Materials. D ucts, and Play- 0 Tuning Repatrin 5 I ghee Mpg WR Bieot gine Fi st. HRMSTITCHIN - Mrs. EA 112 Lower} orders for remodeling. ngines. AskF almer : | For Used Cars 1922. ings and yard. Moderate rent. Posgep- sion at once. Apply 248 Colborne ot hone 2046w. RIDRAU ST. 63--S8tone house, furnace, three-piece bath, fir easily heated, gas. Apply 38 Street. Wanted--To Rent 81 APARTMENT For universit term, three rooms, fully furnished ht popaskeeping. Pp bly south o Fiinsesy treet. Apply Box B-19, Whig § rooms, | aces, ideau Our prices will surpriss you. OFFICIAL A. L A. 2 Corner Bag & - ueen Streets AUTOMOBILES 5 . - Used Car Sale When you buy a Used Car you should have absolute confidence in the one wha sells it. Ravi the If 8 Tov woe ary seme ot wi i wi ; O84 You Rave is mind. To" (here mAY be Ju 4 Chevrolets, Model 490, 1 Ford Light Truck. nce, one experienced in R---At 0 : & cash register, immediate ld ly the most reliable Dilated, Strange & Biteet, opposite: Boss Batis FARM--With Stock and machinery 1o Bet SiteremosaTt sues Cp furan Babooek Tichborne urs APPIY 1 HOUSE 'urnished or locati t id t sation rent ana ol anee, Street. TR Bod Torn 2 Ea Woot Sa Bian. Rothocs 178200, Month. House. ent; state number, n ri

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