Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Sep 1922, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 19um. Editor of Woman's Page, Tele. © plamc 248. Private phone 857w. % * . 0 . Miss Patricia Forster, formerly of n, represented the Brantford at the conference of the rio Press Women held at the Edward Hotel on Friday and Satu of last week, and was one Of the delegates to be entertained at 0) nt House by his honor, 'he Lieut.-Governor and Mrs. Cockshut, 18 conference was called together y the Toronto Women's Press Club f which Miss G. C, M. White, form- _ otly of the Kingston British Whig is Bt vice-president, The mee'ings in the Yellow Room of the King E@ward were full of interesting dis- cussion on journalism in its various aspects and many bright papers were read by Ontarto's women journalists, Miss Forster while in Toron'o, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. A, Jor- dan, formerly of Kingston. . * . Behind the Scenes in a model cleaning and dyeing plant EW ple realize the skill and science in- 2 oved ir ihe expert leaning an yeing as i by the old establishe "ed of Parker's. Behind our remarkable success is the most mod- ernl ui lant eon the Yoo { skilled workers ) every phase of ; These facts combined with prompt fulfiliment of or= uarantee patrons ; compigte satisfaction in : any cleaning or dyeing to us. Our Mall Order System _ brings this ex service is your door wherever you ©. PARKER'S DYE WORKS, Li 90 Princess Street Kingston An Unfalling Way To Banish Hairs | (Beauty Notes) Ugly hairy growths can be removed #8 the privacy of your own home it u get a small original package of b atone and mix into a paste en- ough of the powder and water to er the hairy surface. This should ft on the skin about 2 minutes, removed and the skin washed d évery trace of hair will have van- ed. No harm or inconvenience ean result from this treatment, but 'be sure you buy real delatone. A ip Stl L Lite's Social Side a the September sunshine at Bob's Lake. They wert, Prof. Keith Hicks, Dr. James Miller, Prof. MacClems ent, Grant Macdonald and Lionel Seccombe. i * - . Mrs. J. R. Henderson and Mrs, S. P. Smeeton, who have spent a week at the "Y," Johnson street, returnad to O%tawa on Monday. Prof. and Mrs, G. B. Reed, Albert street, have returned from St. An- drew's<by-the-Sea. Miss Lian Mowat, Johnson street, left on Monday for Hamilton *o at- tend an executive meeting of the Im- perial Order of the Daughters of the Empire, Prof, and Mrs. A. B. Klugh, Bagot street, re'urned from St. Andrew's- by-the-Sea on Friday. Mrs. G. A, Aylesworth and Mrs. W. W. Adams, Newburgh, are at the Y.W.C.A,, Johneon street. * . - Miss Edith Carruthers, *"Annan- dale," is giving a small bridge this afterfioon for Miss Gwendoline Wad- dell, Thursday's bride. \ * 2 eo = Miss Laura Kilborn, King street, entertained at bridge on Monday for Miss Gwendoline Waddell, when 4hree tables were in play and Miss Nora Macnee was the winner of the' pretty prize. Asters in quantities decked the drawing room and pink and mauve blooms centred the tea table, presided over by Miss Grace McCrea. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Smith, who have been visiting Mrs. C. Walker, Alma street, have returned to Ro- chester, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. D., E. Seese and Miss Yeula Douglas, Calgary, were out-of-town guests at the Suddaby- Cannon wedding on Monday. * . * Allen Walker, New York city, is spending his holidays with his moth- er, Mrs. C. Walker, Alma street. Prof. Brovedani, who spent the Summer in Spaiw, bas returned to Queen's Ylversuy, 3 Mrs. Keith icks, Kensington avenue, has returned from Toronto. Miss Olga Bell, Ottawa, 'will be the guest of Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming for the Cargill-Waddell wedding on Thursday. * -. * Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jinks and thelr family, King street, who spent the past week in Ottawa, have re- jJurned to the city. Col. and Mrs. Kenneth Perry, who who returned from the old country, spent a couple of days in Ottawa with Mrs. Perry's mother, Mrs. Den: nis Murphy. Col. and Mrs. Perry then came to their home in: King- ston, accompanied by their cnild, who, remained with Mrs. Murphy during their absence. - Mre. D. P. Hamilton, Athens, was in town for the Suddaby-Cannon wedding . The Dean of Ontario left for To- ronto to-day. Miss Frances and Miss Betty Cart- wright, who spent the week-end with their aunts, the Misses Cart- wright, "The Maples," have retarn- ed to Toronto. * Ld . Mrs. James T. Sutherland and Miss Ethel Mary Sutherland, Clergy street, left for New York to-day. Mrs. Ernest Scolt and Miss Nonie Scott, who spont the eummer in town, have returned to New Yors. Mr. and Mrs. M. Avery and Mrs. Mallett, were 'In town from Sherbot Lake for the Suddaby-Can- non wedding. Dr. McArthur has arttred from Londoz, Ont. Miss Conacher, Ireland, fs with Prof. and Mrs. Conycher, Pembroke street. Reginald Dew and Jemos Suther- land, who have boon with Mr. aud Mrs. James T. Sutherland, street, returned to Detroit, to-day. EE ------------------------ ~ Dost men are often moulded out Clergy ol faults. Answered Letters, A. 8.: "How can one stiffen a cro- cheted basket?" ig Answer: Use white of egs. Mrs. E, Miss W, L. L. J. (and many other women who have written on this subject): "How can I rid my home of both red and black ants?" Answers: --I am glad to tell you that I have just had a letter from a Column Reader who has found a sue- cessful way of exterminating these pesis. "I make a strong solution of lysol," she Writes, "and paint the win- dow sills with this, once a week, us- ing a brush to apply it to avoid burn- ing the hands. I let it dry on the sills, and I also put a few drops of Iysol into a pail of weter whenever I do any cleaning about the house. It Pays, 100, tgéspray the foundations of the hquse with this strong lysol solu- tion, Bince doing this I have not been bothered with any crawling in- sects." A, F.:--*"What dressing is used on a 6plit banana salad?" Answer:--A Frult Dressing, If you have not such a recipe, send me a stamped, self-addressed envelope and I will send my full page set of eight éalad-dressing recipes, M. B. J.:--""In answer to a letter from 'Mrs, T.' which was recently published in your columns, I wish to say that I have not the Rose Bead directions but I have directions for the following: Salt Beads:--One tablespoon of earch one and one-half tablespoons of salt, and four tablespoons of water; boil these three ingredients until stiff, then take a tablespoon of the mixture roll out in a ttle salt cut even stripes with a knife or a large needle, form into heads, and string. Different colors may be obtained by using a few drops of cake or fruit coloring. Will you kindly print recipes for Floating Island and Food for the Gods Dessert?" nn DYE SILK STOCKINGS BLOUSE OR SWEATER IN DIAMOND DYES "Diamond Byes" add years of wear to worn, faded skirts, waists, eoats, stockings, sweaters, coverings, hang- ings, draperies, everything. Every package contains directions so simple any woman can put new, rich, fade- less colors intp her worn garments or draperies even if she has never dyed before. Just buy Diamond Dyes-- no other kind--then your material will come out right, because Diamond Dyes are guaranteed not-to streak, spot, fade or run. Tell your drug- gist whether the material you wish to dye 18 wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton or mixed goods. I A ny Seman | What the Bator Hers | That the Kingston Humane Society will have an interesting collection of cutios in their tent on the Fair Grounds, That the people who have contend- ed that the intake pipe of the water: works system should run out farther, are saying "I told you so." That tho gardens 'surrounding the cottages at Loughboro Lake are a blaze of color just now, asters, salvia and 84y potunias making a splendid OW. The tho vogue for gay colors as trimming on dark frooks Persian embroidery and touches of bonfire ted and Jade green being seen on That for some reason, the early --Answer:._ Thank you for 'he Salt end directions. Here le the first re- ¢ipe you ask for. I am sorry to say I am not familiar with the second; Floating Islands: --Mix together, In a bowl, two egg-yolks, three table spoons of flour, one-half cup of grenulated sugar and a pinch of sali; add four cups of hot, scalded milk slowly, mixing well as you add, then turn the mixture into the top of a double boiler and cook until it coats a epoon, stirring cons wy. Remove from fire at once, turn into a bowl, cool, then add one-half teaspoon of vanilla, Pour into a large fancy des- sert dish and drop upon it spoonfuls of fluff made by beating the two egg- whites very stiff with one-half table- spoon of powdered sugar. (If the dessert is to stand any length of time before being served, it is better to drop the tabléspoons of egg-white and sugar Into boiling water, to poach them, so that they will hold their shape when lifted out of the boiling water and gently placed on the cold Gessert.) Anewer to Mrs. W. M.: Send me a stamped, self-addressed envelope for my 'wo page multigraphed set of re- cipes and suggestions for "The Car- ried Lunch." I will be glad to send this to any other women, who have a lunch to put up for a man or wo- man worker. upon receipt of the stamped envelope. Tomorrow--A. Guest Dinner Left Overs. linsslosions, from epring perhaps, fibwers are bloom- ing for a second time this year A Plum {reo in a Union sireet garden || bas' blossomed this month, a snow- ball bush in the "White House" gar- Colin's Bay, has blos- Bower Clematis usual- is now in full bloom street, and a polygala cap, & May flower, "The Maples" re- All inquiries wddressed to Misy Kirkman in ¢are of the "Efficient Housekeeping" department will be answered in thése columns in thel: 'urn. Thls requires considerable time, however, owing to the great umber received. So # & personal or quicker reply is desired, a stamped and self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with the question--The editor, their Hves learn even how to ride side-saddle properly. "Many people--but they are most- ly men, I notice---argue that the side- saddle is safer, that it is more grace- ful, and that a woman has a wonder- ful grip of the pommels. This is Quite true, and a really good side saddle rider rarely comes off either when jumping or from a very restive horse, "But it takes as much learning and experience to ride side-saddle as to ride cross-saddle. "To ride weil either wiy means years of toil and practice, with the best teaching you can get. There is always something to be learned, however good you may think your- self, "It a woman wants to ride well, then I think astride is best, both for the horse and for herself. Side- saddles are more lable to give horses sore backs, especially when hunting, when the rider gets tired and shifts in the saddle." To-morrow's HOROSCOPE By Genevieve Kamble WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 20, This may be read as a doubtful and unsettled day, according to the conflict of the lunar transits. While there ig the possibility of new plans being favorably conceived, witn a certain amount of success in getting them under way, yet with Uranian influence ill-dsposed, there may be tunlooked-for obstructions and other untoward events. The sway Is er- ratic and fcomoelated. It might be hazardous to make important moves of any nature. Better conditions tain in the family cirele. > Those whose Mirthday it is are urged to be conservative in import. NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS Every drop a: nourishment g KR RED WY 2) any PACTY isFry a SONS; sighed the woman, adding to the chauffeur: "James, drive the car slowly and turn on the big lamps." TT --t--y Whenever an old maid hears of another one getting married she never fails to remark, 'Well. 1f that thing can get a man, there is hope for me." . Solomon sald he that findeth a wife findeth a. good thing, but you will notice ha did not say a word about the luck of the lady In the case, AL TT TT, fat pork. little white bean, with tender, juicy Cooked with scientific precision. » Every bean perfect. Rich--Nourishing--Appetizing. - . Chili cr Tomato Sauce--five sizes all gricers--try them today. i Byram Sy SN NY BS ( D*® Andrew Wilson, the eminent British authority, once said of the cocoa bean--*It is a kind of vegetable egg which contains all that is needed to build up a living body.'" - Tea and coff are mere infusions--but cocoa is an actual food in itself. Business men should remember that. Cocoa, made the FRY way, from the . world's choicest beans, is pure, extremely soluble and of most delicious flavour. Nearly two hundred years' knowledge of the cocoa business stands back of FRY'S. Of course, remember "Nothing will do but FRY'S" top Falling Hair Sauge----Dandrufr, Avoid premature baldness S the use Dane alling and restores its natural health MAHOOD DRUG CO.--M. R. McCOLL. Jd \ : All the nourishment of the dainty ~ : Keep a shelf of ' » . anned Producing: >.

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