THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. 15 Ads. Printed Here 'Opportunity's Greatest Field Is Recognized To Be The Index to Classifications The following classification headings Ppear in this newspaper in the numer- order here given, closely allled fications being grouped together. The individual advertisements are : ed under these headings In jphabetical order for quick reference. ANNOUNCEMENTS ts. Lots, Monuments. otices, Events. and Found AUTOMOBILES Automobile Agencies. ----Automobiles For Bale. 2--Auto Trucks For Sale. 7 Alito Accessories--Tires--PpParts. j--Garages---Autos for Hire--Taxl $--Motorcycles_and Bieycles. j--Repairing--Service Stations. --Wanted--Automoblles. BUSINESS SERVICE. ting. Roofing. Storage Decorating. tects. y Physicians. Pressing. , Bervice. it EMPLOYMENT 32---Hélp Wanted--Female. 33--Help Wanted--Male, g4--Help--Male or Female. $5--Solicitors, vassers, Agents, 86a--Teachers Wanted. 36--S8ituations Wi Female. 87--Situations Wanted--Male. FINANCJAL 38--Business Opportunities, 89--Investments, Stocks, Bonds. 40---Money to Loan. 41---Wanted--To Borrow. INSTRUCTION 42---Correspondence Courses. Local Instruction Classes. Musical, Dancing, Dramatic. Private Instruction. 46--Wanted--Instruction. 47--Dogs, Cats, Pets. 48--Horses, Cattle, Implements. 49--Poultry and Supplies. 50--Wanted--Llve Stock. Materials. Flowers, ' ROOMS FOR NT 7--Rooms With Board. $8--Rooms Without Board. 9---Roomg For Housekeeping. 0---Vacation Places. 1--~Where To t. 2--Where Shop In Town. 3--Wanted--Rooms or Board. he, British hig CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. indexed, standardized and popular ized dccording to THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM Inc, Philadelphia, Pa. All ads. are restricted to their proper classification, and to the regular Daily Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Dally rate per line or consecutive insertions: Minimum charge, 25 cents. Daily rates per line. Charge. Cash 6 days song 4 3 3 days 1 day Births, Engagements, Deaths--One pterion, 1.50; cash, $1.00, aad of Thanks and Memoriam Notlces--Charged, $1.50; cash, §1.00, each insertion. Advertising ordered for {rregular insertions takes the one-time Inser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. Count six average words to the line. Charged ads, will be received by telephone and if paid at The Brit- ish Whig office within 6 days from the first day of insertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for mere than one day and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjust- ment made at the rate earned. Rate per line for white space is the same as a line of type Special rate for yearly advertising upon request. Publishers reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising Marraiges, charged, copy. Telephone 243, ask for a want ad. taker. HEMSTITCHING--Picot Edging Pleat- ? That's rare, these days. ing service--when you turn t C Classified Section. for thrift and satisfaction. Service-- Without A Service Charge! But that's what you get---real time and money-sav- And the only thing it costs you is the few minutes' time it takes each day to look over these opportunities If someone told you where you could find exactly the sort of place you want to live, or where you could buy some housefurnishings you need at a big saving, or where you could get the most reliable and economic business service of any kind--you'd call that service. And when the A-B-C Ads tell you these things, and scores of others that you want to know all the time, that's service--and then some! If You Know What You Want-- »Then You Know Wherq It Is-- When You Turn To The A-B-C- Classified Ads. o the little ads. in the A-B- Business Service "3 = Dressmaking--Millinery 21 ing. Mrs, E. A. Card, 116 Johnson St. Announcements Personals KIN BLEMISHES---Hair, Moles, Warts oars, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, etc, removed permanently. Satisfac- tory Glasses fitted and furnished after others have failed. Goltre cured with. out operation. 88 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin. 268 Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1136J. Lost and Found CLE---Taken in mistake or stolen Be Victoria School. Finder return to 313 University Avenue or phone 852w. Reward. . FUR--Lost, Isobel Fox, on Saturday last, in Woolworth"s store, or going from there to King Edward Cafe, King Street. Finder notify Mrs. J. A. Sharp, Inverary, Ont. Liberal reward. LICENSE, NO. 180-582--Found, off On~ tario 1923 car. Owner may have same by applying to 135 Clergy Street, city: 10 MONEY--Found, a sum of money. May be had at the police station upon proving ownership. PURSE--Found, containin of money. Owner may proving property at Avenue. ROSARY--Found, on Clergy street. Owner may have same at No. 6 Vie- toria Terrace, Montreal Street. a small sym ave same by 184 University SCALES--Found, part of weight scales, Owner may have same at Whig Office. SPECTACLES Found, on Willlam St. Owner may have same at Whig Of- fice. TEXT BOOK---TFound, on strest car, name "MacBeth. Owner apply 'to Street Rallway Office. b Automobiles HATS--Mrs. McLaughlin, INSURANCE--Only the most Strange &| - GIRLS--Must be over 16 years of age. FIRE---~Automobile and Casualty Insur- E. WILLIAMS--2 Couper Street--8ick- 112 Lower William Street, will take orders for making trimming and remodeling. Hours 9 to 6. 23 reliable Insurance companies represented. Strange, established In 1860. Office: 95 Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. Mrs, H. 8. Crumley, 420 Earl ance, Phone 1783M. Btreet. COOK--Experienced, permanently, COOK--General, married woman COOOK-GENERAL~--Private home; HOUSEKEEPER--For Employment or by the day. Apply with references, to Mrs. Perry, R.M.C. pre- ferred; family of five. Apply, stating salary to Box X-16, Whig Office. no laundry or upstairs work; references required; 'wages $30 per month. Ap- ply 'Box 11-J, Whig Oftice. Apply Dominion Textile Co. Limited, city. small family, middle-aged woman preférred, good home. Apply, stating particulars and wages expected, to Box W-16, Whig. ness and Accidents, Our policy pro~ tects your income. To delay is danger- ous. Phone or enquire for informa- tion. Fire and Automobile Insurance at low rates. KITCHEN HELPER---For Royal Mili- tary College, to commence work 1st October. Wages $25.00 per month, with meals. Apply, with references, to Quartermaster, R.M.C, STORAGE--For furniture, clean, dry, : 306 Queen St. STORAGE--For furniture, PAPER HANGING--And Painting done at reasonable prices; all work guaran- PAINTING--AnNd Rapeshanging; work- manship gudranteed; PAINTING--Papérhanging, Glazing, Hardwood ji rs Moving, Trucking, Storage 25 airy rooms and spaces; your own lock MADIES--Have employment for three ladies of good personality; over 25 years of age. Iixperience not neces- sary. Apply Mr, Mitchell, Royal Bank Chambers (top floor), Princess and Bagot streets. » and key. Frost's City Storage, 299. Phone 526. Res. 939w. light, dry and airy. Apply Mrs. W. G. Alnslie, 366 Johnson street. Painting, Papering, Decorating 26 MAIDS--For MAID--Experienced, for general house~ work; must be good, plain cook; small family; no children; no washing or ironing. Phone 681. laundry world Apply Kingston General Hospital teed satisfactory, Rowley. Phone MAID--For general housework. Apply to Mrs. Day, y, No. 2 Btaff Quarters, Royal Military Coll ege. Phone 1148. 1861w, or call at 138 Bay Street. WOMAN--For kitchen work, Apply 44 Frontenac street. rices right. See ¥ wah Paper. 8. our choice selection o hone Lyons, 314 Barrie Street. 368w. WAITRESS--First tion. Apply Box G-N, Whig Office, ass, steady posi- Help Wanted----Male 38 corating, nishing, class wo! reasonable . Wallpaper samples. Estimat tted. Mounteer, 208 Alfr Street. Phone 856m. Professional Services 28 r SHOW CARD WRITING--For us. Make money at home, $16 to $60 paid week- ly for your spare time writing show oards for us. No canvassing. e in- struct and supply you with ork. West-Angus Show Card Service, 17 Colborne Bld., Toronto. --____ Rooms For Rent Merchandise Classified-Display Classified-Display Articles For Sale BRICK--Quantity of hard and soft. Ap-| pu E. E. Wathen, 143 Nelson street | hone 618 or phone 1391J. BICYCLE--Iver Johnson Truss-Bridge with Corbin Duplex Two Speed Coaster Brake and electric lamp; mew Dunlop! Cord Tires and Rims. A real bargain] for a quick buyer. Owner leaving city. Apply 93 Centre Street, city. CARRIAGE---Baby's White Wicker, in| excellent condition. Apply 308 John-| son street. COMPUTING SCALE-- Dayton, second- hand; 80 1b, capacity; slightly used. Price reasonable. 118 Colborne Street, Kingston. FURNITURE -- We have for sale all kinds of good, 'second-hand furniture and stoves. Any person having stoves | and furniture to dispose of, we will} pay highest prices. J. Thompson, 333] Princess Street. Phone 1600w HAT RACK---And table, black walnut, study tables, 2 bedroom sets, couch, Happy Thought range, chima, carpets, garden tools, sewing and knitting mea- chines. Apply 211 Nelson Street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE -- Private sale, between 2 and 5 p.m., also 7 and 9, evenings, at 92 Upper Willlam St. HAT TRIMMING-- Pictures, baskets and wearing things, a 26c. sale. Also one ladies' adjustable form, one coal oil heater. Apply 386 Earl Street, this evening, and all day Saturday. MATTRESSES--For sale, or made to} 51. your order, any size, any quantity, lowest factory prices. Also renvoat- ing. Frontenac Mattress Company, 377 King street. Phone 1961J MOTOR---Electric Victrola Motor, new. Algo Stainer Violin. Apply A. Bird, 488 Johnson street. MOTOR LAUNCH---28§ ft. long, 4 ft. 6 In. beam, equipment 3 cylMnder 9-12 h.p. St. Lawrence engine, clutch, cushions, life preservers, running lights and other accessories. Speed 14 miles per hour. Apply 110 Clergy Street E. Phone 275. MOTOR BOAT--Four cylinders; cover- ed engine; 24 ft. long; newly painted and overhauled; a snap. Apply at Palmer's Garage, corner Bagot and Queen streets. v PIANO--Stanley Upright, in beautiful mahogany case, full fron frame, § pedals, ivory keys, 7 1-3 oétave. This plano is in excellent condition, and fully .guaranteed, for only $325. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. 121 Princess Street. RIFLE--.280 Sporting Ross for sale; Rew: with case; teiephone 1793w or SUIT--Lady's smart winter suit, dark green broadcloth, fur-trimmed, size 36; too small for owner; in splendid condition. Apply phone 696 WAGGON---White, formerly used on Ice Cream route, exceptionally large. Ap- Ply 265 Johhson street, 67 JOHNSON STREET, 357--Large,, furn- ished rooms at 357 Johnson street. Special terms to permanent roomers. ROOMS--Furnished, two, central loca- tion for exhibition visitors. Apply Mrs Lake, 34 Quebec. 1506m. ROOMS --Several, in good localities, at reasonable rates. Apply H. B. Wilson, Real Estate, Uptown Post Office. UNIVERSITY AVENUE 243 -- First class rooms and board: all improve- ments; centrally located. Rooms For Rent TAILORS---Two, first class. Apply C. Rooms Without Board [1] JOHNSON STREBT, 406)-- Furnished, hot or cold running water in each room, and every convenlence; good lo- cality; close to car line. Apply 408 MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE BUY A LOAD OR TWO OF WOOD LIGHT, DRY WOOD $3.50 per Load. James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street Real Estate For Sale' Houses For Sale - 84 E. W. MULLIN & SON~-Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. - Phone 53%w. See display ad. on Page Two. HOUSE--Brick, detached, summer kits chen, verandah, electric light, gas, a hast: all conveniences, west W price. Quick possession. A ply Box J-22, Whig. » " FRONTENAC STREET-- Near Colleg« late Institute--3$7,000, solid brick, % rooms, hot water heating, ences. Apply J. B. Coole of Toronto Bullding. MERCHANDISE Real Estate For Rent Wanted--To Rent 81 APARTMENT For universit term, three rooms, fully furnished for light housekeeping: preferably south of Princess Street. Apply Box B-19, Whig fice. FARM--With Stock and machinery to rent or work on shares; can furnish best references if required. Apply Earl Babcock, Tichborne, Ont. HOUSE---Furnished or apartment; state location, rent and telephone number. Box D-19, Whig Oftice. Real Estate For Sale arms and Land For Sale 83 all convenls , over Bank 40 ACRES-Farm, four miles from Kingston, on Sydenham Road. Machin- ery and stock. Land suitable for gard- ening. Apply Geo. L. Hillier, R. R. 1, Cataraqui, Ont. 46 ACRES--Farm, sixteen miles west of Kingston, on public highway, 45 acres more or less; machinery and stock; 100 acres frontage on highway. Rea- sons for selling: owner ill-health. Al- so horses and waggons and highway outfit for building roads. Apply J. B. Shea, R1, Odessa. 100 ACRES--Farm, well watered and wooded. Good land. Apply Mrs. A. Freeman, Perth Road P. O. 180 ACRES--Farm, three miles west of city on provincial highway; solid brick house; hot air furnace; good wa- ter; 75 acres tillable, balance pasture. For particulars, apply to M. Polk, R. 3, Kingston. Phone 1300 r 1-3. Houses For Sale Dressing Tables From 50 to 75 per cent. be- low manufacturer's price. Here is a chance! J. Turk PHONE 706, Antique Furniture One Upright - 1H ¢ Joris! Solid Rosewood Eng: td carry a stock of modern furni- . JESSES ANTIQUE SHOP 507 Princess Btreet. 'Phone 1045w. 84 BUSINESS SERVICE W. Kent Macnee | Bank of Commerce Buildin , Brock and King Streets. Phone 701 or 36m. General Insurance Agnecy. Writing:--~Automobile, - Fire, Accls dent, Sickness, Plate Glass, Burglary etc. Representing only rellable,com- panies. HOUSE--Brick, detached, summer kit- chen, verandah, electric light, gas, furnace; all conveniences; west end; low price; quick ossession. Apply Box J-22, Whig Office. > BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE. | FARMS FOR SALE: near lake; $6,600--125 acres, 10 miles from Kingston. | $4,700--100 acres; 7 miles from King- ston, - Veterinary DR. H. MURPHY, B.V.Se. Veterinary Burgeo Phone 21930 n, 680 Princess Street, Kingstont HOUSES: $3,600--Brick, veneer, 7 bath and lights. $4,000--Semi-detached brick rooms, 3 plece $6,500--Brick; all improvements. $2,000--4 roomed Bungalow; ments. improve- Osteopathy "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS" is founded on the scientific fact that | the body is self curative. Osteo= paths adjust the human mechine and | get it in proper running order, withe | $2,600--6 roomed frame; improvements. TO RENT: 20.00--6 rooms, frame, 25.00--8 roomed. 37.0086 roomed. 40.00--8 rooms. central. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE out using drugs, Johnson street. Phone 997J. Wanted-----Rooms or Board 78 QUEEN'§ UNIVERSITY SECTION -- One or two rooms and study, conveni- ent to Queen's, with or without table board. Revly with description. Box Z-18, Whig Office. , Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Flats 74 APARTMENTS Heated, hardwood floors, gas and electricity, cofivenient to college and car line; west end. Ap- ply to § Couper street, or phone 1355J. APARTMENT--Of three or four rooms for light housekeeping; electric light, as, hot water heating. Apply 313 niversity Avenue or phone 852w. APARTMENT -- Furnished, of three rooms for light housékeeping, on bathroom floor-gas for cooking, elec- tric lights, in gocd locality. Apply Box K-18, Whig Office. DIVISION ST. $8--Lower floor and part of second floor; with all conveni- ences; central location. Apply 98 Di. vision Street. ARCHITECTS--Power, Son and Drever, Merchants Bank Chambers, corner o Brock and Wellington. Chiropractic 28¢, MARCELIS--Wm, A. DC, PhC., cots ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd floor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, Ont. Consultation " free, Telephone $22). Hours 9 to 124m, 1 to 6 pm. Chiropractic 28¢. REAL HSTATE FOR RENT 11 4 tments and Flats. 159 Wellington Street. f--Business Fiaces For Rent. Automobiles For Bale Livingston & Bro. Help--Male or Female 84 WHAT---Will you be doing at ten o'- clock to-morrow morning or seven- thirty to-morrow evening? Come and See me about a bigger job. Apply Mr. E. W. Mitchell, Royal Bank Chambers, corner Bagot and Princess Streets. - Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 385 MAN---Energetic, rellable, r ble man, preferably with large acquaint- ance, 1h business and soclal, to han- dle an old established product, in con- tinudl use by over 50% of the popula- tion. Steady income and good profits. A quick seller to both the retail stores and consumer. Address: Mr. West, 16 Pear] Street, Torohto. NURSERY STOCK---An agency for a reliable nursery firm ls profitable. You can sell in country, town or city. e grow and sell the best only, and want reliable, energetic agents for unrepre- sented terr'tories. Write now. el ham Nursery Co. Toronto, Financial Business Opportunities 88 HARDWARE STORB--And tinshop, in small country village; doing 00d Business, Sooq Tendans for zeilin A r eu address Schnel- der, Box 60, Odessa. . Twelve years' success In Kingston. NEW BLECTRICAL CABINET DRS. ROBERT and EDNA ASHCROFT Phone 447. 204 King Street, near AUTOMOBILE--Dodge Sedan; perfect f running order. Apply H. B. Card, 46 nt, Upper Will'am Street. §0--Summer For Rent. 1 "Wanted--To Rent. - ng as ety. HOME FOR SALE STONE 8 rooms, all improvemenfs, with garage. -r Lot 66 x 135. Shade trees, apple shrubs. A HOME NOT A HOUSE. Reasons for selling -- owner leaving city. Apply: H. A. MILLER Cor. Mack and Victoria Streets. Osteopaths. Earl 8t. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Motor Trucks, Autompgbiles. Motor ts. Gasoline Engines . Pumps of all descriptions. Davis Dry Dock Co. East End Wellington Street. REAL EST. R --Brokers | $3 Farms and Land For Sale. 4--Hou For | flow For + Bale 7--Suburban i ena eel bet" os 3 PICKPOOKETS OPERATING AT THE FAIR GROUNDS One Man Lost Fifty Dollars 'While Attending the Ex- hibition. "While we have had no definite charges made we know there are tots at the Tair," said Chief of Police Robinson on Friday morn- ing. One man lost $50 while at the exhibition but as he could not swear definitely whether it 'was stolen from him or whether he had dropped it TOURING CARS] Gray Dort Touring caf, in good condition. A bargain for uick sale. 1 Chevrolet touring car. Molaughlin Special Touring car. Warren & Williams Garage, 110 Clergy Street. Phone 275. trees and LUCY--Dr. George F., Dr, Jennie A. Lucy, Chiropractic Specialists and Graduate Nurse, 139 Bagot Street, be- tween Princess and Brock. Telaphons 943w. Hours § to 12 a.m, 1 to 6, an 7 to 9 p.m. Spinal analysis and con. sultation free. ResRlential calls by appointment. Auto Accessories--Tires--Parts 18 TIRES--Blig sale of Bicycle Tires -- covers $2.00; tubes $1.00, at Muller's Bicycle Works, 371-3 King Street. Phone 1961w. » Garages--Autds for Hire--Taxi 14 28d. STOLEN Dental AYKROYD--Dr., Dentist," resumed practice at 93 Princess reet, oevr nk of Nova Scotis. Phone 1602J. SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentists, 169 Wellington street, corner of Brock, Phone 346. KNAPP----Dr. A. BH, Dentist. Office: 258 Princess Street. Phone 852w. Legal 28e. ~ Barristers CUNNINGHAM & and Solicitors, A conc: Street, Kings on. A. B, Cunningham, K.C; ril M, Smith. . GREAT SALE OF Used Cars UNHEARD OF PRICES SEE THEM AT Special Notice STOLEN Canary in cage, from verandah at 375 Earl Street, during night of 20th, 21st September. Liberal reward will be given to anyone supplying information, which will lead to conviction of guilty BATH STAGE---Dally Service, Kingston ~-Bath. Leaves Bath 8 am. standard time. Leaves Kingston 3 p.m. stan. dard time. From ontreal Street, rear of King Edward Theatre. FPas- sengers- and freight at reasonable rates. Heary Calver, Proprietor. FLAT--Furnished, four rooms, all mod- ern conveniences. Rent $20 per month. Apply 331 Alfred Street. FLAT---In home with widow, furnished or unfurnished; modern conveniences; good %ocality. Apply 265 Johnson St. Business Places For Rent 73 LODGE ROOMS---~Rooms on King street Repairing--Service Stations 16 Money to Loan * 40 Cy! no action could be taken. Cther min- or thefts have been reported indir- eotly to the chisf but no direct amc- gusations have been made. "Bob" Bushell wouldn't stand for the pub- ic leaving its money at home but are warned to keep ome eye on their pookets and the other on the fair. s ---------------------- HONORS FOR JUNETOWN. Boys Win Silver Cup For Judging Cattle at School Fale. . Junetown, Sept. 23.---~Conhgratula- tions are due our teacher, W. R. Bax- and his pupils, for winning the at the first school fair held the new consolidated school at n. Masters Everett Frank- in and Reginald Scott were appoint od the judges frém this school to mpete with other schools in the cattle contest. As these won this contest, our school the silver cup, valued ch the Women's Institute of Ma 0 donated | awa attending the Exhibition. pL Heeney and Hause returned Ottawa to-day after spending the week with Mrs. J. A. Herbison. Taylor Franklin and Willie AUTOMOBILE PAINTING--And finlsh- ing a specialty. Also Plano and Fur- niture Polishing. Gordon Young, shop Queen street, rear of Abernethy"s Shoe Store, or phone 1875w. Business Service Business Services Offered 18 CARPENTERING---And cement work ERE MR GA 31 Fork Street. G---James Selby, econ- vingston Avenue. Phone CARPENT tractor, 63 1130J. REAU--Bu Servi 4 Market "Sire Advertising, Auditing Pase oo Photon; service; retinei Shares. A. Murray, manager. one hunti a Nahi & grounds. un an n Un: EB. W. Sper ng. Phone 1180F. PIANO TUNING-- to ly SHEA--Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and Business Service Legal 28¢. Solicitor. Law office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money | to loan. Phone 1999. Medical 281. A 10.80~ iy wm; 1-4 pm: 18 FERS Fae or pe 5CO hon one 296F. LC FRONTENAC--Loan and Investment FR Borrow 41 365 Barrie p.m. Phone 1 Repairing 29 $3,000--On first clasy securit 4 at a high rate of interest. A B- 20, Whig Shee: x "oly PH work guaranteed . ran card. £5 UPH 5 d general r- oe, Lo © at Sr drop Ard New or used fu Call or or W. J. Gavine, 316 Bagot st Plano Tuning, Repairi Eppes teher, 27 Pine Stre. 1819w, : "To Him Who Waits." Pancho Villa, the Filipino weight has the "make hay while sun shines" idea firmly plan world and Joe Lymoh for the here. | tam crown--and both have scosptedy| the [Six weeks ago the little . slant boy. {stepped in and showed his wares hie and hme head off as a $50 preMm the promoters had to ° occupied by the 1.O.O.F. nningham and Smith. Houses For Rent 7 BEVERLY ST, 91- Furnished, seven rooms; convenient to Queen's Univer- sity; all modern improvements; im- able 4 pi Ee Beverly Stract west 8. ppiy erly Street wes Phone 1¥ SXormerly Apply to Cu mete EARL ST. 98---Large stone residence, BTL) Bind pa deeniad ples Shnsliine. hot AiF Tar Sane. fire Garage. Apply at Biiberts Srooery, 194 Barrie Strest. Phone 254. FRONTENAC STREET, 94--Furnished, easy convenience, will rent reasonable for winter months. one 1367J. HOUSE--Furnished, modern conveni- Univ . ah Sh Sh HOUSE--GCom forty furnishe be- tween Queen's A aed city park § r scparaie bath, fom. 51% Deaton Street, able, : Furnished, seven rooms, an - slectric eplace modern FOV ts; cent ty. Sony phone] i2w. HOUSE---Furnished, § rooms, mod Barrie Street 5 PY HOUSE--For $14 per month, including Ea RSE parity. PALMER'S (Signed) ALBERT M. STROUD. Used Car Sale When you buy a Used Car you should have absolute confidence in the one who sells-it. In the following list of Used Cars, some of which have Ween used only a few weeks, there may be just the one you have ia mind. 4 Chevrolets, Model 490, | Ford Light Truck. I Reo 4 Cylinder Touring Car. TF ughlin Master Four. Mod ourin L 1 Dodge, 1919 Model. ; 1 Ford Sedan, new. Come in and Jet us show them ¢0 you. When we bave informed you of the prices you will admit that bargains. these cars are real - "COME TO US WITH CONFIDENCE." THE HOME OF GOOD USED CARS. Boyd's Garage 129 BROCK STREET COR. BAGOT AND QUEEN . EE