THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Kingston and Vicinity If ' | Fibre Board | TT ---- DRAW. WINNETT SUFFERED YEARS Te WITH ECIEMA of Johnson and Yellinglon | "Fruit-a-tives" Cleared Her Skin VERY DESCRIPTION T fi £o. Poners Sr. Pizxzs, P.Q. on ransier-- | "I suffered for three years with 5 $77. kveamlngws 2231. | i I consulted several 188 "WELLINGTON Sfpeery i did not do me any good. Then, I used one box of "Sootha Dr. Waugh Salva"and two boxes of "Fruit-a-tives" and my hands are now clear. The pain Dentist is gone and there has been no return. I think it is marvellous because no other medicine did me any good until I used "Sootha-Salva" and "Fruita-tives", the wonderful medicine made from fruit". Madam PETER LAMARRE, 50c & box, 6 for $2.50. trial size, 250. At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. PIANO TUNING Plane Tuning and Repatring. Alse Organ Work, All work guaranteed. PETER D. BROWN 12 Markland St. Phone 230Tm. Solid Fibre Board makes a very stiff, strong Board for Walls, Ceilings, etc. Itisa good, sound-deadener. Sheets are 4-0 x 8-0, and the reduced price is now within reach. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Welltngtos Streets, KINGSTON, Out. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1410, l puma TH ry SAVES HT, FURNITURE , CAKTAGE and STORAGE OF ready tof ves. When completed, it ing a convention here at the end of | will rank as one of the best equipped [the week, to have musical pro- | grammes furnished by the musicians' | unfon. A concert will be given dur- ing the stay of the visiting delegates. | Canadian Pacific Change of Time Effective Sunday, Oct: 1st, 1922, important changes in train schedules | Sunday schools in the province. will be made. Full particulars from any Conan Pacific agent. Marked Weather Change. Kingston was subjected to a big Rally Day in Schools. change in weather Sunday. At noon A % Sunday was remembered as Rally |the thermometer ran up to 75 de-| ep, largest market of the season Day in 'some of the city churches grees and a wind storm in the after-| yas stationed at the city hall square | yesterday. Special programmes were noon brought the mercury down to on Saturday morning. By actual carried out. The schools had large ten degrees above freezing during |count there were more automobiles | attendance. the night. The favorite question (gnd rigs in to town than on any oth- | with thee citizens Monday morning er Saturday of the year. The King-| Have Been Naturalized. jwas: "What is coal selling at?" ston fair gave farmers an opportun-| Naturalization papers have been | ity to come to town with profit in the | == taken out by Allan Masoud, born in Syria, merchant, and by Winfred Bat Appears in Church. Same. QUEEN'S STUDENTS Estes, born in United States, engin- During the service in Sydenham STATIONERY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. eer, according to the latest issue of street Methodist church Sunday ev- DANCE INVITATIONS AND PROGRAMMES A SPECIALTY. the Canada Gazette, ening a bat came from behind the SCRIBBLING PAPER--600 SHEETS ..... sssssesces 80C ------ seclusion of the organ pipes and af- RITI WH 1 IS IN I wy For Fall and Winter. ter doing a few spirals and loop-the- B SH IG PUBL SH G co, ted We have received all our fall and loops, returned to Its nest. The : winter goods, consisting of Boys' and |choristers "stuck to their guns" me Men's overcoats, Boys' and Men's though they appeared to be far trom y ingston" Up-to-date Caf Kingstons Most p-to-date Cafe Visitors in Kingston will ind at The New Eng- land Cafe pleasant, quiet surroundings, home-like sults, also a large range of cloth for comfortable. sults made to measure at reason- cooking, a menu to please those of the most dis criminating taste and service which is unexcelled. able prices. Prevost, Brock street. 4 The New England Cafe 331 KING STREET, Private Phone 55. KINGSTON, ONT. CAN, Public Phone 537 A Your Wrap For Next Fall and Winter It is not too early to decide what is to be done about & warm Wrap for the Fall and Winter, There are just two things to do. Either have the present Fur Coat remodelled or fixed up or else see what can be done about a new Fur Coat. It will be a pleasure to advise you whichever the case may be, Phone 206 { 106 Wellington St. f -- St. Paul's ving. Bt. Paul's church was beautifully decorated for the harvest thanksgiv- ing services held on Sunday. Each service was attended by a sylendid congregation, and the offerings were most liberal. The music rendered by the choir was most {nspiring. The solos in the anthems were splendidly taken by Miss Saunders and Mr. Great Activity Shown. Secker. The day was generally vot- With the closing of the ninth an-{ed one of the happiest in the history l nual exhibition of the Kingston In-|of old St. Paul's. Miss Walker pre- A large sumer of visitors to Nel gusrzin] Agrievitural Amc LIlodod al the organ. | ILDING 9 city for the fair left the city on Bat- the fair grounds on Saturday night, B e (urday and Sunday. All were pleas-| was Intense activity in the dis- | REPAIRS OK ALTERATIONS? |°0 With the exhibition, and stated posal of the exhibits. The midway Estimates given by they would be back again for the big was dismantled during the night, and show next year. the troupe entrained for Alexandria, 0. Aykroyd & Son -- Va., at nine o'clock on Sunday morn- | 22 Main Street. Phone 10670. Held Sunday School Rally. ing. The palace was a busy place There was a good attendance of on Monday morning when the fix [the scholars at the Sunday school tures of the local displays were tak- rally held in Chalmers church On| en down and carted away. |Sunday morning, when timely ad-| . as is often the case, but the weather dresses were delivered by Prof, John Matheson and Murdock Johnson. To Have Musical Programmes. jcould not have beun better." The Work on the Sunday school is pro-| Arrangements have been made by|farmer added that it a farmer did gressing, but it will likely be two|the International Alllance of Theat- [not "make good" this season it was weeks before the building will be|rical Stage Employees, which is hav-|his own fault. When in Kingston stop at HOTEL RANDOLPH THE POPULAR HOTEL Central location. Rooms with bh , and cold running ater, Special atten...n to Transients. Talr Visitors Leaving. OGLLVIE'S Insurance and Brokerage Office Hts. Good Year For Farmers. A prominent farmer, in conversa- tion with the Whig, on Sunday, stat- ed that not in many years, had he experienced such a good season on his farm. "The weather was ideal for all kinds of work," he said, "and as a result we had good crops. We were never delayed by wet weather | AGENT FOR EXOELSIOR LIFE, ROYAL EX- | Bell's Vanilla HIGH GRADO 26c. A BOTTLE Cheapest in the long run. Made in Kingston by-- DR. BELL WONDER MEDICINE CO. | CHANGE, FIRE, SICKNESS AND ACCIDENT, BURGLARY, G. HUNTER OGILVIE 151 Wellington Street ---- | ~e WATTS GET IT REPAIRED Sewing Machines, Phonographs, P eople's Guna, Rifles repaired and refitted, Florist Parts supplied. Saws filed, knives, 177 Welling*on street, man of the name of Antony Gilling bam was handing up his ticket at Woodham station and asking the way to the village. He is an im- portant person to this story, so that it is as well we should know some- thing about 'him at the top of the hill on some excuse, and have a good look at him. The first thing we realize is that he is doling more of the looking than We are. Above a clean-cut, clean- shaven face, he carries a pair of gray eyes which seem to be absorb scissors and edge tools ground. Locks repaired. Keyg fitted to all kinds of locks. All makes ot Lawn Mowers sharpened and re- paired, We can ropair. anything that is repairable. J. M. PATRICK 149 Sydenham Street, Kingston ig Phone 2056J. W. R McRae & Co. Dental Surgeon Wishes to announce that he has resumed his practice, cor. Wel- lington and Princess i Streets. Phone 2092. | Dr. H. A. Stewart | Corner Princeds and Wellington PEA COAL and COKE HARD AND SOFT WOOD Cut in stove lengths. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 188 AUTO TOPS 390 PRINCESS STRERT Phone 153, NOW Is the Time to Get Your Watch or Clock REPAIRED BEGIN HERE TODAY Lunch was over and the house- party guests were away on the golf i Fed nks, ulet reigned in The House while MARK ABLETT, the bachelor own- er, and MATT his com - CAYLEY, 1 Awaited the arrival of Rares rother, ROBERT, who was returnt fro Australia after 8 15 years sb Startled pearance, by Robert's rough ap- Norris. Do you want any assistance, or do you prefer choosing your own breakfast?" "Please don't get up," said Miss Norris. "I'll help myselt. Good morning, Major." She smiled Pleasantly at him, The Major nodded. "As I was telling him" Bill, - "that's wh began Hallo, here's ley." John Calladine, widow of the paint- er, who was acting hostess on this occasion for Mark. Ruth Norris took herself seriously as an actress jo and, on her holidays, seriously as a GO ON WITH THE STORY CHAPTER II Mark Ablett was a bore or not depended on the point of view, but it may be saifl at once that he never bored his company on the subject of his early life. However, stories get about There is always somebody who knows. It was said that, as a boy, Mark had attracted the notice, and batronage, of some rich old spinster of the neighborhood, who had paid for his education, both at school and At about the time when bridge, his father hed dled. Mark went to London, with an allowance from his patron, and made intance with the money-lend- ers. He was supposed, by his patron and any others who inquired, te be i; but what he wrote, other than letters asking for more time te pay, has never been discovered. Fortunately (from Mark's point of view) his patron died during his third year in London, and left him all the money he wanted. He settled golfer. She was quite competent as either, "By the way, the car will be round at 10.30," sald Cayley, looking up from his letters. "You're lunching thers, and driving back directly afterward. Isn't that right?" Mark came In. He was generally ing every detail of our person. To strangers this look is almost alarm- ing at first, until they discover that his mind is very often elsewhere; that he has, 80 to speak, left his eyes on guard, while he himself follows a train of thought in another direo- tion. He hed seen a good deal of the world with those eyes. When at the age of twenty-one he came into his mother's money, £400 a year, old Gillingham looked up from the "Stockbreeders' Gazette" to ask him what he was going to do. "See the world," sald Antony, "Well, send me a line from Ameri oa, or wherever you get to." "Right," sald Antony. Old Gillingham returned to his pa per. Antony, however, had no intention of going further away than London. His idea of seeing the world was to see, not countries, but people; and to see them from as many angles as possible. There are all sorts if you know how to look at them. Bo An- tony looked at them-from various strange corners; from the view point of the valet, the newspaper- reporter, the waiter, the shop-assis tant. With the independence of £400 & year behind him, he enjoyed it immensely, « He was now thirty. He had come to Woodham for a holiday, because he liked the look of the station. His ticket entitled him to travel further, but Woodham attracted him. Why not get out? The landlady of "The George" was only too glad to put him up, While he was finishing his lunch, the landlord came in to ask him --Individuality-- - Gourdier's BROCK STREET TWEDDELL SUITS iS y are so designed that dura- ) bility, style plus individual- ity, are the leading features --Styles becoming to those of the most discriminating taste are the ones to be found at: -- about the luggage. Antony ordered another pint of beer and soon had him talking. "It must be rather fun to keep a country inn," he sald, thinking that it was about time he started another profession. "You ought to take a TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) pcm holiday." "Funny thing you're saying that," said the landlord, with a smile. other gefitleman, over from The . | House, was saying that on'y yester day. Offered to take my place an al." He laughed rumblingly, .| "The Red House? Not The Red House, Stanton?" Sccounts with the money-lenders, abandoned his crop of wild oats to the harvesting of others, and became in his turn a patron, He patronized | tery, Arts, L. C. HEMSLEY Watchmaker from R. J. Rodger 148 Sydenham St. . | Just off Princess HIRE AGENCY FOR ALL "Well, take my advice, and don't OCEAN STEAMSHIP CR Special attention given your family or friends going to or returning from the Old Country, For information and rates apply te J. P. HANLRY, G.P, and T.AGT. Ry, Kingston, Ont Open day and night. 'PHONE 98, EVERSHARP PENCILS We carry a supply of parts. Prompt service, J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston, INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS W. H. GODWIN & son Real Estate and lnsurance 89 Brock Street Phone 42¢ : Keepers who are furnishing or replenishing ex- tra rooms for the fall and winter, we offer Sheets, Sheetings, Pillow Cotton, : Pillow Covers, Blankets, Flannelette Sheets, Hand Towels, Bath Towels, Comforters, etc., in great variety and at very attractive prices, > W. N. Linton Phone 191, A : 5 -- CUOKED HAM Made trom Pork Sausage, one pound net tins, --~ the flavor is . surprisingly different to waat one 5 thing for holiday tri and Burry-up Seats. "Pe BON. MARCHE GROCERY " Phone fizgss if i Ee i i g ff and Earl Streets, 1844. 1 : ; Hid -- 22 Fs i Eu i F § f ei? i ! : Fil ff 1 ih ] : il g Hl ; i i i x FE § fo] i pt ! E EH $ af Be 3iB : i il h 3" 5 il F i £F FOR SALE 1 HH i Ihe § ob i ; if; 8! ih aj t Esiet a : § i: & Co. ;