b 4 ~ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1022. THE DAILY BRITISH ---- : Sweaters For Have you seen our range of Sweater Coats? We have a number of Sweater Coats and Sweaters manufac tured by a nationally reputable firm. weather. SWEATER COATS--: Pure wool, in all shades V-NECK SWEATERS-- + 4 simisisistet miviatemerenies $4.50 UNDERWEAR-- Light, Cotton and Wool Combina- ------ Cool Weather Don't miss it. Just the thing for cool veer .$5.00 up KINGSTON FAIR CLOSES; Success--The Concluding | Events on Saturday. | r------ { The Kingston Fair closed on Satur- |day evening and the interest of visi- up to the end of the day. At 7 p.m. the direc- tors formed a parade at the market Square headed by the P.W.0. bard and composed of automobiles con- taining the president, manager and | directors, the offiicals and some of the performers, including Miss Jessie fend 'Was maintained right ATTENDANCE A RECORD The Exhibition a Financial | hy ON BRITISH EMPIRE. | Written by Verna Clark of the sen | Rock Public School. The following paper on "The Brit- | ish' Empire" was written by Verna | Clark, Bell Rock echool, where the | [teacher ia Miss Winnifred Guild. ! "The British empire is the great | jest, widest and most powerful the world has ever seen. Its freedom is 1 the pride of its sons and the despair | jot its foes. The types of Bri'ain are | the lion, which stands for majesty and power, the bulldog which ex- {Presses tenacity, and the mythical {figure of Britannia which signifies the | freedom of the seas under its rule. | The emblem, however, which is best known to us all and which 18 dearest to every boy and girl és the flag. It fioats over our public buildings, our BROWN and BLACK CALFSKIN SHOES for everyday service--for Men and Women, DAINTY PARTY SLIPPERS in Kid, Pat- ent and Suedes for Women. {Lee Nichols with her trick horses {and mule that added so much to the |*Chools, acd our churches, To in- | amusement of the throngs on the |SUIt It, is to Insult the majesty of the grand stand and about the . race | EMPIre. To honor it is to honor the tracks. Hundreds lined Princess |2°Pl® principles for which it stands. Street and many followed the parade | ~Ubder the broad folds of the right to the grounds and spent the |Unlon Jack we enjoy the greatest pos- evening there, While no exact figures sible lfberty and security and tako have been given out by Manager R. J. | Part in all the advantages of being Buehell, regarding the paid admis- [Citizens of the British Empire. Then sions, a fair estimate places the num. [© realize what it means to have the | ber during the five days at over 50,- [Strong arm of such a mighty empire | 000. Of one thing, however, tha |SYer ready to protect us and to enjoy management is able to epeak with |the knowledge that there towers be- certainty, and that is the financial |Bind us the majesty of Britain. As success of the fair. President Wil- [Canadians, we are naturally proud mot and the directors are eminently [that Canada forms such a large and pleased over this fact. The figures important part of the British Em- are| not available for publication just [PIre. In following Britain we have yet but will be pubMshed as soon as | high standards before us and a noble the executive ds able to give them out. [example to follow; for the sake of our Every effort was made 'o keep down |oWn country and our flag we should oipenses so that there would be a [cherish the highest ideals and seek substantial credit balance. Many [to uPhold the best traditions of the | think that a fair should not be run as |®mPpire. "A citizen of Ontario we have & revenue-producing institution, but [2150 a pardonable pride in our prov- | this theory is all right provided there [Ince. It is in many ways the first | are no expenditures required every [mong the provinces of Canada. It | year for the erection and mainten- |is the keystone of the Confederation | &nce of buildings. There is always |8Tch and thus a great responsibility | something to be done that calls for [Tests on the people of Ontario. In money, and from this year's experi- |this province we find everything that ence it is evident that the cattle ac- | 18 typical of Canada. Let us therefora commodation should be increased and |be inspired and stimmlated, not only improved. by the glory of our countrymen's This year the fine weather enabled | valor in batile, but by the great sight thousands of rural residents to visit |of our country's daily life; fall in love ! the fair and the Kingston merchants | With our country, knowing that her | did a good business in consequence. |Ereatness is born of wise men's | It 1s tmpossible to obtain any est)- |understanding and good men's doing | mate of the amount of money (of duty as wall as of the daring of | brought to the city by the fair, but it | the brave." gave a big stimulus to irade and the ------------------ merchants are pleased over the re- AT ST. GEORGE'S CATHEDRAL. sults, ' HONS supinist sivinwnis va ae 4.0. 31.75 Wool corres en meena... $4.00 George VanHorne's Phone 362w. 213 Princess Street. STRONG, STURDY FOOTWEAR for the School Girls and Boys--all at right prices. Fall Shoes ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE Get the habit--it is a good one--une DALY'S GOOD TEA You will find it deliciously refreshing morning, noom and night. Order from MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE C. W. BENNETT, M.D. 133 CLERGY STREET Office phone 851. Res. 1845. Office Hours 10-12 am, 2-4, 7 to 8.30 p.m. INN cars Chestnut Coal 5 cars just arrived. WHILE IT LASTS $20.00 ton W. A. Mitchell & Co. 15 Ontario Street Telephone 67. Sr English Hall Marked Silver We have just received a large shipment from England, which include-- CANDLE STICKS ° VASES COMPORTS BON BONS SUGAR DUDGERS SALTS MUSTARDS, ete, Va VA dhuvkuhrhd dh dod GLASSES OF QUALITY ALWAYS GIVE BATISFACTION Consult us about your eyesight. diva dd Comfort For Everyone Economy For All Thousands of artistic homey-homes have been furnished in the money. saving Reid way, which enables anyone to buy tasteful and artistic Furnf- ture at moderate prices. James Reid, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER PHONE 147 FOR SERVICE. These make ideal wedding gifts Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELSRS 100 Princess Street, Kingston Optometrist 140 Wellington 83s Opp. Post Now Is The Time huh 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Rev. F. H. W, Archbold Preached at the Morning Service. An eloquent Irishman, Rev. &. H. W. Archbold was the preacher In St. George's Cathedral on Sun- day morning, teking as his text, Jonah 1:12 the story of the warn- ing sent In love by God to the Deo- ple of Mineveh by his prophet Jonah, of Jonah's turning aside and his final | delivery of the message, that if the people of this beautiful, wicked city did not repent within forty days it would be overthrown. This huge city of the old * world, three days Journey or sixty miles in length, with its temples and glittering min- arets was going on its wicked way when the prophet entered the poor- er parts calling to the people to re- pent lest destruction should fall upon them. His ory was heard and the people of Mineveh believed in God. The King arose from his throne, cast his gorgeous robe from him, put on sack cloth end proclaimed a fast for man and beast while they wore the robes of repentance. epent- ance, said the epeaker, that 's being sorry for sin, is an eas'or thing than leading a new Mfe. ? 5 man speaking from a pulpit to-day, can promise his hearers forty hours, much less than forty days in which to hear God's call and turn from their évil ways. God sends his message of loving warning today to all who have ears to hear to repent and turn to Him, ---- PROVINCIAL HIGHWAYS. Report Issued by the Department of Public Highways. Toronto to Kingston--Road closed On account of pavement construction from the Halfway House to Scarboro Post office. Detour at the Halfway House. Rouge Hill to Port Hope, good. Detour from Rouge Bridge one mile east. Detour in fair condition. Culverts being constructed at 'Whitby and Welcome. Overhead detours. Port Hope to Belleville, good gravel road. Detour around culverts under construction three miles east of Col- borne in good condition. Belleville to Kingston good. Four miles rough near Odessa, no detours, : Kingston to Quebec boundary-- Kingston to Gananoque, macadam construction 9 1-2 to 12 miles east. Grading and culverts 1 1-3 miles west, Gananoque road in good shape 'but would advise traffic to go slowly, Gananoque to Brockville, fair, Heavy construction going on, so in wet weather would advise detouring from Gananogue to Seeley's Bay, Lynd- huret, Athens and then to Brockville. Drockville to prescott, good. Pres- Egg-laying Contest, On Saturday evening Benjamin Whitney who was in charge of the poultry house announced the resul's of the egg-laying contest in which five prominent poultry keepers enter- ed the same number of birds. They were W. J. Arnlel, barred Rocks; J. White, white Wyandottes; J. Hol- land, barred Rocks; J. Laturney, bar- red Rocks; Baker Bros., Anconas. The hens were confined in pens for the five days of the fair and the eggs lad were collected and recorded. The standing on Saturday evening was: and|w. J. Arniel's barred Rocks Inid 13 eggs; J. Holland's 13; Baker Bros.' 7 {12; J. Laturney's 11 and J. White's 11. The Whig published resulis in the various classes of exhibits from day to day as they were obtainable, but the complete list of prize winners will be published entire as soon as it is available. The exhibits with the ex- ception of the live stock removed on Saturday, were kept in the palace over Sunday and removed by the owners Monday, RACE RESULTS, - Directum Murphy, T. K. Nicholson, Kingston . . . . Cecil Maud, D. Smith, Belle- VN apn Dr. Nash's DENTAL PARLORS 188 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON a | Port Elmsley, road in good condition, At Port Elmsley turn right to first road, then lef* to Highway. Port Elmsley to Perth, road under con- struction but passable. Perth to Inn- leville, road good. Innisville to Carleton Place, road under construc- tion but passable, Carleton Place to Ashton, road under culvert construc- tion. Ashton to Bell's Corners, road under construction, passable and no detours. Bell's Corners to Ottawa, road in good condition. Ottawa to Prescott__Road is in good shape to Manotick. Would ad- viee detouring to east side of Rideau st. at Manotick for remainder of way to Ottawa, Toronto to Hamilton (via Dundas street)--To Cooksville, good. Cooks~ ville to Erindale, fair. Drive slow over Erindale Bridge. Erindale to 16 Mile Creek Bridge newly graded, heavy in wet weather, Sixteen Mile Creek to Nelson Hill, good. Nelson Hill to Waterdown closed to traffic. Waterdown to Clappisons, good. De- tour at Waterdown across C.P.R. tracks, drive with care, Hamilton to Niagara Falls--Ham- ilton to St. Catharines, good. Local detour at Beamsville, macadam road. Detour at Grimeby, fair gravel road. St. Catharines to Niagara Falls, fair. Detour between St. Catharines and Niagara Falls, fair except at Merrit- 'on which is bad in wet weather, De- tour" between St. Catharines and Queenston, fair road; bad in wet 'weather. Traffic warned not #8 uss St. David's Hill to Niagara Falls, ® | Letters to the Editor | j Se -- When? Charleston, Ont., Sept. 23.--(To the Editor): In Saturday's Whig we noted the following: When will hard coal be back to nine dollars a ton, etc. But it all wasn't said ia Saturday's Whig. When will flour be back to $8 per cwt? When will bread be back to 6 cts. per loaf? When will beef steak and pork chops be back to 15 cents per 1b? . When will a farmer get 1914 prices for his cattle? When will woollen yarn be back to 50 cents per Ib? When will the farmer get 1914 prices for his wool? When 'will a good suit of men's clothes be back to $25.00? When will sugar be back to $5.50 per cwt? : 'When will tea be back to 40 cents per Ib? When will tobacco be back to 10 cents per plug? When will we have a two-cent let- ter rate? When will we purchase matches for 5 cents per box? When will good cotton be dack to 10 cents per yard? 'When will the best cambrie, print, gingham and flanellete be back to 15 cents per yard? When? ~--8. A. SLACK. BUS SERVICE KINGSTON TO SANANOQUE LEAVE KINGSTON ARRIVE IN GANANOQUE LEAVE GANANOQUE .. ARRIVE IN KINGSTON LEAVE KINGSTON . LEAVE GANANOQUE . One good way to keep a friend a + friend is to help him as much as he helps you. Straw was used a century ego in paper making. « 745 pom, 9.00 p.m, The Sunday trip will not be run with less than six people. | Please make arrangements by Baturday noon for Sunday. ONE 311, RATES: One Way, TELEP $1.00. Return, $1.75, Sunday, $2.00 Return, en SOFT AND HARD WOOD Wo have received a limited quantity of Select Hard and Soft Wood Slabs. This Wood we have cut into short stove lengths, and we are prices: -- offering them delivered to your home at the foll SOFT WOOD, per load, $8.50. HARD WOOD, per load, $4.00. Coal is give you every satisfac. tion Tor Fall ana carts wos mood hy SOWARDS COAL CO N UPTOWN OFFICE: McG 'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. Means one for every Man, Woman and Child in Kingston. In the next few days we are go- ing to sell these CUPS and SAUCERS at a lower price than you have seen for years. 800 doz. White Tea Cups and Saucers ..12%¢. tle oiwieieie vin'aq sisteimotvimaieia:s dozen 5c. 400 doz. White Breakfast Cups and Saucers [01 0 (a) 0 101 © 1a (0} «Tol © (ote tote els 15c¢., 4 dozen 90c. 800 doz. Clover Leaf Cups and Saucers . . 20c. [0 si0inisieteisio nie sioin oinie ninin 3 dozen $1.20 Many other articles such as PLATES, JUGS, TUMBLERS, TEAPOTS, at less than cost. If you can't come, TELEPHONE, ROBERTSON'S Limited 73 Princess St. SPECIAL FOOTWEAR FOR MEN *4.95 | Gun Metal Bluchers and Recede Toe Bale Mahogany and Brown Shoes, on broad and medium lasts. : Men's Black and Brown Sample Boots Allan M. Reid SHOE Time of race, 2.25 1-2, 2.45 Class. King Hal, M. McMartin, 'Westport Starlight Dan, Belleville Iola The Great, C. Woods, Barriefield Fred Patch, W. G. Veale, Kingston 'Time of race, 2.35. D. Smith, On WE HAVE A COM PLETE DISPLAY OF SONORA Phonographs RANGING IN PRICE FROM $70.00 Edsy terms of pay- ment arranged on all purchases. The races on Saturday were just &bout the best of the entire week, and In the majority of cases, the heats Were very close. The winners were always In doub! until the final heat, and the favorites did not always win at that. The splendid showing of T. K. Nicholson's horse, Directum Mur- Phy, was very popular with the rac- Ing fans. This horse was entered in | most of the events and made a fine record for itself, EE -------------- If it bothers you to work and whis- tle, it would be a good plan to cut out the whistle. Paris was a fortified town as early as A.D. 360. Is Your Nose Plugged? Have You Catarrh? To is It Subject Colds, Here is Real TTT LLL THE PHONOGRAPH WHICH HOLDS THE WORLD'S HIGHEST HONORS FOR TONE. The success of the Sonora In securing highest honors for tone in open competition has proved to the world that the Sonora is the leading instrument of ity kind in the world. 5 : Even with this fact before you, we invite comparison, not only In tone and oconstrucifon, but also in price. You are welcome to make an inspection at any time. f i i | t : ; I § I sF 35 ; gf : LIL IT TTS Ee ---- , BEE fils Hive | fig Hits ; 2a i i i RL LI TT TI i : : F fe i