THE D AJLY BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27, 1922, o CRICKET SPORTI 'THE BASEBALL WINNERS IN FORMER YEARS (By Associated Press). New York, Sept. 27.--S8ince 1905, | when 'the former National Baseball Commission was created, a post-seq: on series has heen held between the teams which won the champion- | ships of their respective leagues, re-| sulting In 10 victories for the Amer- | ican and seven for the National, Whether this World's Series su- Ppremacy denoted a better brand of - baseball playing in the younger lea- Bue has been debated every winter in the Old Stove League with facts dug from the record books to prove and disprove the same assertions and, as former Vice-president Marshall used to say "with the same result and no casualties." As fantastic as it appears in print the Boston Red Sox, rivals of all who aré despondent, hold the palm for | World's Series honors, being the only club that has won the highest Prize In baseball four times and one of the three in the annals of the classic that have won it two times | in succession. { And more fantastic, so it seems to the fans of "Sleepy Town," the Phil adelphia Athletics, cellar champions! for seven years, are the Boston Am- ericans loudest disputants, having won, back in the days of "The Mil lion Dollar Infield," three World's Beries, two of them in succession. | The other American League club| Year Winner 1905--New York, National 1906---Chicago, American 1907--Chicago, Nationa] 1908--Chicago, National 1909--Pittsburgh, National 1910--Philadelphia, American 1911--Philadelphia, American 1912--Boston, American 1913---Philadelphia, American * 1914--Boston, National 1916--Boston, American 1916--Boston, American 1917--Chicago, American 1918--Boston, American 1919--Cincinnaty, Natlona] 1920--Cleveland, American 1921---New York, National "hea . GETTING READY | FOR BIG MATCH Both R. M. C. and Limestones Working Hard For Satur- day's Meeting. Over in the headquarters of the R.M.C. rugby squad there is no over- confidence concerning the game on Saturday next with the Kingston Limestones. The cadets are going up against an unknown quantity when they tackle the first team Kingston city hes had in years and they are working just as hard in preparation as though a championship depended | upon it. This is only wha could be desired as the Limestones can be Judged better after a tussle with a team playing for victory than it they Played one looking only for a prac- tice match and indifferent of the re- sult. On thelr part the Kingston boys have redoubled their efforts to get into shape and working order for | their debut. The rail birds all think i they look good and the management | is not at all downhearted so the hard | . logging the members of the squad have been sticking to for the past two weeks must certainly be bearing re- sults, No team has been picked in 'either camp yet, so far as can" be learned There are certain players who can be almost surely be designated as on the lineup for the fixture but no definite places have been assigned and the -- vnc inarnat Corns Removed by Foot Bath --A Perfect Treat- ment that Does the Work » Take a minute night and morning "Tom" | *++s2eee. New York «++. New Philadelphia Sessa s B New York Brooklyn New York to apply Putnam's Painless Corn Ex- . tractor. Follow later by a hot foot bath, off drops the corn or callous. Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor brings that glorious feeling --it stops the pain with the first application. | humble the National League NG RUMMY 70 RUGBY | NE WS tn --- i | Champs twice without intermission! White Sox, the are the Chicago now a days. Clevel with Tris Speaker speaking 1 St. Louis-- ever has won been champions of | a pennant--have their bailiwick. In the National League five clubs, New York, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Bos- nd Cincinnati, t two named twice ree once als are the on 1 that never has riggest of World's Ser- i & winner took five liar incident t seven of layed times €8 out of the best four t has been four to two games; and | only twice have the winners shut out the 1¢ 19¢ losers in all four, thoygh in the 7 series, Detroit managed to tie one game. was in 1912 when the Red Sox beat the Giants, winning four games to one, table showing World's Series rs and losers with the games, | won, lost and tied, follows: Games BO = 00 i po -- York rooklyn £9 CO BO BO I< bu SD pu lads are all humping for a chance, The mere fact that Limestones are the first Kingston city aggregation to | walk on the gridiron in years, exclu sive of schools and colleges, should bring hundreds out to their support who have hitherto taken little inter- €st In the fall game, and the many rugby fans in the town will certainly be on hand to cheer them on, Trainer Blake has been working g ceaselessly: to get the black and gold squad into good physical shape and the coaches have looked after the rest. They will first show the results of their 'eachings on Saturday after- noon and pretty much everybody wil be there. Scientific Bugs Analyse Mr. Siki Sclentists and anthropologists at the Field Museum and the University of Chicago took out their charts and dusty files on hearing of the victory {of Siki, the Senegalesse, over Car- pentier, and proceeded to inspect an assortment of negroid skulls. The concensus of opinion was that if and when the Stki person meets up with Jack Démpsey, the aforesaid Demp- sey will be clouted for a row of little Semitic Seminoles. The lofty-brain- ed and bespectacled scientistd did not say it that way but that is what they meant, Battling 8iki, it appears from the records, comes of a hardboiled tribe. The anthropologists point out that the Senegal produces a mihimygn of civilization and a maximum of hard- ship. One does not survive there without having to overcome a Jot of things that would put a white man down for the count in the firs: round. Siki looks like the fittest of survivals, He has the arms and shoulders of his comparatively recent ape ancestors. Above the shoulders, they admit, he has nothing except a parking space for a hat, but what brain he possesses functions amazingly on what to do in | a rumpus. There is not a "suspicton- | the only other | r circuit to win al League Clata) | have won prem- each. | athietic | it] ut of seven to win; three times | The only other tie game | poet or a | cake-eater or a s'atesman in his en- 'so doing he about completed comic hit. "THE SHEIK." "THEM DAYS IS GONEFOREVER" You not only read it, you sing it. Try it on your piano. Watch nightly for this big | Copyrght NOW MR. VALENTINO, may 1 ASK YOUR FAVORITE 1922 By United Feature Syndicare DRIVING OF OH - TENNIS, SWIMMING, - OUTDOOR GAMES ANY SORT -- { WERE HALED TO = NOW HOW ABOUT THAT BIGAMY CHARGE -- WHEN YOu COURT -- | AS hammer would do nothing except I poil the hammer, -------------- {FOUR OUT OF SEVEN WINS WORLD SERIES For the first time since 1918, the world's series this year goes back {again to a four out of seven games basis. On almost universal complaint [that nine games dragged the series lout too long. Commissioner Landis [last winter decided to go back to the {old arrangement. ' The ruling did not meet.the ap- proval of the club owners, who main- cial loss when the players get such a heavy cut of the early games. Marks Coaches Belleville. | Jack Marks, old-time hockey star {of Belleville, and well-known athlete, |is coming back to this city to spend the winter. He will coach the O.H.A. teams which Belleville will place in the junior and intermediate series. Marks has been {n consultation with the Belleville Amateur Athletic Association, which has the franchise {this year. Under these conditions it {has been arranged tha: Marks will arrive in this eity on October 15th to look his men over and map out the course of training for both intermed{- ate and junior aspirants. Say "Shag" is Through, Frank Shaughnessy, who quit Syra- cuse early in order to resume his Guties as football coach at McGill University, 1s said to-lave wearied of {the job of managing the Syracuse team. The report is that he will be {succeeded in 1923 by Bert Shotton, who has in several years' assoclatton with Branch Rickey acquired the | Ideas of the manager of the Cardin- | als and therefore is fitted to develop 'players at Syracuse along Rickey's lines of thought. Another "Andy" Anderson, Lena Styles, catcher by trade; was {called on to fill in at short with the ! Baltimore team the other day, and in the Costs little. You will find it abso- tire family history and he has not 'rounds, having played every position lutely perfection. See if this is not so. | been softened by the luxuries of civili- with the Orioles this season except ~ Take only Putnam's. Sold by all [zation Hitting him on the head with pitching. druggists. BRINGING UP FATHER SIRHAIG L Cigar | Atall Stores tain they run the chance of a finan-|' rg | ume sm. | After his defeat by Sik, Carpentier was not told that the foul awarded by the referee was disallowed and no newspapers were allowed near him. It was a real knockout when he re- covers and finds out he is no longer middleweight champion of the world, With the Kilties playing Boston tomorrow, the chances of 'St. Louis for the American League pennant look mighty slim. It is unlikely that Boston will fall down on New York now, after being such a help all year. The M.A.A.A. squad appears to have been practising some of its line plunging with a team of elephants opposing. Heney has a fractured ankle and Seath and nine others are reported on the sick list. At this rate it might be profitable to line up the second string men who caused all the damage against Argos on Saturday. John McGraw has seven pennants to his credit and seven games to play for this year's world's series. "Coma seven" is a phrase he should have framed in gold over his bedpost. How sentimental these race horse owners get. Among the runners at Woodbine on Monday were Honey's Jewel, Oak Honey, Baby Grand, Elea- nor, Baby Mine, and Mavourneen. "Bones" Little has been moved to the MoGill half line and "Dink" Car- roll will play quarter back, eays a de- spatch. Just the same we would like to bet that Carroll will be 'busy when kicking time comes round. ' No, we're not forgetting Batstone today. He arrived all right and Alirth, the big wing man, formed a sort of body guard for the freckle-faced won- der, It has come out of the west--the same' yearly story that Varsity's in- tercollegiate team is better than ever. Well, maybe, but it will need to be, Whebp Your Appetite Fails This is What You Need When the very thought of cating Takes you feel dizzy, when you're run down, stomach in bad shape -- you need a real housecleaning with Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They tone up the liver, assist the stomach and im- prove digestion. The taste becomes aware of new flavors in food you never noticed before. You'll look and feel a whole lot better after us- ing Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Many folks use this fine old remedy and nothing else, and keep In the pink of condi- tion all the time. 26c. at all deal- ers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Mont- real. A MODERN Aladdin's Lamp. You press the switch and instantly the white magic of the light reveals what the dark has 80 cleverly hidden. See our many styles. Don't ask for a flashlight--get an Eveready DAYLO, BADMINTO.V | T0 BOXING Every visitor to the Fair may have one of our FLASHLIGHTS at these reduced prices: Reg: $1.65, for ...$1.00 Reg. $2.00, for ...$1.40 Reg. $3.00, for ...$2.00 Treadgold's Simmon's Beds Special showing of Brass, Walnut, White 'Enamel and Ivory Beds. SPRINGS Woven Wire .........85.00 Way Sagless ........ (All guaranteed) MATTRESSES In Felt $6.00, $5.00 to 925.00 PILLOWS $1.50, $2.50 to $10 per pair Repairing and Upholstering promptly attended to. ROBT. J. REID LEADING' UNDERTAKER 230 Princess Street. Ambulance Call 577w, *e »e oe ow By GEORGE McMANUS MR. MCrE | OW! TELL THA ¥S CALLIN yr DER uP AN' PEST THAT WELL- LL 8 CUT TOMORROW - I'll. WHEN I'M ON THE BOAT BAILIN' FOR, CHINA L IF HEXCOMES NEAR, Truss HOSPITAL AGIN- GONNA STAY HERE: