4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC. WEDNESDA®-SEPT. 27, 1022. ee en ---------- Te -- -- ---- --_-- -- ee ---- GREECE IN THROES | LOCAL NEWS. | _-- OF A REV OLUTION eriet toms of Interest Picked | Up by the Whig Re- There Are Two Revolts, Each) ; porters. | ; With a Quite Different | Mr. Swaine, ptano tager, order: | LAID AV SO Object. Preived at 100 Clergy street w | I, C | Phone 564w. London, Sept. 27.--Greece is a Your ad should be in the classified ' LIMITED the throes of a revolution which has. mns When the ad-reader settles | already caused the downfall of the| Eo Studie Yo sme SE 1 toad the por wow stro KINGSTON'S FAVORITE SHOPPING PLACE reports from Athens has forcea un- oar 8s wi ser- happy Constantine to abdicate in|®3™ Will run on a ten minute favor of the crown prince, thus leay- Vit Lom 11 a i= Gen. | Ing his throne for the second time fn | Tag Day | five years. The revolutionary move- | Svel Hospital, Saturday, September | (ment, which 1s said to be led by Gen- Chief of Police R. J. Robinson jeral Gonatas, is making headway in and Sergeant Marshall Armstrong all directions but thus far without | reports of bloodshed. were in attendance at the supreme The insurrection had {ts inception | €OUrt on Wednesday. among the anquished troops brought| Miss Leola Slate, Miss Mae Dris- from Smyrna to the islands of Mity- No 254 Mismse Mabel a uste A utumn Fashions lene and Chios, and among the sol- atertown, diers at Salonfki. Strangely en-|8uests of the Misses Ethel and : . 4 . ough, however, these two revolts | Francis McKenna, "Wolfe Island. Revealing an infinite variety of moods and seem to have had different objects,| Margaret McLean, who was oraer-| ] bio ormer aimed at the overthrow |d to Orillia Institute by Magistrate | models, colors and nuances of color, are now wa AN er ting Coat] Farrel , 4 : i NE tasting. ang ment @8d King Con| Farrell on Tuesday, jeft on Weise | the dominant feature in all departments de- é \¢ tantine and the latter at the de-|day, accompanied by Mrs. Condie of ong \ jrence of Thrace against the Turks. Be yiluiios Ajay. book Pecbldp voted to the correct appareling of look like a monster of expense? You WOMEN, MISSES AND THE | probably have dozens of boo | Reported by McKinnon & Co., Royal | S0Me one needs and is watch ! YOUNGER SET Bank Building, Market Street. | classified ads to find. Tell them. . | o> NEW YORK STOCKS. A man who is charged with having | . Amer. Loco .,.. . 1211; | obtained money under false pre.) Nothing takes the place of the Sweater for Baldwin Loco, 1323; | tenses, failed to make his S7pearases | . 2 B. & 0. ba « 543 |In the police court on Wednesday | athletic sports. Coat Sweaters, Double Roll A 127 23% morning, and 'x warrant mer pen | Collars, Shawl Collars, Vv Neck and Pull- Cosden 0il we 49% | Issued for his arrest, . 1 C. P.R 14434 eee over--White, Grey, Maroon, Blue, Wine, [Crocs sion 2 571 | TWO MEN CLAIMED Striped, etc. St. Paul ,. ,, HORSE THAT was Founp | | | Erie ..., ... ... teserenens 15% ---- i | Phones 754-755, Store Hours, 9 to 5.30. -- ; . . Yom Ache Queen's University Sweaters gs = A phalt., ..,, ... = ou However, Daniel Hogan Prov- Kingston Collegiate Sweaters Marine Prd', 56% | ©d Himself to be the Right. Mex. Pete ful Owner. UNDERWEAR N. Y. C -- Two claimants for the horse, Good fitting Underwear doesn't cost any Nor. Pano ons Toren $51] Wich Thorn ei, i the more than the other kind, Reading .. .. « 77% [town fire station found on Princess | Southern Pac. 931; | Street last Friday, appeared at his | I | 4 Poe iii 24% ' house on Tuesday evening after an | Stanfield Underwear. Studebaker .. .. 126 [advertisement appeared in the Whig. | U d RiUn. Pace, .. .. 31; | Boucher turneg over the horse to the] --Jeagar ndaerwear. Ua ora. , | first "owner" but it happened that | ' 1 ~ JS ai " {on his Way home the real owner was | --Penman S Underwear. { encountered. He recognized the an- . 'Hollinea- imal, and ordered that it be handed We meet every requirement. Joilinger re en tere 1B95 | Ver to Hil, Tar nr of the mre) Weer 5 rs . : ter was that after considerable BEL tree wrangling and the arrival of the pol- ice in the Black Maria, the real own: o o 9 er, Daniel Hogan, secured the an- vingston's | coo... 5 A ---- 75-79 BROCK STREET | Sr ou "ao oh The frat as party of aD a R FAL L ARE MON IAL § the AoN, wes Jel -- Tuesday E I 0 If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk |. MonTRass Sraoay, Sn CH er ere wei EXPRESSED IN THESE CLOTH GOWNS" | Abitibi Power 8.15 to 10.30 ana dancing from | Atlantic Sugar then until 1 a.m, Crosby and Hack. : | Bell Telephone [etts orchestra provided the music. for the first days of Fall. There is a new Silhouette, longer skirts, of | Brazil i «vv 43%] THe prize winners were: Miss Carmel course, draped skirts, narrow, tailored shoulders with fitted sleeves. Beau- Brompton . . 33 { Driscoll, ladies first prize, and 'the tiful metal and novelty girdles and sashes. Many are strictly tailored, ve | gentleman's, Mr. Clarke; ladies' con- while others are embroidered or button trimmed. All are made from fine, Can. Cement solation, Miss Myrtle Sidléy; gentle. all-wool materials, Serge and Tricotine, in Navy, Brown and Black, Can, Steamship Pid. man's consolation, Mr. Plunkett, {Can. Car P14, ------ $10.00 and upwards .e 2 Rummage Bale. | Dominion Textile Friday morning,. 9.30 o'clock, 48 { Detroit United S Clarence st. (below British-Amer;- | Dominion Bridge can Hotel), : | Gen. Electric . , . . [ ---- | Laurentide ., ,, ! Guessing Contest Results, ' { The results of the Beautiful Montreal Cotton bean guessing . arger ar ot {Mackay .. ., %s | contest. conducted at the fair by The Fabrics National « | Kingston Battery Service were to- | Ogilvie ., .. cara BS day announced by Messrs. H. Milne are a marked feature of | Quebec Rails and King as follows: The number of | these new winter Coats, | Smelters . . beans was 3636 and the winners Tailored from handsome, all- Shaw 3 sero, I. George, Ottawa, 3635, first wool Velour, Duvetyn, Boli- r Shawinigan . 11106 | grine: Wi. ps Sydenham, 3542, | 90 : ye, es a e Steel of Canada . rare 75 second rize, Mr Nott, Nay nee | via and Pony Cloth, in such { Toronto Rails $3n | 3528 TL bre The le pages pretty shades as Brown, {Twin City . . J first, Vest, battery: econd, winter Taupe, Navy, Grey, Sand and Creamery Butter [| a 1 TOR de ater" una dy wet ater. ey He amet Bev Beat Peaches at Fifty Cents, med or handsomely em- . ept. whea 5 Eighty only to sell Thursday morn- broidered hil m weetBunter, ..... .... Xe ae . broidered, while some pos- A nice, s 39c. May wheat ing. Big baskets, at y 8e8s both. Styles are num- Dec. wheat -~-- eroas and can only be ap- | Sept. corn | 32D The billeting committee of the preciated by coming into the White Beans-- [Rolled Oats-- (Iii yin Christian Endeavour met in the Y. store and viewing them for 3 Ibs. for ..d .25¢ | 6 I " - wi % M.C.A. on Tuesday evening to ar- yourself. The prices are Y bs. for wv 25¢. ... 971 |TaBge for lodging for delegates to very reasonable and start at BI R Ri n {May wheat the Soaysnlioa wig during the first ue nose Rice-- oe i , | week of November. 3 ds for 25 |Seedless Raisins [Bec wheat io.............. ggg | WoRk 02 3 number from the city went pounds for . i er pound 20c Nov. wheat ieee 98% 14g the Wolf. Island fair Wednesday . . | --_-- » Ponohes Doe afternoon, Canned Peas. ------------------ | ig Peaches Coming Now, | Green grapes, blue plums, Seckel DAILY MEMORANDUM, New stock. Pearl Tapioca-- Ce heldon pears, Quinces, etc., hold their annual tee ng shah, rl h at Carnovsky's, Nov. 10th, in Lecture Hall, ' 6 tins for ... 75. 31bs. for. . ..35. -- Soe The practices of the football squad at Queen's University are drawing Hersley Blend 45¢ 3 Ibs. for ....$1.25 out larger crowds every day. It is expected that a special train will be TEA--Black. 5 Ibs. for aaws $2.00 Tun to Montreal on October 11th for {the game With MoGill. | The Wolfe Island folk were also {| Incky in drawing fine weather for BORN, | n Srp SEs Host ! Coffee Coff €e Prem Ba a Har fave 2 $2000 99200000000 JAMES |e @i The Old Firm of Undertakers Hu Quality blend . . . + + -40c. Ib., 2 Ibs. 75¢. |# ROBBERS sTEAL #354 and 256 PRINCESS STREET Unperturbed, the Cloth Gown holds its own, and Promises smartness ------------ k | 3 |e $8,000 FROM BANK + Phone 147 for Ambulance . Perfection Blend . . + -50c. Ib., 2 Ibs, 95¢. j* --- * L : {% Brandon, Man., Sept. 27.--Six * Chase & Sanborn's Special Blends, |3 Tobbers clad in overalls and + . Ed 'wearing peaked caps, broke ¢ i . - # into the Union Bank at Mooso- -FOOT WELL le min, Sask., about two o'clock * and : 'wear smart shoes 1,000 LBS. DAIRY BUTTER : [+ this morning, blew open the ¢ ave compar shossand sil Fresh made--I pound prints .....35¢. |}'+ vauit anda then the mae sats, & Ambulance Phone 1880. | Arch Preserver Shoes keep your and with. + and escaped with $8,000 .n # pain, Perfect styles ls Sash but did not touch any ¢ JOHN Embalmer ] uci oF pein Your arch can't sag. : . : . + bonds. * , | APPLES Wolf River and Gideon-- [6 Hosina, ani. Sent . 27 8] A uiance LOCKETT'S ize; coo 5 : ) ; ® Robbers broke into the branch ¢ : : Large size; 21S sv +22¢. per peck i Of the Bank of Montreal at ¢ # Ceylon, Sask Private Phone 365. . Public 458-459, Wholesale 1707. ® * ; ---- $000¢%00¢000000e