MR dine RES HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27, 1022. ee - --_---------- iD eee -- = ---- -- . FEWER REGISTRATIONS } i" -- y-- ' : In Art and © ag Toront; Un- | Whole Year's Shines. A : versity. FOR THAT HOUSE YOU INTEND Brash. tn 4 Toronto, Sept. 27.-- Whether the . oN " fit--Brus Get a "NUGGET" Outi--Brust reasons be economic or merely the BUILDING SEE OUR STOCK OF of polish and polishing pad--cardboard : natural result of a general stiffen- boxes, 60c.; metal boxes, Foci with : By LiruT JOHN R. I IN ing in entrance Toul a nete t wo | iishee Stra hi By can Ye a U. 8. AIR SERVICE, RESERVE) nevertheless apparent at the close of | Hemlock. S ruce Pine ry -- mN the first day for registration yester- | 9 P 3 day at the University that the fresh- | ELECTRIC MEASUREMENTS. man year in ell faculties will be oon- | In the immediate preceding | tion of Soma substance like copper {siderably smaller than in any year articles are several simple methods sulphate. 'Inere will be chemical #ince the close of the war. Such is detecting the current in a wire, change in the solution accompanied the opinfo the various registra- Shoe Polish &nd the direction of the current | by a deposition of the metal copper - Lhe alter Ee ol SERVICE AT THE RICHT PRICE flow and magnetic effect. These | on one of the plates. The mass of io for the last-minute rush to- | OUR MOTTO BLACK--TAN--TONEY RED methods also provide us with | a metal which is deposited out of wance for the last-minu | y - Pet 0 DARK BROWN AND WHITE means of current measurement. | a solution by an electric current day and the fnevitable late-comers. i I mn | § % I b The heating effect of the current | depends on the product of the The falling off in the first-year en- | | / 11 | 1s utilized in hot wire instruments strength of the current by the time |rolment is most marked in the md T I) q Vi wh. - where the increase in length of | it is allowed to flow. Thus a cer- | taculty of medicine, for fairly ob- J Internal and Extern the heated wire is utilized to move | tain current flowing for 100 sec- | vious reasons. The length of the | VICTORIA bY KING STON.ONT a are PECLE relieved by os THoMAS' ECLECTRIC OIL ANG 18 OLA GRRE ALY, PIETY. YEARS BEFORE 18 A TESTIMONIAL THAT cs fon im & pointer over a dial. These prin- ciples are used in a great variety of instruments for the measure- ment of current. The amount of current is read from the dial or scale of the instrument. The scale onds is found experimentally to be able to deposit as much of a metal as a current 100 times as great passing for one second. etc. The ampere (properly called the course has been increased from five | |to six years, and at the same time | {partial honor matriculation is re- | {quired for admission, which entails | {an additional year at a high school | | x international ampere) is that un- I £ NUMEROUS CURATIVE QUALIT! is usually graduated at the time varying current wkich, when jor collegiate institute. Only 43] A BUSINESS MAN'S UNCH i when the instrumen: is standard- passed through a neutral solution | registered yesterday for the first | RUEEN'S STUDENTS ized, in a unit called the "ampere." The instruments are called "am- of silver nitrat., will deposit sil- ver at the rate of .001118 gram |oear in medicine, and it is expected {that the number will not exceeq | We have made a specialty of courteous service and a menu . meters." The ampere is a unit | per second. i the business men's lunch. At for those of the most discrimi STATIONERY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. the magnitude of which has been This neans of measuring cur- |¥hen the registration is ompleted the noon hour, drop in at The nating taste will assure you of DANCE INVITATIONS AND PROGRAMMES A SPECIALTY. defined by international agreement. | rent fs mot done in actual every Victoria .Cafe unch. SCRIBBLING PAPER--500 SHEETS ............... 30c. In its definition, the method pre- | day practice, but it is by the above 8 «tafe. Our qu, & pleasant noop-day J viously described of attaching the method thet the measuring instru- ends of a charged wire to two me- ments in 4:tual THE VICTORIA CAFE JEWLY LEE, Manager. 854 KING STREET TELEPHONE 763. PHONE 243. use are Randard. | DAINTY CAFE |------ { APPARATUS DEVICES I | The place where dining out is truly By RALPH BROWN, RADIO ENGINEER PRECISION VARIABLE AIR CONDENSERS. > Qa delight While the average individual has arrangement will hold any adjust- no need for the above type of ment regardless of the position precision condenser, there are they are placed. ~ clubs and associations whose ex- The system is fastened to two periments require instruments of | ei recular bakelite-dilecto end this description. pieces, the upper of which is in The illustration shows a .005 turn Jastoney to the top of the mfd condenser containing a total condenser and is made of the same of fifty-six semicircular fixed polished material. On the top is plates and fifty-eight semicircular | the. rotary control knob 'and variable plates. The plates of the upper half of the condenser are mounted on the opposite side of the shaft from the similar lower Plates, thus effectively balancing the system mechanically, This tallic plates immersed in a solu- ized, | | to-day. I 1 | | | ! BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO, Cink | | | R-A-D-1.0 | A Our only business is RADIO. That's why we are always ready to with all the latest and best in RADIO. supply you PRINCESS ST. OPPOSITE BIBBY'S | Complete seth installed anytime, anywhere. , eee FOR SALE House---Solid brick, 8 rooms, § bedrooms, electric lights, gas, 3 plece bath; furnace in fime location, on Johnson Street. House, solid briek, 2 story and attic, 11 rooms, 7 bedrooms, electric Mghts, gas, 3 plece bath, hot water heating, hardwood floors Ist and 2nd fiat; excellent cellar, sun posch; all newly decorated. Excellent lo- cation--Barrie Street, f ovation people! Write for information or ar- nige a date for demonstration. BOYS! Build your own Crystal Sets. We have all the right parts at right prices. Come and see us. CANADA RADIO STORES RIGHT GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES 260% Princess Street 19075, Radio BAAY, Kingston's First and Only Exclusive Radio Supply House pointer, which is provided with an engraved 180 degree scale. These condensers are mounted in oak cabinets and provided with They are made calibration charts. in three capacities. GORDON HILL GRAHAME ! Of Stony Lake, Ont., winner of the prize of $2,600 offered by three Cana-| dian publishing firms for the best Cana- \ "A Terrible Experience" ning novel is "The Bond Triumphant," | | and the scene of the story is laid in| old Quebec. FARMERS HOIDING WHEAT LEAKS Looking for Higher Prices in Sasifa-| : : toon District, I Recall My Experiences with the Burglar with in your automobile engine, if it Saskatoon, Sask., Sept. 7.--Not | F lin . f H 1" ane ie a nd * nearly so much wheat {is being | . ce gs 0 orror the chances are there is a crack {thrown on the market this year as | or a break in it somewhere. Our in 1921, according to the report of | *"Howwonld you feel if you wakened getting weaker and weaker, 80 much welding will remedy that in the Dominion statistictan for the| in the middle of the night with a | so that my husband and children short order and it will pay you Saskatoon district. The farmers ap-| flashlight shining in your eyes and | were constant] worrying about me, to let us fix it up for you. All pear to be finding some means of | he gruff voice of a man threatening Doctors for me and while metal breaks quickly mended holding their crop for better prices. that, If you make the slightest noise, I willingly tried their medicines, on with oxy-acetylene welding. th Bent I'll shoot?' That was ny experience | very few of them did me any good, Eighty-five per cent. of the whea the end of last March when my hus- | but unfortunately the good was not ol . -- Is threshed 'in this district ang 75 band was away in the woods and I M y asked me if I Bisho Machine Sho per cent of oats. 'Weather conditions was alone with my three children. | woul try Gre and I said, 'I was Pp Cl . P aro ideal, labor eupply normal, and | Everytime I think of this experience rilling to try an but felt Gat KING AND QUEEN STREETS ! 8 €F passes over me and as long | it would not do me an good, Four 3 Q Ts thus Are plenty of machines for the|. 23h live shall | remember it. At the Bottles of Carnol taken » , has i= ' . time I really thought I would die. | complete! restored my former health i WIll readers interested tn these radio articles kindly communicate It's a wonder my heart did not stop | and strengthand, while I occasionally - with the editor by mail? TO STOP PADEREWSKL beating. I was 80 weak that even if | recall m experience with the burglar : GRAVES BROS Po, Jind any 36156 lomave, T could sot. with fe inghof horror, } Smotierwisy ae was in a col mm; 8s well and strong as ve ever 2 PL TIN TEAM H . Toronto Jous Protest Againgt Hi Jintion, Even i the 2 og been. Carnal a the most wonderful 1 1 Pppearance. etails now makes me shudder. We ve ever msed for UMBING) INSHITHING, STE AY heat Na, a. Toronto, Sept. 27.--Toronto He- was a result of this shock that I |bui ding and restoring health and | w brews and Poles are combining in a Salucia a high fever and 51 hours Stren! : It ha done wonders Jor . x . movement to prevent Paderewskd, at a time I was delirious, got 80 | several of my riends to whom ve All work given our personal careful attention. worki famous pianist and former| bed hat the doctor finally give up | recommended it." Mra. McC. OL... HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE Dasoout St Ion, trom giving] OFC Sve pemveisg pro-| Carnol fs sold By draggin, ; ; his advertised plano recital here nounced out of danger. The shock | and if you can tiously say 211 Princess Street Phone 332 next week. The Daily Hebrew Jour- had left me so weak, that, for no | after you have tried it, that it Taser nal to-night stated that a mass meet- reason whatever, I would suddenly | done you any good, return the empty Ing would be held publicly to pro-| burstinto tears. 'All the lifé seemed tier" Risk id Be will refund pats om --~---- a. A test at Paderewski being allowed to to have been taken out of me, I kept | money. : pay here, and to lay plans to pre-| For sale by the Mahood Drug Co. L 1 vent the recital being held. Padere- . 4 ] . waki displayed marked anti-Jewish f 1 OW S e me sentiment while president of Poland, or C O1 e i and that New York Hebrews wand 5 x Poles were successful in stopping his . Beecham"s Pill lendid toni To prepare for colder weather and make your recital there. the 8 act as a to buildings warm and weatherproof. When digestive organs. They remove seidity and fermentation and excess of bile from, Our sock of Builders' Hardware, Tools, Ready ar the stomach and bowels and promote the ' plete, Glass, Putty, Roofing Paint, etc., is very com- ye secretion of the gastric juices. In thus hess. stomach morbid conditions and # Phone your needs and they will receive our-imme- is y ow ing the digestive processes Beecham's Pills iE. Wliate atten i upset naturally have an excellent effect upon the | : S general health. If you have lost your ap Lemmon & ons te or are from nausea, sick, : Take i headache, constipation, or giddiness 1 187 PRINC ESS STREET : J . 9 ® : - + . d Sold ; . 28040 pills . everywhere : ¥ AERIAL OF AMERICA'S BUSIEST STATION. J. BE. MA uality Moffat Electric Fall Brings Forth a Variety of Pretty, CF. General man or of the. Range to sell at a really low price. Riverhead, L.1., is the busiest radio station on this contin- a 7 8 ey atern It 7) femgzts, h 1 Jage ent. It is receiving messages almost continuousl from Bor- Shim: vie prenten SS Canadian New Patterns in a rr we e - dik deaux, France; Carnarvon, Wales; Stay r, Norway; and | held its annual co Saat Shih y ] switches, It has All the latest in Nayen and Eivedeses, Sermany, Yets its Be pate, jhsiead S74 13 Mantrenl 5 Ww. ' F. fw ) provements en ol" being supported on huge towers of gi y con- men 00 ea Jvaliey and will do as good work structed much like ordinary tele. 'aph ot (and this is o y S r SF San Jue. otis Moltain the Important feature) he acta is nine Jiiles long! 2 the 0 Sh : ly Fall h ) bookl 1g luropean stations mentioned transmit on di erent wave- ur n j bee | 2% Limited, Weston, Ontario. lengths, and they may all be received at Riverhead at one and : $0106 lov early Tall have just n A 4 1 : i t i the same time. Riverhead's unique aerial has solved much of received and embrace the best of the new Lip '@ 4 ectric | |the problem of interference and static. The man in the picture : : Ef 1 Q anges w | |is throwing the grounding switch, - popular ideas in Pumps and Oxfords. Ex- oT eA OR SALE BY {To-day's Radio Programme. | | cu 5m, Schenectady, N.Y. (Bast. cellont quality, Tr il. : ern Stan e). ine P ublic Utility Hydro Shop SE Farsi, Reber 12 noon, U.S. Naval Observatory '268 Princess 8t., K 1, Ont. Phone 844 Station WGY, General Electric | time signals. The The Sawyer Shoe Store -- ------ -- -- ee | EENANAS -- 12.30 p.m. Noon stick market the i t., ph dled Tu i Quotations, the . N T Pils wo vas Bute Londen, Ont. pbpocine, Ged Fuse EMORRHOIDS Soar one Phone 159. 184 Princess St. : on. John Sprott Arcuibald| Do not sutfer doy me lm. Weather forecast on Sear 1 } Sontroller for the fuel situation | Ms resigned his position as acting| WW Behing. Beading, or Procroding a a ke 5 a ustice of the superior coust, Speration required, In. noe and 6 pam. Produce and stock market will reileve The resignation . will reports; baseball re-