WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27, 1022, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. d DR. A.W.WINNETT/ THE HORRORS OF DENTAL SURGEON, Corner of Johnson and Wellington Btreets Phone 363 'For moving of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, | PIANOS, CANTAGE and STORAGE OF | EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. ? s Mone $i7 boyenings 2231. 158 WELLINGTON STREET "Dr. Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington St. Phone 256 [i i When in Kingston stop at HOTEL - INDIGESTION Relieved by "Fruit-a-tives" the Fruit Medicine Indigestion, Weak DNigestion or partial digestion of fool, is one of the most serious of present-day | ecomplaints--because it is responsible for many serious troubles. Those who suffer with Indigestion, | almost invariably are troubled with Rheumatism, Palpisation of the Heart, | Sleeplessness and excessive Nervousness, "Fruit-a-tives" will always relieve Indigestion because these tablets | strengthen the stomach inuscles, ncrease the flow of the digestive uices and correct Constipation, which | usually'acoompanies Indigestion. 50c a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250, At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. RANDOLPH THE POPULAR HOTEL Central location. Rooms with hot and cold running water, Special attention to Transients PIANO TUNING Plane Tuning and Repairing. Also Organ Work. All work guaranteed, PETER D. BROWN 12 MarKiand St. Phone 2307m. -- OGILVIE'S Insurance and Brokerage Office -------------------------------------------------- A | AGENT FOR | EXCELSIOR LIFE, ROYAL EX- CHANGE, FIRE, SICKNESS AND ACCIDENT, BURGLARY. | G. HUNTER OGILVIE 151 Wellington Street WATTS People's Florist | 22 Main Street. ein Pr THERAPION No. 1 THERAPION No.2 JTHERAPION No.3 Skin Diseases. No. 3 for Ohronie Weaknesses SOLO BY LEADING CHEMISTS. PRICE IN ENGLAND, 38 DR LECLERCMed Co. HaverstockRd.,N WS. London SEE TRADE MARKED WORD 'THERAPION IS ON BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED TO GENUINE PACEPTS. BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son Nm TRY NY = TABLETS «= NR CLE RSE A. For Liver Ills. AT» Box Mahood Drug Siore. 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res, 1187, Bell's Vanilla HIGH GRADE 25¢c. A BOTTLE Cheapest in the long run. Made in Kingston by-- DR. BELL WONDER MEDICINE CO. YAN MACHINERY TORONTO PEA COAL and COKE ' Is the Time to Get Your Watch or Clock REPAIRED L. C. HEMSLEY Watchmaker from R. J. Rodger 149 Sydenham St. Just off Princess HARD AND SOFT WOOD Cut in stove lengths. BOOTH & 00. Grove Inn Yard Phone 183 ------ -- INSURANCE OF "ALL KINDS W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 80 Brock Street Phone 424 amsm-------------------------------------------- i GUNNS MAPLE LEAF Made from Pork Sau Put up in one pound Rat tina, Cooked fresh -- the MHavor is surprisingly different to what one e. t the thing for holiday trips And Pur yup meals, BON MARCHE GROCERY Corner King and Earl Streets. Phone 1844. A mtn FOR SALE Military Tents ----- Bells and Marquees--at reduced prices. Also new Camp Cots and Quantity production these low prices possible. Right is the time t a or bs Potabis Platform Scale. dhe Genvine F SCALE makes 8, arrow-tip beam, large platform and wide wheels. | | Kingston and Vicinity In ald of General Hospital, Satur- day, September 30th, Many Spectators Here. The sessions of the supreme court jat the Court House are attracting | many persons from the county who |are interested as witnesses or spect- {ators in the various cases, | | Tag Day. | Pianos to Rent, At a moderate rate monthly. If | purchased at the end of six months rental applied off purchase price. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. Overcoats Succeed Straws. As a rapid change from the straw hat period, overcoats are now com- {mon on the streets. And all this {has happened in less than a week. | | Returned From Halifax. .. Warden Ponsford of the Ports- mouth penitentiary has returned {from Halifax where he spent a eplen- i#lid vacation, He reached the city cu WMonday night, Canadian Pacific Change of Time Effective Sunday, Oct. 1st, 1922, impo tant changes in train schedules will be made. Full particulars from any Canadian Pacific agent. They're Rugby Crazy. Queen's rugby practices are watch- led by large crowds of interested citi- zens and students. To say that tha fans are rugby crazy is little exag- geration. ------ The Work Resumed. Work has been resumed on Queen's cinder tennis courts after Phowe 1670. | being held up by the lack of cinders. {It is hoped to have the courts ready | soon, Frost Injures Flowers. Although there have been several touches of frost in the district dur- Ing the past week, the farmers state that there has been very little dam- age done. Flowers were mostly af- fected. ------------ For Fall and Winter, We have received all our fall and | winter goods, consisting of Boys' and | Men's overcoats, Boys' and Men's | suits, also a large range of cloth for sults made to measure at reason- able prices. Prevost, Brock street. ------------ The Stadium Ready. The running track at the stadium is being rolled for the fall season's sports. The grandstand is also be- ing prepared for the games. A fence is In the process of erection in front of the bleachers so as to keep the spectators off the 'fleld. Convict to Give Evidence. Wiliam Ayres, serving a 12-year sentence at Portsmouth penitentiary arrived in Sarnia in charge of Sher- iff A. J. Johnston and Police Con- stable Leslie Atkins, and it is stat- ed he will give evidence in defence a VERY SUDDEN DEATH. Of Miss Victoria Sproule at South Canonto, Sept, 19th. Donaldson, Sept. 26.--A sad death occurred in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sproule, South Canonto, on Tuesday, Sept. 19th, when their daughter, Victoria, suddenly passed away. Miss Sproule had always en- | foyed good health and made no men- tion of illness until shortly before her {death. About tea time she became very {ll and in half an hour her spirit had taken its flight. Deceased was a quiet, industrious woman and will be sadly missed by the bereaved family and neighbors, Her death has cast a gloom over the whole community, and much sympathy is felt for the grief-stricken family. Besides her parents, she leaves to mourn seven brothers and one sister: George and William, 'Lavant Station; Samuel, Madoc; John, Palmerston; Thomas. Canonto; Charles and Adam at home, and Mrs. James Love, Clyde Forks. The funeral service was held in the home on Thursday afternoon, Sept. 21st at one o'clock, and was conduct- od by Rev. A. M. Little, McDonald's Corners. The remains were laid to rest in Mundell's cemetery, The large attendance and numerous floral offer- ings testified to the high esteem in which deceased was held. The pall- bearers were Fred Trombley, Neil Morrow, Louis Morrow, William | Campbell, Akmore Morrow and Wil- liam Sproule, Wé do not know much. "But we do know that if you are healthy, you haye no kick coming, lot Jack Yohn, charged with bank busy lives. The merchant wha jrobbery. | keeps his store needs before them is | ! tt | getting their business. | That Long Delayed Paving. | Good progress is now being made | Appreciated the Kindness, | |with the paving work on Ontario] "I have never been showm such | |street. Enough paving blocks are kindness in my life," sald Robert | {on hand for several days' work. | Denniston, Waterloo, N.Y., elghty- | 1 three years old, on Tuesday, 'as by Like the Mild Weather. {two of your constables here. I went | The milder weather on Wednes- (to the police station for information | day morning was greatly appreciat- 28nd Detective Cotter and Constable ed by citizens who had to walk down | Beaupre not only supplied all that town at an early hour. "I hope it|I needed but procured a réom for | {makes the coal a little cheaper," re- me at the hotel. I'm an old man but | | marked one man whose bin is not|L have yet to find anyone who has yet filled. {taken such interest in a visitor's wel- | { fare." 1 Returned From Tour, ------ | Rev. Father James Nicholson, Whas "Rotary" Means, M.C., dean of Regiopolis coliece.; The Toronto Star has the follow- | has returned from a tour of other|ing: "Rotary maintains an even bal- | colleges in company with Monsignor | ance between the frivolous side of Hartigan, of Prescott. The reverend |lfe and the serious," sald Rotarian | gathered information Rev. Frank J. Day to the Rotary! when plans | Club. "In the new age Rotary stands | for comradeship, manhood and ser- | | the local college. vice. It generates the familiarity ot - a family. It interprets what a square | Improving Clarence Park. - [deal means in business, and it puts | Park Superintendent Phillips is'a little Heaven nto life in place of making improvements to the Clar-|the hell a great many men put into |ence street park. The shubbery is|it." | being thinned out and otherwise re-| arranged. The superintendent finds Rotary Club Activities. it most dificult to get young trees, The Kingston Rotary Club will {to grow in this down town park ow- hold a dinner and business meeting | ling to the action of boys who muuil-| at the British-American hotel on | late them. However, he intends to|Friday evening at 6 o'clock, when the | plant a few more of the rapid-|chairman of the various committees | growth type. will be called upon for a report. A {general discussion will take place on Joins Theatrical Company. club matters, and a good attendance One of the members of the native [is desired. The programme for next Hawaiian orchestra, which was a|month includes the following: Oct. feature of the big midway at the|6th, address by Dr. R. Bruce Tay- Kingston fair, remained in the city oT; Oct. 13th address bw Fire Chief when the rest of the show people James Armstrong; Oct. 20th, boys He has obtained | Work with moving pictures; Oct. left for Virginia. je a position with "The Bird of Para. | #7¢h business meeting. dise" company, and will join the show upon its arrival here. gentlemen | which will be utilized are drawn up for the extension of Paid Tribute. Before opening the sessions of the supreme court on Tuesday afternoon Baseball Banquet. {| Hon. Mr. Justice Orde paid a warm Preparations are still going ahead [tribute to the late J. L. Whiting, for the banquet to be given by the | K.C., Kingston. Mercantile Baseball League to the "lI want to express publicly «my various players of the organization. | great personal regard at the lament. The Plumbers' team will be the | ed death of J. L. Whiting," sald his guests of honor, and a feature ot lordship, who added that he had the programme will be the presenta- | known Mr. Whiting for many years tion of the Arthur silver trophy to |and respected him for his many fine Solve Buying Problems. It is surprising how much, the | modern man and woman depend upon advertisemiemts to solve their buying problems. The housekeepers and business people of today have | #0 many really large problems to settle that "shopping . around" is simply out of the question in their Fibre Board Solid Fibre Board makes a very stiff, strong Board for Walls, Ceilings, etc. Itisa good, sound-deadener. Sheets are 4-0 x 8-0, and the reduced price is now within reach. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415. For Men Only! We have the best in Men's Fall Footwear--the highest quality at the lowest possible price. One of the many: Box Side Calf Blucher, heavy soles, rubber heels, Goodyear welt made, solid leather. Our PriCE . ,acnine vc cniinsnnin evvnnies 35.50 Call and see us. It's just around the corner. JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street Your Wrap For Next Fall and Winter It is not too early to decide what fs to be done about & warm Wrap for the Fall and Winter. There are just two things to do. Either have the present Fur Coat remodelled or fixed up or else see what can be done about a new Fur Coat. It will be a pleasure to advise you whichever the case may be, Gourdier's BROCK STREET; the champions and suitable souven-|qualities. "It was a great shock to the title race. '|and read of his sudden death," said his lordship. Best family physic, Do not gripeor cause £ oaay to take. 350. Kingston's Most Up-to-date C gston's Most Up-to-date Cafe land. Cafe pleasant, quiet surroundings, home-like cooking, a menu to please those of the most dis- 331 KING STREET. g Private Phone 653, irs to the Retailers, runners-up in (Mme when I picked up a newspaper Hood's Purely vegeta- Visitors in Kingston will find at The New Eng- criminating taste and service which is unexcelled. KINGSTON, ONT, CAN. Public Phone 527 WHEN MAJOR MACLAURIN WAS KILLED. A Suapehot of the wrecked airplane which took a nost dive in English Bay, Vancouver, B.C., recently, the accident in which Major C. MacLaurin, noted Canadian airman of Ottawa, lost his life. : QUARDS OFF TO TURKEY. shown full dress review of the Grenadier | a ballalion of which was in of Connaught before leaving for Gonstestmens oe Friar x or & TWEDDELL SUITS are so designed that dura- ) bility, style plus individual- ity, are the leading features --Styles becoming to those of the most discriminating taste are the ones to be found at:-- TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel TIME FOR Warmer Underwear We are showing a complete as- sortment of all the best makes and styles for Men, Women and Children, in Wool, Union, Silk and Wool and heavy Cotton Combina- tions and two piece Suits--all at at- .- tractive prices.