Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Sep 1922, p. 6

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WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27, 1028 4 i SY, 9) | EL -- ---- -" v ONTARIO'S ROADS. er in the opinion of his fellows. But | BIBLE THOUGHT FOR n----,,---- The Contract Record, of Toronto, | character and personality without . | y | y 'g | } THE END OF ENMITY:-- | ' ; {in an editorial artile on Ontario's learning do not constitute a sofles J Whion 3 ssan's. wags. please] | roads remarks: education, nor does a pedantic belie life Lotd, he maketh eves his oneni- "But is such criticism warrant- | that "book knowledge" is sufficient. {tes to be at peace with him.--Pro- ed or does ft find justification In| Athletics, class room mental VIgoT |yorpg 16: 7, any serious errors of judgment or | and campus aadtivities all contribut? | A A A flagrant waste of money on the | toward the finished product of a co part of the highways department? | lege graduate. A college man has | me In New Tork gray S87 To our mind, most of the opposi-| learned to think, to concentrate upon | take 80 much salt with everything tion is unsupported by fact and | a question and delve into myriads of | those New Yorkers tell you I am not has developed as a result of per-| conglomerate facts and extract surprised they need so much sonal inconvenience in travelling | those applicable to the subject. It { You've Seem This Bird. the new highways or because the | i unfair to demand that a college {Ana now and then critic does not see eye to eye with | man upon his graduation should at ay . i ping a gink, y - ho looks the government as regards the lo- | once step into a position which an Ho way the ising Kuk cation of the road, its cost, type or | other has spent four years in reach- --Sam Hill some other feature of its construc- | ing. But the college man should at- 5 tion." tain that position more rapidly and And Tos sh right, dear Sam, § The Ottawa Journal maintains, | fill it better by reason of his train- however, that most of the things | ing. : BRITISH WHIG | 80TH YEAR. I- | more than 25 tons of salt are can- sumed in New York every day." you're going tame, I trow For I have seen them who Dally and Semi-Weekly by BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO, LIMITED «sss President which have been sald about the in- action of the Ontario government with respect to the completion of ANOTHER SEX WAR. Among the many reasons given Looked like the other link below. A. Johnson. Nothing In a Name. for the modern tendency of the mar- | n.a. gam. : ried to seek freedom, one which has| I ses Wil D. Cline, who is offer- probably caused more domestic [Ing Jobs to railroad men, does not decline to give any man a job who spats than any other has been per- {win take it. sistently ignored until a few days ago when a woman writes at length about it to an exchange. But it was not the woman who first brought up this important but heretofore neg- lected subject, for she wrote in ans- -- wer to the complaint of a married | ° or the Nemes Sub. Low ; 8, province have of recent years under. | P20 that, although the house he has |, --e Suen from BY on . St. a i . i " i ", * Quianr, 23st, Joka Bo King hw! | pone a wonderful change. The gov- provided for his family has thirty {one of the well-known sweet pickles. Foronie. } erament subsidy system has worked nine windows, he lives in darkness | anyway he is in one for he just has ¢ ion' ) fed. blished | scause hi fe insists | P%¢R marrle Letters to the lditor are published marvels. Of course there is plenty and gloom becau his wife in Fred A. Poet, of Detroit, hastens to @BLy over the Actusl mame of the | and cur- of room for further Saini assure us he lg innocent--mnever even writer, 5 | Attached is ome of the best Joh but without doubt it will come. Now (ried to. write' free verse. ein tiag offices im Canada, | the Ottawa-Prescott highway, -are undoubtedly justified. However, | When dealing with the roads of the | province generally, one has to admit that the highways department has been doing its best to get results. Those who have travelled over tha Interior roads of the province during the past fifteen years can bear testi- mony to the fact that both the couns ty and the township roads of this azing-Director TELEPHONES: Oftice M G, Erlanger, Ky. Daily Sentence Sermon. If you can't mind your own busi- ness nobody wants you to try to mind theirs. $6.00 year, if 956.00 year, by mail to rural offices $3.50 year, to United States ¥3.20 (Semi-Weekly Kdition Be year, by mull, cash ... . year, If not paid in a ne year, to United States . "OF -TOWN REPRESENTATIVES) | on so many window shades | tains. While perhaps there are other has taken to the 1 1a | eee causes for family quarrels, there Is nothing which Is so constant a do- | § Qup Canadian Question 3 mestic irritant as the window shade And Answer Corner | that the farmer > . | automobile, a rapid progress may be &ho circulation of THE BRITISH | 150164 for. English Blue Serge Suits THE' FINEST VALUES THE WORLD'S MARKETS CAN OFFER YOU... WHIG is authenticated by the ABO Audit Bureau of Circulations est tt '¥. 0. B. now means Freight Omin- ously Behind, Might may not be right, but it's seldom left. © Opportunity knocks #lvy keeps at it forever. 1 It 1s easy enough to figure out a Yiwing wage for the other fellow to live on. Another objection to profanity is hat in time of stress it is so darned fnadequate. A term of reproach for speeders mill never prove effective unless it Is a term in jail. Ha Not all seniority rights are denied. { he Ford is still 32,654 jokes ahead of prohibition. Wonder what a child thinks about shen an angry parent whips it for Josing its temper. Gerniany can always avert a cata- | $trophe by making the Allies beltevo "§t 1s about to happen. There may be times when politic "dans don't know what to do, but they ays know whom to do. "It must be fine to be humble and have people listen respectfully while i you brag about your humility, A'hink how many unremembered Graves aro filled with men who once galled important citizens, ory is forever repeating itself. pn old Noah saw dry land, he pro- d at once to plant grapes. the only thing to be sald F times like these is that thay en~ the manufacture of red ink, girls don't write home from for several weeks, and some of spending money in a few Bm -- would be even more edu- if there wasn't so much sim- in the architecture of filling ink goodness; in a little while will be back to afford parking for the trash that now fills our pockets. ) jazz music for penitenti- fnmates would indicate that d has not outgrown its fond- 'we look back over the years, astonished that so many in- survived without being depriv- soda fountain has one advan- No stranger full of milkshake your lapels and tells you the of his life. knows no moderation, n who brags about his an- FOR CLEAN SPEECH. In the city of Verona, Italy, a movement has been started for clean speech. In a period of weeks, the promoters say, about eighty per cent. of profanity and nasty talk had been eliminated. But they were frank to admit that | the remaining twenty per cent. could but once; | not be stopped short of a year, and probably it never could be utterly eliminated. Now, there are occasions on which | the man of mildest tongue feels bet- {ter for the use of some shocking and frequently blasphemous word, When the hammer descends upon the fing- er, instead of the nail-head, it Is time for those In the immediate vic. inity to turn the head, and stop the ears. But in ordinary moments certainly there is too much loose language be- ing used in this city as well as the rest of the world. We. all know the type of person of whom It is sald that he can't open his mouth without swearing. The ' Veronese may acomplish much through a campaign. It seems better for folk around here to begin at home. If you will try it out for an hour or two, you really will sur- prise yourself. The most forcible ideas can actually be expressed In clean and decent language. We have no real hope of working a reform. But the next time a lefyd or profane word leaps to your lipd, think of the gentlemen of Verona. COLLEGE EDUCATION PAYS. Queen's University opens this week, and the college campus will be the gathering ground of ambitl- ous boys and girls from all parts of Canada, together with an- ever-in- creasing number from many another clime. That which is trues of Queen's is equally true of all the other colleges in the dominion. Thousands of boys and girls, pro- ducts of Iast June's high school and collegiate graduating classes, have entered upon the most important period of their education. Their mo- tives for entering college are many and varied, and range from the de- sire to "make" the feotball team to spending five or eo years in what seems a prison where learning Is forged upon unwilling neophytes im allopathic doses. It is only fair that the freshman should know what he is going to receive in college and to what extent he will be benefited. =, His association in a more or less intimate friendship with members of the college faculty should beget In him a proper respect for Intellectual prowess. He will meet men who through long devotion think their line of work outshines all others. Thus a capacity for judgment fis formed in discerning the more im- portant from other degrees of Im- portance. Tradition gives the facul- ty, collectively and individually, the characters of tyrants and oppressors who make' the otherwise pleasant days of college life drudgery and tor- ture. But any man several years out ant smiles to some one or two pro- fessors whose guidance and kindly encouragement have made hard roads easy. Constant mingling with his kind in all manner of college and extrd- college activities has a considerable effect upon the forming of character in thé young student. A man who can meet men upon a common ground of intelligence #nd good judgment, discuss the problems of [the day in the manner which he learned in college halls, stands high- ¥ of college can look back with pleas- | question. Think what a constant strain on a woman's nerves to have something e¢onstantly throwing thse blinds to the top, and leaving them all crooked at that, just aftér she has got them properly arranged. It is ir- ritating to have to climb on a-chalr every morning as soon as the man of the house has left, and pull down and straighten the curtains; yet such is a part of the daily routine of a majority of wives. On the other hand, it is depressing to a man to come in out of the daylight and find himself surrounded by the gloom of night. This subject having made its way into the papers, should be taken up by all those who view with alarm | the evidences of domestic strifo shown by appeals to the senate for rellef. Since there is no hope of educating women to endure a glare which exposes every imperfection of their housekeeping or their furnish- Ings, the only hope les in educat- ing men to 'prefer darkness to light. Q._What is the extent and value of Canada's hay crop? A.--Canada's hay and clover crop is of growing importance and value, amounting, dn 1921, to 12,234,000 tons, worth $267, 000, 000 or a guar- jter of the total field crop value of | nearly a billion. Q.--Of what value are Canada's National Parks? A--It Is estimated that 650,000 foreigners visited the Dominion Na- tional Parks during the season of 1920-21, At $300 each, they left in the country $15,000,000, which if capitalized on a basis of § per cent. would represent $300,000,000 over against their total cost to date of $5,- 000,000, . CANADIAN PACIFICO. | Kingston Subdivision Train Service. Effective Monday, Ootober 2nd 1922, following trains will be restor- ed: No. 618, leave Kingston 11.46 a.m., due Tichbornd 1.20 p.m., Shar- bot Lake, 2.20 pom. No. 615, leaves Kingston 6.05 p.m., due Tichborne 6.36 p.m. No. 617 leave Kingston 11.16 p.m, arrive Tichborne 2.10 a.m., due Sharbot Lake 2.40 a.m. No. 612, leave Sharbot Lafke, 12.40 p.m., Tichborne 1.356 p.m. due Kingston 3.10 pm. No. 616, leave Tichborne 7.00 p.m, due Kingston 8.25 p.m, 618 leave Sharbot Lake 5.056 a.m. arrive Tichborne 5.30 Well, here's your hat, goodbye, horse-|a.m., due Kingston 8.20 a.m. Close hide, connections for Ottawa, Montreal, It's time for you to stand aside; Peterboro, Toromto and Intermediate For now football demands our tin, points. City Ticket Office, 180 Well- So pleases make moom for the ington street. skin. Excessive Coal Prices, Toronto, Sept. 27.--Rumors of In tended excessive coal prices have reached the ears of the Ontario fuel controller, and the question of price regulations is to be given serious consideration. Anthracite is drib- bling in eo slowly at the present time, however, as to be a very little factor in the fuel situation and the price charged for the odd car load or #0 which manages to get here is not of sufficient importance to be a matter of official investigation, Good Bupply on Tonnage. Cleveland, O., Sept. 27.--Thera has been a good supply of tonnage to date, as many big oarriers have been placed in the trade, but if the grain carriers meet as much delay at Buffalo as reports from that port indicate, there will be falling off In supply. The elevators in Buffalo are filling rapidly, and at the rate grain content, Eh? is coming, all storage room wiil (Divorce Court Note in Dallas News) |gq0n be taken, unless there is better Mrs. F. J. Summers va. A. F. Sum- car supply. mers. . i Admits Abandoning Baby. Belleville, Sept. 27.--Mrs. Mary Long, pleading guilty to the aband- onment of a child two weeks ago Saturday, when she sent it by motor in a parcel to residents in Sidney, was given a year's suspended sen- tence by Magistrate Mason. The child in the case becomes the ward of the Children's Ald Society. ALONG LIFE'S DETOUR } BY SAM HILL The Gate For Baseball. plg- Observations of Oldest Inhablitant. The, old-fashioned man whose idea of economy was making last year's suit and hat serve for another season now has & son who thinks he od thrif- ty if he is willing te drive a last year's model Use "Em Toe Much---Sometimes. Cynical Bachelor: "It doesn't seem to me that women ever use thelr heads." Married Mang "Oh, yea, they do. They use them all the time ad & parking place for $25 hate™ en-- They Surely Deol Sunshine ig sald to be a good thing-- But it seems ag if some people like the moonshine better--Ha, Ha, Lou. Huh! An engine is No artist--but, my stars! You should see how It draws a train of oars! Ran Inte the Winter of Their Dis- Gobs of Gloom. . The Postoffice Department now has ruled you can get a letter back after it has been malled. That sounds accommodating--but it's not so good As far es the married men are con- cerned. When the ladies hear about it it's gonna be so that every time the postman nears a mail box he'll see such a crowd of men around It he will think there is a riot; when in fact it will be nothing but all the $29 » ARE COMPLETB ONLY A LIMITED QUANTITY COME IN AT ONCE WHILE OUR SIZES BIBBY'S 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET Kingston's One-Price Clothing Store MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED, MOORE'S Tire Sale ENDS SATURDAY, SEPT. 30th 30x3; '8.75 These Tires are first quality and guaran- teed. Regular price $12.00. We only have afew, Thebiggestbargainsever offered in Kingston, MOORE'S TOYS. McCLARY'S "CANADA" BRAND ' ENAMEL WARE PRESERVING KETTLES in finest grade made. Mottled Blue out" side and white lining. A complete assortment and low priced. BUNT'S HARDWARE King St. husbands In the neighborhood walt ing there to get back the letters their wives have mailed and want back so they can add another ngilier posasipt. Demand for Pembroke, Sept. 27.--For the first time since the war lumbermen are having difficulty in filling their lum- ber caps for the winter with enough of the right kind of men, Around "1 dom't know exactly, Wille, but|Timiskaming, where logging opera- in my day 'settin' up meant OOurting | tions have been carried on 50 ex- and the exercise was hugging and kiss-Yonsively for some time. Ing," replied his granddad. . : Cr. Too many married couples lay away their romance with their wedd- ing clothes. Moth balls may keep the clothes, but they kill romance deader'n door nafl. : DAVID 80OTT | Plumbing be spec talty, Al work Ad- Ties Have Changed, "Grandpa, what do they mean by Setting up exercises? asked Willfe. W. H. Y. asks: "Why is it your never sce a walking delegate who doesn't ride arcund (n & machine™ Boy, page Sam Gompers. \ S---- > Has Such Taking Ways. A burglar is most impolite, You'll find doorbells he never rings, But walks right in and helps himself Yet Ye does get away with things! ---- : Frontenac Street. Visitors Use Most of It, Phone 1877. . guaranteed. 8 dress 145 : 4 FARMS FOR SALE (1)--110 acre Zleassntly sit. uiite on a lead Toad Ye miles from Kin, school and church; we buildings; all in good repair watered; well fenced; about 60 acres under cultivation. Price (2)--97 Acres, twelve miles from Kingston, and two miles from thriving vill ; splendid brick dwelling a urnace; cis- 'tern; hardwood good out- bulldings; soil all dees excepting about two acres; 50 acres under cultivation. Price (3)--A choice farm of 300 acres at $15,000. We Ia have a large list of ferms oose from, and will taks you "The first hundred years of man's life are the hardest.' We Are Headquarters SICK-ROOM SUPPLIES Dr. Chown's Dhue Sire. 185 Princess Street. Phone 848 Telgmunn School of Plano, wo me singed in- struments. Alida V. Te BR, teacher of Elocution and lsarte as tem of Physical Culture. Pupils ma begin at any date Terms on ADIN 484 BROCK ST. ; Phone 2217. Egg and | Stove Size Particularly adapted for Hot Air Furnaces and Heators. Price 15.00 Crawford Quebec PER TON COAL Phone 0. Foot of Queen 86.

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