. Life's Social Side | 3 " Bditor of Women's Page, Tele- | asses of a small bridge on Tuesday ate phone 857w. . of Miss phone 243. Priv » At the wedding arick Alderson, D.S.0., of the 2nd, in the private chapel Bacred Heart Juniorate, bri . will be attended by Miss Nan Hene &s mald of honor, and by Miss Kat Jeen Mitchell, of Kirkfield, Ont., and Miss Adele Pope, ter of the bride will be a flowe Esther © Josephine Lemieux to Major rred-| Kingston, | . which takes place Monday, October the vening, when Mi Harriet Gardin- er and Capt. Henry were the lucky | brize winners *. . E. J. Bidwell has sent out 5 for an "At Home" at "Bishop's {Court" on Monday afternoon . . Mrs card » » Ys, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Smit b-lgtreet, left for New York Mrs. J. A. Campbell, V as bridesmalds. |p wig hag been in St. Thomas Misa Madeline Lemieux, younger zis- r-girl. | Captain Harold Brownfield, of Kimg-| {again with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pons- the Warden's Residence, Ports- mouth. CHILD WELFARE. Miss Charlotte Whitton, M.A., one of Queen's clever girl graduates, gave the following report before the Do- minion Child Welfare Conference in Toronto this week: "In presenting this diy my first an- jnual report, though the second year of my office, I do so with the earn- {est hope that the Conference open- {ing to-day may mark the entrance {of a new and more energetic span of life for the Council, with which I have had the honor to serve, and also an upward step in the move- ment towards unity and harmony in Child Welfare work through Can- ada. No field of human effort ex- {ists wherein "here are not diver- {gencies of growth, of development, and of opinion, but it would seem THE DAILY BRITI A Nourishing Guest Supper. Although few housewives, nowa- days, can afford to bake a cake that calls for six eggs, still it is nice to have such a recipe on hand for a 'very special' occasion. The cake ir the following guest supper menu so the Spaghetti main dish, cooked in the real Italian way. Spaghetti A L'Italienne Quick Biscuit Waldorf Salad is of this variety and will, of course, | ibe found most delicious--as will ai-! SH' WHIG. Laura A. Kirkman garlic mentioned above, adding a Little salt. Then shred the meat, dis- cerding bones and fat, and return it to the saucepan; now continue to make the sauce by the above given recipe--adding tomato paste and seasoning. Sunshine Cake: "Beat six egg- yolks to a etiff froth. Beat the six egg-whites until very stuff, then add | to them one and one-fourth cups of | granulated sugar, the beaten egg- { {and the following dry ingredients | yolks, one-half teaspoon of vanilla, | Delicious "SALADA" TE A ase HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PACKET TEA IN NORTH AMERICA. # BARNUM'S | BAKERY um Coffee Sunshine Cake Spaghett! A L"Italtenne: Boil one pound of spaghett! until tender, in| boiling, salted water, then drain. In! the meantime fry three cloves of] | sifted together: one cup of flour, | one-third teaspoon of cream of tar- "The Taste Wil Terr! tar and a pinch of salt. Turn the | FRESH CAKES AND PASTRY batter into a loaf-cake pan and bake | in a moderate oven from 30 to 40 | minutes." (This cake was | "ston, will be best man and Captain Aldous Bate and Captain W. Stone, of Kingston, will act as ushers. £ * * - Miss Una Polson, King street, is that in Canada, particularly, perhaps }because we are in our youth in all things, and have not yet learned to take that full-rounded view of life and things that makes life in the F. J. Sleeth, ly |of Hamliiton, Ont., left last week for | Vancouve , B.C., where they will re- side for » winter. In the spring, n they come eas hey will take Mr. and Mrs. recen § ed bride-elect. 'entertaining at bridge this evening [Wh for Miss Lily Murray, that much fet- | up residence 2 in Tor | Mrs. Coffey, who has been {with her daughter in Hamilton, has 0 Jans Mies Gwendolen and Miss Doris arrived at her heme, 69 Arch street. Folger, "Edgewater," were the host- Almost } Unbelievable fl You can hardly realize the wonderful im. J provement to your skin " and complexion your mirror will reveal to you after usingGouraud's Oriental Cream for the first time. Send I5¢. for Trial Size FERD, T. HOPKINS & SON Montreal ) Gouraud's Oriental Cream | - | Mrs. E. J. Bidwell, who went to | Toronto on Monday with Miss Peg and Miss Nora Bidwell, on their way {to Victoria, B.C., has returned to | "Bishop's Court." Miss Elsie Davidson, Prescott, will arrive in town on Thursday and wiil be at 189 Earl street for the sessloa {of Queen's University. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ponsford, the Warden's Residence, Portsmouth, have returned from Halifax. * » Mrs. Gordon Smith, Alfred street, | has returned from Toronto, whero she was with her mother, Mrs. Mo- Kee. - * * Mites Freda Burns, who gave a ¥ * Made ir Canada by Es The Western Salt Co. Ltd. re Courtright, Ontarie RL USING WILSON'S DES DIRECTIONS REFULLY AND / OW THEM EXACTLY 7 ly Killers 10c Packet at all Druggists, rocers and General Stores Robinson's Stores Money Savers | Pastry Flour-- 24 Ib. bags . .87c. Honey--Combs 22c¢. 51]b. pail ....79c. Fresh Assorted Cookies . ...18c. Ib. Castile Soap-- 7 bars ......25¢. | "Tea-Pot" Tea-- Pound ......42c. Currants . . . 20c. Ib. Seedless Raisins Pound ...... 20. lf Dates ......15¢. 1b. Jl Lipton's Tea 50c. 1b. Rolled Oats -- | : 6 lbs. for . ...28¢ ple jC t ant high tea at the Cataraqui :0lf Club on Tuesday, was one of Mrs. Adam Shortt, Ottawa, is in T adian Conferénce on Child Welfare. Miss Lois Osborne, Ottawa, left on Wednesday for Kingston, where |she will resume at | Queen's University. » » her studies The marriage took place on Tues- day, Sept. 26th in the 3rd Presby- terian church, Chicago, Ill., of Edith Raymond, daughter of Frank Me- Martin of that city Donald Mackenzie Danmoch, son of Colin Danoch, Greenock, Scotland. Mrs. D. H. Macdonald and Mrs. Benson have come from the west to visit Sir Archibald and Lady Mac- donell. Mr. Campbell, Edinburgh, Scotland, is also a guest at the Com- mandant's Quarters, Royal Military College. Vincent J. O'Brien, son of Will- iam O'Brien, 530 Albert street, left this morntng for Chicago where will enter the National School Chiropractics. Rev. Alred Cooke and Miss Cooke St. Mark's Rectory, Barriefield, with thelr guest, Rev. ¥. W. H. Arch- bold, Dubin, Ireland, motored to Cressy on Monday, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Horsey at their sum- mer home. Mrs. C. A. Storms, who spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. R. kK. Oliver, Aberdeen avenue, has return- ed to her home in Ottawa. Miss Freda Collier, Miss Marion Ross and Miss Bessie Billings, Brockville, left to-day for King- ston to enter Queen's University. Mrs. W. H. Martin, Bowman- ville, 1s with her eister, Mrs. D. E. Mundell, Barrie street. Mrs. Griffin, who has been visit- ing her niece, Mrs. W. T. Minnes, "Hlillcroft,", has returned to Brock- ville. George Bedell, who was with hie parents, Col. and Mrs. Bedell, King street, has left for Toronto to con- tinue his studies at the University. Mrs. A. Lingham Wagner, Belle- ville, was a visitor in town on Tues- day. Mrs. Wagner, who is herself a well known musician, will bring some splendid concert companies to Kingston this season. he of Mrs. Travers Hora entertained at luncheon at the Cataraqui Golf Club on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Abramson, To- ronto, formerly of Kingston, are in the city visiting their daughter, Mrs. {| Lesses, 172 Johnson etreet, for the Jewish New Year festivities, Mrs. Edwin J. McLelland and her daughter, Miss Margery, who have been travelling on, the continent and in Egypt during the past year, are expected to sail for Canada, Septem- ber 28th. - . * Mrs. David Murray, Frontenac street, will entertain on Saturday afternoon after her daughter's mar- Mrs. Jarvis, who has been with Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Moutray, "Farnham," Stella, returned to town on Tuesday, and is with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ech- lin, University avenue. Mrs. D. E. Mundell, Barrie street, retarned from Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Harty, "Rose lawn," have returned from the Laur- entian mountains, Dean and Mrs. O. D, Skelton will day. Tea and sale of home-made cook- ing in aid of Victdria Home and School Club, Friday afternoon, Oct. J 214, - ¥ a len ii ils ail oroutw, attending the National Can- | and Captain return from South America on Satur- older countries so much less hurried and introspec.ive {in some ways than our own; perhaps because age has not mellowed us to the appreciation {of the life and let live of older days; perhaps because we are young, so full of enthusiasm, of enterprise' of ideas of homes, be the cause what it may, it would seem that in Canada, we are each so intent on our own highway to a common destination, that we are prone to bo utterly oblivious of any other route, there until with a crash and an exclamation of resentful sur- prise, we are precipitated at the cross-ways into some person else's chariot, and see stretching behind ithe the road by which they came, a {road so good, so excellent, that it 8, if known, to attract all traf- fic from our path, And then we pro- {test priority of right, better construc- {tion, a thousand and one reasons why that should be forsaken, and ours followed. And mayhap, road alone !the traveller by the other road con- he riri friends of Miss Lily Murray Siders his exactly in the same way, { | { > entertain in her honor. { | | { i e would make ii a closed thor- re. hose possessing a medical de- igree; only those engaged in depend- lent children work; only those in paid ichild welfare work; only those en- {gaged In voluntary endeavor shall {travel that highway, Then we all isettle about the cross-roads and wage {the merits of the case, and meantime |no one, not a single soul, wigds on- {ward on. the common road to whica {we have come._the road that leads to our common destination, Normal {Childhood for the children of Canada {And now when we are all together, [at drawn here by the common aim {of better Canadian Childhood, at his |time, when we see in tangible form {the inter-relationship of all our work, of all our hope, of all our plans, at a time when friendship is warm in dis- {cussion of our common interests, at a {time when we can talk things over las we cannot discuss them by corre- RLS! LENON UGE UEAGHES FRECNLE Squeeze the juice of two lemons in- {to a bottle containing three ounces of {| Orchard White, which any drug store will supply for a few cents, shake { well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan bleach, and complexion whitener Massage this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes bleach out and how clear, soft and rosy-white the skin becomes. Royal Attachments T= EY are simply and easily connected. You merely slip off the nozzle and attach the suction hose and cleaner-tool you wish to use. The various tools clean your gings, upholstered furni- Distributed by Edwin Chown & Som SOLD BY NS 160-171 Princess St. R. J. REID & SONS 230 Princess St. wid Uy to write postsy. | garlic till yellowed in one-hal cup! recipe {olive oil; add to this one pe to- | mato paste mixed with one cup of | water, and let simmer till thick. | Season to suit individual taste with | sait and pepper. Pour this sauce over the hot, drained spaghetti and serve with plenty of grated Par-| masan cheese (sprinkled on top).! There are many people who do not like the garlic taste, and this may be | left out if desired--although, of! course, the dish will not have the true Italian flavor if this is Jone. | Tomorrow--Kanitting Directions On August eighteenth I published a | e Child's Mittens. relipe for the tomato paste mention- | ed above; if you missed this recipe, All inquiries addressed to Missy buy a back copy of this newspaper | Kirkman in care of the "Efficient for that date, at our Circulation De-| Housekeeping" department will be partment--or call at the Circulation {answered in these columns in thelr Department to look over the files of syrn. This requires considerable back papers and copy out the re-| time, however, owing to the great cipe. Hgre is another way in which | eumber received. So # a personal or ycu can make the sauce for the spa- | quicker reply is desired, a stamped ghetti: | and self-addressed envelope must be Italian Meat Sauce for Spaghetti: | enclosed with the question--The Fry three veal chops with the ofl and | dito. contributed by a Column Reader). Answer to Mrs. J.: I am sorry that my personal reply to your let- ter did not arrive before Your All Inquiries are answered as quick- ly as-possible, but it is always safe for my readers to allow three weeks for my reply to reach them, when there is some special occasion in view such as a party, wedding etcet- era. \ for spondence, I humbly submit that i: would be a sin and a disgrace were this Conference to dissolve without Some progress towards the perma- nent unification of Child Welfare in Canada." "1 To-morrow's HOROSCOPE By Genevieve Kemble THURSDAY, SEPT, 28, With the strong position of Saturn, the major malefic, dominant on this Gay, there is portent of grave situa- tion in the general course of events, with possible setbacks and annoy- ances of more than a trivial natures. It may be difficult to surmount ob- stacles, and every channel of pro- Egress may seem to be {irrevocably blocked. But {his is a passing astral obstruction, {in which the physical condition may prove to be the thwart- ing factor. Congestions and crystal- lizations are the Saturian heritage. There may also be danger from acci- dent or feverish conditions, and dan- ger of unfavorable litigation. ficial change is indicated. Those whose birthday it is have the |wresage of an annoying year, with possibly setbacks and obstacles, al- though they may make an advant- ageous change. The health or acci- dent may prove an obstacle. A child GOING BACK TO CHINA Miss Nellie Rlliott, general secretary for the Y.W.C.A. in China, who has been home to Canada on leave, {8 now on ber way back tg.China. | What the Editor Hears That the Country Club is a popular place for a game of bridge on these bright auv'umn days. That a contemporary suggests that we will be more polite in our tele-. phone conversations when we can see the person to whom we are speaking. That the bridal veil, typical of maidenly modesty veiling the sweet young face of the bride on her way to the altar, has been torn from its pro- per place and converted into a most unbecoming head dress. It's Cocoa THE problem in making cocoa is to preserve the natural flavor, aro- ma and color of good cocoa beans; That in recognition of her activi- ties in befriending birds on one of the State game reserves, Miss Betty White, a 16-year-old girl of Spokane, Wash., has been appointed a deputy game warden. That this Is the season to look over your wardrobe and gee what can ba made into a new frock by the addi- tion of big sleeves and draped over- dress. That tals $e at the Catara- qui Golf Club is &é¥&vorite place on these cool days the big fire place mak- ing a very attractive centre of the cosy room. : That Wolfe Island had splendid weather for the annual fall fair and the exhibits were better than ever, Bran Cookies No. 1. Two teaspoons baking powder, 1-2 teaspoom salt. Beat together buiter and sugar, egg and milk, and dry in- gredients. Drop the mixed batter ith spoon in well greased pan. Bako about 25 minutes in hot oven. This makes 3-dozen cookies. BRAN RECIPES. REGISTERED TRADE MARK Established 1780 Another strangs thing is how pa)- Pio wun knew JGey £an't Wri proce Bene-| 1 Foi party. | born on this day, although original [silk jand inventive, may be rash and im- | pulsive, thus inviting many difficul- ties which may mitigate against {is {success in life unless it is thorough- [ly trained, ---------- A FEW FACTS ABOUT STOCKINGS. Not every stocking marked No. ¥ is of the game size and shape as every |other stocking similarly marked. [Different brands of stockings differ {ir length, and even more do they dif- {fer in width and shape. It is wise | therefore to adopt a certain brand of stockings thaw fits your foot particu- larly well and then always to secure |this stocking when you wish to re- | plenish your supply. If you are buying novelty or im- ported stockings the brand of which |you are not familiar with, be sure to examine them carefully to see tha' {the shape is fitted to your foot, Few {things are more frritating than sma stockings, Silk stockings that too smalltare especially annoying as there is less give to them than to those of wool or lisle, There is quite a vogue for lisle stockings, especially in the so-called "sports" types. Of'en these are more expensive than silk stockings, almbst always more so than those of fibre ~~ mmr are WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY Still many persons find a good |Quality lisle stocking an economy as {it is usually more durable than those {of all silk. Some women find stock- {ings of silk and wool the most com- |fortable and enduring on the market, So-called "nude" stockings, stock- {ings of beige, sand and other light |tan shades are popular at the presen: {time They are still worn by many {women of exclusive taste in spite of {this wide popularity. You may have [found that usually stockinge of this |eolor in the Detter grade are quite expensive. It is possible to buy a {good quality white lisle stocking at a |lowe= price. One woman who wishes | to wear tinted stockings this sum- [mer and does not wish to'pay the {high price asked for them, has bought {half a dozen white lisle stockings and {with the aid of a package of dye has |converted them into "nude" colored |stockings that show no flaw in the (dyeing, | | Kissing is one of life's sweetest | pleasures, except when it oomes to +i kissing your money good-by, and then it becomes life's most bitter | task. | You can be honest and you can be polite. But there are times when you 'can't be both at the same time, ahah I ny small containers. Afte tins without spoiling. Once used always enjoyed. Same Quality in Glass is always the same de- licious quality in large or + r opening, it can be left in Cheaper than jam or butter. | ee tn. "That is the true cocoa color." MADE IN CANADA BY Booklet of Choic ¢ Recipes sent free 'to eliminate the excess of fat, so that the cocoa may be easily digested by the most delicate stomach, yet not to take out too much and materially impair its nutritive quality. By the exercise of great care in the selec- tion and blending of beans, and by the employment of the most highly developed machinery and processes of manufacture we believe that we have solved this prob- lem and produced a PERFECT FOOD DRINK WALTER BAKER & CO. LIMITED Dorchester, Mass, CANADIAN MILLS AT MONTREAL