THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. does not alter it one way or another. | BIBLE THOUGHT JOR T0-DAY The whole controversy now before | the public is futile in view of the SALVATION :(--I¢ thou ' fact that Turkey never engaged her- shalt oonfess with thy KINGSTON'S ONE FRICE CLOTHING STORE THE NEAR EAST. Oscar 8. Straus, for several years a United ftates minister and an ame bassador to Turkey, sees danger in the present crisis {n the Near East. Though not an alarmist, Mr. Straus fears what may happen, and hi§ fears are based on his knowledge of the situation there., In an interview in the Chicago Post he emphasizes five points: First, Turkey, Russia and Ger- many could form a powerful alliance against the Allied forces. Second, the United States, for its own interest, may be compelled to intervene. Third, a general conflagration can be avoided only by Great Britain, France and Italy coming to an agree- | has been to secure the execution of ment, and by a material revision of | a satisfactory treaty, otherwise tha the Versailles treaty. "| military forces would long ere this Fourth, the United States, a mem- | have been withdrawn. While treat- ber of the League of Nations, under i ing with the nominal government any reservations, could have pre-|of Turkey, the actual power has vented the presemt crisis. passed into the han®s of a political Fifth, Venizelos should be return- | party led by Kemal Pasha who has ed to power. raised a formidable military force The Watertown Times agrees that [In Asia and, after driving out the (there Is nothing drastic in these | Greeks, this leader refuses to treat views of Mr. Straus. It ean easily | with the Allles on the basis of the be seen, of course, that a combina¢ | proposed Treaty of Sevres or to re- tion of Turkey, Russia and Germany | cognize a neutral zone. 'would be a dangerous one. Russia, The whole questfon seoms ons with its limitless man power, led by | Upon which the Allies must eome to Germany with its skilled officers and | agreement; and while sentiment In by Turkey with its hordes of fanatic- | Canada is wholly in favor of the in- al warriors, would form a combina~ | terests of the mother country, and tion that would be formidable. The the desirability of securing the exe- United States might lend its advice | ution of a treaty favorable to her in this crisis, says this jourdal, but | interests that are identified with The armed intervention "is a different | Welfare of Europe and the minori- proposition." But more than advice | ties In need of protection, the policy is necessary to a self-respecting na. | Of sending Canadian soldiers to Tur- tion. The Times, Jowever, wisely | key In the event of hostilities fs a adds: proper subject for the deliberation "It is generally agreed that the |Of parliament. weak spot in the programme of the 'Allies 1s that they are mot standing together. Great Britain faces the Turk alone, declaring that he méat not menace the peace of Europe. Italy and France are holding bac playing international politics. The position of Great Britain is far moras admirable." mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt be- 381¢ to the fulfillment of the Sevres |, sy 'shine heart that God hath Treaty. {raised him from the dead. thou shalt Lioyd George in a statement is-|be saved.--Romans 10: 9. sued to the press on the 24th Inst. | respecting the British policy in the | rating.--*Dusty" Miller in Wilming- Near East never once refers to the |ion News-Journal. Treaty of Sevres, but he does em- phasize the terms of the armistice signed ou October 30th, 1918, pro- viding for the opening of the Dar- danelles and Allied, occupation of the straits and Bosphorus ports, and it is under the terms of the arm= istice that the Allied powers are still in occupation. The difficulty News of the Names Club. O. Paradise and A. Guest are ported from Dallas, Texas. Hilda Take, of Edwardsville, Ill, has just taken a husband. re- | our Canadian Question And Answer Corner SRNR ah Spe oe Q.--What is the Advisory Council for Sicentific Research of Canada? A.--The Honorary Advisory Coun- cil for Scientific Research of Canada has for its aim the promotion of the development of the inidustries of the dominion, the utilization of its natural resources and the creation of the wealth necessary to lighten Canada's burden of debt. Its re- port for 1921 deals with eight differ- ent subjects. Q--To what carrying out gramme? A.--Canada is spending fifty mil- lions on good 1o0ads, twenty mil- lions having been voted by the Do- minion = Parliament on condition that the provinces spend thirty mil. lions, which is being done (1922). ---- Changé in Time, Canadian National Railways, Effective October 1st, Motor Train No. 301 will leave Picton 6.20 a.m., arrive Trenton (C.N. Stn.) 7.35 a.m., and Trenton (G.T. Sig.) 7.50 a.m. daily, except Sunday, connect- ing with Grand Trunk Train No. 29 arriving Toronto Union Station 11. 35 a.m. Motor Train No. 300 will leave Trenton (G.T. Stn.) 8.00 a.m. and arrive Trenton (C.N. Stn.) 8.10 a.m. daily, except Sunday, connecting at Trenton (G.T. Stn.) with Grand Trunk Train No. 29 from Belleville. Motor Train No. 302 will leave Dually and Semi-W by 15H WHIG PUBLISHING «CO, LIMITED Ai rar QUEEN'S STUDENTS A Cordial Welcome Awaits You Here ! At the opening of the Fall season, we extend a most cordial and earnest invitation to call and see the season's newest and best Suits, Overcoats, Hats and Toggery. Come in to look--see everything that's new--ask questions --ask for prices--ask about anything and everything you care to know about. | Our time is all yours and a cordial welcome awaits you. Come ! extent is Canada a good roads pro- Audit Pir Dy rcuias BIBBY'S, LIMITED, : 78-80-82 Princess St. Kingston, Ontario. ever thinks to try an in- on on the bootleggers, | ALONG LIFES DETOUR | tt as 'Hven the man who is deaf to rc ny im hear money talk. Seon ---------------- Reflecting on the price probably what made King Coal a merry Sept 28-4 Funniest Thing in the World. We don't have much to laugh about soul, Princess Herminie must be marry- Wilhelm for love--certainly not SS -------------------- THE EX-KAISER'S MARRIAGE. The report that ex-kaiser William is to be married a second time on Nov. 5th has apparently caused quite these days, But still we laugh till our sides hurt, When'er we mp one of these super Stouts 'Who's wearing an ultra short skirt. Trenton (C.N. Stn.) 8.11 a.m., arrive Belleville 8.82 a.m., arrive Deseron- to 9.08 a.m. and Napanee 9.25 a.m. daily, except Sunday, connects at Napanee with Train No. 152 for - MOORE'S We Are Headquarters for position. The restless youngster who is for- aver pining to go somewhere might wy going to work. Kingston. Motor Train No. 303 will leave Napanee 9.30 a.m., arrive Deseron- to 9.50 a.m, Belleville 10.25 a.m., and Trenton (C.N. Stn.) 10.50 a.m. daily, except Sunday, connects at Napanee with Train No. 171 from Tweed. | Motor Train No. 302 will leave Trenton (C.N. Stn.) 10.55 a.m. and arrive Picton 12.16 p.m. daily, ex- cept Sunday, SE -------------- OURED OF BROKEN NECK IN TWO WEEKS' TIME The Marvellous Recovery of Man Injured While He Was Diving. Chicago, Sept. Z8.--While swim- ming in the lake two weeks ago, Basil Wallace, twenty-seven years old, a printer, dived off a pier and broke his meck. To-day he sits in his room in the Polyclinic Hospital practically recovered and soon will be discharged as cured. X X-ray examination revealed that the second, third and fourth verte- brae of the spinal column had been fractured and thrown out of line. Doctors Irving Perrill and B. L. T Woods decided on an immediate plan to stretch the man's neck back into a mormal position and relieve the presstre. 'Wallace was placed in a specially constructed bed where he lay with his head supported by two pillars in an angular position. The doctors then placed # strap around his head, 4 sensation amongst his relatives and others who have been close to him since his exile. That this should be so, is not, perhaps, unnat- ural from a family point of view, be. cause even In less exalted circles such marriages are not regarded | with much favor. That objections should be made, however, because of the Near Bast Here Appears 19 the diplomatic and political results hav fou JOC naslem of Willlam's union with Princess #¥ords into Hermine, who seems to be a rather Theat those who dance must pay the charming young widow, is rathe\'| aadier. surprising. Yet objections have been made, quite openly and frank- ly, on the ground that the marriage would alienate from the former em- peror of Germany the support of the monarchial party, who still have hopes that he wi]l again become ruler over his former empire. In spite of these objections, how- ovey, Willlam isapparentlydetermin- ed to go ahead with the marriage. Even if it costs him his future hope of a return from exile, he is making 8 wise decision, provided he has found the right person. If the mar- riage destroys his hopes of again ru!- ing Germany, he will be a happle? man, although he may little deservo such happiness. Since the death of the ex-empress his life has been a lonely one, and he has had plenty of opportunities tor brooding over the crimes of which Be was guilty. Prob- | tree was in the hestning 3 xy uv bly he himselt has little desire to |Plns. So must grea return to his former pg Tu the [VOW Small beginnings, ~~. 5 7 present condition of affairs, the po- Why Clarence Eats Of the Mantel. sition holds Iittle that is attractive ig do you suppose~" Clarence hesi- how to be | 10 20Y man, and to regain it would | tated: what 'thouited Sis . das. % yy . = mean a civil war within Germany rappin Just ts, ox- ------ aban ¥4/1and a threat of war with other na-| plained Clarence, "if a baseball play- quisite of a modern magy- | tions. For his own sake, and for the | ®r could lose his batting eye without 43 that it De long enough | Sake of the peace of Europe, it will » govthree- or four savers be a good thing if he can dispel his Observations of Oldest Imhabitant, Every cross roads blacksmith shop now has become a filling station and takes in more money in one hour than the poor old village smithy used to in a week, a RR Tire Sale 'ENDS SATURDAY, SEPT. 30th 30x3; '8.75 These Tires are © quality and guaran- teed. Regular price $12.00. We only have afew. The biggest bargains ever offered in Kingston. : AVIS SoU MOORE'S es T | RUssps 'MATERNITY and SICK-ROOM SUPPLIES This advice to go to the ant Is nd; but if the ant could, no doubt ould go to the movies. ein Things a Young Girl Doesn't Kaow. That dad isn't made of money-- That mother knows a heap more than she does-- That strange young men who asked young girls to go joy riding are never saints-- Fortunately, national pride is not 80 easily offended if there is a na' tonal debt parked on it. # -------- Evérybody To Their Taste, They don't appeal to him, These glorious sunsets-- He 1s a tennis star And only likes love sets. Dr. Chown's Drug Store 183 Princese Street. Phone 848 r-- The knock in the motor is heard more distinctly when it is idling. %is is also true of mortals. But, Man, the Price ! ! ! "It would be easy enough to flood the country with coal," remarked Jones. "How #0?" asked Smith, 'Pass an amendment forbidding the people to buy coal and the bootleg~ Bers would soon have everybody sup plied." At any rate, the mark has remark. 'able vitality. Usually they are all} ii after going down the third time, It should be understood, however, that even the college with the high- ; salaried coach maintains a facul- also. tA. "A cash register may benefit the but it makes it much hara- t for a poor struggling clerk to get dress 145 Frontenac Street. Fool Questions. Phone 1277. F. M B asks: "Why do they call some of these banks trust companies? They never will trust me." / Must Have Lived Up Teo Their Names. (Divorce Court Note in Dallas News) NEW SUITS FILED, Mary Fites va. Israel Fites: divorce. laity. AU work guaranteed. Ad. TOYS. Gems From Guide Book to Success. The mighty California redwood olitan-decides that the call of id 4s much: less attractive than . ot 1 fit o-are Noprincesses in Canada, ro4housands of shop girls McCLARY'S "CANADA" BRAND "ENAMEL WARE PRESERVING KETTLES fn finest grade made. Mottled Blue out- side and white lining. A. complete assortment and low priced. asl BUNT'S HARDWARE He's one of those fiat tires A 3 i iL Who make you rant and swear; ben He is so full of it : He surely needs the air. Aln't No Such Place in U. S. A. Dear Sam: Am a very ardent work- er In the cause of the W. C. T. U. My activities have broken down my health and loesl M.D. advises moving to "Very Dry" climate in Ui, 8 A I can't find any. Have written to Com- | Wissioner Haynes and he refers me to to you. How? A be ; ¥ King St. batting ap eye" - ---- | hopes of the monarchial panty /and *" ' |alienate their affection for him' ang st this sentence: "Don't | If he can do this by marrying Prin. on the polished floor, | cess Hermine, then the rest of Bu- * suid the mothery "Just wipe | rape will wish him well fn his ma¥ri. ot nLheT » 3 monial venture. ----. ti -- hin e So 5 Somes up Je A TREATY OR NOT A TREATY? . CN Hon. Arthur Meighen is endeavors ing to find in the resolution passed by parliament last June authorizing the government to take the neces-| Bary measures to give effect to the | treaty of Sevres, a pretext for Can- ada's active participation in a war There's [against Turkey. : "ik -- in | Had the Treaty of Sevres been ac- His will is weak I know because foepted by Turkey the other powers | He yields so easily io wrong; no signed, including Canada, # Broadway Producer iii pleasantly sit. New York, Sept. 28.--Douglas nate %8 5, lgtding Toud twelve Fairbanks is to become a Broadway endid IY ua producer. For the first time in 35 21 ju good repair; : movie history the star and produc- ||| Scres under cultivation. Price : er of a big movie spectacle will per- twelve miles Accused of Paying Too Much * Atiention on 12 or Oren Sowly ose the Now ork gre. BITUMINOUS Stove Size Particularly adapted for Hot Air Furnaces and Quebec PER 15.00 300 large list of farms to choose from, and will tako you Out to see any of them without cont to you. Crawford COAL : Phone 8. Foot of Queen St.