; ' i S------------ -- {Hi Having secured for this season a splen- did lot of selected " fresh-dressed beau- tiful Curl Persian and Alaska Sable, which is imported, dark smoke brown color, selected fin- est quality Skunk. The above combination, as shown in the picture makes a graceful, good for every day wearing garment. It is a coat you know at first glance, The Real Thing. Prices are now back to pre- war values. $300.00 and wp We guarantee our skids, lin- ings and workmanship sec- ond to none. 'We invite your inspection, Write for Catalogue. Manufacturers . Importers Joha McKay Limited KINGSTON, CANADA se] THE DAILY BS DAMAGES FOLLOWING AUTO SMASH Aftermath of Collision Between "Black Marla" and Ed= mund Aikens' Car. An eftermath of an sutomobile collision, which occurred on Novem- ber 26th, 1921, at the corner of Darrie and Brock streets, was heard in the supreme court, before Jus- Uce Oxde, on Friday night. On the date mentioned, a collision occurred between the "Black Maria," of the Kingston police department and an automobile driven by Bdmund Alk- ens. As 2 result of the smash, Alkens entered an action against the cor- poratisn of the city of Kingston aad the heard of police commissioners of the city of Kingston for $8,000 dam- ages for injuries systained. The case commenced at 8 o'clock, end the taking of evidence and hear- ing of argument concluded at mid- night, when Justice Orde reserved judgment. A. B, Cunningham, K.C., appear- ed for the plaintiff, and T. J. Rignay, K.C., for the defendants, This case concluded the business of the eourt, Edmund Atkens was driving over Barrie street, from Princess, and the police patrol was golng up Brak street, in response to a hurry-up cal! given the department that robbers had been in the home of a woman named Clark, who resided on Brack street. Alkens was the first witness, and he (wore that he had the right of war, and that he wes only travel- ling about eight or nine miles aa hoav, and that the police patrol wag going about thirty-five miies an bour, In his estimation. Plaiatiff gald that after the two collided, the {police «ar struck ¢ pole, He ro:wv- ed injuries which confiaed nlm to his DID YOU SEE Oh Henry! Oh Mabel! AT KINGSTON'S BIG FAIR ? They were The Biggest Hit at the Fair, Try them to-day, Wherever Candy is Sold Established 1869, yyy RY h Livingston Avenuo--~Cement blogk, 7 rooms, electric light, } hardwood floors, hot air fur- b nace. $83.00 per month, Poss p | session at once. Stone Cottage, Portsmouth k § rooms, electric light---$§12.00 per month. Gore Btreet--Brick, 9 rooms, _ eleptric light, gas, hot air fur. nace. $85.00 per month. Pos- F gesuion October 1st" 4 Ground floor office space to rent. ' Victory Bonds bought and RH. Waidel 8 Broek St AAA ehh dich dh Jb Ah 4 4h a el 4 4 ad aa aa Bargaing Friday and Saturday Granulated Sugar ....10 Ibs. 7TSe, » Belleville Creamery Pastry Floup (VIS, bag) .... A yyy Mathews Pure Lard . Ten with the flaver 43e. Assorted Jelly Powders 3 for Machine Sliced Bacon Order early and save the differs shee at Cullen's GASH AND CARRY bed for three weéks, and was off work for four months as a result of the irjuries be received Witress said that L+ paid out $100 for dootor"s attem'ion, and es- timated the damage tn hig car as $770. Mr. Cunningham presenied photog:aphs of the damaged car to the ¢uurt. The ear cost him $717, ---- "Black Maria" Had Speed, Ernest Swaine witnessed the acci- dent, when at the cormer of Brock and Barre streets. Witness said the police patrol was travelling et an excessive rate of speed, about thir- ty-bwo miles an hour. was travelling about pine or ten :ailes an hour. Witness said that he noticed the two cars before the col- lislon, and felt sure that there would be an accident. Witness declared that the gccident was due to exces. sive speed on the part of the police patrol. Mrs. Sarah Corrigan, who witness €d the accident, sail that the police patrol was going at 4 fast rate of speed, but could not give an estimate of the speed. ' William Sutherland, who was in the plaintiff's car, said he wae riding in the back seat, but did not know what had struck the cer until some time after the accident. The plain tidl's car was only travelling about eight or ten miles an hour. Fred O'Neill, another passenger in the plaintiff's car at tbe time of the accident, estimated the speed of the police patrol at thirty-five miles an hour, and put the blame for the ac- cident on the excessive speed = at which the police car was travelling. J. A. Macfarlane, merchant, wit- Bessed the accident, He sald the "Black Maria" was travelling fast, and he looked for a smesh with the other car. He estimated the speed of the police car at twenty-five or thirty miles. Witnecs heard the horn sounded on the police gar. y Samuel Turner, another witness of the accident, estimated the of the police patrol at thirty or thirty-five miles an houn, and thought the speed of the car hed been re- sponsible for the accident. Dr. E, C. D. McCallum, said he attended fhe plaintiff after the ac- cident and told ebout his Injuries. He puffered injuries to his should- er, was in bed two weeks, and in- capacitated for six or eight weeks. Mr. Whitney, a garage man, said the car owned by the plaintiff was 'worth between $700 and $800 be- fore the smocident, Gordon Roney, seid that he hai estimated the damage to the car at $700. Dr. D. BE. Mundell and Dr. Quigley submitted reports om injur- les received by the plamtiff. LR Hifi FIER 2 § The other car ee a LOCAL NEWS. Brief Items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re- porters. Lecture on Christian Science Mon- day night, 8.15 o'clock. A Kingstonian has bought the res- taurant in Gaepanogue conducted by Mr. Howson. Mr. Swalpe, piapo tuner, orders received at 100 Clergy street w. Phoue 564w, Capon Woodeogk, Brockville, has returned home (rom the General Hos- pital in that town. Mrs, George Lewis, Napanee, is in the General Hospital, where she will undergo an opemtion. The South Prontenac teachers' convention fs expected to draw & large crowd to the court house on October 12th and 13th. Rev. Dr. Lennon has been made chairman of the committe on ihe course of study by the Methodist General conference. At the teachers' convention In Gananogue on Oet. 12th and 18th, Prof. A. B, Klugh, is to lecture on "Insect Friends and Insect Foes." Past Grand Master PF, Evanson snd Brig.-Gen., Ross were at Kirk- land Lake on Wednesday and inst!- tuted the new Oddfellow's Lodge. Both of the prominent Oddfellows made addresses. A great reunion of Queen's gradu- ates, especially those of year '18, is to be held at the university during Thanksgiving week-end, Social events of various kinds are being planned as well as a ball in Grant Hall. Fog horps could be heard through- put Friday night by persons lving near Lake Ontario. A heavy mist set- tled over the city gt nightfall and continued yntil Saturday morning; when the sun dissipated it. The sward and walks were covered with the settling dew, Take the 6.8. Waubie for a de- lighttul sail to Cape Vincent, N.Y., on Saturday, Sept." 30th, leaving Kingston, 7 a.m. and 1.15 p.m. Also a sail through the Islands and to Cape Vincent on Sunday, Oct. 1st, leaving Kingston, 1.15 pm, This will -be the last Sunday trip of the season. Fare, round trip the same day, 75e, Change in Time, Canadian National Railways, Effective October 1st, Motor Train No. 301 will leave Picton 6.20 a.m,, arrive Trenton (C.N. Stn.) 7.50 a.m. and Trenten (G.T. 8.) 7.50 a.m, dally, except Sunday, connaqt- ing with Grand Trunk Train No. 29 arriving Toronto Union Station 11. 85 a.m. ' Motor Train Ne. 300 will leave Trenton (G.T. Btn.) 8.00 a.m. and arrive Trenton (CN, Stn.) 8.10 a.m, daily, except Bundsy, cepnecting at Trenton (G.T. Stn.) with Grand Trunk Train No, 29 from Belleville. "Motor Train No. 302 wil leave Trenton (C.N, Stn.) 8.11 a.m., arrive Belleville 8,32 a.m., arrive Deseron- to 9.08 am. and Napanee 9.25 a.m. daily, except Sunday, connects at Napanee with Train No, 152 for Kingston. * Mptor Train No, 803 will leave Napanee 9.30 a.m., arrive Deseron- te 9.50 a.m., Belleville 10.25 a.m., and Trenton (C.N. Stn.) 10,50 a.m. daily, except Sunday, conmects at Napanee with Train No. 171 from Tweed. Motor Train Ne. 802 will leave Trenton (C.N, Stn.) 10.55 a.m. and arrive Pictog 12.15 p.m. daily, ex- cept Sunday. Night Classes. Night classes at the Kingston Busi- ness College, head of Queen street, commence on Wednesday, Oct. 4th. Rates moderate, H, JF. Metcalfe, Prineipal. AT ---------- Mrs. Alfred Kimberley, Carleton Place, aged ninety years, is dead. Sho Wes highly regarded. Her remains were buried at Perth, EN er a he ry prices. PHONE 919, Queen's University Text Books and Supplies Latest editions of Text Books authorized for use in Arts, Science and Medicine, Drawing sets of the best English manufacture at lowest THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE OPEN NIGHTS See our window for samples of the swagger Coats that we are selling at . . . ... $25.00 each For the Ladies Bramley Collar and Cuff Sets To-night 39¢. Tuxedo Coat Qollars--trimmed with Irish Lace--95c.line . ............To-night 59. HEATHER CASHMERETTE HOSE-Blues, Greys, Tans. SEE OUR SPECIAL CORSET AT ....,. All sizes 19 to 80. Viva alen vas veiens §5,00, GET OUR PRICES ON HOUSE FURNISHINGS. THEY'RE RIGHT. Newman & Shaw Kingston's Big House Fse F urnishings Store errr Kingston's Millineris Parisian Shop 82 Broek Stren IN MARINE CIROLES } The steamer. Turret Crown arrived from rim 4 oi FHiday afternoon, and cleared for the head of the lakes to loadn freight. The steamer Susie Chipman arriv- od on Saturday morning trem Oswe- go with'a cargo of anthracite coal for Kingsion. "14 steamer Thunder Bay arrived from Montreal on Friday night and will clear to-day for the head of - the lakes, The tug Joseph L. Russel] and the barge Stewart H. Dun arrived here on Priday from Oswego with a earge of coal. The steamer McKinstry arrived up nd was entered in the Collingwood Shipbuilding Gampan y's dry dock on Saturday moraing. The steamer Edmonton arrived up from Montreal on Saturday morning and cleared for Fort William, il I Lowest Rates FE ---- > . Real Estate Bargains $1,700.00--James Street--Detached dwelling; 9 rooms and toilet $3,900,00--Nelson Street--7 rooms, electric light and bathroom, barn gnd hen house, hardwood floors and hall. Let 66 by 133. $3,700.00--"¥jlliam Street--Semi-detached brick; 8 reoms; all ime provements. tric light, toilet, electric light, gas. $14.00--101 King Street--7 rooms. $15.00-+--4¢ Chatham Street--6 rooms, $30.00--285 Alfred Street--8 rooms, 3 Fire Insurance Money to Loan 3 " Black and Brown Bors ach ind Ev | #2,800.00--Chatham Street--Double frame, 7 rooms each, toilet, ex- tra cor. lot. Revenue $360.00 per year. §7,600,00~--Karl Street---Double brick, 8 rooms, garden, all modern, $3,100.00--Raglan Road---Double frame dwelling: 6 rooms, elec- $8,500.00--Brock Street--Semi-detached brick: 8 rooms, HOUSES FOR RENT Flats to let, furnished and unfurnished. Phone 589w. E.W. Mullin Son er ed Be rr. ---- at: Hci stm 7s bathroom, RE See These Real Bargains For To-tight! . $2.98 pres ary a 92.05 Xi f heels fl Tet Go emo bo All siges in each style. heels . ~ $1.00--INFANTH# BUTTON AND LACE BOOTS--$1.00 2 All sizes § to 7; S.J. MARTIN