a ® i es Dscormood, A. Hough, Willlam Al E n. | Hough, T. Greenwood, E. White, Es 33 The Prize List Announced by) _ Briceland, Howard Aboit. > Pyke, D. Watts. Bushel field peas, - ley, T. Rogers, George Friend, Ed- ~ Kyle, E. Briceland. wo years old, L. McDonald. » OCTOBER 4, 1922. TIT 'the Island Agricultural | Society. Heavy draught horses--Mara, foal at her side, Fred Staley. Colt, three years old, Fred Staley. Colt, Colt yearling, Fred Staley. Coit, 1922, Fred Staley. Stallion Reg., John Alarte, : General purpose horses__General Purpose team, Rodney McKenna, T. . Mare, foal at her side, Fawcett, Edgar Sevelle, Colt, Colt yearling, Prank Fawcett, » 1922, Oscar Fawcett, Edgar _Garriage horses--Colt, three ars old, E. White. Colt, two years old, Rodney McKenna, ng, 2nd. omer, Colt year- Rodney McKenna, 1st and Buggy horse, 15 hands and -E. Briceland, George Rogers, Buggy horse, 15 Sands and under, John Johnson, J. . Cows, Holstein, Reg.--Bull, two years old, ©. White. Bull, cdl, E. White. Cow, milch,«Rev. J, P _ Jerseys, Reg---Bull, two years old J, Grade Ayrshire--Cow, mileh, T. "Grade Holstein--Cow, milch, A. Helfer, two years old, Edgar Se- ¥elle, BE. White, Heifer, yearling, Bdgar Sevelle, E. White. Helfer Salt, 1922, BE. White. Grade Durham--Cow, milch, Breenwood, E. White, E. White. . Bheep, short wool--Ewe, having amb, 1922, T. Comnelly, 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Ewe, shearling, T. Connel- iy; 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Ewe lamb, 1922, T. Connelly, 1st, 2nd and BM. Ram, two shears and over, William Healy, Peter Brown, Peter Brown. - Bwine, Yorkshire--Best brood 80W, pigs at her side, Edgar Sevelle, Ist and 2nd. Best litter of pigs, Rdgar Sevello, 1st and 2nd. Sow, 1922, T. Rogers. Agricultural department--RBushel Deans, large, George Friend. Bushel Beans, small, Frank Fawcett, R. T. large, E. Briceland. Bushel oats, white, George Friend, Edgar Se- welle, Banford Hogan, Bushel bar- gar Sewelle. Corn in ear, yellow, T. Allum, T. Allum, E. Briceland. Corn in ear, sweet, T. Allum, Willian Horne, William MacAdoo. Pota- foes, white, Oscar Fawcett, R. J. Potatoes, red, F. Allum. Carrots, table, red, J. R. Horne, R. Pyke. Turnips, Swede, T. Allum, R. J, Kyle. Bugar beets, J. Keyes, T. Alum. Beets, turnip, T. Allum, William MacAdoo, R. J. Kyle. Mangolds, R. Horne, R. J. Kyle, Cabbage, George Friend, Wil- liam Horne, Willlam MacAdoo. Onions, yellow, Oscar Fawcett, T. Allum, R. Horne. Onions, red, R. J. Kyle. Celery, E. Grimshaw. Col- lection of vegetables, R. Pyke, R. Horne Cauliflower, J. Keyes, R. Pyke. Parsuips R. Horne, George Friend, Oscar Fawcett. Grain in sheaf, BE. White, H. Terran', San- ford Hogan. Fruit--Collection of apples, 3 each, William MacAdooo, B, Brice- land, Oscar Fawcett. Apples, best single variety, William MacAdoo, E. Briceland. Collection fall apples, Wiliam MacAdoo, E, Briceland, Collection winter apples, E. Bricé- land, William MacAdoo. Crab ap- ples, William MacAdoo, T. Green- wood. Pears, best six, BE. Brice- land, 1st and 2nd. Grapes, Mrs, R. McFadden, E. Briceland, BE. Brice- land. Pumpkins, cinnamon, B. Briceland, F. Fawce't. Pumpkins, field, William Horne, E. Briceland. Melons, water, R. Pyke. Melons, musk, R. Pyke, Squash, Hubbard, R. Horne. Tomatoes, R. Pyke, S. Woodman. Cucumbers, E. Brice- land. Vegetable marrow, E. Brice- land. Citron, R. Pyke, R. Horne. Squash, winter, R, Horne, Pop corn, R. Pyke, F. Fawcett. Poultry_Plymouth Rocks, bar- red, Rodnew McKenna. Plymouth Rocks, barred, 1922, B. Grimshaw, D. Watts. White Wyando'tes, Ed- gar Sevelle, James Berry. White Wyndottes, . 1922, George Friend, D. Watts. Buff Orpingtons, Mr. Cranshaw', Rhode Island Reds, F. Fawcett. Rhode Island Reds, 1922, F. Fawcett, George Kenny. Whits Leghorns, 1922, Edgar Sevelle, E. Briceland. Silver Wyandottes, 1922, E. Briceland. Black Minorcas, Mrs. LaRush. Black Minorcas, 1922, Mrs. LaRush. Blue Andalusians, Mrs. LaRush. Blue Andalusians, 1922, Mrs. LaRush. Leghorns, brown, Rodney McKenna. Leg- horns, brown, 1922, Rodnéy McKen- na. Bantams, George Kenny, Wil- llam MacAdoo. Bantams, 1922, Willlam MacAdoo; George Kenny. Guineas, 1922, R. Horne. Rabbits, Edgar Sevelle. Pigeons, 1922, Wil- liam Horme, E. Briceland. Ducks, F. Fawcett. Ducks, 1922, P. Brown, Edgar Sevelle. Geese, L. McDon- ald, F. Fawcett, Geese, 1922, R. Horne, B. White. Turkeys, bronze, E. White, Dairy and baking--Butter in crock, T. Greenwood, £. Grimshaw, D. Kiell, Butter in prints, E. Grim shaw, J. Keyes, T. Greenwood. Homemade bread, T. (Greenwood, D, Kiell, Mrs. LaRush, Homemade buns, T. Greenwood, D, Kiell, Mrs. LaRush. Fried cakes, E. Grin shaw, R. Horne. Layer cake, R. Horne, William MacAdoo, Fruit cake, R. Pyke. Sweet cider, Wil- liam MacAdoo. Homemade wine, Keyes, William MacAdoo, Oscar Fawcett. Carrots, field, T. Allum, "WHAT MADE ME HAPPY *T was ¢ 51? Sof He i gd h yA » ¥ 'f 128 F35d ih eh 3s dn £3 : it H ts P g : i i : i fa ih ik i :] - R. Pyke. Pickles, R. Pyke, William MacAdoo. Chill sauce, R. Pyke. Tomato catsup, E. Briceland, E. Grimshaw. Honey in comb, Rev, J, P. Fleming. Jelly, E. Grimshaw, R. Horne. Ladies' department, useful work ~Rag mat, hooked, Mrs. McCweady, 1st and 2nd. Rag mat, crocheted, Mrs. MacCready, George Friend. Rag mat, any kind, Mrs. McCready, D. Kiell. Homemade mitts, ladies, Mrs, MoCready, 1st and 2nd. Knit- MeCready, Mrs. R. McFadden. Skirt, knitted, Mrs, McCready, 1st and 2nd. Shawl, knitted, Mrs, McCready, 1st and 2nd. Bhawl, crocheted, Mrs. McCready, 1st and 2nd. La dies' jacket, knitted, E. Grimshaw, Mrs. MoCréady. Ladies' jacket, crocheted, Mrs. R. McFadden. Darn- ing, Mrs. McCready, lst end 2nd. Plain hand-sewing, Mrs. MoCready, 1st and 2nd. Men's white shirt, ma- chine made, E. Grimshaw, Men's flannel shirt, meach'ne made, E. Grimshaw. Quilt, crocheted, R. J. Kyle, Mrs. McCready. Quilt, knit- ted, Mrs. McCready, George Wood- man.' Quilt, cotton patchwork, George! Woodman, R. J. Kyle. Quilt, woollen patchwork, Mrs. Me- Cready, R. Pyke. Quilt, silk paich- work, R. J. Kyle, Mrs. R. McFad- den. Quilt, tuft, Mri MeCready. Quilt, outline, L. McDonald, fit, embroidered, Mrs. McCready, f1st and 2nd. Work apron, Mrs, R. Me- Fadden, : Fancy work and fine arts--Fea~ ther flowers, E. Briceland, 1st and 2nd. Braid, crochet work, Mrs. Me- Cready, 1st and 2nd. Richelieu embroidery, Mrs. MoCready, ~ 1st and 2nd. Punchwork, embroidery, Mrs. McCready, 1st and 2nd, Sofa cushion, cotton, Mrs, McCready, Mrs. R. MoFadden. Sofa cushion, any kind, Mrs. McCready, 1st and 2nd. Pin cushion, cotton, Mrs, Me- Cready, 1st and 2nd. Pin 'cushion, silk, Mrs. McCready. Pin cushion, any kind, Mrs. MoCready, R. J. | Kyle. Berlin wool work, plain, Mrs. MeCready. Tatting, Mrs. McCready, : work, raised, Mrs. MoCready, 1st and 2nd. Dinner mats, ted, Mrs. MoCroady, Mr, Crasshan Dic. ner mats, any kind Messy M R. Pyke. Slippers, hand made, Mrs, once. McCready. Cross stitch embroidery, Mrs. McCready, R. J. Kyle. Colles. - tion of doilies, Mrs. McCready. Towels, embroidered, Mrs, McCrea- dy, 1st and 2nd. Collection of towels, Mrs. McCready, Mrs. R. Me- Fadden. Pillow cases, embroidered, | Mrs. McCready, 1st and 2nd. Mount Mellick embroidery, Mrs. McCready, English eyelet embroidery, Mrs, Mo- Cready, 1st and 2nd. French em- broidery, Mrs. McCready, 1st and 2nd. Hardanger embroidery, Mrs. McCready, 1st and 2nd, Wallachain embroidery, Mrs. McCready, 1st and 2nd. Shadow embroidery, Mrs."Mec- Cready, R. Pyke. Stencil work, Mrs. McCready. . Worsted work, Mrs. OMec- Cready. PiHow shams, Mrs. R. Mc- Fadden. Five o'clock tea cloth, crocheted, Mrs. McCready, Mrs. R. McFadden, Tray cloth, R. J. Kyle, Mrs. McCready. Irish eroche', Mrs, McCready, Mrs. R. McFadden. Bat- tenburg, Mrs. McCready, 1st and 2nd. Drawnwork, Mrs. McCready, 1st and 2nd. Button-holes, E. Crim- shaw. Slipper case, Mrs. Me- Cready. Whisk holder, Mrs, Mo- Cready. Handkerchiefs, Mrs. R. McFadden, Mrs. McCready. Fancy apron, Mrs. McCready, R. J. Kyle. Toilet set, Mrs, McCready, 1st and 20d. Braiding on cotton, Mrs. Mo- Cready. Embroidery on wool, Mrs, McCready, E. Grimshaw. Edging, knitted, Mrs. McCready, 1st and 2nd. Point lace, Mrs, McCready. Plain crochet, Mrs, McCready, Mrs. R. McFadden. Crayon drawing, Mrs. McCready, 1st and 2nd. Freon hand drawing, Mrs. McCready, R. Pyke. Painting on silk, T. Connel- ly, T. Greenwood, Painting in oil, William Horne, 1st and 2nd. Paint- ing in water colors, Mrs. McCready, 1st'and 2nd. Painting in water c0i- Ors, professional. Mrs McCready, 1st and 2nd Flowers--House plants, best col- lection, B! Briceland, 1st and 2nd. Foliage, E. Briceland, G. Rattray. Fuchsias, E. Briceland. Asters, Mrs. R. McFadden, E, Grimshaw, Geraniums,George Friend, E. Brice- land. Feathered coxcomb, Mr. Crenshaw. Boston. invid fern, BE. Briceland. Roses, Mrs. LaRush Asparagus fern, E. Briceland, 14t and 2nd. Dablias, BE. Grimshaw. Gladiolas, E. Grimshaw, Fire ball salavier, George Friend, 1st and 2nd. Hydrangia, E. Briceland. Cut flowers, best collection, BE. Grim- shaw, George Friend. Begonias, Mrs. LaRush, E, Briceland, Flow- ering maple, E. Briceland, Mrs, La- Rush. Everyday bloomer, George Friend, E. Briceland, Star plant, George Rattray, George Friend. Pe- tunias, E. Briceland, Mrs Mc- Cready. Prizes Won on Exhibits Dis= played at Ardoch on Sep- tember 5th. The following is a list of prizes winners at the Clarendon School Fair held at Ardoch on Sept. bth: -- Grain Class 1, 4 qts. whekt-- Herman Hermer. Class 3, sheat wheat--Willle Her- mer. Class 4, 4 qts. oats, Willie Smith, Jno. Schonauer. Class 6, sheaf oats, Lucy Schon- aver, Floyd White, Bernard Schon« auer, George Schonauer, Willie Smith, Charlie Smith. Class 7, § qts. barley, Charlie Smith. Class 9, sheat barley, Lucy Schon- auer, Jos. Hermer, Charlie Smith. Class 10, 2 qts. field peas, Charlie Smith, Leonard Hill, Willie Kellar, Wilfred Jeanheret, Russell McMur- dock. Class 11, 3 loaded vines fidld peas, Charlie Smith, Wilfred Jeanneret, Leonard Hill, Willfe Smith. Class 12, 6 ears sweet corn, Reg- inald Elkington, Pearl Schonauer, Maud Hill, Manson Kellar, Burton Kellar, Harold Schonauer, Class 13, sngle ear sweet corn, Burton Kellar, Manson Kellar, Pearl Schonauer, Ruby Myers. Class 14, sheaf sweet corn, Pearl Schonauer. Class 15, § ears field corn, Geo. Schonauer, Geo. Weiss, Leonard Hill, Ferdie Hartman, Rachel Jeanerett. INDIGESTION!!! ATE T00 MUCH Instantly! Stop Gas, Sourness, Hearth, Stomach Misery a few Pleasant, harmless tab oq oA Dinpevsin and your will feel fine at \ CLREIOON SCHOOL FR QUALITY CIGARETTE ~ IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY or CANADA, LIMITED. Class 16, single ear field corn, Geo, Weiss, Geo. Schonauer, Leonard Hill, Russell McMurdock, Ferdie Hartman, Rachel Jeannerett. Class 17, 'sheaf field corn, Ferdie Hartman, Geo. Schonauer, Edmund Weber, Leonard Hill Yegetables Class 18, 12 Irish Cobbler potatoes, Howard Hermer, Ferdie Hartman, Reginald Elkington, Barl Darue, Reuben Allen, Maggie Scullion. Class 19, peck Irish Cobbler pota- toes, Grace Tapping, Oswald Rasp- berry, Geo. Schonauer, Earl Darue, Harold Hermer. Class 20, single I. C. potato, Ferdie Hartman, Earl Darue, Howard Her- mer, Reuben Allen. Class 21, 12 Dooley potatoes, Wal- ter Myers, Iola Smith, Zelda Harman, Nada Struthers, Manson Kellar, Dor- is Struthers. Class 22, peck Dooley potatoes, Zelda Hartman, Iola Smith, Manson Kellar. Class 23, single Dooley potato, Manson Kellar, Walter Myers, Zelda Hartman, Herman Hermer, Doris Struthers. Class 24, peck I. C. potatoes from old seed, Lucy Schonauer, Greta Schonauer, Pearl Schonauer, Her- ermer. gr ¥- 25, 5 mangels, Ferdie Hart man, Great Schomauer, Pearl Schon- auer, Reuben Allen, Howard" Her- Tins 26, single mangel--Ferdie Hartman, Greta Schonauer, Pearl Schonauer, Howard Hermer. Class 27, six beets--Lucy Schon- auer, Maud Hill, Freda Schonauer, Mildred Hartman, Ola James, Rosa- lip Hermer. : Clase 28, single beet--Lucy Schon- auer, Ola James, Annie Hill, Kath- leen Myers, Phyllis Weber, Rosalie ermer. Rene: 29, six carrots--Annie Hill, Doris Myers, Viola Hartman, Ruby Myers, Geo. Weiss, Grace Tapping. Class 80, single carrot--Irene Smith, Annie Hill, Viola Hartman, Ruby Myers, Geo. Welss, Grace Tap- ping. Class 31, tive turnips--Willle Her- mer. Class 32, single turnip--Willis Hermer, J Class 83, six onions--Lucy Schon- auer, Mildred Schonauer, Irene Her- mer, Rachel Jeanneret, Greta Schon- auer, Maty Weber. 4 ; Class 34, single onion--Lucy Schonauer, Greta Schonauer, Rachel mer, Lucy Schonauer. Poultry. Class 39, cockerel--Herman Her- mer. Class 40, pullet--Herman Hermer, lrene Smith, Geo. Weiss. Class 41, pen, three birds--Her- man Hermer, Kathleen Myers. . Calf, Class 46, dairy calf--Chas. Smith, ,| Edmund Weber, Willie Hermer, Joe Hermer. Frults and Cooking. Class 48, five winter apples-- Myers, Lucy Schonauer. Class 49, five fall apples--Geo. Weiss, Mary Weber, Chas. Smith, Lucy Schonauer, Bert Tapping, Jos. Kehoe. Class 50, sponge cake~--~Mary Web- er, Frances Elkington, Rachel Jean- neret, Lucy Schonauer. Class 52, twelve jelly tarts--Ma- donna Scullion. : Class 53, loaf white bread--Kath- leen Myers, Ruby Myers, Walter Myers, Frances Elkington, Lucy Schonauer. Class 54, lemon ple--Frances Elk- ington, Lucy Schonauer, Pear! Schonauer, Mary Weber, / Class 55, collecflon, six kinds small cakes or cookies--Kathleen Myers, Ruby Myers, Maggie Scullion, Lucy Schonauer. Sewing. ~~ Class 56, fancy white apron--TIola Smith, Ruby Myers, Pearl Sch auer, Frances Elkington. Class B57, clothes pin bag---Ma- donna Scullion, Mary Weber. Class 58, pillow case---Rachel Jeanneret, Nada Struthers, Pearl Schonauer, Maggie Scullion, Lucy Schonauer, Miscellaneous Llass 61, model sheep feeding rack, Walter Myers. Class 26, collection different types of soil, Chas. Smith, Geo. Weiss, Wal- ter Myers. Class 63, collection of weed seeds, Chas, Smith, Herman Hermer, Kath. leen Myers, no name. : Irene Smith,"Charlie Smith, Doris crn? ain oP. Elkington. Class 69, writing, "God Save the King," Mildred Schonauer, Reginala Blkington, Burton Tapping, Willie Smith. =~ Class 70, Writing "Maple Leat" Walter Myers, Floyd White, Freda Schonauer, Rosalie Hermer, Kathleen Myers, Mildred Hartman. Class 71, writing "0 Canada," Her- man Hermer, Maggle Scullion, Iola Smith, Pearl Schonauer, Rachel Jeannerett, Zelda Harman. Class 72, crayon drawing, Lucy Schonauer, Maggie Scullion, Rachel Jeannerett, Pearl Schonauer, Charlie Smith, Herman Hermer. Class 73, painting, Maggie Seul- lion, Lucy Schonauer, Herman Her- mer, Rachel Jeannerett, Wilfred Jeannerett, Geo. Welss. Class 47, lamb, Walter Myers, How- ard Hermer, Edmund Weber, Geo, Weiss. ve Class 79, nail driving contest, Zele da Hartman, Rachel Jeannerett. # Class 77, hitching and driving come test, Chas. Smith. Class 80, school parade, 8.8. No. 8, 8.8. No. 2, 88. No. 1. i Girl and boy winning highest nume« ber of points, Lucy Schonauer, Ohare le Smith, The first showed she was married In September, 1921, to David Siegel. She didn't llke the way he treated her, she sod, Then she showea certificate of her marriage last mouth to Antonio Versety, Her re- quest was granted. § The world is an old woman who mistakes any gilt farthing for a sold coin, whereby being often cheated, she will henceforth trust nothing but the common copper, This Little Ad. Rooms For Remt - BROCK ST. 27%--Two hi with board, bedroom flat; house nicely located; modern {m- provements. Apply 275 Brock Street. a7 ® rooms, ----ee en re ------ Brought These Results IEA 0 tn ant utes after Whig ! tal Hy mE Teius, Svectat acess points, 3 PHONE 2198. Close connections at Cape Vincent with X.Y.C. Mnes fér sii WN. x. et to change withont methe(