MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1022 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY, [5} i THE ROYAL LAW:--It ve | fulfil the royal law accord- | 8 Pee ete -- THE BRITISH WHIG | AN. ARTFUL DODGER. make victory a certainty in the next 89TH YEAR { From statistics, reports and in-| election that may take place. L vestigations of all kinds all are fair | The meeting on Friday night gave | I familiar with the statistical per- | evidence of the SESevHISson ol he 10g 10 the Beripinre. 3oon or Love] j s0n2ge known as the average map, | Party to start right, an e "com. | thy neighbor as thyself, ye do well: i But our knowledge of him is vague | of the officers and executive com but if ye Rave Topoct 1 persons, ye | and shadowy, and the more we try to | mittee was unanimous. There IS | (mit ein, and are convicted of the | | make such knowledge definite the | observable an infusion of new blood, j---- ee more we are baffled. land this is 'as it should be if a | ' In the abstract we know what his party is to retain its vitality. For i s . | ' ALONG LIFES DETOUR | i | | feelings are. He Is in favor of up- | those who have borne the burden in | | BY SAM HILL | YOU'VE SEEN 'EM.- Wherever Good Dressers Assemble -* holding the law, of giving every- | the past there is only commenda- | | body a square deal, and of acting | tion. Their oversight and counsel | { pretty much as he ought to. Weis still needed and will be utilized to i | could recommend him as a thorough- | the fullest extent. ly good fellow. But all this is ab- The future is bright for Liberal- | tract, and does little more than In- | ism, which has ever been a con- | duce a desire for closer acqualnt- | structive force in Canada. At no-| | ance with him. We should like to time, in the history of Canada was [ know, for instance, how long he can | the genius of Liberalism so urgent- ts " {make a $30 suit of clothes last, or | fyxneeded to carry the country out of Published Dafly and Semi-Weekly »y| doesn't he ever wear anything as | the political, social and industrial TR BRITISH een UBLISHING | cheap as that? Ix may seem a trifling | chaos created by the late Conserva- Hy | thing, but isn't It reasonable to want | tive governments both in provincial EE Bema aloiiy oor phieent| (0 know whether the average man and dominion affairs. It was tho £0 M sing-Director| 5]0ps on his right side or on his | universal realization of this fact that TELEPHONES; returned Hon. Mackenzie King to OXice power, and Kingston should, from every consideration of local interest, be represented by a supporter of the government rather than by a mem- ber in opposition. However, the op- portunity will come eventually for Sean Out'a Luck. | Poor Mary went and had her hair eut ! short, | And thought, of course, she was some | sport; i Now Fashion says, alas, bobbed hair's | all wrong, And Mary wishes she had left it long. | Suits and Overcoats There are scores of chaps about town whose clothing has that air of "belonging:" a Observations of Oldest Inhabitant. Girls may no longer play the old- fashioned kissing game, but they still are playing the old-fashioned deuce. | \ A ------ { An Exception. y 'It says here that man now can do anything the birds can do," remarked Mrs. Grouch, -- "Huh!" snapped her husband, 'Td ltke to see one who could bulld al nest, lay eggs and hatch out a brood | of birdies." (2) They've an individuflity and smartness of style, and you can safely wager they got their clothes at Bibby's. 28 We may not grieve to know pre- 292| cisely what he works at; probably [he works at whatever he can find to Ode yous, iu sa.00| 40, but the question remains--What Une year, if paid fn advance Sl ..85.00 | time in the morning does he get up? ae year, » Patera ser prygtett And this one suggests the further Bus. Editorial Job OXice SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Daily Edition) These Suits and Overcoats are truly wonderful values. All new models and new colorings and designs. ---- Won't Show, d year mii sekly Hdit) .§1.00| Query as to whether he awakes with year If not paid in adv 1.30 joy in his heart, and greets his alarm clock as his best, long lost friend, or the people to remedy the mistake of the last election, and in the mean- time it will be the duty of the King- With longer skirts, The women, we supposes, Again will wear Them cheap, old cotton hose. ADDED ATTRACTION ! See our Men's Suits with two . pair Trousers for . . . $25.00 One One year, to United States .... 1.00 UT-OF TOWN REPRESENTATIVES, Tons EPR $t., Momtreai| Whether in anger he snatches up this 100 King St mechanical dispeller of dreams and chucks it under the covers before it | sw W, Thompson .... Ww. Ee Torom has finished its matutinal hymn. to, Letters to the kditor sre published Then there is the matter of shav- ing. Does the average man shave, ORLY over the actual sume of the and how often, and when? It is writer, x Attached is ome of the printing offices in Canada. f strange that we do not know these things about one with whom we are {as a familiar as we are with the av- | erage man from the volumes of Iit- Audit Bureau of Circulations | erature about him put out every | year. We are not much concerned with what he eats; he probably eats whatever the market affords. But does he really eat as they say he should in books on etiquette--some id kind of soups with a motion of the About all some men have left of | spoon away from him, and others their early training is a hymn or two | with the spoon coming towards him? to whistle, Despite assurances from statistie- : s------------------ fans and investigators to thecontrary : Scorned, helpless and ignored poor | our knowledge of the average man Is old Austria probably knows how a very limited. He should do a great speed limit feels. | deal for social uplift and education if he were less secretive and exclu- give than his actions seem to make him. ston Liberal Association to gather strength and take its wonted place as In the days between 1896 and 1911, when / it was an f{rrestible force in elections. In provincial politics there is every prospect of a Liberal govern- ment succeeding the present Far- mer-Labor regime; Such a changs is predicted by shrewd politicians who interpret the cleavage in the U. F. O. ranks as the sure sign of disintegration. Even should the U.F.O. political organization cement the different factions, it is very doubtful whether the same old class- conscious appeal could turn the trick once more. The people have had time Fool Questions. to think over the effects of class con-/ ® Mc. asks: "Why is it a coming flict, and their sober judgmesf/man is successful, but it must be a going concern to be that?' Our lan- Shake at BY ot rill coe is surely wonderful, ain't it? In harmony with all clagsed nas Gems From Guide Book to Success, make up the population of #88 coun- Know first that you are right, then try; and this cannot hedden® unless malitatn your stand, and the whele ~- | Wo TA es Cc! the government be a enter hid Thin --. = tn ry F tive, a fact that no -- Premier Drury has proclaim- Add Pests. ed in an effo break the fetters He surely makes that bind & class organiza- Me want to fight, tion. He perfectly well that He always says: : it he god #0 the country as.a group Say, ain't I right?" e g 1 be returned as a group t with a smaller group B now has. His anxiety, as iclan, is therefore apparent. government has put. through me progressive legislation that en- titles it to the support of town vot- ers, but he will never get them, for the U.F.0. will not let him. More- over, many farmers have lost the film from their eyes since the last election. Among these are the men who looked for something from the co-operative enterprises mistakenly urned into political' activity from which they have not profited as they were led to hope. There has been only disillusionment for the follow- ers of the U.F.0. party, and it iz earnestly to be hoped that from the ashes of disappointment there may come forth a fuller and nobler con- ception of citizenship based upon co-operation for the advancement of Watson, Whaddya Make of This? (Sign on ice cream wagon in Newport, Ky.) Cones, 5 Cents Each, or Two For § Cents Bach. best job No Joke, Blinks--""Womien now Insist wearing low shoes all winter." Jinks: "Yes, bug the prices they pay for them and tae doctors' bills make them come pretty high, at that" BIBBY'S of Them Like Her. Kingston's One Price Clothing. Store upon The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the ABU - It 1s perhaps just as well for the world that the Sick Man of Europe is ailing. For #u#bby is too poor; But every day she takes A Window-shopping tour. SE ------ ws ER OOO OR ; A JOY FOR YEARS The Pride of Ownership . Fits children up to eight years, i Consistency 1s a jewel, but some men think they cannot afford to be Jewel collectors. INTOLERANCE, Recently a widely known clergy- man in New York from his pulpit mentioned by name several leaders in his branch of the Christian faith and denounced ,them as infidels. Now, another refers to some of his brethren as "baboon chasers." T jonly ground for these unchari | When. the nerve of some Persons | .. arks les in the fact that d fails them they are practically out of thus 1eld up to scorn hold the running. some subjects somewhat with the opinions of thd# rect the darts, al It is bad policy 4 a man by abusig "Spoiled child." A saying com-| °0 his Intellig never wins. B monly used as evidence that par- lample to the laity . ents have little sense. Soma set Sen such discourteous n, ind 8 un-Christian, too. If langy s referred to are infidels the chasers, there would be 3 elihood of reclaiming them ® true faith by reasoning witn #m in good humor, thanbyabusing Calf: Infant progeny of the cow. Also a man who thinks he has a monopoly of trouble. ~Sam Hill leadep lea dé Another jay 4 Should not be frees You hear him say: "Take it from me." =Canton (Ohio) News. Come and see them. unseen. in the Faith is belief in things «For instance, men believe rights of a minority. Diamonds Is Diamonds, Too. "What do you Americans do with all the diamonds you import? asked the 'English visitor, "Use 'em to play baseball on, course," replied the Yankee. "Ay word, old chap, I think you're stringing me, you know, nothing but Lights éan play on a diamond," re- plied the Englishman, who was no fool. So "Huh!" replied the Yankee, "come out to the ball park end I will show You a lot of 'bones' playing on one." --c-------- T Who can remember the old-fash- o loned mother who cried when dau- ghter was married ? Moore's Toyland Get a "Radio Rex" for $3.00, al 00 0 AE convince gor reflecting * that method hat, men of the SA The difference between a coupe and a toupee is that the coupe af- fords a permanent top. 'N That Hurts Worse Than a Fall Oh, summer has its fall, But pMices aren't so wise, For they, it seems, alas, Can only have their rise. -- McCLARY'S "TECUMSEH RANGE" We Are Headquarters Justice usually is blind enough . overlook the derelictions of a who is a financial power. Btill, the modern co ball schedule gives th tensive travel advangd : 0 wrtie a petition with RCT oss. It takes a lo prohibition fo the one Vo i can talk about a ow without arousing 0 their location. © At git hem. However, the latter may feel that they are but exercising their rights in holding whatever be- liefs they have. And if they are sin- cere, certainly it is not the business of anyone else to judge them. We are not concerned whether one is, right or the other wrong--it 1s the intélerance that is shown that is important. If one feels sure he has the right view that should Justity him individually, he should permit another who holds diverse views In equal sincerity the right of personal national ideals, a conception which is best expressed in Liberal princi- ples that call for constructive poll- cles in dealing with the problems of Dee, a Prescription, Please, Adam Breede, of the Hastings (Neb.) Tribune, who is lucky in other ways beside that of being a bachelor, scrds us a line from Rio de Janeiro, South America, where he has been government, Kingston Liberals are to be con- gratulated upon their splendid or- geitlug an eyeful of South American Scerery--feminine, of course. Adam Wrote them a rhyme, or something, for their paper, in English, and as ganization and the spirit of unani- mity that pervades it. they couldn't read English they 'de- cided he was one of our great literary lights and tacked a doctor's degree on him--the degree is. an H. D., which Adam says means Horse Doctor, but our own guess, knowing Adam, is that it means Handsome Doctor. The Finest Range McClary's Ever Made, Come and see it. BUNT'S HARDWARE King St. " Plumber Plumbing and Gas Work a spect ialty, All work guaranteed. Ad. dress 145 Frontenac Street. SICK-ROOM SUPPLIES splendid Dar well enced; about 60 vation. Price T suffering compares with the man who knows it all 'shown that he doesn't. ds &, The best way-to study the English guage is to drive past some trat- 'cop when the sign says stop. : ------ To date the only thing Kemal has it is control of his soldiers when y're massacring his enemies, niin, We'll Bite, Who Does? Dear Bam: Who Wearg the pants in the firm of Coats & Coats, of Jongs- ville, Tenn.? + --C. R. M. Phone 1277. opinion. In short, because some of us believe one thing and others an- other is no valid grounds for calling names, (2)--~97 acres, from on, and t fom Jarivhs tern; hardwoo Dr. Chown's Drug Store 185 Princess Street. Phofid 348 Our Ganaaian Question i a And Answer Seman} To a Modern Girl, A hero is* é . Most any gink Who always has THE KINGSTON LIBERALS, The Kingston Liberal Association has undergone reorganization aster Ome year of exceptional activity and A lot of chick. during which Liberalism has made a =Sam Hill in Cincinnat! Enquirer. great stride forward despite the fact A.--Stephen Leacock, of MoG4ll that all semblance of an organiza- ; A hero is University, Montreal, is said to be tion was wiped out five years -AE0 Who -- re She ry her he : always sayse - "an hen ry reat was "Sure, I'll buy. nd ans on England and re- rmed ) rosec *harleston (B. C.) News and Courter. 'What been Canada pro- ing the war. If anyone would dare : ' 3 ba 4 -- to cast a doubt upon the patriotism Daily Sentence on i Boies ey ed 'bimon -and holds to the belief that | and loyalty of it on only ne- A big man never acts that ON Janda Crud tas prod ot -- since 8 il come to those who de- cessary to remind him of the fact News of the Names Club. "lise, including gold, $448,000,000: § that it was 'the' Liberal party that O. A. Kell fives in McCreary, Coun- silver, $265,000,000; copper, $270.- suffered most, ms a political force, urse | 1, K5., we are told, but he never is. |000,000; mickel, $173,000,000; lead, for the sake of prosecuting the war. $54,000,000; zine' $20,000,000. In Kingston it became necessary to : - : i Reel, of Baltimore, Md, is on ® water wagon and te essentiax differemce between eT convictions and darned stub~ build up a new organization to con ne test the federal election in Decem- to get In that condition 4 "| ber last, and the provincial by-elec i earnings for the current year will be king that happiness depends on rally to the Liberal standard and For Ce oading 4 months of 1923, seat. The elections were in reality for the full 12 result showed the turn of the tide|. --------s / Studebaker's Earnings. : New York, Oct. 9.--Studebaker's 3 id tion that followed, but despite the ny persons make the mistake of handicap, there was a wonderfal between $28 and $29 on the common | an ; stock, to latest estimates others are willing to do forthe Liberal candidates came within y N . & Warsia of ng the] ; net income amounted to over id g production not a test of party strength so much months will be 105,000 cars. If the 8s a test of public opinion, and the . clares " toward Liberalism. It is only neces- | in. Kingston Q._Who 1s said to be Canada's It isn't Wifticwit for a ohild to un- id government affairs aftsr learns to pronounce "deficit.'" ---- 'optimist is a person who sticks Egg and | Stove Size Particularly adapted for Hot Air Furnaces and Quebec Heaters. Price 15.00 1 Crawford t this sentence: "Ah," sign. COAL tal girl, "I would glaa- determination a . 4 yi ie . beauty for a knowledge ablilty a > Eg sod 42 jos boii = Phone 9. Foot of Queen 8¢, - ¢ 1 \ . X = 3 ly v A: Saas. or Wi » Ls ic ; the edditton. of pride. : - C. W. BENNEIT, MD. 133 CLERGY STREET Office phone 851. Res. 1845m. Office Hours 10-12 am. 2-4 7 to ------ times cne suspects that thers Wagstaffe's PURE JAMS AND JELLIES We secured the entire Fair Exhibit of these goods, Take a look at our window. It will coax you to come in- side. Sd principal idea in laying out towns should be to make the wide enough for parking on | ----------------