THE DAILY BRITISH WHI GRARD-Wed,, Oct. 11 DE FEO GRAND OPERA COMPANY The best Opera Company that The sensation of the Canadian ever visited Canada.--. Moatreal National Exhibition. -- Toroate Papers. Papers, ONE GALA PERFORMANCE ONLY CARMEN OPERA IN 4 ACTS BY BIZET (By Special Request) FROM METROPOLITAN OPERA -HOUS BE, NEW YORK; COVENT GARDEN, LONDON; LA SCALA, MILAN, COMPANWS OWN ORCHESTRA OF 25, CHORUS OF 30. THE BEST OPERA AT COMMON SENSE PRICES, Rex Stock Company La IN THE DELIGHTFUL COMEDY Z AN A "THE GIRL FROM KALAMAZOO" ADAPTED FROM "THE REJUVENATION OF AUNT MARY" VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN ACTS : 20c., 30c., 50c. * GALLERY .... 10c. ATINEE: CHILDREN, 10c.; ADULTS, 25¢. Ee -- AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions Rex Stock Company. Florence Winters and Hazel Wil- l'ams, two popular members of the {Rex Stock Company, have the stellar {roles in another of those typical Rex | comedies which is to be presented at |the Grand the last half of this week and entitled "The Giri From Kalama- |200," adapted from the sensational {comedy stage hit '""The Rejuvenation {of Aunt Mary. | Florence Winters who excels in 61d lady comedy parts, appears in the {part of Aunt Mary, and Hazel Wil- (liams "The Little Red Head' in a {part equally as funny, and as Hazel's role i one that is full of peppery comedy action, and "Kitty Be Care- ful," presented this week did not call for her to have a part, #t 'hae given her a week's rest, and her many ad- | WITH ARTISTS OPERA HOUSE GRAND 3 DAYS, COMMENCING Thursday, Oct. 12 OUR OWN back, and jumping as if she was in the path of a cyclone. "The Girl From KalamazooN is a comedy that requires the full strength of the company to present, and .each-Has been assigned an im- rortant role in this highly amusing comedy, The usual careful attention to the proper scenic background has been looked after by Rex, and Frank James, chief scenic artist for the com- pany has designed and painted some beautiful sets for the production. Two snappy vaudeville acts are an- nounced for presentation batween acts, PRICES re SATURDAY 1 mn It Will Sweep You Off Your Feet "THE STORM" The Vivid Beauty of Nature Was Reflected in the fnnocent Face of Manette; the Cleanness of the Forest in Burr Win- ton's Soul; Then the Northern Sunlight Was Broken Into b the Figure of a Man From "Outside," and the Queerest o! Triangles Came Into Being With "The Storm" of Passion. It's the Kind of Picture You're Waiting to See. =L:E- N STARTS THURSDAY Will Patronize the Opera. The box office of the Grandstarted yesterday, the sale of seats for the gala performance of the De Feo G d Opera on Wednesday. Judg- Ing from the large sale of seats on the first day, we car safoly say that the K!ngstonians and our neighbors from Napanee, Rideau, Gananoque have come out in 'numbers for this unique occasion to hear one of the best opera compaiiies that ever visit- ed Canada. It must also be said that the choice of the opera "Carmen," the most popular in the operatic re- pertoire, has much fo do with it. From Montreal and Toronto many of ue- have heard of the great impres- sion the De Feo Opera Company has made on the public; # must be re- membered that the art'sts are all (members of the Metropolitan Opera | House, New York, of the Grand [Sere Paris, and of the Covent Gar- den, London, With interpreters of this high calfber we are assured of hearing a rendition of Carmen as we have seldom had the opportunity in our city. I is, therefore, advisable, to reserve your seats right now in order to be sure of not missing this great artistic event. Rodolph Valentino "The Four Horsemen ---- Of The Apocalypse" REX INGRAM'S: WORLD- FAMOUS PRODUCTION. Only Three More Shows: To-night at 8 o'clock, Wednesday at 2.30 and _ "The Four Horsemen," Wien #t was time to start tae -------- mirers can look forward to seeing her | 8 p.m, Better be early 1! ois A SURPRISE PLAY TO.DAY DANCING LESSONS Will Be Taught Every Night at GARDEN HALL 1 11 lessons by appointment only. Con or old, it's mever too late to learn to dance. N Toacker MADAM 8, COHEN, Teacher, 111 Brock Street. Phone 357. Res, Phone 1878, AUCTION SALE yaluable Real Estate and Household D1 Valuable 246 and 248 Wellington Street, Wednesday, October 11th, ni hn ight . plano nut Heintzman pr : h aut Sonora and records, ( hester- | field parlor suite, oak library table, vel- Vel rugs, fine oak dining suite, eleotric domes and table lamps, oil paintings, silver tea set, oak Troll<top writing desk, lace and portiere curtains, beau- tiful mahogany bedroom suite, Mar- shall sanitary and heir mattresses, fron beds, children's cots, chiffonter, 'plate mirror, Happy glought énd Zn el gas ranges, - Smelled nd (Hog case, rolled wheat prunes and dried apples, The real estate consists of the resi- nce and store, containing 12 rooms, rnace electric light, gas, etc. Also the solid brick residence, No. 31 Rideau street, containing § rooms and improvements, with a frontage on Rideau street, of about 45 feet, will be offered at 12.30 noon, Subject to a re- serve bid. She can' et a husband! Honest! Even her friends say she couldn't get a man in the world If some other wo- man wanted him. KATHERINE MacDONALD ie "HEROES AND HUSBANDS" EN, The Auctioneer. Notice to Creditors 6 Matter of the Estate of Mary A. roe late of the city of Kingston, in the County of Frontenac, Widow, deceased. NOTICE Is bereby given pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario '1914, 'Chap. 121, section 66, that all creditors others having claims against the tate of Mary A. Mackie, who died on about the twenty-sixth day of July, "1923, are required to deliver or send by 5 t prepaid, on or before the twenty- t day of October, 1922, to the under ed solicitors for the Executor of the last will and testament of the sald de- their names and addresses, and full description of all claims and the Nature of securities (if any) held by them, such claims to be duly verified. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that immediately after the twenty-first day of Oetober, 1922, the said Executor will proceed to distribute the sald Estate AiIong the parties entitled thereto, hav- & regard only for the claims of which r il then have received notice, the said Executor shall not be 1i- -------------- BIG DANCE. TO-NIGHT 'IN. GARDEN HALL, 111 BROCK . ' Danetn; a.m, " x from © te 1 HARMONY SIX Never mn rehestra. Don't ming it! yo WOLFE LsuaND FARM AND ON MONDAY, OCTOBER id gnc, Avion by SaiSPonn, time on farm. sua He righ H G w, Head of Wolfe Islan Sale Postponed until October 1805 ber, 1922. _ DATED at Kingston, thi twenty. daa of' September, 1923. NIgkLE ARRELL & DAY, : 'gular St, Kingston, tors for the Executors. No. 1 Field Ambulance Wednesday Eve, § O'CLOCK All members of the unit B/S ro- Jussted to parade there at that © and time for issue of clothe ing. Others desifous of ning the unit, apply at ial Sore date and 'time. J. E. KANE, MAJOR, ? 0. C. No. 1, Field Ambulance. 4 11 eten:ng show at the Strand theatre last right every seat in the house was filed. Rodolph Vals tice in 'The Four Horsemn of 124 Apoca- i¥pse" was the aitraclion . So to- night it is advisable to 1» af the theatre well in advance of eight o'- clock. The box office opens at 7 o'- clock and any time afts~ that pat- Tons are at liberty to sro seats, Io seats are reserved. It wa. indeed 4 great tribute fo this wouarfu! pro- duction, X Ingram's world fam. O"S8 Licture will live in the minds of cilizeus of Kingston for a Ieng time to come. Practically everyli dy last night remained in their s>als until the conclusion of the pi: are. It tares a mighty good pictuce to hold a1 audience in that way. "omorrow night will Obportunity to see the not wait until show and be early. {ree on Wednesday. opens at 2 p.m. and one-1alf hour later. Tu? prices ir the evenings are thirty-five cunts for adults and twenty-five cents for {eLildien, and in the. alt:rnocns ni. teen cents for children and twenty- Fe cents for adults, Abo 'a all he 'Y 8C you 'will have aa - it: of obtaining a good oT ---- "The Storm." "The Storm," 'the Universal-Jew- el attraction which hag: won wide- Spread commendation ag the out- standing screen Success of the year comes to the Aljen theatre on Thursday an e me: three days. An ngagement of ed by House screen be your last Plowure. Tha box office the show starts Peters, makes the world famous play, an mp that holds the spec- ound. Virginia Vallf ada © play the chief support- In fact this stellar trio urden of the mapority of . With the action of the storm laid in the northern Canadian woods, exceptional opportunities were offered for intense dramatis Scenes, and Director Reginald Bar- ker took full advantage 'of each chance to build up the suspense ele- nient. The forest fire Scene, in which the flames Sweep along in leaps ang spurts, is magnificent and exceeds the thrilling mechanical forest fire given 'In the Presentation. Photoplay critics in New York, Chi- cago, and other metropolitan cities artistic trin tator_spelib Matt Moor ing roles. Jewel and Manager Allen theatre is to upon showing it h. "Heroes and Husbands." Katherine MacDonald has seldom been surrounded by such a thor oughly capable and gq Smithers of the be congratulated ere. all-star cast, head-| 0 of Langdon Me-- the star, while that splendid screen | villian, Charles Gerrard, has a role | that fits"him perféctly. Charles | Clary has.the part of a publisher, a character that he is said to portray | with more than ordinary skill. Mona Kingsuey, a recent recruit from the speaking stage and an actress of un- deniable physical charm and histri- onic accomplishments, 'proves she is destined to reach enviable heights in | motion pictures. T To Present Kiwanis Cup. The presentation of the Kiwanis [cup awarded to thi best high school | cadet team in the annual competi- | tions held on May 24th last is to be | made to the Macdonald school team '| Monday evening end preceded by a FMC BOARD MEETING The Directors Are to Conduct a Quiet Campaign Lo: Raise $2,000. There was a splendéd atténdance at the regular October meéting of the Y.M.C.A. board of directors held tity, Piikin supper served by the women's auxil- or or fary. Thove present included Char- bes Anglin, R. H. Ward, H. 'W. Davis, E. P. Jenkins, F. W. Pantridge, W. \R. Allan, T. Ashmore Kwdd, W. J. Saunders, Dr: C. C. Nash, H W. ' Newman, General Secretary Wilson and Poyscal Director Bldke, with President F. R. Anglin in the chair. The president exjend- ¢d a welcome to the new director, Was in the hosp. and 6 months The Doctor advi tion. Finally I Ointment ye my I avr 5 0 AT ALL DRUG Co. DRUGGISTS CUTS Gentlemen :--This is to cer- gton Glass Works, Cut my leg with a piece of hot lass, penetrating the bone. I ter four boxes was completely healed. (Sgd.) Georg: . BRITISH AMERICAN Welland, Ont. L. H. Bedlington, Torente, Canadi FOR PILES ECZEMA 'CUTS BOILS RINGWORM PIMPLES BARBERS ITCH BURNS ABCESSES Sour, | king at the I ital 31 weeks on erutches. sed amputa- tried Van's e T. Essex , LIMITED | this evening, when the home and | school club will give a supper and {provide entertainment for all tak- | ing part. | High School Cadet Shoet. | The annual shoot for the King's prize and the other trophies open io | the High School Cadet Corps of Can- | ada, will open In Toronto this week. | Lt.-Col. G. H. Gillespie expects to | have eight teams of ten cadets rep- | resenting M.D. No. 3. The teams thave to be in Toronto on Thursday. {Arrangements have not been com- | pleted for the attendance of tha [teams from Kingston. RM.C. Working. The Royal Military College Rugby squads are working out quietly and {steadily each day. The last big [event in the sporting line took place | on Friday last in the fleld sports and -he next one will not be until Sat- urday, when the cadet seniors meet Queen's intermediates in the inter- collegiate secondary group, and the | juniors and Queen's third team meet also. The college had nothing | unusual to report in sporting lines | today. Momentary Cloud. { A momentary cloud is being cast | 0ver Queen's rugby circles this week | by a persistent rumor that the Reg- istrar's office threatens to hold up | some of the most promising men on |the football squad over technicall- !ties, Just what will develop, if tha {rumor be true, is hard to say, but {it is hoped that those in authority , will harken to the cry all over the | University, which goes something | like this: "For the love of Mike, use discretion!" "Boohoo'" Disappears. Although it is known that "Boo- hoo," the Queen's bear, is some- where in the dark recesses of the Jock Harty Arena, his exact whers- | abouts are knowa only to "Billie" | Hughes. After the manner of his kimrd, the good natured little fellow is preparing .to dig himself in for the winter and as he is mighty tired | atter so much playing around' with the 'football squad lately, *"Billie" is going to let him sleep in peace for a while. Games Are Arranged. At a general meeting of the King- ston and District Football Associa- tion, held in the G.W.V.A. rooms on Monday evening, a number of business matters were attended to, including the arranging of a eched- ule for the fall playing season. The following games have been announc- ed for next Saturday: Kingston City vs Queen's, p.m, Queen's Campus, 21st Battalion v8 R.C.A., 3.00 p.m., Cricket Field. ? R.M.C. staff vs R.M.C. Cadets, 2.00 pom. R.M.C. The following were elected as hon- orary presidents of the association: Major-General E. H. Elmsley, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.0.; ' Major-General Sir A. C. Macdonell, K.C.B., C.M.G. D.8.0.; BrigGemeral A. E. Ross, M.P.; Lt<Col. C. F. Constantine, Lt.-Col. H. E. Pense, Major W, J. McManus, George P. Awrey and S. Crawford. : All of the games will be played for the K.D.F.A. cup, otherwise known as the Milne trophy, and a good at- tendance is hoped for. ie-- No alternative will be left for the crown but to put Rev, J. A. Delorme on trial again forthe murder of his half-brother, Raoul, ¢f the application i» have him released from Be 2.30 Anglican diocese of Algoma, is mak- 'ng a tour of the firewwept North Jntario district. fit was for him that the now desolate village of Thorneloe was named. a British government will not assist British shipping In action agamet U.8 liquor ruling. {through their chairman, R. H. Ward, | {raize at least another $2,000 in new | church on Wednesday [conducy a quiet campaign particular-| Methodist church on {iv among those not yet subscribing infE. W. Roy Alian, and also to the new Physical Director Blake, the latter being well into harness and the classes going strong. Among the communications read | was one from the public trustee at | Osgoode Hall Nobitymg the assocla- tion of a bequest of $2,000 in She) Of the King's Daughters took place | will of the late Frendenick Welch, | in the council chamber last evening which bequest when available will and resulted as follows: provide a yearly income of $100 of {Mrs. E. L. Spencer; vice-president, wore to be used in providing twenty-| Mrs. Lambert; secretary, Miss Ag- ive needy boys wilh membersaip|les Johnson; treasurer, Mrs. -C. privileges in the "Y"". In expressing | Sine; convenor sewing committee, their appreciation of this bequest, |Mrs. D. J. Gordon; convenor fl wer the directors also voiced that hope | committee, Mrs, George ttle; con- that this example of thoughtfuiness { yenop programme committee, on the part of their late friend might | Bleanor Calbick; = convenor luspire other friends of the institu-|cOmmittee, Mrs. W. H. ton to emulate this good deed when (Convenor Silver Cross magazine, Miss | making or revising their own wills. (Jessie Haig; convenor poor The finance committee reported Miss-Mabel-Carpenter- | GANANOQUE Spt, chair that they would still be required to |Is to give an addre. A union service of Methodists and was held in Grace Sunday. Rev. C. Kidd, St. Andrew's church of- ficated. Bert Couper, Kingston pre- sided at the organ. The male quart- ette and Miss Gussie Dempster con- tributed to the musical selections of subscriptions to take care of obliga- | tions. It was therefore decided to|Presbyterians an eficrt Lo raise some avauable funds. P. J. Lee, a National Y.M.C.A. secretary, was presen| at the mee' - Ing and after presenting the various | the evening service, aspects of the national work, appeal-| Frank LaQue and F. el 0 the AsSociation to raise its | @s have left for the fall and winter quota of" national funds which was | Sessiong of Queen's University. set at $300. The finance committes| Mrs. C. Antisidel, Ottawa, who vronused consideration. bas been visiting her granddaughter, ; Mma. J. W. Valleau and Mrs. Will- wey [iam Wheeler, has returned home. On Thursday evening last, Miss Mowat, Kingston, organized a chapt er of the 1.0.D.E. ¢n Gananoque with the following officers: Regent, | Mrs. J. A. Jackson; vice--Regent, Mrs. D. Stunden; 2nd vice-Regent, Mrs. (Dr.) Bracken; secretary, Mrs. W. J. Wilson; treasurer, Miss N. Lake; standard bearer, Mrs. W. Ka { Crouter; Echo Secretary, Miss Vera length-| poy. educational secretary, Mrs. {A. C. Hudspeth, The name of the alterations made in the cabin; and | hapter was left over fntil a future a steam boiler and engine installed; ! date thus giving the boat greater effic- | w. J. Keyes, Toronto lency, service value and capacity. town yesterday, The Yennek was built at this dry- Mrs. Stewart Lee spent the week- werald Key- { IN MARINE CIRCLES The gasoline ferry boat Yennek which has been used on the Ganan- oque to Clayton route for the past | four years, arrived here on Monday, and will be entered at the Davis dry- dock within e day or two. The vessel will be entirely remodelled; ened by 25 or 30 feet; considerable » was in Oct. 10.--The election "of officers | president, i dock in 1918, and is therefore 'well- known to the workmen in the dock. The repair work will probably take some weeks, but the vessel will be ready for | ar work by the opening of navigation in the spring. Owing to the fact thet alternations are being made to the Davis drydock, and also to the exceptionally low water for this time of year, this com- pany has been unable to accept con- tracts for the repairing of vessels of end in town with relatives. | Mrs. A. A. Welch closed the Gan- anoque Inn on Sunday and left for | Montreal. { On. Sunday afternoon an interest- ing time wag spent by a number of local radio enthusiasts. Walter were stationed on Snake Island with | ja receiving set and Mr. Lowery | (transmitted from Mr, Staeblers house | on Hay Island. Mrs. Staebler play- | Stabler and a number of others | deep draught. Mr. Davis told the Whig on Tuesday morning, however, that with the completion of the pre- sent repairs these contracts will be acoepted in the future. The steamer Fort Duquesne is at the Collingwood Shipbuilding Com- pany"s drydock on the Way up from Montreal to the head of the lakes. The steamer Oat] was delayed, and passed up from treal to the head of the lakes late Monday nignt. The steamer Brockville arrived from Picton and other Bay of Quinte ports on Tuesday morning with a cargo of canned gooas. el -a number of piano elections | which were heard and appreciated by | the party on Snake Island. Happy conversations also livenéd the after- | noon for both parties, A petition signed by 16,000 rate- payers is presented Toronto council asking for submission of a by-law in- troducing single tix. Government's unexpected change of the personnel of Hamilton harbor commission has led 0 protests, Poultry prices are working higher | at Chicago, { 'Dad, Mother, Ironized Yeast for Rheumatism Do You Realize What Yeast-Vitamines Will Do for Rheumatism and Lumbago? Shou know that vitamines and part of your very life? Do W that the tissue-and-blood Miss f McKandy; | relief, Dr. C. WW, Saleeby, London, Eng. | ss In St. Andrew's | evening, { | "Whoopee! Rheumatism ins and Agony All Gene. Ir Yeast Is Surely Wo queer poisons, joint poisons, muscle Poisons, acid poisons are formed ine stead of the healthy flesh and the rich blood you used to have in days gone by? If you hobble in your gait, if pains distort your body, if bendin, over is an unspeakable agony, if du pains make you breathe heavily and moan, do not grumble at the rough- ness of the way,--smile sweetly, there is a rainbow ahead. Things are different now than they used to be, in the days of liniments, salves, complicated drugs, and all tha - member? The happy secret to ay is ironized yeast, one of the yy ost body-and-blood builders of all time, Begin taking Ironized Yeast today. Beware of imitations and substitutes, because Ironized Yeast is not a mere combination of yeast and iron, but is yeast ironized, which is a substance all by itself. There is only one Iron. ized Yeast in all the world. Sold a all drug stores at $1.00 a package an containing 60 tablets, each tablet ecaled. They never lose their power, Harold F. Ritchie & Co., L ., Toronto, Bales Agents. Say goodby to rheue matism from now onl Removal Notice W. H. FRANCIS, PAINTER Has rhoved to 438 DIVISION BT Drop a card or phone 18386J and you will receive prompt attention. Workmanship guaranteed and prices right. "Cross to Sacrifice," memorial: to soldier dead, to be unveiled at Mount Pleasant cemetery in London. Big convention will be held in Fort Willlam on Oct. 26th to consider secession from Ontario. , United Farmers in Russell county will nominate candidate ¢o oconteN bye-eleltion for legislature, Windsor Italian accused by coron- er's jury of causing death of young Michigan man, Italy seeks to retain Dodecanese Islands in face of treaty. Ireland may have system for com- pulsory service in army, Smaller area of fall wheat sown this year in Ontario. Japan do evacuate Vladivostok on Oct. 31st, MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION. The Heali VALUABLE SECRETS EXTRACTED FROM NATURE'S STOREHOUSE. ing Held on Monday. Several matters were taken up at a4 meeting of the Ministerial Assoc- lation held at 6 o'clock on Monday afternoon, in St. George's hall. Prior to the meeting of the association, a chapel service was conducted by Dean Starr. Canon Vernon, Toronto, gave a gplendid address on '""The Trans figuration of Christ." Rev. T. WwW. Savary, the president, presided, Dr. A. E. Ross was present, and made a strong szpeal on behalf of the General Hospital, and asking that the churches set apart one day as 'Hospital Sunday," when the Qques- tion of support for the hospital should be taken more seriously. The matter was left with the execttive to deal with, » The question of a "Bible Society Sunday" was also and a number of the ministers announced that they would observe Sunday, October 29th, The members of the association also promised to support F'. J. wil Som, secretary of the Y.M.C.A. In his work at Mowat and fo There is a power apd reliability in | / herbal medicines that never belong to mineral drugs. The curative power of herbal remedies, too, does not wear off with constant use, as is the general rule with mineral compounds. These truths were more clearly realised in by-gone days when the famous athletes and gladiators of ancient Rome anointed their wounds and sores with secret herbal balms and vegetable oils of magical power, The secret and fiking Jor thess preparations perished with the Greece and the burning of Rome. BACK TO THE MINERAL AGE. In the age that followed, the people of Earope fell back on artificial salves and ointments composed of mineral | oxides of lead, zinc, bismuth and other deleterious metals, without thought of the \reat damage which these unnatural compounds undoubtedly did to the delicate under-skin The explanation was that herbal k remedies, whilst admittedly ideal, | meant more trouble | seeking, refining and | making-up. A re- Jura to natural per- fect. healing was on: never made until mation. the discovery of | a ich to-day is admitted to be the greatest most perfect example herbal compounding. The immense in | of her virgi sample of this great write to the zam-buk, ont St, he A small trial box of zam-buk will be gladly sent anyone closed to cover re- Horehound tn tarn ng Foe writing. at ty cents, obtainable of all PALS JAALKR Sg ng Virtue of Herbs | : 2 combined. Fach ingregion ssists the other in the curative NATURE & SCIENCE UNITE. The ultimate outcome of all this patience and skill is a rich super-balm, one as unique in conception and come bination as it is successful in treatment of skin troubles of all kinds, Apart from the fact that it is cone ceived on altogether novel lines zam-buk is absolutely free from any of the animal fats which are present in ordinary ointments and which cause these ointments to turn rancid and useless in very short time Whether it is a cut or scratch, that Camomile an threatens to fester, ewcellont bowie. a patch of eczema, cold sores or salt rheum, an obstinate ulcer or poisoned wound, or an attack of pilesor disfiguri Pitiples, zam-buk is the one | erbal healer soperior to every cther form of skin medicine. It is a novel | combination of all those healing, socths ing, and anti ic powers which Nature had hiddbn in 1b : in the juices and the herbs n forests. Judged either by its character or the cures it makes day by day, zam-buk is in every way a remarkable healing sub- stance. With a box of this wonderful balm always at hand you bave a ready means of dealing with a hundred-and-one common skin complaints, PROVE THIS FOR YOURSELF. All you need do to obtain free trial herbal healer is to at Dup- Toronto. lc. stamp is en- postage, hwest you saw this offer when size boxes of ram-buk chemista.