\ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. "AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Special attention given your family SOF friends going to or returning from the Old Country, Passports arranged For information and rates apply to | J. P. HANLEY, C. P. and T.A.G.T. - Ry. Kingston, Ont. Open Day and Night. » i "PHONE 99. DR. A.W.WINNETT Corner of Johnson and Wellington | DENTAL SURGEON. i Streets Phone 363 | For moving of FREIGHT, ¥URNMTURE, SAVES, PIANOS, CANTAGE and STORAGE OF Kingston _Transter Co. nvenings 2231, 188 WELLINGTON STREET LOSE YOUR FAT, . KEEP YOUR HEALTH Buperfluoug flesh is not heaitny, nei- ther is {t healthy to diet or exercise tog much for its removal The simplest method known for reducing the over- fat body easlly and steadily Is the Marmole Method, tried and endorsed by thousands. Marmola Prescription Tab- lets contain an exact dose of the famous Marmola Prescription and are sold by druggists the world over at one dollar for a case. They are harmiess and leave no wrinkles or flabbiness. They are popular because effective and con- venient. Ask your druggist for them or send price direct to the Marmola Co., 4613 Woodward Ave. Detroit, Mich, and procure a case. PIANO TUNING Plane Tuning and Repairing. Alse Organ Work. All work guaranteed. PETER D. BROWN 12 Markiand St. Phone 2307m. PeeEvisH "RESTLES CHILDREN OFTENTIMES ARE SUFFERING FROM ie RAVAGES or WORMS, AN? ILLER'S WORM, OWDER'S Dr. Waugh 1 108 Wellington Bt. FPhone 856 ' "THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. yr gre er eg ge 28 Oneen Street. ,. Bell's Vanilla HIGH GRADE 25c. A BOTTLE Cheapést in the long rum. np Kingston by-- DR. BELL WONDER MEDICINE CO. BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Street. Phowe 1670. The Telgmanx School of Music Plano, violin and other stringed in- struments. Alida V. Telgmann, BE, teacher of Elocution and Delsarte sys- tem of Physical Culture. Puplls may begin dt any date. Terms on applica- lon, 484 BROCK ST. . Phone 2217J. WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellingtos street. Fresh flowers amd plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res, 1137. =< Painfully Injured. Mrs. A. W. Cook, Perth, was pain- {tuily injured when a window at her {home fell on her left hand. Condition is Grave, Mrs. M. C. Bogart, Napanee, was suddenly stricken with paralysis and | her condition is very grave, | ------------ Gone Back to Toronto. Dr. and Mrs, Newbold Jones have closed up their cottage at foot of Howe Island, and have returned to Toronto, To Chicago to Study. Miss Susie Thompson, Gananoque, left on Wednesday for Chicago, {where she will resume her studies at | the Univeraity of Chicago. ---------- ---------- Turned Into Grocery. Perry Clark is converting part of | the mestdence on Main street, Picton, recently bought from Mrs. Alva Wil- liamson, into a grocery store, Won Bix Out of Seven. At a shooting match held by Mrs. Gillespie at the sand pit on Monday, James McVean, Elphin, succeeded in winning six fowl out of a possible seven in the rifie shoot, A Marriage Arranged. Invitations have been received for the marriage at Knox church, Nin- ette, Manitoba, of Maud Kathleen, only daughter of J. McTaggart of that place, formerly of Thurlow, to John Connen. Hopes They Will Win. In Sydenham Street Methodist church on Sunday evening, Rev. Dr. Bell, congratulated Queen's upon its sugby victory, end hoped the team would win the Intercollegiate cham- pionship, ------ Have Queer Make-Ups, Queen's freshettes going up Prin- NOW Is the Time to Get Your Watch or Clock REPAIRED. L. C. HEMSLEY Watchmaker from R. J. Rodger 149 Sydenham St. cess street on Monday afternoon with their coats back to front and huge green streamers dn their hats pro- duced a great semsation. They were the centre of attraction, -------- For Fall and Winter, We have received all our fall and winter goods, consisting of Boys' and Men's overcoats, Boys' and Men's suits, also a large range of cloth for suits made to measure at reason- able prices. Prevost, Brock street. -- Sold His Residence, keeps the teeth clean and pre- vents decay. A clean tooth never decays. Fresh stock and prompt ser- | vice makes this store a busy | drug store. Buy your Tooth Paste from-- M. R. McColl PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Opposite St. Andrew's Church ' PEA COAL and COKE HARD AND BOFT WOOD Cut in stove lengths. z BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 132 _ INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Get Your Roof Re- paired Now With our Slatex Roofing and Slatex Shingles W.H. Cockburn & Co. Cor. Princess and Wellington Streets Phone 216. L x eo from Pork Sausage, a in one pound net tins, oa fresh ae vor is different to what one thing for holiday tri up meals, y eles BON GROCERY Corner King and Ean Streets. Phone 1844. Mcintyre Teck Hughes Hollinger Have these Stocks reached the top? We are In receipt of informa. tion of latest developments in these properties that would en- able you to answer the above question to your complete satis faction. Write, telephone or call A McKINNON & CO KING AND BROCK STREETS, ' * KINGSTON, ONT. Headquirters Ho Ranadian Min- Robert E. Gillespie has disposed of | his handsome residence on Fourth street, east, Cornwall, to Clifford i Beach, who will dake possession on Nov, 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie ex- | | pect to leave about Oct. 25th for Cali- fornia, A ------------------ Engagement Announced. Mrs. 8S. Larkin, Toronto, announces the engagement of her daughter, Ter- esa, to Dr. Herbert McCann, son of {John MoCann, Perth. On account of recent bereavement the marriage will take place quietly the latter part of | | October. ---------- Were Tendered a Gift. Mr. and Mrs. Bert O'Flynn, Conse- ll | oon, were invited to the home of Mrs, i {John Carson on the evening of Sept. i| 23rd where th met a number of their friends. © Ladies' Ald pre- il | sented Mrs. O'Flynn with a handsome tray and jardiniere stand. 'They have left for their new home in Picton. Cheese Sales. Belleville, 1,296 at 18 5-16e, Cornwall, 1,318 at 18 1-4e, Vankleek Hill, 800 at 18c. St. Hyacinthe, Que., 200 at 17 1-4¢, Watertown, N.Y., 4,850 at 22 1-2¢ to 22 7-8¢. ely Gouverneur, N.Y., 3,657 at 22 7-8¢, -------- Span of Fine Horses, W. W. Cole's horses, Lady and Betty, were entered in nine events at Demorestville fair and they were awarded by the judges mine first prizes, beating all comers. This is a record indeed. Mr. and Mrs. Cole, Ploton, are justly proud of their beautiful horses, -------------- Brockville Well Supplied. The removal to Brockville from We of-Lieut.-Col. A. W. Gray, M.P.P. ns that Brockville, with a n of less than 10,000, pos- Sesses eix legislators, namely, two members of the Senate, two Federal of them a Cabinet minister--and tw members of the Provincial legislature St -------- 1 Married at Smith's Falls. William F. R. Gilroy amd Miss Louise Malcolm, a popular young couple of Smith's Falls, have been united in - The ceremony, which took place in St. John's church was conducted by the former curate, Rev. @. H. Lioyd, on Oct. 4th. The bride, who wore a navy tri- cotine suit, a small black panne vel- vet hat, ermine scarf and corsage of tea roses had as bridesmaid Miss Goldie Walker, whose suit wae of | tar John's church. choir, attendance of the choir at riage. 5 SE -------------------- \ Two Men Arrested. Edward Belav, and George Daue, Hull, Que., were arrested Kingston and Vicinity from a C.N.R. passenger train at Portland. The goods were found In their baggage. They confessed and were held for sentence. The owner of the suitcase stolen was E. Hurst, of Vancouver, who was en route to Boston, where he is a student at the technical school. Has a Curious Cane, Jock' Ramsay, who recently tour- ed in Scotland, Englahd and the con- tinent, brought back with him a cur- ious cane from Scotland. The handle i 80 twisted and knotted that it could have come from nowhere else than the bonnie heather-coated hills, On Monday he took it into J. F. Elder, also familiarly known as "Jock," anda presented it to him as a memento of the old land., "Jock" No. 2 is very proud of the gift and is showing it to compatriots who are unanimous in saying that it is a thing of beauty-- tu a Scotsman's eye. Dies in His 80th Year. Residents of Almdnte and district nored the memory of one of the oneers to-day in the person of homas Foley, who was laid to rest his eighty-ninth year. Deceased was born and had lived at the Foley homestead on the Perth Road for more than eighty years, but moved to Almonte about 1916. He met with an accident on the slippery pavement last Christmas, and has been an in- valid since, but his death came sud- denly on Wednesday. P. Foley, New York, and Miss B. A. Foley, Almonte are brother and sister of deceased. He is survived bw nine children, three boys and six girls. Satisfactory Report. Canon C. W. Vernon, General Secretary of the Anglican Council of Lo Social Service met the committee of | Social Service of the deanery of] Frontenac at St. George's Hall this | morning, when he spoke of the im- portant work of social service in the dioceses, both in the cities and in the country parishes. Miss Going, Wel- come and Welfare Secretary for the diocese read e report showing the great increase in the work of her de- partment. In the summer of 1921 fifty-six families and individuals had been welcomed and in the summer of 1922, one hundred and ninety. The welcome and welface committees in the city parishes are doing excellent work, the sick are visited and new comers brought into the activities of the various parishes. People Owe Taxes, A. Edwards, who some weeks ago had placed in his hands for collect- fen, the outstanding taxes in Ganan- oque, for 1919-20-21, made a report to the town. The following is still outstanding: 1919.4 sees on os 1920.4 sone ooo 1921.. . Bathhouse rentals .. Sprinkling So far he _reponted people had pro- duced receipts for $187.97, having paid in some time ago. At present there was some $3,000 outstanding and owing by some fifteen people in sums of $100 and over. So far he had collected nearly $5,000 of what had been handed him, and hop- ed to collect a considerable portion of what was still in his hands. Councillor Donevan lald before the council a statement of arrears of taxes for 1914-15-16-17-18, which was in the hands of W. B. Mudie, and which still amounted to $2,729.- 86. Out of this some ten people owe . -$ 675.00 the town over $2,000. 4 Soak coloured things half an hour (white things one hour, two hours, over night or whatever time is con- venient) in Rinso suds. HERE is buch a sim- ple easy way of wash- ing rompers, school ginghams, play clothes, etc, that you won't mind how many there are -- thanks to Rinso. First, make the wonder- ful Rinso liquid. Take half a packet of Rinso, thor- oughly dissolve it in cool water, and add two quarts of boiling water. Then lay your clothes to soak in the tub of cool or lukewarm water. After one, two or three hours or in the 7 you ever saw. Soak the Dirt out. morning give them a thor- ough rinsing and the dirt just runs away. No need to rub on the wash board so that holes come and colour goes. Rinso is a wonderful product, scientifically made to wash clothes by soaking -- different from soaps, chips and washing powders, and used differ- ently, Do not put Rinso in- to the tub from the package, but make the Rinso liquid first. IF YOU USE A WASHING MACHINE Follow directions as above. After soakin the clothes wring them into machine, a enough fresh Rinso liqui: and you will have the sweetest, cleanest clothes d, operate and rinse, ¢ Made by the makers 'of LUX © Ruma Plentiful stocks of best quality, coarse ~ Lump Soft Coal This can be burned in Grates and Furnaces with good results S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Waeltltngton Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415, v QUEEN'S STUDENTS STATIONERY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS, REFILLS, ETC. DANCE INVITATIONS AND PROGRAMMES A SPECIALTY. SCRIBBLING PAPER--500 SHEETS 25¢ BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO., Limited PHONE 243. Kingston's Most Up-to-date Cafe Visitors in Kingston will find at The New Eng- land Cafe pleasant, quiet surroundings, home-like cooking, a menu to please those of the most dis- crimi ating taste and service which is unexcelled. The New England Cafe 331 KING STREET, Private Phone 655. KINGSTON, ONT, CAN, Public Phone 527 --------/ rd -------- J -- Your Wrap For Next Fall and Winter Tt is not too early to decide what is to be done about { 8 Warm Wrap for the Fall and Winter. There are just two things to do. Either have the present Fur Coat remodelled or fixed up or else see what can be done about a new Fur Coat. It will be a pleasure to advise you whichever the case may be, Gourdier's BROCK STREET r TWEDDELL SUITS are so designed that dura- bility, style plus individual- ity, are the leading features --Styles becoming to those of the most discriminating taste are the ones to be found at: -- > TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) Strong Underwear For Boys' Wear Shirts, Drawers and Combinations -- fleeced-lined in the best makes; 'all sizes from 65c¢. a garment up, according to size. Penman's Natural Wool in three differ- ~ ent weights from ..............90¢c. up _..- = Combinations in Penman's and Turn- "bull"s--natural wool, unshrinkable--$2,00, $2.25 and $2.50 a Suit. Extra strong Shirts and Drawers with double back and front and reinforced seats, ri le and will wear like iron -- a y's ent--all sizes from 22 to 34, at $1.25, $1.35 and $1.50 a suit. W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191, The Waldron Store,