SE SN Ere or gn MR rp AV WRI a DAILY BRITISH WHIG. : = Ln GRAND TONIGHT at 8.15 | |_AWUSERENTS What the Press Agents Say Abou Coming Attractions = -- conto WEDNESDAY, OCT. 11, 19mm. -- HE. Phone 1071. IMPORTANT SALE OF NEW DE FEO GRAND OPERA COMPANY ONLY "CARMEN?" | Tonight "Carmen" at Grand, Chores. or 30 f Tonight the De Feo Opera Com- | Soe. 2 | pany gives its only gala performance . {In our city, of "Carmen," the most] {tuneful and melodious opera in its} . |repertoire. They arrived early to-| day from Ottawa, where they played | on Monday and Tuesday, before] crowded houses. The best society oi the capital was present at both performances; Lady Fiset, Lady | Drayton, Lady Foster, Mrs. J. Hf King, Mrs. Arthur Meighen, were | occupying boxes. The success was | 80 great that the De Feo Opera Com- pany has been asked to return'to Ot- tawa for two more performances in the near future. The part of '"'Carmen" will be in- terpreted by Ada Paggi, who sang tLis part last spring in presence of the King of Spain at the Madrid Op- era House. Miss Pauline Cornelys rlaved in "Carmen" at the Paris Op- cra House, and Richard Bonnelli is reputed to be the best baritone after Titta Ruffo. Carlos Milhau, the ten- or, nalls from France, and his voice Is both beautiful and powerful. Lorenz¢" Bozano who will be *'Zun- iga," the fastidious officer, has been singing at the Metropolitan Opera Houre in New York, and has a won- derful stage presence. Rex Stock Company. Every dog has his day, and every actor is entitled to his or her even- ing. Almost all of the prominent membars of the Rex Stock Co. nave had their chance at one time or the other at a really worth while part, : with the exception of that stellar ton and Bias Corsets comedienne, Miss Florence Winters, and are prepared to fit every type the young woman who excels in v of figure. > "Old Lady" parts, especially if the old lady happens to be a comedy part. This week Florence is to have her, chance to show Kingston that a woman can be really funny, playing the part of "Aunt Mary' in "The Girl From Kalamazoo," a comedy adapted from "The Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary" and played with so much success by May Robson. Many people have read this book and those | who haven't have read some of the| fl delightful "Tish stories in the Sat- | urday Evening Post, and can you ut agine a,mdre joyful combipation than Florence Winters in this part and | tiazcl Williams (the Li™o Red Head), in & part equally as funny, and 'the balance of the company romping through this furiously fun- ny and famous comedy at the Grand Thursday, Friday and Saturday. "THE STORM" AN EPIC "OF THE FOREST FIRE Powerful Stage and Screen Hit Booked For the Allen Theatre. What is more beautiful than the solemn quiet of deep timbered val- leys? Or the bizarre mosiacs of for- est floors? Always the drama of the open country has held a strong spell for young and old. Great lands, waste lands, Nature's virgin wilder- ness; the glory of the outdoors-holds the fancy of everyone. The soul of . i the wanderer turns to solitude to -- "mighty 'pines and the voice of Sil- " Fe 25% 52 EISTRANGE TALE [WHAT SHOULD BE SENT for men . . ! - THIS MORNING 10 THE FIRE SUFFERERS? enced," or to "a low verandahed house in a tope by the sea." The carries a strong appeal | to your sporting blood. All Kinds of Warm Clothing, Queen's Athletic Board] Oil Stoves, Lanterns Are Says There Is Nothing spirit of the wanderer is in every SPOR 6 Needed. in It. ONE GALA PERFORMANCE Company's Own Orchestra of 25. i PRICES --$2.00, $1.50, $1.00. GALLERY, OPERA HOUSE GRAND 3 DAYS, COMMENCING Thursday, Oct. 12 OUR OWN Rex Stock Company Have You Selected Your New Fall Corsets Almost as important as the cos- tume itself is the Corset that you wear with it. You can only achieve the new Silhouette by pay- ing strict attention to the Corset question. We have selected our Fall Corsets with this result in mind, and have added some new makes to our already splendid as sortment. We Carry D. and A,, CC. ala Grace, Cromp- IN THE DELIGHTFUL COMEDY ZANA Va "THE GIRL FROM KALAMAZOO ADAPTED FROM "THE REJUVENATION OF AUNT MARY" > VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN ACTS - 20c., 30c., 50c. GALLERY .... 10c. SATURDAY MATINEE: CHILDREN, 10c.; ADULTS, 25¢c. Right From the Style Centres - These Charming Frocks Are the "Craze" of New York This Sea- 217 If you have not yet purchased your new Fall Frock, you will be glad you waited for this opportunity. These Dress- « es are the very newest models and mado Fall Underwear COLORS--The new Seal Brown or _ Carefully fashioned Black -- five charming styles to choose from, in draped or straight line types -- knit garments-- VESTS appropriate for day-time, afternoon or din- DRAWERS ner wear. 4 It is impossible for \you to really ap- BLOOMERS COMBINATIONS preciate how unusual these Dresses are for the prices. Come and see them, and come Light or heavy--all wool, silk and wool, silk and lisle, and fine as early as possible. comb cotton--complete assortment of the various styles. EL MRA Am Ae. ALLEN THUR FRI-SAT Great as a play Greater as a picture THE YEAR'S MOST WONDERFUL PRODUCTION HOUSE PETERS SUPPORTED BY AN ALL-STAR CAST IN SEE THE TWEED COATS FOR WOMEN Checked Back Tweed--Patch Pock- ots--Leather Buttons -- Convertible Collars and single or double inverted pleat in back; silk-lined to waist only. Popular shades shown. Special 227 Perrin's New Cape Gauntlets For Fall Reg. $4.00 qualities Made with flare cuffs and neat straps at wrist and contrasting gubsets; lovely soft leathers of tan, beaver or grey. Greatly re- duced. $2.45 IR The stupendous screen version of George Broadhurst's New York production of the sensational stage success Pointed Heel Silk Hosiery Regular $2.50. Another shipment of these first quality Hose is offered for to-mor- row. Colors: Black, Brown, Beige, Grey 51.95 | | $1.45 JACKSON-METTV LIMITED Ii4 PRINCESS STREET New English Sport Hose In Heather shade i-- made with variof widths; ribbed striped effect; in the wanted! colors of Covert, Beige, new Grey, Fawn or Tan. Special-- Featuring the fam- ous forest fire which i swept the newspaper critics of New York into torrents of praise. USUAL PRICES) Auction Sale JOHN BURLEY ESTATE. Fifty Dassling Gowns, Love and Dances, Be early! Gay Parisian Night Life-- New York's Bright Lights ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Instructions have been récelved from the Public Trustee, Administrator of the estate of the late John Burley, de- ceased, to offer for sale by Public Auc- tion at-- THE BRITISH AMERICAN HOTEL, KINGSTON, ON > FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27th, 1922, At 2 pom, Swanson "THE LEATHER PUSHERS"" "ROBINSON CRUSOE" But Gloria THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY "HER GILDED CAGE" The following valuable properties, situate in the City of Kingston: PARCEL NO. 1.--8olid grey building, containing store and offices known as 100 Princess Street, having frontage on Princess Street of about 26 feet with a side frontage on Wel- lington Street of 40 feet more or less. PARCEL NO. 2.--8o0lld grey stone building containing store and offices known as 102 Princesg street, having a frontage on Princess Street or 34 feet more or less by a depth of 30 feet more or less. ¥ PARCEL NO. 3--8olid brick building containing stores and offices known as 188 to 192 Wellington street, having a frontage of 40 feet more or less by a depth of 60 feet more or less. a PARCEL NO 4. --8olld gre stone bullding containing store ey offices known as 182 Wellington street, have Ing a frontage of 28 feet more or less on Wellington Street, with yard in rear. TERMS OF SALE: --The properties will be offered subject to reserve bids. Purchasers w 11 be required to pay 10% in cash on date of sale and to sign an Agreement to complete the purchase within six{y days thereafter or on pros duction of deed when the balance of the purchase money shall be payable in cash. The properties are sold subject to ex- isting tenancies, particulars of which will be furnished at time of sale, Pos Session or receipt of rents and profitg will be given on completion of sale. For further particulars apply, R. W. ALLEN, Auctioneer. or AMBROSE SHEA, Barrister, Cor. King and Brock Streets, K. W WRIGHT, Osgoode Hall, Toronto. stone TO-NIGHT "The Four Horse- men of the Apocalypse" Matinee .11-16c. Evening .16-25c¢. f STRAN DN I SS i ------ " FOR SALE |DANCING LESSONS Will Be Taught Every Night at GARDEN HALL All lessons by appointment only, Young or old, it's mever too late to learn to damce. -- MADAM 8, COHEN, Teacher, 111 Brock Street. Phone 357, Res. Phone 1878, AUCTION SALE - Friday, Oct. 13th, 10.30 a.m., Island Market. White sewing machine; library a strong team this season are mak- ing a big mistake:, If we defeat them it will be only after a bitter fight. I must confess I was a bit surprised at their showing. They have a strong back-division. McGill held them to a close score for three-quarters of the game but weakened. It was then that the Toronto collegians showed that they have comdition as well as speed. 1 look for one of the greatest gamBs of the year when we play Var- sity in Toronto on Oct, 28th." Gallagher Is for Leafs. "Teddy" Gallagher, who twirled for the Oshawa Central League team this past summer, has returned to Kingston, where he will remain until next February. (He will then join the y : ISLAND FARM AND worrn IMPLEMENTS = DN MONDAY, 0CTO A PUBLIC AUCTION by BEDFORD, the Auctioneer. Terms will be made at 3 om heh GRIMSHAW, Head of Wolfe Island. Sale Postponed until October 18th AA A Aan (Signed.) ALEX. C. LEWIS. Verandah Thieves at Work; Keep Tab on Valuables d ~ Hydro-Electric Inquiry Commissi This Commission has been appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Couneil 'to inquire into and report upon all wer developments undertaken by the ydro-Electric Powar Commission of Ontario and generally all matters of | expenditure and administration by the, said Commission, The Commission of Inquiry will sit &t the Reception Roorp at the Parlia- ment Buildings, Toropto, on Tuesday, 17th day of October, 1822 at 10.30 o'- clock In the forenoon for the purpose » Removal Notice W. H. FRANCIS, PAINTER Has moved to 438 DIVISION ST Drop a card or phone 1885) and you will receive prompt attention Workmanship _ guaranteed and prices right, beauty of the wooded Northland has been pictured by a corps of brilliant novelists and playwrights, One who found fine drama in the pervading peace of the Northern woods was t ling, Queen's will make the oth- Saveiing, Qube supplies in Northern Ontario fire de- : Lo keep them off the flag pole at the ing of "Bud" Thomas, formerly of |Vastated district: a recrual Jewel special, Syringe finish. They romped home With the|Ottawa, by Queen's is being protested Connaught, Ont., Oct. 11th. --y OE ar gon Yo [Rowing Chub in handy fashion." [before the C.I.R.F.U. When ques-|W. F. Nickle, Kingston. Dro a ed Ye He agin. : * jtioned by the Whig, Athletic Direct] Hon. Bec'y, Patriotic Fund. hi A 0 oni, Thinks.Well of Varsity. or George Awrey said that so far as erns, heating and cooking stoves. anvthing of the sort. Act through relief committee, To- ation, Disgetes Bu ko? hus mantis There have been many strange tal- ronto : @idly that even the most thrill-proof be in be Suid ge agers Jato hy on! movie fan is going to sit spell-bound. ne ne 9 jo Nothing lke it has ever before been boys Mke the college and ltke their work In the city, so if you have any- team mates, and both are indignant !4} value, don't leave it out and Matt Moore is the Londoner, : ing you ' or abirinaware. couches rockers, par: | uy iq Peters brings hi a en over the queer yarns being circulat- [on your verandah over might. ERK deonre cupboard, feaks, hali ness, and emotionalism to bear-on ed. The other night, a shea thiet paid . e rd, a a ---- > ack, lasbodrd, hie anbial nth the starring role of the woodsman. a visit to the home of William Aub- Josef Swickard and Frank Lanning y having, one of the hardest games of | warning Is being given to citizens to No. 1 Field nd the season. guard their valuables. ' ypse" at the Strand Theatre. For There are many fans {6 accompany Ambulance two nights every seat in the house the team by the special train which has been filled so it is advisable to is being arranged for, and the de- : .. be at the theatre early tonight. raimmg Commencing with Thursday's mat- 1 WILL COMMENCE Wednesday Eve., Oct. 11 'A 8trong Earthquake Shakes Eternal City Rome, Oct. 11.--A strong earth- quake shook this city causing great alarm among the population. No da- mage, however, had been reported Batescourt prosaic citizen. Since the develop- ment of Canada and the mad awak- Langdon McCormick. He wrote The or Pied has the fol- The following . telegram received rs Storm," a play Wiel took New A member of the Whig staff this | PY W. F. Nickle, K.C., M.P.P., will ig hy a ---- it ¥ivid beau- morning received a despatch from , Urgently needed in fire area: Wo- George Awrey, coach of Queen's. [the Athletic Board of Control and men's and children's warm under- Seare JUPIOd ction Pid ihe, e tor.| Who Witnessed the. Varsity-McGill | Limeelf were concerned there was Wear, stockings and childrens' win- a re ob i usialing or game on Saturday, has this to say: |absolutely nothing in it. Queen's has ter clothing, boots, 'men's Warn g tionalism and thrills perk or "Those who think Vareity haven't received no notification of any such they may all be classed as proves, I ted, dH anda inaugurated by some unkno hp Me aden parties with a view to luring these heaped on picture and drama alfke two stars from Queen's. There 1s by the' /metropolitan press of the The Queen's squad is holding sec- |in, near the corner of King and Gore gas plate, curtal tret H * Thought range. a rh "rr have supporting roles. ret praotise in preparation for the 'streets, and made off with & veran- host of other drticlenh clash with McGill pext Saturday. The dah chair. It is reported that from ' sneer ro . bays are all in fine shape but will £0 time to time, thefts of this nature Gloria Swanson, Thursday. Tonight is your last chance to see mand for tickets at the Athletic Board Office in Queen's Gymnasium is inee Gloria Swanson will be featur- heavy. It is advisable for those who ed in her latest Paramount success, wish tickets to secure them there, one of "The Big 41," "Her Gilded Cage," a tale of Paris' gay spots and ening of the Klondike, the glorious 'Ing: 'In the form they are now lowrag In y explain the -need of clothing and step out! th - This epic of the forests was filmed | °F {WO Intercollegiate teams step Montreal to the effect that the play clothing and boots; coal oil, lant- these b) days. Throughout the move ad does not in the least expect very little danger of this, as both| gneak verandah thieves are at country. Virginia Vald is the girl Phone 1721, to Montreal with the expectation of [have been pulled off and = general | "The Four Horsemen of thé Apoca- as dt will not only plage them with the Kingston de at the game, to be heard respecting the Central ario Bystem. il persons desiring to appear bafore - Commission at the time and' place mentioned, are requested to cimmuni- Mo as early as possible with the Secre- Ary, at the offices of the Commission, 36 King Street East, Toronto. ted at Toronto, this Sixth day of T, : Ww Da ber, 1822. . H. W. BOWER, W. D. GREGORY, | = Secretary, hairman, | INA AM A, atts atin, | . From September 1st to October 5th the Canadian Pacific Rajlway has marketed 68,272,864 bushels of The Altona, Manitoba, branch ot a hearing any persons who may de- New York's bright lights. Gloria is [appearing in 2 role that is what new to her. She is a Parisian cer and as such graduates into | IN THE ARMOURIES AT 8 O'CLOCK : All bers of the unit are re- vested to age here at that celebrity and wears fifty gowns that gate and time for issue of cloth- Bi will be a delight tor both male and Oth desl ¥ Jolnlag § female She is supported by a nie. apoty mt Armouries at Evers [|cust that Will do credit wo many pie date and time. specials. Prominent among her sup- J. BE: KANE, MAJOR, porting stars is Walter Hiers, the O. C, No. 1, Fleld Ambulance. industrious press agent of "The Speed Girl." On the same pro- gramme will be offered another epi- sode of "Robinson Crusoe" the Bank of Montreal was robbed Monday afternoon of $2,300, but. will ensure § , The seat sale has been heavy in Montreal and it is doubtful | be any avall- able tickets the Metropolis Sat- urday. , > there. He is a returned soidier, a son of T. B. up to one o'clock this afternoon. Ap- prehension among the people was stimulated by the recollection of similar shocks although much less violent, which occurred in 1917 and continued a whole month. ? ' School WILL RE-OPEN SEPT. 5, 1923. Pupils received In all grades, in- cluding Primary and Collegiate Pupils moving to other cities take first, second and third places in pri- vate and public schools. 'For terms, etc. spply to:-- ADA J. BATES 247 Broek Street Necessity never makes a good bar