pa _ or CR v od * " ' -- eer -- THE~DAILY BRITISH WHI -- (QEENS BIG INITIATION). "c= om A The Part Dr. MacLachlan Has Play- Is to Take Place at the Rich- ed in Smyrna. The Toronto Globe of Tuesday has' ardson : Stadium on Thursday. the following: "It will be news to most people that the head of an important edu- cational institution in Smyrna, which was the ecene of recent outrages by the Turks, including the destruction or PROBS: --Thursday, mostly fair and cool. : of.a large part of the city by fire, A= #8 a Canadian. This is Dr. Alexan- "= (THURSDAY AT STEACY'S ternational College, a native of On- | IDR. HICKEY'S | more For BRONCHITIS, " BRONCHIAL IRRITATION, ASTHMA, WHOOPING COUGH, ' This 4s '"Infttation week™ at I Queen's University, und sophomores | WwW. : 1 didl lj 20d freshmen are keyed up with ex- il € are splendidly W',octations of considerable amuse- . ith >st [i ment. Freshmen and freshettes have | equipped with-a mos! if | been attracting attention for the past f 1 f ll | week with their queer garb. "Each | comp. ete range oO ll} faculty has forced the freshmen 4o fl don a iifrerent costume and thelr taro, who graduated from Queen's University, Kingston, in 1884. "Although now 70 years old, Dr. I il - Happy Thought Quebec Heaters, McClary 1 | 1 | CROUP, Etc. ~~ 25c LT.BEST Prescription Druggist | OPEN SUNDAY. Phone 59. | choice pieces in high-- lil est quality SILVER 'Meat Store Opp. YM.CA. Phono 1268J. TTEMS OF INTEREST Pork Kidneys . .ee.eeee..15¢. PROMPT DELIVERY . Miss Clara Duvall, daughter of and Mrs: Archie Duvall, and Con- r Elswood Warren, son of Mr. and rs. 8. H. Warren, both well known ung residents of Brockville were rried on Saturday. a ---- WITH i PLATE 4 The prices are very moderate, such as: -- | and many others, all carrying | our guarantee of satisfactory service. SMITHBROS LIMITED ESTAEDLISHED 1840 KING STREET, KINGSTON bon while the ll Piercoa Sandwich Piates $4.50 [f [their bats with | | back to front, st!ll more have greea if ribbon bows tied around their ankles DR. H. C. MABEE \ 79 WILLIAM STREET Phone 286 I QuebecHeaters OVENS are. just the thing for small kitchens--they take up so owel Rail . . With Waterfront ees eee sees little space. al Quebec, four lids and N. P; . $35.00 Banner Q iebec, with six lids, N. P. With Waterfront lectric es, McK Towel Rail and Tea Shelves. This Range has a large oval Firepot for burning wood . ..... ceeaa.. $40.00 ~$45.00 PR * ere ee see Ne Call and see our Happy Thought Ranges, li | supremely ridiculous appearance has aroused. comment {n every quarter. || The chief efforts have been directed to headgear and arts men possess lurge straw hats tied with sto rib- Meds. have" 'white ladies' frame hats also tied with li (green, In addftion, vests and collars | ate turned back to fromt, trousers are worn inside socks and highly col- cred garters complete the strange garb. For the big initiatfon, Thurs- | | day has been chosen and the Richard- | [son stadium will be the scene of ac- tion. The freshetites have also been at- tracting attention in the class rooms and on the streets. Some of them are wearing differant oglored stockings, others have huge green ribbons on their coats turned and the most comical of all 'have strawberry 'pill boxes" tied with green ribbon on their heads' All freshettes are receiving a hearty wal- ccme in classes where their ludicrous il | appearance draws heavy stamps of approval from the lordly seniors. The freshettes' initiation will be held on Wednesday evening and they will make the customary vows of alleg- tance to the Levana bear, and a full ceremony of initiation will be held. DR. ADAMI Formerly of Montr Chancellor of Idverpoo! would have British people entered in a human stock book, and suggests' volun- tary public testing stations, where men and women may have qualifications specified. now vice- Universtty, Picton Personals, Picton, Oct. 9---Among Picton visitors at Roblin's Mille' fair on the 7th inet. were C. Alkson, of the drug store, Mr. Calman, editor "Gazette," and Mr, Newman. Mns. E. McCaw'y prolonged iliness. Miss Amita Me- Cartney, of this town, wads recently. married to Lloyd Reddick, Amelias- burg township. Miss C. H. Fox, B.A., of the Gananoque high school staff, Was a recent visitor of her parents, Mr. end Mrs. C. G. Fox, Consecon, Salem. Mre. Huff, Rossmere, also Mir, and Mrs. Wilbert Osborne took in the fair on Saturday. Motor Boat Burns. Picton, Oct. 11.--A cabin-cruiser motor boat belonging to Percy Hart was burned to the water-edge at Adolphuetown. The occupants, Mr. Hart, Arthur Goodwin and one other, bad 0 jump and swim ashore to save their Hves. The fire was caused by cne of the members of the party Eastern Ontario's Largest and Most Popu- Fo ~ lar House Furnishing Store. ; looking for a leak fn the gas tank with a mateh, Smith's Falls council voted $500 for relief of Northern Ontario fire sufferers. : The combats of life are always struggles against yourself. 4 Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Woodman, have many friends are sorry to hear of her and sister, Mrs. C, Wannamaker,, MacLlachlan has taken dn active part in the defense of Armenians and Americans in the rent troubles, and recent British papers. The London Daily Telegraph of September 14th says in a message from Smyrna: "Dr. Maclachian, head of the Interna- tional College, was attacked and 'se- verely beaten yesterday by a band of 20 brigands, who took all his money and valuables. His- woinds are not serious." The Times of September 20¢h reports, in = connection with trouble 'dn Smyrna, that Dr. Mae- Lachlan "wes-advised to seek safety on board a ship, but refused to do 50, and mematned to look after his Armenian students." "Dr, MacLachlan, following his graduation at Queen's, attended the Union Theological Seminary, New York. The International College is the outgrowth of a boys' school be- gun in 1891 by Dr. MacLachlan. In the course of its evolution it became a college, with its present name, in 1903, end its trustees legally imcor- porated im the United States. "In spite of the very abnormal con- ditions subsequent upon continued warfare in Asia Minor 'since 1904, the college was able to maintain its work without interruption, and, in addition, #t assisted very materially in relief activities durmg the war and after the armistice. For many years the college obeervatory supplied the city of Smyrna with etandard time; until the putbreak 'of the war daily bulletins were prepared and sent to the Meteorglogical Offices in London and Washington." -- VISITORS AT ST. LAWRENCE. R. Kesler Has Sold Farm Implements And Gone to Cape Vincent. St. Lawrence, Oct. 9.--The rain of Saturday night and Sunday was greatly appreciated as mamy wells and cisterns were dry and the farm- ers werc unable vo do any fall plough- Ing for the want of rain. Our new mail carrier was on his route on Mon- day morning. R. Kesler's, sale of farm implements was held on Friday afternoon. Roy Rattray hes moved t» W. J. Horne's farm. R. Kesler has rwoved to Cape Vincent, N.Y. The Ladies' Guild met at the home of Mrs. R. Halliday on Tuesday after- noon. Mrs, S. Bearance and children, who have been visiting her parents, Teturned do their home at Detroit, Mich, Mrs, F. Herkimer, of Depau- ville, N.Y., spent a few days last week with her father, G. Géltespie. Mrs. E. Hollenbeck, who has been friends here, lias returned to he home at Cape Vincent, N.Y. Miss E. Montgomery is visiting friends a: Watertown, N.Y. Miss E. McFadden, who has been visiting friends in Kingston, has returned home. Miss Lucena Bates left on Friday for Watertown, N.Y. Mre. R. Ranons, of Pittsburgh, and Miss A. Coxall, of Toronto, are visiting Mre. G. Ranons Mrs. P. Philips and eons, who have been visiting friends here, haye re- turned to their home at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. Joslin spent a few days | last week with friends in Watertown, N.Y: On Friday, Oct. 6th, baby boys came to brighten the homes of Mr. and Mrs. C. Gillespie and Mr. and Mrs. C. Henderson, Mr. and Mre. G. Woodman spent the week-end at John Niles'. Mrs. L. McKay. Water- town, N.Y., is at C. Henderson's. Militia Notes, The following extracts from the Canada Gazette are of interest in local military circles: 4th Husears--Lieutenant E. E. Me- Cammon fs transferred to the Re- serve of Officers. 5th Field Company, Canadian En- gineers--Provisional Lieutenant J. R. Parrott, Capt. T. 8. Scott and Pro- visional Lieutenant H. A. Small are transferred to the Reserve of Officers. has been mentioned in messages to || Provisional Lieutenants J. G. Bews and A. F. G. Cadenbead are permitted to retire. Blue Ribbon Opening Sale + If you have not already visited our handsome new store and participated in the exceptional economies of our Grand Opening Sale Event, we invite you to do so to-morrow | > Beating a Mail Order Hous¢ Extra Special Bargain in Price and Quality---Here It Is 1; 'Salts Fur Plush and Matalan Coats Thursday ? 1 3s 25 only, swagger, new Seal Plush Coats with large, cumfy, convertible Cdllars, swinging backs, pockets and half belts--in sizes 16 to 42. Advertised by a large Mail Order House as the price sensation of the season--their ex- traordinary low price was $14.95. Our SALE PRICE... rr anaes $1395 This iss regular $25.00 value. Mail Orders accompanied by cash or order will be filled while the quantity lasts. ALL-WOOL SERGE, $1.10-- 96 yards of All-Wool Imported Bradford Serge; full 54 inches wide; in Navy only. Special value at $1.50 a yard. tessres hersissnerensiesisseieas Sole Price $0.10 ALL-"VOOL CHEVIOT, $1.69-- 200 yards All-wool West of England Cheviot in all of the season's wanted shades; full 52 inches wide and splendid value at $2.50 ayard .............. Sale Price $1.69 BURBERRY COATING, $2.75 YARD 100 yards only, heavy, mannish, checked back all-wool Coating in the new Heather and Lovat shades -- full 52 inches wide--regular $3.00 value . . Sale Price $2.15 yd. WOMEN'S FLANNELETTE GOWNS, $1.19 300 heavy, extra large sized, White Flannelette Night Gowns; 56 and 58 inch lengths; high frilled necks and long sleeves; regular $1.50 values .. ...Sale Price $1.19 NAINSOOK BLOOMERS, 98c. EACH-- 25 dozen Flesh and White Nainsook Bloomers with elas- tic at belt and knee; cut in full sizes; regularly priced at $1.50 pair ...... ....... .orccsares o.. Sele Price 98e, WHITE BED SPREADS, $1.19-- 36 only, White Bed Spreads; good, full size; re ~ priced at $2.75 each. While they last . . . Sale Price $1.19 NEW DRAPERY CHINTZ, 29¢c. YARD-- 480 yards of beautiful, new patterns in Drapery Chintz-- all soft, rich golorings that lend themselves deli ly * for all ho old purposes--English and American prints --reg. 40c. to 60c. ayard.............. Sale Price 29¢. ENGLISH CASHMERE HOSE, 85¢c. PAIR-- 25 dozen Morley's fine wool Cashmere Hose in Brown, Mode and Grey; reg. $1.00.values . . . Sale Price 85¢. pair te Richa. Steacy's - Limited KINGSTON'S NEW DEPARTMENT STORE. a