re Ei rT. TTT coca ti x . sei ae jak -------- s------------------ A ~~ T-HE- - D ATLY "BRIT ISH WHI Sa SI -------- ' WHAT CAUSES HEADACHES ? "Fruit-g-fives" Winn en Femaing and poisons the blood. As'a result, there is Headaches, _. a RAILWAY SR | PEER DRRLTSser? | JAGENCY FOR ALL STEAMSHIP Le LINES Bpecial attention given your family going to or returning from 8 Old Country. Passports arranged { For information and rates apply to . P. HANLEY, C. P. and T.A.G.T. ., Kingston, Ont. : C.N.-G.T. Station, and Ontario Streets, . Plentiful stocks of best quality, coarse Kingston and Vicinity | gi 8 dl Lump Soft Coal On Thursday her topic will be con- his new vocation. Owing to his jov- cerning student life in Europe and dal disposition he is a general favor- Russia and on Friday about the rela- [ite and will be greatly missed. tion of students to internationalism. During the day she 4s to meet small | groups of the lady students. Made Fuel Administrator. F. 'W. Barrett, chief-of-police, of | Napanee, has been appointed by the council as fuél administratof. Were Clogged. sections of the eity, which had become | refuse, caused mina. the streets Tuesday. This can be burned in Grates and Furnaces 'with good results. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking, Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Return to Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Robertson and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Rob- Tell Them! Tell Them ! }inson and son, Ray, who spent the It you are selling hairpins don't {month of September with Mr. and 80 out of business because the wo- (Mrs. Albert Neal, King street, reach- men bobbed their hair. "Everybody |ed their home in Glen Elyn, IIl., on . Sewers In several street=drains clogged with ture floods on vy corner King- 0. ¢ Open Day and Night. iy PHONE 99. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON, of Johnson and "Wellington Phone 363 For moviag of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES 0 CANTAGK and iA ov 3 ERY DESCRIPTION . LY STOLL f a, LVERIMLS 1. | 158 So LINGTON STREET Organizing Y.M.C.A, Classes. Instructor Blake, newly appoint- didn't and many who did bob wlll | Thursday. After a delightful motor not bob a second time. If you have | trip by way of Niagara Falls they Phone 1415. ed to the local Y.M.C,A. staff is or- . ganizing his fall and winter classes nd good progress is reported. from. fruit juices, act gently on the Be Foor bowels, kidneys and skin and keep the blood pure and rich. 27 box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 26a. or seant postpaid Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. w For Fall and Winter. We have received all our fall and winter goods, consisting of Boys' and Men's overcoats, Boys' and Men's suite, also a '~rge range of cloth for suits made measure at reason- PIANO TUNING ||" Pre vost. Brock street. Plane Tuaivg and Repairing, Alse Crgan Werk. All werk guaranteed. PETER D. BROWN .* Sst. Phone 2307m. Still on Sick List, County ' Magistrate J. W. Brad- shaw, who has been confined to his home for several weeks on account 12 M of iliness, is still undergoing treat- Dr. Waugh ment. It {s expected that he will be 106 Wellington Bt. Fhone 856 "THOMAS COrLEY + Telephone 987. floors of a; kinds. All attention. § soeelv: prompt hop ; wo ~ Bell's Vanilla ey HIGH GRADE vf 26¢c. A BOTTLE 1 t in the long run. wg ane Kingston by-- DR. BELL WONDER MEDICINE CO. ' People's Florist 177 Wellington street, Fresh flowers dnd plants daily Funeral and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res., 187. ' W. R McRae & Co. . PE4 COAL land COKE a on por yo & 00. Phone 188 BOOTH Grove Inn Yard 6 N 2 { INSURANCE OF "ie ALL KINDS - W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance J 89 Brock Street Phome 424 Pp ~ ' "GUNNS MAPLE LEAF COOKED HAS Sausage, ; ig one pound net tina. on DO he flavor is Ra diffefent to what one the thing for hol 'and hurry-up mess. day. wipa BON MARCHE GROCERY © Cerner King and Earl Streets. i Phone 1844. ¥ nib [ITA dy PH -TARLETS =F LRT Gel A back in his office at the Court House shortly. ~, Purchased Tara Hall, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Shod'tt, Cherry Val- ley, who have purchased the old his- toric home, Tara Hall, Wellingtow;. 'will take up their residence there. Mr. and Mrs. Farl Burley, who have been occupying the piace, will return Mahood 81 Main Street. BUI LDING ? to their farm on the Gore, REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by 0. Aykroyd & Son Davis Drydock Improved. The plant of the Davis Drydock Company has been greatly improv- ed by the recent enlargement of Phone 1670. : their dock and additions to their equipment. Thfs company has a number of large orders ahead, and wteady work will be the order for some time to come. AUTO TOPS RECOVERED and REPAIRED R. H. JONES 800 PRINCESS STRERT . Phone 153, On a World Tour. Mr. and Mrs. H, E, Hudgins, Pic- ton the latter of whom was Mlle. Ga- brielle des Chene, left for New York, whence they eall on the Finland for Relgium, their first port of call on their world tour. Mr. Hudgins is the son of Capt. John Hudgins, Picton. a a Have Two Storeys Finished. Rapid progress is being made in the contsruction of the new dairy school on Barrie street. Thé outside brickwork on the first two storeys is practically completed and inside work is also being carried on. The construction is being carried on as quickly as possible, NOW Is the Time to Get Your Watch or Clock REPAIRED L. C. HEMSLEY Watchmaker from R. J. Rodger 149 Sydenham 8t. Going to Montreal, } Queen's rugby. team will have hundreds of supporters in Montreal it the statements of students and citizens are true. A special train is being run for the game on Saturday between McGill and Queen's, and many have announced their inten tion of going and keeping the old Queen's yell to the fore. Tobin Leaves Hospital. F. X. Tobin, Clayton, N.Y., confin- ed at Watertown hospital several | weeks suffering from septi poison- ing, was discharged and returned home. Mr. Tobin ie well known dn northern New York and for a num- ber of years has been owner and managing editor of "On the St, Law- rence." DB THOMAS' ECLECTRIC ol Injured at Bancroft. ExcWarden A. A. Cowill, North- umberland county, happened with a very serious accident at Bancroft. ment judge on cattle and hogs at the fair, and In the evening while cross- ing the street In that village, he was run down by an automobile, recelv- ing broken ribs and other internal bruises and cuts. An Ancient Charge. It ds alleged that one, Vingent La- rose, violated the O 0 Temper- ance Act in 1920, He 'been out of the city, so the a could not take action against him. His re- cent return to the city 'has put the PENCILS REPAIRED We are equipped to make any n.jairs to above pencils. We carry a supply of parts. Prompt service. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. Kingston, 41 Clarence Street, necessary machinery dn working case was called in the police court on Monday morning, and was enlarged until Wednesday. Death of John MacKay. John MacKay, Port Colborne, died in Toronto, following an oper ation, aged sixty-eight years. His re- mains were taken to Renfrew for burial on Tuesday. He was an ex- mayor of Renfrew and had scores of warm friends there. A widow and seven children survive. He was. a son of the late William MacKay, and brother of Allan C. MacKay, To- ronto, and Willlam MacKay, Ren- frow. Two sisters reside in Montreal. RNY LIEN XS He had been officiating as govern-| order, and a charge was laid. The | 300d hairpins that will hold bobbed tractive even if straight, tell the wo- men 80, they want to know it. Tell them all about the things that you have that will make unattractive bobbed heads lovely. Celebrates Birthday. A pleasant. surprise was given to Mrs. Elizabeth M. Robinson, Clay- ton, N.Y., last Wednesday, the oc- casion being her sixty-ninth birth- day. Music was in attendance and dainty refreshments, consisting of ice cream and a beautifully decorat- ed birthday cake, made by Mrs. Charles Foster, was served. Those present were Mrs. Robinson's dau- ghters, Miss Cora Robinson, Mrs, Clarence Kilborn and family 4nd Mrs. Willlam Handley and family. The evening was delightfully spent. On Daylight Saving Time. At the Odessa falr held last Fri- day, one of the most interesting events on the racing calendar, was the farmers' trotting race. There were several entries, and the raco was well contested, but no particu- lar attention was paid to the time, as it was not expected that any re- cords would be smashed. One far- mer present was very anxious to know what time had been made, and called out to one of the judges who replied, "The race was run off on daylight saving time," much to the amusement of the spectators. Farmer Leaving for Florida. J. B. Leonard, Glenvale, was in the city yesterday and is making ar- rangements to leave for De Funiack Springs, Florida, in the near future. He intends purchasing land in the fruit section, providing he finds conditions as represented. Mr, Leon- ard has made a puccess of poultry and dairy farming and other indus- ties in which he has englged in the vicinity where he resides, and hia many friends wish him success in hair into place and make It look at-! | visited the principal cities of Penn- gylvania and Ohio and they report [that the roads are excellent except {through Indiana where they found considerable sand. Their verdict, however, is that when the Canadian highways are completed they. will be equal to any in the United States and superior tog many over which they drove. J 'Walden-Roote. A quiet wedding took place at home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Roote, Plc- ton, when Miss Minnie Roote was united to F. E. Walden by the Rev. J.. J. Mellor, The ceremony took place Oct. 2nd, and was followed by a wedding luncheon, after which Mr, and Mrs. Walden left by motor for Belleville where they entrained for western points. M.s. Walden has been very active in many sides of church life. day school teacher, a member of the choir, and a ready worker in the Young People's society. Mr. Walden is the-organist and choirmaster of the Methodist church, and they both have the very best wishes from all departments of the church. They are to reside in Picton. Can the Deaf Be Made to Hear ? This question can be answered both ways. If the deafness is due to Catarrh, success is general if the suf- | zone, and thereby drives Catarrh out of the system. Penetrating thrpugh the passages of the ear, the soothing vapor of Catarrhozone relieves the inflammation, destroys the Seeds of Catajrh and thereby allows nature to re-assert herself. For Catarrhal Deaf- ness, pain over the eyes, plugged nostrils and other symptoms assoclat- ed with Catarrh. use Catarrhozone You'll be more than pleased with the quick improvement {n your condition. Two months' treatment, One Doilar, sold everywhere, or the Catarrhozone Co., Montreal. Swift Truck? Look Ofer the Offers bet" * Classified Ads. The Business Race is Open to the Auto Trucks Are Speeding Up the Service of a Great Many Business Concerns. Could You Save Time and Money With a Good Used "Auto Trucks for Sale," among the Alpha. ©. (Copyright, 1923, by Basil L. Smith) N in Classification 12, To-day. ? DANCE INVITATIONS QUEEN'S STUDENTS STATIONERY SUPPLIES id SCRIBBLING PAPER--500 AMuES BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO., Limited § PHONE 248. OF ALL KINDS, REFILLS, ETC. A SPECIALTY. Kingston's Most Visitors in Kingston The. land Cafe pleasant, qufet surroundings, home-like 2 cooking, a menu to please those of the most dis- Up-to-date Cafe | will And at The New Eng- She is an efficient Sun- | ferer persists in the use of Catarrho- } ONE OF THE BEST Men's Box Calf, fall weight, Goodyear Welt, Blucher Cut Shoes, rubber middle soles to keep out the damp. Our special price . ..$6.50 Remember! 'We handle the best guaranteed Rubber Footwear made in Canada. Try a pair of Ames Holden Rubbers and be con- vinced. JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street Your Wrap For Nex Fall and Winter It is not too early to decide what is to be done about a warn! Wrap for the Fall and Winter. There are just two things to do. Either have the present Fur Coat remodelled or fixed up or else see what can be done about a new Fur Coat. " It will be a pleasure to advis [ nse nar] e you whichever the Gourdier's | BROCK STREET, --Individuality-- TWEDDELL . SUITS are so designed that dura- ) bility, style plus individual- ity, are the leading features --Styles becoming to those of the most discriminating . taste are the ones to be Ny x {er found at:-- TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) 0 0 or ~ Thursday MEN'S HEAVY UNDERWEAR FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR Ribbed and plain, Scotch knit, in cream and grey; good strong wearing quality, Penman's make, unshrinkable Shirts and Drawers--in all sizes from 34 to 44, for ~ $1.00 a garment .N.Linten & Co. : [ll ; Phone 191,