THE \ DAILY BRITISH WHIG. TT WEDNEXDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1922 r | Markets Millions in Profits are now being paid to the i Gun ~~ GRAIN QUOTATIONS. shareholders of | Northern Ontario's | Toronto, Qold ! pn p-- Mines | Toronto, Oct. 17. -- Manitoba Are you getting your share ? Our sixteen years' of experi- ence is at your service. Write for a copy of our wheat--No. 1 Northern $1.156%. American cdorn--No. 3 yellow, 85¢ | No. 3 yellow, 84c; all rail. FORTNIGHTLY |" Barley--Malting, 69 to 62¢, ac- MINING {cording to treight outside. REVIEW Buokwheat--No, 2, 60 to 65c. which will put you in touch Rye--No. 2, 62 go 67¢. with profit-making opportuni. Millfeed -- Delivered, Montreal ties. Free for the asking. freight, bags included; ran, per ton, $20; shiorts, per ton $22; middi- ings, $29.25; good feed flour, $1.90. Ontario wheat--No. 2 white, 95 to Y7c, according to freights outside; No. 2, 89 to 94c. Ontario No. 2 white 'oats--39 to 40c. Ontario flour--ninety per cent. patent, in jute bags, Montreal, prompt shipment, $4.60. to $4.70; Toronto basis, $4.50 to $4.60; bulk seaboard, $4.50 to $4.45. Manitoba flour--I1st. patents, cotton sacks, $8.60 per barrel; patents, $6, Hay--Extra No. 2, per ton, track Toronto, $16; mixed $13.50 to $14; dover, $13.50 to $14! straw §9, car lots, Homer L. Gibson AND COMPANY Bank of Hamilton Building, TORONTO. A HAR WAIT TORONTO in 2nr Mintreal. Montreal, Oct. 17.--Oats--Canad- jan Western. Np. 2 64 to 66¢c; No. 3, 59 to 60c. Flour--Manitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts, $6.50. Rolled oats--Bags, 90 1bs., $2.90 to $3. Bran, $20. Shorts, $22. 'Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Oct 17.--~Wheat--No. 1 Northern, $1.02% ; No. 2 Northern $1.01% ; No. 3 Northern 96% ¢c No. 4 940; No. 5 89%c; No. 6 81%c; feed 70c; track, $1.01%. Qats--No. 2 C.W., 46%¢c; No. 3 C.W. 40c; No. 2 feed, 373%c; re- jected 35%c; 40c; No. 2 (feed, 373%c; rejected, 35%c; track 43%c. 'Barley--No. 38 C.W., 54¥%ec; No. : 4 C.W., 50%e¢c; rejected and feed, 487%; track, 54%. Flax--No. 1 N.W.C., $2.07%; No. 2 C.W., $2.01%¢c; No. 3 C.W. and rejected, $1.90%; track $2.06 % Rye--No. 2 C.W. T2ec. For sale in Kingston by Aus- tin"s Drug Store, Mahood's Drug Store, Sargent"s Drug Store and all good druggists. Minneapolis. Minneapolis, Oct. 17.--Flour, fam- ily patents, $6.75. Shipments, 95,956 barrels. Brah $21. Wheat--No. 1 k NOW Northern $1.12 to $1.19; December, i : $1.09; May, 1.103%. Corn--No. 3 3 Is the Time to Qet Your ||yeliow 64% to 65c. Oats--No. 3 0 atch white, 37% to 40c. Flax--No. 1, : w or Glook $2.35 to $2.36, 4 REPAIRED Chicago. Wheat, No. 2 red $1.17%; No. 2 L. C. HEMSLEY pi hard $1.14%; Corn, No. 2 mixed . Walduaice wa 1. 4, Roduor Stomach Treatment > enham . Just ¥ Princess Futile for Catarrhal Trouble Impossible to properly treat Ca. tarrh in the nose or throat by dosing the stomach. To rid the system of Catarrh, send the healing vapor of Catarrhozone after the germs, ard you accomplish real results. When you inhale the rich piney essence of Catarrhozone and get its healing balsams circulating all through the breathing organs, the cough is eased, sceezing stops, the nostrils are cleared, the throat is healed and freed from discharge. If you want permanent relief from Catarrh, irri- table throat, Bronchitis, use Ca- tarrhozone several times every day. Safe and sure. Two months tgaat- ment, one dollar. Cmall size 650c. All dealers or The Catarrhozone Co., of Montreal. EVERSHARP 'PENCILS . | REPAIRED 'We are equipped to make any r Hairs to above pencils. We carry a supply of parts. Prompt service. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston, a -------------- |i we EN The Kind You Push-or the Kind that Pushes You? Bicycles or Motorcycles -- There Are Bargains in Both. You'll Find an Interesting Assortment of Used Two- & Wheelers of the Foot and : Gas Propelled Varieties. Reports | €9% to 70%c; No. 2 yellow 69% to 71%c; Oats, No. 2 white, 43% to 54%c; No. 3 white, 42% to 43c. Rye, No. 2 81c. Barley, 66 to 67c. Timothy seed, $5.50 tp $6.50. Clover seed, $15.00 to $19.00. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto. Toronto, Oct. 17.--Heavy steers $7 to $7.75 do. god $6.65 to $6.75; do heavy western $5 to $5.50; Bat- cher steers, choice $6 to $6.50; do good $5 th $6; do. common $4.25 to $4.75; Butcher heifers, choice $6 to $6.50; do. medfum $5.25 to $5.50; do. common 4% to $4.50; Baby beev- es $7.50 to $8; Butcher cows, good $4 Uo $4.50; do. medium $3 to $4; Butcher bulls, good $3.50 to 34; ing steers, good $5.25 to $5.50 Stockers $3.50 to $4.50; Carves, choice $11 to $12; do. medium $9 to $10; do. dommon §4 to $6; Mliich cows $50 to $90; Springers $70 to $80; Sheep, choice $6 to $6.50; do. heavy $4.50 to $5; do. yearlings $7 to $8; Lambs $11 to $11.25; Hogs, f.o.b., bid $10.25; do. fed and wat- ered bid $11; dp. to farmer, $10; Lard type hogs, 50c to $1 less. Light hogs, under 130 lbs., 2c less per kb. Buffalo. Buffalo, N.Y., Oct. 17.--Cadttle; shipping stesrs, $9.50 to $10.50; but- chers, $8 to $9.50; yearlings, $9.50 to $11.50; heifers, $6 to $8.50; cows, $2 to $6.25; a few, $6.75; bulls $3 to $5.25; stockers ana yeea- ers, $5.50 to $7; fresh oows and springers, $40 to $120. Calves, $5 to $13.50. Hogs, heavy $9.85 to $10; mixed $9.75 to $9.85; yorkers, light york- ers and pigs $9.75; roughs, $7.75 to $8; stags, $5 to $6. Lambs, $6 to $14.76; yearlings, $6 to $11.50; wethers, $8.50 to $9; ewes, $2 to $8; mixed sheep, $8 to $8.50. Montreal. Montreal, Oct. 17.--Cattle, cows and heifers $2 to $3; bologna bulls at $2 to $2.60; Good veal, $9 to $10; medium $7.50 to $9; common $6 to $7; grass $3 to $4. Ewes $2 to $4.50; lambs, good $11 to $11.60; common $9 to $10. Hogs, oft car weights, selects $11.25 to $11.50; sows, $9 to $10.50. Chicago, Chicago, Oct. 17.--Cattle, Iower grades beef steers, $13.10; .best long yearlings, $12.76; bulk steers, $9 to $11.50; sixteen loads Canad- ian grassers, $7.50; Montanas to feeder buyers, $6.50 to $7.40; bulk desirable vealers around $10.50; bulk desirable bologna bulls around $4.25; bulk stockers and feeders, $6.25 to $7.50. Hogs--bulk 170 to 200-pound av- erage $9.25 to $9.35 good and choice 220 to 280-pound butchers, $9.40 to $9.50; top $9.50; bulk packing sows, $7.90 to $8.40; pigs mostly $9.00 to $9.25; estimated hold-over 9,000. . Sheep--ipp fat Western lambs, $14.10; others, $13.75 to $14; bulk native lambs, $13.75 to $13.85 culls mostly $9.50; feeders slow; few morning sales about steady; one double 105-pound Washington yearl- Ing wethers, $10 to killer; sheep sting to 26¢ higher; heavy fat ewes $3.75 to $4.25; lighter weights up- ward to $6.50. M ntreal. Montreal, Oct. 17. -- Butter-- Creamery, solids 36¢ 1b.; prints, 37e per Ib.; cooking butter, 27¢ per .; oleomargarine, 20c per Ib. Eggs--No 1, 36¢c; No. 2 30c; ex- tras, 40c; specials, 52¢ to 53c. Ham---Large size 33c; small size, 37¢; cooked, 40c 1b. Bacon--Winddor boneless, 43¢ per 1b.; breakfast, 32¢ per lb. Dressed Poultry--Milkfed chiok- ens, 38¢c to 42¢ 1lb.; broilers, 35 to 38c; selected chickens, 26c to 28c; turkeys, 40¢ to 50c; ducks, 25c to 36¢; green ducks 36¢ to 38c per lb. Dressed Hogs-- h killed abat- toir stock, $17.50 to $18.50. Flour--Firet patents, $6.50 per bbl.; seconds patent, $6 F.O.B. track; strong bakers, $6.10 per bbl.; winter wheat flour, choice grade, $5.50; broken lots In cotton bags, $5.75 to $5.80. Millfed--Bran and shorts in limit- ed quantities in mixed car lots, $21.25; shorts, $23.25. Rolled Oats--Standard grades, $3.25 to $3.30 per 90-1b, bag, deliv- ered to the trade. Hay--Baled, per fon, in ear lots, new crop No. 2 Timothy, $16 to $17; No. 3 Timothy, $14 to $15, delivered to Montreal. GENERAL TRADE, Toronto. Toronto, Oct. 17.--Butter, dairy 27c to 35¢; do creamery 38¢c to 46¢; cggs, fresh doz. 43¢c to 46c; cheese, 'b. new 20c to 25¢; db old 25¢ to 35¢; Broilers, Spring Ib. 40c to 45¢; Fowl, 1b. 25¢ to 28¢; Ducklings, Ib. 26c to 30c; Turkeys, 1b. 35¢c to 40c; Apples, basket 25¢ to 50c; do. bushel, 76¢c to $1.50; do. bbl., $2.50 to $5; Grapes, 6-gt. 30c to "40; Peaches, gellow, 6-gt. 30¢ to 60c; do. 11-qt. 40¢ to 90c; Pears, 11-qt. 30¢ to 60c; Flume, 11-qt, 25c to 50¢; Jo. prume, 11-qt. 76¢ to $1.00; Quince, 6-qt. 30c to SOc; do. 11-gt. '50c to 85¢; Beets, bag 75¢ to 90¢; Cabbage, doz. %5¢ to 60¢; Caulifower, doz. 76c $1.50; Carrots, bag 75c to 90¢; Cel-| * £ ary, dos. 40c Ye 18e;. Cucumbers, basket §0c to Thc; Eggplant 30¢ to 50¢c; Lettuce; et 50c to $1.00; Onions, sack $1.50 to $2; Parsnips, bag 76e to 90¢; Peppers basket 25¢ Canners and cutters $1 to $2; Feed-| wa pid |. [RADIO DEVELOPMENT] BY LIEUT JOHN R. IRWIN U 8 AIR SERVICE ( RESERVE) == INDUCTANCE. In mechanics it is well 'known | kinetic energy stored is large that a plece of matter cannot set snd when the motion of the ham- itself in motion and that energy | [er I8 stoppec this energy is used in forcing the nail into the wood. must be supplied from outside. SO | [py the electric circuit a cell with In the electric cireuit a current its small emf. can cause only a cannot set f{tseif in motion, and feeble spark. By including a piece energy must be supplied by some of wire with many turns in the form of generator or other source | circuit, however. energy is stored | of emf. A small current will enable a i As ap illustration of inductance large amount of energy to be we may take the following ex- stored in the magnetic field. if the ample: When a nafl is forced inductance {8 large Then when feto a plece of wood the mere the curient is broken and the weight of the hammer as it rests field collapses this large amount on the head of the nai will pro- or energy is released suddenly and duce no effect. However. by rais- a hot spark of considerable length ing the hammer and letting it age is the result. quire considerable speed the APPARATUS "DEVICES By RALPH BROWN, RADIO ENGINEER C.W. TRANSMITTING CONDENSERS, The use of vacuum tubes as generators of radio frequency os- cillators in radio elegraphy and telephony has brought about the reed for comparatively small transmitt'ng condensers, which will stand continuous operation with the voltages used on such tube sets. Due to the far greater effective- ness of C. W. over spark methods of transmission, ampere for am- pere in the antenna, ranges are obtainable with V. T. tube trans- mitters equal to those of spark sets of considerably higher power. A type of condenser specially developed for this type of trans- mission is shown in the illustra- tion. It {s made in a variety of values to serve in any circuit. c Will readers interested in these radio articles kindly communicate with the editor by mail? 'THOSE DOGGING FOOTSTEPS. The World: "I wish this beastly demon of war wouldn't | keep dogging my footsteps, u ---From the South Wales i.ews (Cardiff, Wales.) REMINDING LAUDER OF EARLY LIFE. Sir Harry Lauder is here seen chatting with David Gil- mour, an ex-weighman, who weighed the last piece of coal hewn by Sir Harry before he gave up mining to go on the stage. 3 A threshing scene in GRAIN In which is indicative of the general activity through the West just now. to 35¢: do. red 40c to 60c; Potatoes, Bishop Bidwell at Tweed. bag 70c to 80c; Pumpkin, doz. $1 to| Rt. Rev. BE. J. Bidwell, Bishop of $1.50; Squash, doz. 75c to $1.25; |Ontario, officiated at the Morning 11-qt. 30¢ to 50c; Turnips service Sunday morning in) " 5% * ny bag 60c to 75a. iJames' Church, Tweed. I PRINCESS ST. rm, _--S FOR THAT HOUSE YOU INTEND BUILDING SEE OUR STOCK OF iu . Hemlock, Spruce, Pine and Fir fe SERVICE A AT The RICHT PRICE OUR M DAINTY CAFE The place where dining out is truly a delight OPPOSITE BIBBY'S The Flame That Gets Results is the ny acetylene weilded by us in a way that produces the finest ~-and strongest welding. We can weld anything and everything in hard tempered steel or other metal. No use casting metals into the junk pile when welding will save it, Bishop Machine Shop KING AND QUEEN STREETS No Experience Required No need to be an expert to operate a Radio Receiving Set. Anybody can run one. Of course, when purchasing one; you want the best for the money invested. That's why you'll buy a C.R.S. set. We'll be pleased to give you a demonstration in your own home any time. Drop in and talk it over. If you cannot call, write. Have you tried the C.R.S. mail order service ? You'll like it! Send a sample order. Hear Queen's Concerts, Boys--We have all the needed parts to build your own set at right prices. CANADA RADIO STORES RIGHT GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES 200% Princess Street Phone 1207J. Radle 3AAY, Kingston's First and Only Exclusive Radio Supply House \- rr FORESIGHT and THRIFT are often forgotten while earning power con- tinues but vividly and sadly remembered in the decline of life. Provide for the future by insuring with THE DOMINION LIFE before it is too late. + ARCH. THOMSON, BRANCH MANAGER. Box 232, Kingston, Ont. Office: 56 Brock St. Phone 68. ALowPriced Llectric Range V V high. ity Moffat Electric Range to gyal at a really low price. It has three top elements, a large oven, size 18 x 14 x 12, with two eléments, and two three - heat switches. It has all the latest im- ovements and is identical in Quality and will do as good work as our best range. Write for free booklet to Moffats, Limited, Weston, Ontario. E ATS & Electric Range 8 FOR SALE BY The Public Utlity Hydro Shop 268 Princess 8t., Kingston, Ont. Phone 844 S13 " Shoes of Higher Quality Fashionable women who desire the perfect fit and graceful lines that are found only in high-grade footwear will be greatly impressed with the styles we are showing. The Sawyer Shoe Store Phone 159. 184 Princess St.