QUALITY Is one of the most important points.in good dressing. HUDSON SEAL is just about the tory most thoroughly satisfac- Fur you can buy. It is soft and rich and wears so well. There are so many different qualities too. When you ask for McKAY'S DIAMOND QUALITY you are absolutely assured of get- ting the best--the kind that has such won- dertul glossy softness and depth of Fur. It is becoming to all ages and types. MecKAY FURS carry our guarantee of be- ing absolutely as represented. WRITE FOR CATALOGUH, © Manotectarers Importers ha MéKay Limited ING or Lan Oh Henry A Winning Combination Wherever Candy is Sold Oh Mabel KINGSTON \ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. MEET OF THE W.C.LU. {Addressed by Dr.. S8ara- Det- weller, Organizer of Travel lers' Aid Work. | | An interesting meeting of 'he local Christian Temperance Union was {held Tuesday afternoon in the Y.M. | CA parlors. Mrs. H. W. Day pre- {sided, and during the afterncon, Dr. Sara Detweller, superintendent and organizer of Travellers' Aid work in connection with the Dominfon W.C. T.U., gave a talk upon this branch of the work, tracing #t from its in- ception in New York city, in 1883, up to the present. She showed only too clearly how very necessary such work still is at all points in our do- minion. Dr. Detweiler closed her romarks with an urgent appeal that all W.C.T.U, workers should ever re- member their motto, "For God, For Home and For Country," and strive to do their utmost in seeking to put down the many evils that are being practised throughout the land. Tra- vellers' Ald agencies are stationed in many of the cities and towns and by working together with these much 'could be accomplished along these lines and our land made safer for our boys and girls. During the business period, Mrs. H. W. L. Day was appointed delegate to the domimion comvention to be held in Toronto next month, with Mrs. 8. F. Campbell as alternate. -- Late W. H. Halladay, Lyndhurst. Lyndhurst, Oct. 16.--An aged resi- dent of Lydnhurst, in the person of William Henry Halladay, passed away in Brockville on Thursday, Oct. 12th, following an operation. An almost life-long resident of Lynd- hurst, he will be missed greatly In the community, where he was a pro- ndinent farmer. Deceased was born at Elgin in 1847, moving to Lydn- hurst some years later, Ho was a staunch Liberal in politics and a member of the Methodist church, SiWyviving are ' his widow, thres daughters, Mrs. James Danby, Lynd- hurst; Mrs. Samuel Morrie, Soperton, and Mrs. Ford Whitmore, Plum Hol- low, and four sons, Case, Clive, Harry and WilMam, all at home. The funeral was held on Sunday from his late residence #0" Elgin Methodist church, and interment took place. at the village eametery. Rev. Mr. Que officiated. The pall- Jearers were Clive, Harry and Wil- liam Halladay, James Danby, Samuel Morris and Ford Whitmore. -- Death of Sister Mary Bertille. i The Sisters of Providence mourn the loss of one of their bright young | companions in the person of Sister - p p , b , p 3 & 3 p r b p branches. resented. R HW Real Estate and Insurance Insurance in' all its' Reliable § | § companies only rep- { VICTORY BONDS Bought and Sold. addell 66 Broex COFFEE We are offering so Fresh dh d hh da a Rolled Oats (new pack) Pink Salmon [ Canned Pilchards (large) p on 4 Vv mething ex- } tra Chase and Sanborn's { + © lbs, 25¢c. Ginger Snaps .....2 lbs. 25c. | After School Cookies 2 lbs. 25c. 4 8 tins 27c. A aE 4 4 4 4 9 | Mary Bertille. | Stricken with appen- | dteitis, she was removed to ithe Ho- tel Dieu Hospital on Sunday, Octob- er 8th, where an operation was per- formed with apparent success. She grew better each day, and was &x- pected to return home before the end of the week. On Monday evning at 4 dadukrhrkhdh dnd 4 2 & 4 hdd liaisda WILL SOON BE HERE | Step in and try on some of the new models. * Our handsome Hudson Seal Coats with large Alaskan Sable Collar and Cuffs are attracting a lot of attention, and our values are not surpassed in 5.45 o'clock, after partaking of some mounishment, she took a _sudden change, and before the clock tolled the hour of six, she had passed to her eternal reward. The lamented Sister was the daughter of the late Thomas Coyle, Rochester, N.Y., formerly of Wolfe Island. She was educated at the parochial schools conducted by the Sisters of St. Joseph in Rochester, N. Y., and at the age of twenty-four entered the novitiate of the Sisters of Providence, Kingston. After her profession, she spent some time at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brock- ville, but not being 'blessed with a robust comstitution, she was recalled to the mother house. For the past year or more she has not enjoyed very good health, but was always able to assist at the religious exer- cises of the convent and attend to ber, other duties. Possessed of a sweet, gentle disposition and man- ner, she was dearly loved by all her companions, all of whom were shock- ed and grieved at her sudden depar- ture. Besides a sister in the community, Sister Mary Claudia of 8t. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, 'she has two brothers Mving, James and Vin- | were her three aunts, Mrs. Coyle, Kingston, Mrs. Dignum and Miss Flynn, Wolfe Island. Solemn requiem mass for the re-|. pose of her soul was offered by His Grace, Most Rev. M. J. Spratt, D.D., CHOWN KENORIAL TABLET : To, Be Unveiled Friday at Queen's--<Bud" Thomas . | Is Tennis Champion. The memorial tablet to be erectod to Se [esa of the late GQ. Y. Chown, registrar of Queen's for many years, arrived at the college Wednesday morning. The tablet will be unveiled at the autumn convoca- tion, to be held in Grant Hall Friday - evening. At this gathering an ofl painting of Hamilton Cassels, To- ronto, past chairman of the board of trustees, will be unveiled. Nv Besides the awarding of the de- grees in arts, science, medicine and theology, there will be the prasenta- tion of an honorary degree. The annual conference of the Queen's Theological Alumni Associa- tion is to be held at the college Oct. 30th to Nov. 3rd. An extensive pro- isramme hag been arranged. The Chancellor's lectureship will be gix- én by Dean O. D. Skelton, who, in prices. Queen's University Text Books and Supplies Latest editions of Text Books authorized for use in Arts, Science and Medicine. Drawing sets of the best English manufacture at mon HE COLLEGE BOOK STORE lowest OPEN NIGHTS three lectures, will speak on 'Some 1. I'resenit Day Forces in International | Se Relations." Among the other speak- I ---- ers on the programme are Prof. Roy; Rev. A, D. Matheson, Montreal; Rev. P. L. Jull, Lekefield; Rev. F. 8. Milliken, Harriston; Rev. James Faulds, Cornwall; Norman Macdon- nell, Toronto; Rev. Principal W. H. Smith, Vancouver; Rev. A. V. Brown, Picton;; Rev. A. J. Wilson, Napanee; Vincent Massey, Toronto; Rev, H. W. Cliff, Arnprior, and Rev. R. H. Bell, D.D. "Bud" Thomas is the singles ten- nis ¢hampion of Queen's, having won out dn the final game with MacLach- fan: Three sets decided the contest. The doubles schedules ts now being run off and the representatives of | Queen's in the intercollegiate toura- ment being chosen. The tourna- ment is slated to open In Kingston on Oct. 19th, and it is expected that the Rockwood courts will be used as Queen's are unsuitable. The students are making prepara- tions to invade Toronto a week from Saturday, when Queen's 'rugby team plays there. Lists are being eircu- lated through the, years so that the A.M.8. may be able to ascertain 'he number that would g0 to Toronto if IL were possible to get a special train, ------------ AN ENJOYABLE CONCERT. "All sizes the kiddies warm "Watson's" ment up. ------ Given at Sydenham Hosiptal by Y.M, C.A. Mothers' Council, Tuesday night the patients and staff of Sydenham hospital were splendidly entertained by a concert party arranged by the Y.M.C.A. Mc- thers' Council. William Smith, pur- chasing agent of D.8.C.R,, made a capable chairman, and on behalf of the boys of Sydenham hospital, wal. comed and introduced the various entertainers, * who contributed as follows: Solos, Mfss Bruton, J. Alex- ander, Miss Driver, Miss A. Mac- Donald, Mrs.- J. F, MacDonald; duet, the Misses Gordon; violin solo, by Mr. Duncan; reading, Miss Possal- white.. The accompanists for the various artists included Miss Possal- white, Mrs. W. A. Patterson, Mrs, James Boss and Mrs, Leman A. (Gulld, the latter leading the entire audience in a fine sing-song, which was heartily enjoyed. One of the pleasant items on ths programme was the distribution of to $2.50 Suit. WARM UNDERWEAR For All The Family Ladies' Winter Underwear in all styles in the best makes. Tess emis Genie. oie mie. 85C. garment up * Ladies' Winter Weight Combinations -- all styles in the best makes to choose from. Priced from Children's Underwear, TH shes een ae vale isreieiorinia 50c. garment up Children's Combinations. ... . . ......... $1.50 a suit up Men's Underwear in two good makes--"Penman's" and in five different weights to choose from. $1.00 gar- Men's Combinations, all sizes, $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50 suit. Boye Udderwears Penmar's.ioll siees from 20 to 32. Priced ftom ........ «resect... .85¢c to $1.35 garment Boys' Combinations<**Penman's--sizes 22 to 32. $1,75 Pictorial Quarterly for winter .:..............25¢. copy Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. . - $2.00 to $5.00 Suit the kind that will wear and keep three different weights -- Tor abundance and variety of tempting fruit by the ladies of' the Mothers' --- Council, who also visited all the bed pi 1 patients with tempting trays of ES fruit. A hearty vote of thanks was | IN MARINE CIROL passed to the enteytainers. , The concert which was also book-| a Yory ed for the Mowat hospital Tuesday The steamer Brockville had night was postponed until Wednss. |rough time coming gow fom Piston day owing to unforeseen circum. |©on Wednesday morning, h) ap stances. ately arrived before the heavy g. bad reached its highest velocity, The : vessel carried a large cargo of cann- Most citizens thought there was ed goods and other freight. frost last night, but while the ther-| The steamer Ridedu mometer took a sudden drop it did | cleared for Montreal where she will not reach freezing. Queen's Univer- | pe used in the ferry route between sity observatory showed 38 degrees [that place and Waileyfield. above zero, the lowest record so far The schooner Mary Daryaw arriv- this fall. ed from Oswego on Tuesday, ana s A eA | unloading coal at Anglin's wharf. | This vessel was forced to put into Sackets Harbor for shelter. ANGLICAN GIRLS' CLUB. rr ---------------- OI Queen's University Elected Offic. ers on Tuesday Afternoon. The Anglican Girls' Club of Queen's University held the first meeting of the season in St. James parish hall on Tuesaday afternoon with a good attendance. The officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President, Miss Minnie Lenz; secretary, Miss Marjorie Booth assistant secretary, Miss Helen To- fleld . An invitation was received from Mrs. J. C. Ponsford, president of St. George's Cathedral Welcome and Welfare committee, to an atterno tea at the Warden's residence, King street, on Tuesday, Oct. 24th, which was accepted. It was decided to give a party $ the children of the Or- phan's Home just before Thanksgiv- ing, and other social service plans were discussed. Rev. T. W. Savary | came in with a kindly word of wel- come, and an invitation to use St. James' hall at any time, which was much appreciated. ST. GEORGE'S A.Y.P.A. | Queen has REAL ESTATE FOR BALE $5,100.00--Rideau Street, detached solid brick dwelling, 9 rooms, electric light, gas, hardwood floors, fireplace, hot air furnace, garage; very modern. $1,350.00--Raglan Road, detached frame dwelling, 7 rooms and toilet. Fire Insurance Money to Loan FOR RENT $25.00---4623 Johnson Street, seven rooms, Improvements, $12.00--45 James St $12.00--94 Barrack Street. Phone 530w. E. W. Mullin & Son Real Estate and Te ---- Brokers Johnson and Division Streets 4 Our New $5.00 Shoes W k we show by far the largest variety of Ladies' High Grade pn at this ioe that is shown in town, The lity, st; and workmanship in these are the best that the Pris oan aa: Every palr made with Goodyear welted leather woles, and made by some of the manufacturers in Cane ade. Some of our new styles at thig price: -- --Tan Calf Oxfords, dark brown trimmed, low heels. --Black Calf Oxforde--patent leather trimmed, low heely --Black Sootch Grain Oxfords--military heels. --Patent 8cotch Grain One Strap--military heels. =~Brown Calfskin Oxfords--Ilow and military heels. ~Brown Calfskin Ozxfords--Cuban heels. ~Black Kid ban heels. ~Als0 many other styles priced at . - Ee -------- ee -------------- ; E : : B fell overseas, and spoke of visiting sideinais Furopa p Doan Sa yir ng uying. Napoleon's tomb, where he suddenly|congratu e AY. on ly Bu ls : B ' heard a familiar voice, atid turning, | work they are doing, and the work 3a? ' encountered Miss H. Chown of this|they are undertaking for the winter. 4 R inning his The A.Y.P.A. mre, together with efleld, the Sunday echool, undertaking to 0 re-comnstruct the Sunday school ball. ---- Kingston's First Snowfall, Kingston had its first sn storm of the season On Wednesddy morn- ing, and while it was not of long duration, it was quite lively while if Iusted. Addressed by Dean Starr on His Trip to Europe. At the weekly meeting of the A.Y. ~