EE -- Dukes fe si Lp cn i PTY z THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ; : - WINTER IS HERE, | amusements {| SPORTING NEWS What the Press Agents Say Abou Coming 'Attractions , "HOUSE 1 GRA N . OPERA TO-NIGHT FRIDAY and SATURDAY OUR OWN Ontario Curlers' oo Annual Meeting | To-night "In Walked Jimmy". i The Rex Stock Company spent At the annual mgeting of the On- their three nights' engagement at the | tario Curling Association, fn Toronto, Grand to-night presenting "In Walk- | (pe Scottish curlers will spend two REX PRICES ............ SATURDAY MATINEE: Rex Stock Company IN A REAL REX COMEDY "IN, WALKED JIMMY" AUDEVILLE BETWEEN 20c., 8 CHILDREN, 10c.; ADULTS, 25c¢. ACTS 0Oc., 50c. GALLERY .... 10c. tt A. erty. Sart ---------- GRAND MON. &TUES. OCT. 23 & 24 PriCiE8--B60c. to $2.00. ' i The World's Greatest Mvstery Play "A wild mystery play, considerably wilder than any seen In these parts fo. a long time."--New York Times. "Thrill after thrill--one sensation after another."-- Chicago ~ 'ews, "An enjoyable bandid, "The Bat' So uncanny in its that now and again you are impelled to whistle to keep from tion being afrald."J Chicago Tribune, "There 's, I» fact, hardly a don Times. "There Is a thrill a minute."--London Post, SEAT SALE FRIDAY _ manipala. moment without a thriil."--Lon. Wy, , WPT PRUNE re The Eternal J YR sl THE DRAMA MAGNIFICENT . 2 PRICES: _ Matinee, 20c. Evening, 40c. Tax included. » I "From Now On My Kisses Will Cost One Dollar Each--Who'll Start the Baby's Bank sex DOROTHY - DALTON "THE SIREN CALL" ROUND THREE "THE LEATHER PUSHERS" NEXT MONDAY DANCING LESSONS Will De Taught Every $ ht at ng or old, i's never too late to learn to dance. Madem S. Teacher 111 Broek ne hel, Tete 357. Res. Phone 1878. _ Belleville baseball team doteated jalt in Galt on Wednesday in the fin- § for the Ontario championship, by of 7 to 6. The teams meet | Saturday in Belleville. INVESTIGATION INTO NORTHERN ONTARIO FIRE To Open on 23rd--First Sit- tings to Be Held in Toronto. Toronto, Oct. 19.--The first ses- sion of the investigation into the north country fire by E. P. Heaton, provincial fire marshal, will be hela at the parlidment biuldings on Mon- day, Oct. 23rd. The fire marshal will sit continuously to hear evidence un- til Wednesday evening. At 8.45 p.m. Wednesddy, the party will leave for Haileybury, and two days will be spent Interviewing and arranging to call witnesses who will be able to testify from actual observations of events prior to, during and after the fire. On Monday, Oct. 30th, the first open session will be held at 10 a.m. in the office on wheels, which will be side-tracked by the T. & N.O. Railway in the yards and the fire marshal will thereafter sit continu- ously until all the crown witnesses have been 'examined. Opportunity will then be given to those desiring to give evidence to be heard, ana sittings will be held until the volun- tary testimony is concluded. Tie sitting will then be transferred to North Cobalt, New , Liskeard and other central points, with proceec- ings similar to those carried on at Haileybury. Po Liedtenant - Governor Cockshut! Iwill open the Made-in-Belleville In- dustrial Exhibition and Carnival at the Armouries, Belleville, Oct. 24th to 28th. 3 Scotland defeated Ireland 3-0 on Wednesday in International soccer. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE Wolfe Island NEBR 1 PP PSOE 1 Friday, Oct. 27 Twelve O'clock Noom Consisting of the property owned by the late George Martin, composed of i FIRSTLY--The East' 3% of lot 3, 16th Concession, south of the base line, containing 48 acres. SECONDLY---North' 3 lot 4, 15th Concession, south. of the base line, containing 64 acres. Also Stock and Farm Implements. Sale to be held on Parcel contain- ing 48 acres. 3 NICKLE, FARRELL & DAY, * Solicitors forthe Administrator. . INTERMEDIATE INTERCOLLEGIATE R.M.C. I vs. QUEEN'S II F. C. HAMBROOK wishes to announce that he is opening a NEW CAKE AND PASTRY STORE co assortment of all kinds of CAKES, PASTRY and HOME: 1925w. Rr Friday > for a trial order - ed Jimmy" As Jimmy says the thing that keepB vou young, the thing that makes you great, the man who can| smile when he is down and out im- | presses the other fellow that he is| happy, and a man cannot be happy | unless he is successful, therefore, if| he smiles, no matter how near the bottom of the heap he may: be, his enemies think he is at the (8p. dex never in his career had a better part than that of "Jimmy." Zana has a very sympathetic part, though not a star one, in that of "Kitty Blake." Florence Wisters has a comedy part that suits her, and our Bill Yule stars as Higgins the vil- lage grouch. A wealth of special scenery and effects have Leen built for this delightful four act comedy, and to use Rex's words: "In Walk- el Jimmy' will be the best effort so far of this season by this popular company." . a 2 "The Bat" (Coming. '""The Bal" comes to the Grand days in Kingston. It was deciied to rearrange the local Tankard and District Cup groupings by draw, while umpires this year will be instructed to have a vote among the clubs in their {groupings as to the most convenient places to play off the group finals. T. M. Asselstine was placed on the committee on the Annual. Tankard Groupings. Group No. 1---Kingston, Napanee, Belleville, Campbellford, Picton; play at Napanee; umpire, Dr. R. A. Leonard. District Cup. District No. 11--Kingston, Nap- anee; The Ontario Hospital, Brock- ville; play at Kingston; umpire Mr. P. D. Lyman. Queen's Alumni Prepare For Games With Varsity The Queen's Alumni Associations Opera House on Monday and Tues- day, Oct. 23rd and 24th. With more than two years' run to its credit in New York and a record of" a solid year in Chicago by another company in the same attraction, "The Bat" stands out clearly as the one great sig success of all years. Moreover, every bit of success that has been its share, belongs to it rightfully. "The Bat" is a dramatic thriller-- some critics have referred to it as| a 'dramatic smash." The appella- tion is a good one. It is exactly that. Not only is it thrilling to the point of keeping its audience on the edge of their chairs from beginning tc end, but it is moreover, actually one Jf the funniest plays staged in years. The humor of "The Bat" is mare of situations than of mere funny Jdnes. In the development of the story, the authors, than whom there are none more expert in doing Just | that sort of thing, have managed to| contrive situation after chat leaves the audience fairly breathless from laughter, Were this 10 occur in the ordinary play it would not be so remarkable but in a play of the thrilling nature of "The Bat" it is remarkable in the extreme. '""The Bat' is presented by Wagen-| hals and Kemper, known throughout the country for their success as pro- ducers of hits. Norma Talmadge in "Eternal Flame" One of the tremendously dramatic scenes in Norma Talmadge's fasci- 1ating starring vehicle, "The Eternal "lame," which 4s the First National dtraction at the Allen Theatre Fhursday, Friday and Saturday, is that which depicts General de Mont- riveau preparing to brand the great fourt beauty 'whom he believes has idiculed his love. The Duchess of Aangeals, wonderfully enacted by Norma Talmadge, offers her beauty zladly, wildly, in an abandonment 5t love, when he pronounces his Judgment of terrible revenge on her, ind waits unflinchingly for him to sgand her. forehead with the mark of infamy. The scene takes place in a room of forbidding austerity. De Montriveau enters and = denounces the duchess. A masked man hands him the branding iron, 'The duchess bares her forehead to receive the terrible stigma. Then the general finds he cannot mar her glorious beauty. She is freed, broken heart- ed. But a love such as theirs cannot forever be spoiled by misunder- standing, and in a most fascinating chain of events the threatened tra- gedy of hearts is transformed into a gloriously happy romance. . ---- Dorothy Dalton To-day. One of the Hvellest programmes offered this season commences to- day at the Strand Theatre. Dorothy Dalton is being starred in her latest Paramount picture, "The Siren Call," a thrilling and gripping story of the great Yukon gold. trails. Round Three, of "The Leather Push- ers," a short feature that is always full of excitement, shares the pro- gramme as well as Chapter IV. of "The Adventures of Robinson Cru- spe." A short reel of the Queen's- McGill game' of last Saturday isgalso being shown. The rugby picture is an exclusive feature of the evening's entertainment. Through the efforts of officials in the home office of the Famous Players Canadian Corpora- tion Limited this picture was taken for Kingston alone. Dorothy Dal- ton, who is indeed well known to citizens of Kingston a% a young lady who plays great out-door parts, is offering a picture to you that will well repay you for a'visit to the Strand Theatre. Some of the ecenes are the most thrilling depicted for a long time and the story is one that assures excellent entertainment. As for "The Leather Pushers," the pa- trons of this theatre well know now that they are assured splendid value for their admission by this picture alone. "The Adventures of Robin- son Crusoe" is pleasing the old a8 well as the young. Remember, your opportunity is coming to see "Foolish Wives" situation |. {ot Toronto and Hamilton, are going to give the tri-color's team a great reception when they play Varsity there a week from Saturday. After the game a dinner will be held at the King Edward for the alumni, the Queen's team and others, while on Nov. 11th, when Varsity play at Kingston, a special will be charter- ed which will leave the Union Sta- tion at nine o'clock. All former Queen's students are requested to communicate immediately with Sec- retary D. I. McLeod, Toronto, with reference to these two occasions. THE INVERCOLLEGIATE TENN TOLRNANENT Opens at - Rockwood--*Bud" Thomas Wins His Prelim. inary Game. Cold weather greeted the players in the intercollegiate tennis tourna- ment which opened Thursday morn. ing, at Rockwood hospital. The fol- lowing players are taking part: Toronto--N. J. Endocott, A, W. Ham, 8. Larkin, J. J. Lyons. McGill--D. Morrice, W. E. Crock- er, P. L. Douglas, C N. Ramsay. Royal Military College--C. D, Gunn, A. E. GillG. T. Sladen, W. 8. Hunter. >) Queen's--I. McLachlan, H. A Jones, A. E. Griffin, "Bud" Thomas. Following are the results of the games played on Thursday morning: Endicott, Toronto, vs. Morrice, of McGill. Morrice won; scores 6-2; 7- 9; 6-1, Crocker, of McGill, vs, Gill, of the R.M.C., Crocker won; scores 6- 0; 6-0. ~ "Bud" Thomas, of Queen's, vs. Hunter, of the R.M.C. Thomas won, scres, 6-2; 6-4. Lyons, of Toronto, 'McGill. Lyons won, and 6-4. ) CHLOREN IN TENTS 5 STORM RAGES Fierce Blizzard Brings Untold Hardships to-Homeless in North. . Englehart, Oct. 19.--A few hours before dawn on Tuesday a great blizzard of wind-driven snow swept over this district, The thermometer stood at the freezing point, and the wind howled across the great open spaces in a forty-mile gale, lashing the country merciless for six hours. A great deal of the snow melted as it fell, thus causing puddles and rivulets of water, over which is ly- ing from four to ten inches of snow. In the towns and villages the refugees of the recent bush fires are comparatively comfortable, but the plight of many families in the out- lying agricultural districts is dis- tressing in the utmost extreme. The roads are no longer passable by mo- tor car, while teams of horses are unable to haul more than empty vehicles. Not only this, but much of the live stock was burned, end some settlers are without horses to vs. Ramsay, scores, 6-2; disaster, and a tour through the devastated area fails to reveal the presence of government lumber for » the constriction of shelters for the HERE ARE WINTER BARGAINS WORK SHIRTS 5 dozen, fast color, Blue Chambray Shirts of extra quality and cut very Jarge and roomy. Sizes 14} to 17. SPECIAL $1.00 WINTER UNDERWEAR Heavy rib, all-wool AEROPLANE SHIRTS After two years of for the outdoor all- wool and union waiting, we have man. Fine, another shipment of these famous Silk and Linen Shirts. Act quickly! $4.00 each $7.50 the pair yarns, in combina- tion and two piece, for the indoor man at SALE PRICES WINTER OVERCOATS ~~ Actually, folks, we are selling Overcoats faster than our orders come in from the factory. The reason is obvious--quality and style at very low prices. Come and see them. It's a treat | $15.00, $18.50, $21.50 and up to $32.00. v E. P. JENKINS ~ Indians, are instantly placed in the health. As a result of a meeting held in the Cobalt Hall of the Scandinavian Club, an appeal is being sent out to all Scandinavians in Canada and the United States Ro contribute financial assistance to thease. who suffered in the recent fires in 'this distgict. - The appeal is signed by A. G. Fernholm, August Janson, Nat Osland and Olaf Nellson, and, to- gather with [llustrations of the county seat before as well as after the disaster, will be addressed to Scandinavians through the Swedish American Post, published in Minne- apolis. ' G---- At Sarnia, Dr. James Milne, Lon- don, was charged before Magistrate Gorman with perjury in connection with the trial of Edward McMullen. self-confessed robber of the bank of Wyoming. Joseph del Genlo, a Toronto Ital- ian, is fleeced by confidence men for $1,460, his two year's savings, Classified Adages P RECIOUS things are put in small boxes. And some of the best news in the paper is in the little A-B-C Classified Ads. Read them today rg Marmaduke presence of serious menace to their known citizen of Toronto end form- C0. er' member of Board of Education and city council, is dead. Rawlinson, well- 'BAILIFF'S SALE FORDSON TRACTOR (Complete with PLOWS) A 1919 MODEL FORD TOURING CAR 1920 CHEVROLET 490 5 PASSENGER TOURING CAR will be offered for sale by Public Auction at our Warerooms, corner Princess and Al- fred Streets, at 2 p.m.-- SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21st, 1922 We will accept terms on above from re- sponsible parties. Above may be seen and information will be given at-- VanLuven Bros. PHONE 1609. ~~ FORD GARAGE. (Copyright, 1922, by Basil L. Smith) Removal Notice W. H. FRANCIS, PAINTER Pe on hs iSlon a phone will receive prompt attention. Stkmaneh hip 'guaranteed and yo! WHIPPING CREAM Fresh every morning from Wil- + lowdale Farm--the best we can buy--at GLOVER'S