THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. - THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1022. BRITISH WHIG 80TH YEAR. Faianed Daily and Semi-Weekly by BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO., LIMITED ; SUBSCRIPTION RATES: your, tn ity oo Four, by math 1 l- Vee! Ome Tous, to ET Jean te United 8 WN REPRESENTATIVES " 33 St, Johm Ht, Moatvea! " W. Thompson ....100 King St. W. Toronto: Letters to the Mditor SBiy over the setusl r. are published anme of th: Attached 15 ome of the best job , printing offices anada, 'in C The circulation of THE BRITInA WHIG is authenticated by the 4 ABO Audit Bureau of Circulations -v The middleman is often on top. The bright side of the Near-Eas situation is the outside. " e He laughs at scars who never tried to start a fire with kerosene. It is understood that the Hohen- gollerns will spend their honeymoon at Doorn. About the only things that al- "ways get theirs are death, a file and the middleman. y It's a case of genuine love if he keeps his eye on the girl instead of the taximeter. Home, for many people, is a place to shed uncomfortable clothes and good manners. : A shine may not be worth a dime, but it adds about eight cents to the . price of an apple. ------------------ No season is without its anxieties. "A white sport sweater is about as , easily soiled as wihte shoes. Patriotism is a sweet and beauti- ful thing if it hasn't enough cash on ~ band to finance a fight. ---------------- : There never will be any unsavory gossip about the girl who has a rep- __utation as an onion eater. X Anltent-------------- An ultimatum In these modern imes knows just how a four-card flush feels a the show-down. Parents should be very careful 'mot to let daughter catch them read- ing the awful books she buys. ------------ ---- -- "Correct this sentence: "Go on and have a good time, John,". said the 'wife; 'I won't wait up for you." A great many people think a good gonversationalist is a person who 'knows some interesting scandal. ----------------a-- "Women, much more than men, trast fn God." They do,'indeed; but they should learn more about *F It's a sad world. You go into a when your engine is missing, and when you come out your tools are. , ; A in 'Wonder what a train thinks when observes a competing truck on.a roadbed maintained by the general public. T » Matrimony settles down to normal 'when the bride discovers that chick- en salad isn't a balanced ration for a horrid man. It may be that African tribes rud 3 to exp! affection because a 3 3 I ------ -- 3 Lot us be thankful that Adam, then he named the animals, was un- juenced by the mean who names | Celeste's crew ever was found. | branches 3 ROMANCE OF. THE SRA. There seems, at first view, little of the romantic and picturesque about the modern floating hotel or gigantic freight carrier on the ocean. Man is prome to think that the fure has gone out of the sailor's kfe, and that navigation nowadays is a mere tech- nical part of the machinery of. com- merce, It js true that the ships are bigger and stronger than ever before. There are no°pirates abroad io fear, and all that solence has been able to accom- phish has been done to make ships safe But adventure, peril and romance remain. Whether a Great Lakes freighter laden with wheat, suddenly shifts cargo and founders while her crew leaps for the lifeboats, or whether a cargo of unslaked Mme on a ship out of an Atlantic ports starts an unquenchable fire, the risk fs there. It 3 not unusual for. an Atlantic #ea captain to report a derelict, The case of the Marie Celeste comes in- course. Not a soul was eboard. Her log was missing, but there were evid- ences that she had not been long de- serted. No trace of any of the Marie It bresents one of the great mysteries of the mother of antmate life, the seq. WOODMAN SPARE THAT TREE} A lineman seated in a little swing slung high over the street was trim- ming branches off a tow trees, for the purpose, mo doubt, of clearing the wires. From his airy perch his reach was strictly limited, which accounts for several stubs and broken left in his wake. These were certainly neither beautiful nor desirable, forming, in fact, a real menace to the health of the tree. Evidently it will bear repeating that in pruning trees the 'branch should be cut off almost flat against the trunk or larger limh from which it epripgs. When this ts done, the bark tan easily grow over the wound. A stub takes longer to heal, and is likely to die and rot. Then ddcay 'would skid in that climate any- may spread into the body of the tree with fatal results, much as blood- poisoning in a man's arm will do if not prevented. Kingston without its beautiful big maples and elms would not seem ke the same city. So it is up to us all to treat them well. Of course, it is less troubles to hack off a Mmb than to trim it off properly, but it ds a very short-sighted policy, Would it not pay in the end to have any pruning which the telephone or Hydro com- panies may require Performed by ex- perienced treetrimmers, with the yaa apparatus 0 make a decent -- AIDING TURK'S VICTIMS. It fs estimated that one m!llion Greek and Armenian Christians will be forced out of eastern Thrace by the terms of the agreement made ty the Allies with the Turks. Practic- ally all of these people wilt be with- out means to care for themselves, and &f they do not perish it will be on account of the help they receive from charity. It is said that half a million people have allready sought refuge in Greece, and this number may be doubled be- fore long. It is tmpossible for the Greek nation to maintain these ex- patriated peoplé, and the problem of caring for them temporarily must be solved by such nations as are able or willing to respond to the appeals for 'help. The Anglo-Saxon nations have never refused to extend help to suf- fering peoples of any land, and ald may be expected from them. There ¢s good reason to believe thet non-Moslems will find existence even more intolerable under the rule of the Turks in Europe, and it is 'feared that the Turks will enter upon a systematic effort to exterminate any Christians who rémain in the territory that is about to be returned to their euthobity. It 4 not surpris- ing that Christians are trying to es- cape from the lands allotted to the Turks, 5 The half-million refugecs who are sald bo be trying to get out of eastern Threce evidently have little faith in the ability of the Ales to give them the protection which is sought for non-Moslen peoples én Turkish terri- tory. If they value their lives they will get out and take chances on edtiablishing themselves fn some other land. : Itis a Sorry speotacle that the weorild is witnessing in the Near East. The Turk has the dominating hand Britain has dome her part on behalf of the Christian peoples, and it is to be regretted that France, Italy ahd the United States have mot stood by stantly to mind. She was found ship-' shape, taking en unsteered zigzag in that section of the worl. Great | line, but the Quebec publeists have tried to make the people of the other provinces of Canada believe that it was 80. - Now, however, they ginning to find that thelr provision of blessing es they imagined, for with the coming of the automobile traffic in greet volume, the roads are show- ing distinct signs of wear and tear, and the maintenance costsarémouni- ing to a'very large figure. The cause for this, the. Quebec road experts point out, is not so much the great amount of automobile traffic,"as it is the great speed at which the cars go along these good roads. The speed- ing care, it 9s said, do far more dam- age to the roads than even the heav- fest of truck traffic, and the provisica of roads which have become motor speedways has not proven to be so profitable a venture as was antici- pated. } In this there is a lesson for the motorisis of Ontario. The provincial government és hard at work provid- ing a network of good roads for the province. In some quarters it is be- Ing criticized, on various grounds, but particularly because of the ex- penditure. The motorists of the province, however, are well satisfied with the roads which have been com- pleted, and when the whole system has been surfaced and put in ts fina] condition, we may expect an influx of travellers by road s'milar to that ex- perienced by Quebec. The point for the motorists to re- member, however, is that these roads will not last for ever. The weafr and tear on them will be very great, and 4, as road experts claim, fast travel: ling eutomobiles are the greatest ourse of the road bufldens, then it is the duty of the motorists to do their part in preserving the surfaces of the roads by using moderation in their speed. Much more pleasure can be had by driving well avithin the limits of the law, and df the motorists would consider that when they drive at a (igh rate of speed, they are not only running the risk of being punish- ed for exceeding the speed mit, but are also helping to shorten the life of the roads which they are using, there will be little complaint regard- ing the too rapid disintegration of the moads of Ontario. THE WAR OLOUD DISPELLED. When the signing of the Near East agreement by the Turks and the re- presentatives of\ the allled nations, the war clouds which have been hovering over Europe for the past month have been dispelled, and there are hopes that the conferences which are to be held before the end of this year will clean up the vexatdous ques- tions of the status of Turkey and Greece in such a manner that Europe will be able to settle down to peace- fu} conditions once more. Thepe is still a fear, though not a very grave one, that Greece may object strenu- ously to the agreement by which Tur. key is to be given back the territory taken from her and givem to Gmeebe at the conclusion of the late war, and Greece may even threaten to fight for that territory, but there ds noth- ing to show that Greece is in a posi- tion to back up such threats, and the &tuation is one in which nothing can be gained by playing a game of bluff. The final settlement of the Near East question is not altogethet one which fs favorable to the Allied na- tions. Had any man, three years ago, suggested that Thrace, Constanti- nople and other parts of European Turkey would be given back to the Turks, he would have beén looked upon as a maniac, or a man who knew nothing4of the plang and pur- poses of the Allies. But the unex- evitable, has happened. .It seems as if Great Britain and her Alles have made great sacrifices for the sake of peace. Many people, who have war itke and jingoistic tendencies, openly ldeclare that the sacrifice has been too great. But the test of @ nation's greatness lies not in fis conquests, but in the manner in which jt uses its power in dealing with smaller na- tions. Hed Great Britain been dog- matic and determined to use ite power in forcing the Turks to yield to every demand made, the world would ere now have been plunged into another great and terrible war. But the Mother Country choose the wiser course. The Turks had oer- tain rights, and eo long es the funda~ mental and long debated question of the freedom of the Dardanelles and the etraits has been sattled exactly in accordance with her derfands, then the British not worfy a pected, and, unfortunately, the in- 5 BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY i GIVE GOD THE BEST: -- Honor the Lord with thy | substance, and with the 'first fruits| good roads has met been so great a 13k oll thine mer vase--Proverds 3.1 the final estimate of the whole affair, {he wil be the one man who will be | considered es havicg emerged from [it with full eredit, || ALONG LIFE'S DETOUR | BY SAM HILL Has Us Guessing. Oh, long ago we called the ens, then Came flappers; now, . know - Just what the coming girl is to be called, And what the dear thing's gomma show. chick- we'd llke to Observations of Oldest Inhabitant., _ What has become of the old-fash- loned pessimist who used to think every pretty fall day was a "weather breeder?" . Blue Laws, So prize fights are under the ban in your town?" ; "Yes; they wouldn't even let a sailor box the compass In this burg since the reformers got the upper hand." . | e-- Must Have Had a Bloody Time, (Divorce Note in Houston Post) Nellie Bledsoe vs. Gus Bledsoe, di- voroce granted. ------ Will Keep Them Warm. Thelr coats of tan they may have lost, But from the flappers there is no complaint, * For, though they know cold winter's on the way, They know ¢hey still ean wear their coats of pkine. Fool Questions. 5 T. M. B. asks: 'Can I celluloid? No; we are not in the market, thanks. Goin', Goin', Baack. (From the Le Mars (Iowa) Globe-Post) L BM Goin, Miss Mildred Goin and Miss Wanda Baack visited at the 4.3 Anderson home in Hawarden Sunday. S-- Cinch For Them. "Times have changed," the young doctor, "Yes," replied the old doctor. "When I started practicing it took a long time to become established; but now, it a young sawbones Just announces he haa plenty of Prescription blanks, he can always have his office crowded with patients right from the start." remarked Quick Is Right. A North Carolina highway recently had this sign up: "Detour through Hell's Half Acre and Quick." Good Advice To Man. Unless he 1s a good loser we advise a man never to start an argument with a woman--Sam Hill Unless a man's prepared to lose Some of his peace of mind, He never will unwisely choose Debate with womankind. : =J. H. Reed. ------ \Inquirfhg To Know. My monthly wage I get in glee, And most of it I burn. But tell me, Sam--I know you can-- What does the coffee urn? ~--Holyoke. Your query read, And queer it sounds; Bam oan't answer Wichout some grounds. --Kid McCoy. i -- » Daily Sentence Sermon. You always get your money's worth when you pay attention. .. News of the Names Club. Ida Dancer and Clarence Proudfoot both live in York Township. Fulton County, Ohlo. Ah; gay It yourself. Fannie Cutts is reported from All ance, Neb, and here is & chince to say something sharp. ' Q--What and where are Penny Banks? ° A~--There are a few Penny Banks in Canade to emcourege children to #ave. Ontario has one with $750,- 000 on deposit from children. It is 8 philanthropic word under govern- ynent control. s Q.-- What is the pumber 6f Can- ada's buffalo herd? A.--Canada's buffalo herd, at slowright, Aa, numbered 6,146 Apgust of 1922, a natural increase iL & year of over a thousand. WANTS HOMEMAKERS. os hs a mained under the scourging of reformers should sit up and take notice when Premier King comes into the arena of moral behaviour. 2 It Is a very great truth, well and wisely uttered. may be very fine to drink, smoke, . {samen and play as methods of relaxa- tion. \Behaviour in these things is a matter of individual taste and con- |selenca. But it is the professional smoker, dancer and card Arinker, 4 woman, and the man too, -- be -------- BIBBY'S Kingston's One Price Clothing Store. Suit and Overcoat Elegance The graceful drape of Overcoat or Suit isn't an accident-- it's the outcome of perfect cut and tailoring. Our clothing is de- signed to follow the natural lines of the figure; and has that easy htting effect that smart dressers demand. Kindly run your peeps over this list--- SEE YOUR YOUNG MEN'S ULSTERS Pure Wool Mackinaw Cloths-- rich Bronse Heather and Grey| Cosy, stylish. A beauty for shades. Sizes 34 to 42, for $25.00 High class tailoring; beautiful. . --$18.00-- . ly designed and trimmed. SALE OF MEN'S FINE GLOVES--Dents, Fawnes, Porrins--Cape Kid and Grey Suede, for : $1.45 PER PAIR. : SEE OUR ENGLISH ULSTERS, | SEE OUR $85.00 HAND-TAIL- ORED IRISH, PURE WOOL ULSTERETTES and SLIP-ONS o ATS - -~ BIBBY'S Ready-to-Wear and Made-to-Measura EC eerste eres eee @ ~~ p et A A AA a tg. GRR HALLOWE'EN DRAWS NIGH No night in the year affords such fun. Parties are already in the planning, and it 1s so easy and inexpensive to make yours different if you select favors and decorations from our Hallowe'en displays, False Faces Pumpkin, Cat and Novelty Lanterns TTT TTT Masks and Party Caps, NW Moore's ' Toyland E HEAR II McCLARY'S "TECUMSEH RANGE" The Finest Range McClary's Ever Made. * Come and see it. BUNT'S HARDWARE ~ LT 1 AIHA ARO 21 Lae For beauty and fragrance in the home during the winter months and for early Spying blossoms in the garden, Dutch Bulbs should be planted now. We have a great variety of colors in Hyacinths and Tulips --beautiful large Buibs in Dat- fodils and Nareissi, See our Special Mixed Tulip at 20 cents a dozen. Chinese Lilies ......, 30. Dr. Chown's Drug Store 185 Princess Street. Phone 343 King St. FARMS FOR SALE 297 acres In Township of Loughboro, twelve miles from Kingston, first class awelling; large, new, up-to-date barn and other necessary outbuildings; about 146 acres of choice land now. under cultivation; plenty of ood for fuel; good fences; drainage; good ture; to look into this pro property must be so one will get a great bargain at $11,000. See our large list of "Farms for Sale" at office, . T. J. Lockhart Real Estate and Life Insurance Phone 333) or 1797J. #8 BROCK STREET BITUMINOUS Egg and Stove Size Particularly adapted for Hot Air Furnaces and Quebec PER 15. TON C. W. BENNETT, M.D. 183 CLERGY STREET "Office phone $51. -Res. 1845m. Office Hours 10-12 am. 2-4, 7 to 8.30 pm. -------- ---- oe -- McGregor' Sausage the mystery class. It ig a tasty condiment -- made of selected prime pig and pure spices--pre- pared after a time honored recipe 'by sidiled labor, ---- a -------- Crawford ¥ COAL Foot of Queen 8¢, oesn't seem it the man ; has seen the show ani Phone 9.