wh FRIDAY, OCTOBER 0, 1022. "me DISCOVERED \ HAS POSITIVELY HEALED CHRONIC CASES 2* ECZEMA BARBER'S ITCH RINGWORM ABCESSES-CUTS PILES BURNS... ~ TRYIT S09 ar aL orvssists. BRITISH AMERICAN DRUG CO. Limit a < R Why a woman's skin needs TWO creams YOR skin demands very dif- makes it look its best at a moment's' ferent care at different times. notice and holds the powder on fos To give it the proper care you hours. : : need two entirely different creams-- The other one for protection, one for cleansing, For thorough cleansing you need . One a very different cream -- one made J 3 4 Wind whips the natural moisture with oil. Nothing but an oil cream 0 7 Ze. 7 : : . out of an unprotected skin and will reach deep into your pores and fs the Time to Get Your . 0 : : leaves it rough and dry. The burning remove the fine particles of dirt that Watch or Olock ON. EH HE 7% ; effect of the sun is very similar. Un- have bored deep. REPAIRED LAR Ng less you protect your skin it willbe- The cream with just the right : Z ; / y Se come permanentlyroughand coarse. amnunt of cil for a thorough cleans. L C HEMSLEY a E \ A fm The kind of cream you need for ing is Pond's Cold Cream. Smooth o ) : = \ an : this is one that holds the natural iton your face and neck every night Watchmaker from R. J. Rodger . AT es 5 A <2 4 1 Sa ii moisture in the skin and acts as an. and after every dusty trip. It removes" | IN, 7757 IIS EN pi J invisible shield against exposure. the ground in dire that ordinary 149 Sydenham St. Just off Princess This is. Pond's Vanishing Cream. washing cannot reach. It is so fine mn Te Delicate, soothing, it is absorbed the it cannot clog the pores. = Ss MH : 3 * Po APPLY SULPHUR ON ) 7 ZT ih Cp instant you smooth it on your face, These creams are sold in jars and : i ZANT ; and contains no oil to reap In tubes of convenient size: at all drug and YOURECZEMASKIN = Dt a Tn am Copyright. 1922, by Newspaper Feature Service. Inc., Great Brita ts réserv Moreover, this gives your tain at can promote the qrowth of skin a smooth, velvety surface that he, The Bond's Coy 146 Bruck Ave. Costs Little and Overcomes Trouble There is in the heart of each adventurer something of the magic glow which burned in the Almost Over Night. soul of Columbus. .It may flare into fire only when love is first discovered--but what greater . : Jiscovery can come into any life than that of worthy love, which may be disclosed by even so 9 ery is pi i i r Any breaking out of the skin, even Pmall a appening as the discovery of his picture where it had been hidden and perhaps for a fiery, lishing eczema, can be quickly g ] overcome by applying Mentho-Sul- y . ' phur, declares a noted skin specialist, . Watertown, N.Y.,, on the Theresa |the two were killed where they were Because of its germ destroying pro- FARM HOUSE IS road Sunday morning completely de- | found. ld The throat of Mrs. Mills was not for cleansing perties, this sulphur preparation in. stroyed the house and most of the stantly brings ease from skin irrita- RUINED BY FIRE contents with a loss that will | aggre- [cut until after she had been shot to 0 tion, soothes and heals the eczema . gate $2,500, or more, death, the chemist concluded. y A . a US u Wg to hold the powder A A Zieh 5b and leaves the skin clear The farm, which is owned by The fact the earth under the ap- It seldom fails to relieve torment |Home and Most of Oontents Charles Meade of Central street ple tree was not saturated with was occupled by Mr. Ball. When the | blood led him to this conclusion, he without delay. Bufferers from skin trouble should obtain b small jar of |. Destroyed; Loss $1,800 (fF FCURSL WY NE FAL. When the sald. Mentho-Sulphur from any good ~On Meade Farm. house included Mr. Ball, his wife, druggist and use it like cold cream. Watertown, N. Y., Times. " (Mr. and Mrs. James E. Fox, Mra. Fire .of undetermined origin that Fox being a niece of Mr. Ball's; started on the roof of the home of Charles Moran, a nephew, and Miss AUTO TOPS Gardner T. Ball on the Charlos|g..; 0. Marshend, Kingston, On.., : Meade farm about three miles from a guest. ; RECOVERED The fire was discovered by a man | an driving by. He rushed into the house CAS I Oo Pe 1A and informed the occupants that the . roof was afire. Investigations ro- For Infants and Children vealed that the north corner of the Over30 Yea $ [roof was ablaze and the flames had R H JONES In Use For rs already eaten through into the upper Always ET part of the house. we. ts et the 800 PRINCESS STREET Signature of The fire gained rapid headway, bo- ing fanned by a stiff north breese. A - small amount of furniture from ths EVERSHARP ground floor rooms was saved, and some clothing, but practically all of E==----====--=|| PENCILS the furniture' of the upper rooms { was destroyed. Mr. Moran was asleap Th elgmann Schoo in a second floor room when the fire | ; e T . 1 of REP AIRED was discovered. When he was ! Musi¢ A -- > Ji | [aroused smoke and flames were al- Piano, violin and other strin 1h-|' 'We are equipped to make ready making their way into the strumerits Alida V. Telgmann, rd any r.dairs to above pencils, room he occupled. em Of Physical Culture. «Pupils may We carry a supply of parts. The fire department was appealsd Degin at any date Terms om applica- | to for help snd Pumper Mampany Prompt service, No. 3 responded. Whefi the ®Yamen 484 BROCK ST. || J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. [2m ihe tows was practicsiy arence Street, Kingston, | [sible for the firemen to do anythi J id tecture vasa vat ll Hundreds of pairs Ladies' $10.00 and $12.00 Strap Shoes--Baby Louis, Full Louis, Mili did not catch fire because the wind | tary and Spanish Heels--all nearly new goods--broken lots--not all sizes in every kind. A Xas blowing: in ihe opposite dirés. splendid opportunity to secure a high grade Shoe at the price of the cheapest. All sizes and tion. » | Mr. Ball was today unable to esti- N BAILIF F S SALE mate his loss, but it will aggregate widths, - $500 or more. Three hundred cans of fruit, jars of pickles and ten FORDSON TRACTOR [ims murs | Mrs. Ball's purse was also lost. Mr, |] (Complete with PLOWS) Ball did not have any insurance on the contents of the house, nor"did [ff Mr. Meade hove insurance on the [|i] A 1919 MODEL! building, which 1 estimated aa [ff g worth $1,000 or more. FORD TOURING CAR [ofisirts nll rn _"o mae M Ball was ing chickens whieh she, intended ¢o cook for the |} Londo n Lady and other A $4 quality eli $2.98 1920 CHEVROLET 490 5 PASSENGER [| finily tinner a tras cook lor the | bus tow yucdn bonind a nouss[ffl | fine Evening Shoes on SY 10 and 12 button, all TOURING "CAR but & few yards behind the house [lf : oparit trom the ocommne o.at a1} [sale cn... $4.98 GB |chades..........98e will be offered for sale by Public Auction SeuWNd ou the seat, starting thei - BO Narsidh Ins, Gornier Prien and Al if fll Ladies' Black Satin, White Kid, Patent, White Satin, Black Suede, Brown Suede, Louis reets, -m. . : : Heels and lower, $10.00, $12.00, $9.00 Shoes, all out on table at cere cinennene. $4.98 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21st, 1922 LS atl ; : : : < We will accept terms on above from re- Jl ' sponsible parties. Above may be seen and information will be given at-- - VanLuven Bros, PHONE 1609. FORD GARAGE.