REX STOCK COMPANY Caution in Buying Pays. Especially FURS You can depend on Mec- KAY FURS, You can depend on getting satisfactory service, Quality and Value Exactly as Represented If you live out of town write us your wants. We will mail you our cata- logue and full information. We invite Your inspection. Natural Silver Raccoon Coat Manufacturers Importers Fis Fue John McKay Limited KINGSTON, CANADA | 3 INA SHOW OF SHS i | | | Rex and his celebrated stock com- ipayy are in our midst again, for {the balance of the week, and at the |Grand Opera Hotise Thursday night {uncorked a comedy that was most i pleasing and entertaining, and vot- led by many as one of the best pre- {sented by this popular company | this season. "In Walked Jimmy' {is the. title of the play, and with Rex in the ar of Jimmy, the comedy went over big. In the role of Jim- THE SWEETEST FELLOW IN TOWN Oh Henry! ni rE 2 An unusual combination of candy in ¥ ONE BIG PIECE -- Milk Chocolate coated. THAT DAINTY LITTLE MAID Oh Mabel! CROTHERS Wherever Candy is Sold Established 1869. Ae | VT TTY and Insurance VY branches. résented. VY VR Real Estate Insurance in all its Reliable . <4 companies only rep- | VICTORY BONDS Bought and Scld. RH. Waddell 84 Broek St Belleville Creamery | Butter (Saturday) ....86c. Ib. pb Choice Juicy Dates . .8 lbs. 85¢. I Mixed Cookies Mathews Pure Lard . ..18c. 1b. White Rose Flour 634 lbs 20c, New Pack Rolled Oats Snow Flake Shortening b 8 Ibs. BO0cs Corn Flakes ..8 pkgs. for 28c, Magic Baking Powder (18) Quality Blend Ten Chase & Sanborn" Wy RAE LAS 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR NEW HEADWEAR, NEW GLOVES, NEW FURS." my, Rex had a part, to use an old expression ,that fitted him &ike a {glove. "Sunny Jim" would be the proper mame to give him in this role, as his business is to smile, and to keep everybody smiling, and to say that he filled the bill is but put- ting it mildly. It's easy enough 'to look pleasant, When thixgs go along all right, But the man worth while, Is the man who can smile, When everything else goes wrong. Rex smiled fthrough times of trouble, and he has a heap of it; even when he is sentenced to mine days in jail for something he did not do, he keeps on smiling. It is alleged that he is a bold bad hold- up man (great stuff), but the real culprit is captured and Jimmy comes out of jail before his time is up. "You look lovely when you smile that way," and "you look won- derful when' you smile that way," are general expressions of Jimmy in bringing sunshine into his circle. {But Jimmy mot only brings smiles, {but he 4s also a great help to many {in trouble. | stirring, Jimmy is on the job, and [thus the title, "In Walked Jimmy." The play, of course, has to have {a little love story to it, and it is | nicely worked out, and, of course, {Jimmy wins out in the love affair' Kitty Blake is the girl, and this part was taken in a charming man- jmer by "Zana" Vaughn. And one jo? the finest bits of the play comes as the curtain is about to drop for the last time. "Well, who are you?" asks Kitty, and Jimmy .replies, "I am the leading man in this show." "Billy" Seymour puts over some jvery clever work in the role of Arnold Baker, who is also in love with Kitty and who is always hound- ing Jimmy. Harold Brown has a very interesting' part as John Trel- lavan. The latter has a buginess and is threatened with bankruptcy, but his case is but one of mauy where "In Walked Jimmy" and saved the situation. Florence Win- ters, Hazel Williams, Charfs Han- nah, Joe Kelly, Hazel Brown and Gloria Machan were good in their|® various parts, while our own "Bill" Yule is also worthy of special men- tion for his portrayal of the part of Hiram Higgins, The two Browns put on some good vaudeville. - "In Walked Jimmy" will be pre- sented again to-night and Saturday, matinee and night, and should not be missed. The comedy is .clean and wholesome; you will smile through #t all, and go home 'smiling too. ------------ THREE LOCAL DOCTORS TO BE GIVEN HONORS At Annual Meeting of Ameri- can College of Surgeons at Boston Next Week. Three Kingston doctors will be honmbred in Boston next, week, at the annual meeting of the American Col- lege of Surgeons, when Drs. L. J. Austin, R, J. Gardiner and Stanley J. Keyes will have the degree of F. A.C.8., (Fellow of the American . "THE DAILY BRITISH When there is anything" WHIG. LOCAL NEWS. Brief Items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re- porters. See Livingston's winter overcoats. Mr. Swalne, plano tuner, oraers received at 100 Clergy street w Phone 564w. At Brockville on Thursday . 910 boxes of cheese were sold on the board at 18 3-4 gents, There was no session of the police court on Friday morning. Every- thing wae reported to be very quiet | in police circles, r | The weekly Y.I.C.B.A. euchre | and danoe in their hall on Welling- | ton street on Thursday evening was | & most enjoyable affafr, The body of the late Joseph R. { Dondldson will arrive in the city via | G.T.R. on Saturday and the funeral | will take place in the afternoon mn- | der the auspices of the Orange lodge | and Independent Order of Oddfel-; lows, ! prices. Queen's University ~ Text Books and Supplies Latest editions of Text Books authorized for use in Arts, Science and Medicine. * Drawing sets of the best English manufacture at =o JHE COLLEGE BOOK STORE lowest ' QPEN NIGHTS J. R. C. Dobbs, local agent of the Humane Society is to be the speak- er before the Kiwanis Club at the | weekly luncheon in the Frontenac | Hotel on Monday, Walter Cusick, of Baker's cigar store, will be the booster. Best value in years; Livingston's overcoats. Stuart Charles Wilson passed away at a Kingston hospital on Thursday. The deceased formerly re- sided at Grafton and he was forty- four years bf age. He is survived by his wife. The remains were sent, to Grafton by James Reid, undertaier. FITINGLY OBSERVED AT THE HOTEL OED The Mother Superior Was Re- membered on Her Anni- versary. The twenty-fifth anniversary of Rev. Mother Farrell, mother superior | of the Hotel Dieu, was fittingly ob- | served on Thursday .when she receiv- | ed the congratulations and good | wishes from the members of the | order of Sisters of Charity. In the! morning a special mass was celebrat- ed which was attended by many priests of the diocese, and in the ev- ening a supper was given at the Ho- tel Dieu which was attended by the surgeons of the hospital, and many doctors of the city. The Ladies' Auxillary of the Hotel Dieu, through its president, Mrs. Fergus O'Connor, presented Mother Farrell with an ad- dress and a handsome grandfather's clock. Diamb Animals Suffer In Northern Ontario 3 ed ' The Humane Society is extending a more urgent appeal then ever on behalf of the thousands of 'domestic animals that are without food, shel- ter or medical services in the devas. tated areas of Northern Ontario. On account of the urgent need to hu- mans these animals have been neg- lected but attention is being called to their plight now, and it is urgent, Satin or Silk Lining. not only for 'humane reason, but for A WONDERFUL ALL OUR FUR-TRIMMED SUITS MARKED AWAY BELOW COST FOR A BIG These Suits in¢lude Broadcloths, Homespuns, beautifully lined and or Choker Collars of Sable, Beaver and Persian Lamb. All the new shades of Brown, also Black. I & $50.00 to $80.00. Saturday they New Fur-Trimmed Coats in Ve- lour, Bolivia and Duvetyn with large Fur Collars and Cuffs, full clude Copen, Taupe, Fawn and Browns. Sizes 16 to 44. Priced from ....... $22.50 to $50.00 Newman & Shaw : THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE Vii SALE © SATURDAY SALE Velours and fancy embroidered, Shawl Navy, Copen and All sizes. These Suits were formerly priced at will be priced from $30.00 to $50.00. \ A wonderful range of Children's Coats in late, snappy styles; ma- terials are Velour, Blanket Cloth and fancy mixtures. Colors: -- Brown, Blue and Greens. Sizes 2 to 14 years. Priced from .... ....$5.00 to $18.00 Colors in- the sake of ¢heir poverty-strigken REET Owners, that they be looked after. The first subscription has been re- Ee -------------- celved at the Whig offige from Mrs. Herbert Robinson, of this city. AAA An a re "The Hat Store" New Hats "WE HAT EVERYBODY" ' These who appreciate good College of Surgeons) conferred on them. The 'Kingston doctors will leave for Boston fon Sunday. The conven- tion will ocenpy * the entire week, and the ceremony in connection with the conferring of degrees will lake place on 'Friday evening. ---- STIRRING STORIES. ° es. bout Sinn Fein Dastardly Work Whig on Wednesday, has some stir- ring stories to tell about the dastand- ly work of 'the Sinn Feiners. He and style and good values should choose their Hats in our big stock. We carry a big range of Hats for Men, Ladies'. and Children. Lots of "Specials" for to-morrow in each depart- Coneaut, Ohlo, with soft coal, is unloading at the Canad- ian Locomotive Company's wharf. Collingwood _ Shipbuilding any's plant for repairs. IN MARINE CIROLES The steamer George King, from 800 tons of The steamers Ottawa and Hamll- ton passed up on Thursday. The steamer _ Brockville came Northport and Belleville with can- ned goods for the north Thursday night, and cleared for Pic- ton this morning. iwest on The schooners St. Louis and Mary Daryeau cleared for Oswego. The steamers Jeska cleared for Sodus and the Brantford for Oswego for hard coal. The schooner J. B. Newlands will clear for Oswego. The steamer Simla passed down. The steamer Bay Usher is at the Comp- Nineteen steamers were wind- bound at Port Dalhousie qver Wed- | | nesday. from the plers at Toledo, Ohio, at! Soft coal is being shipped | the rate of 30,0 tons per day. AN lof | lakes. FOR MEN 0 the head of the , it is going . niin, Wahcondah Back on Route. The steamer Wahcondah, which a ---- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR RENT $3,800--Brock Street, brick dwell- $25.00--463 Johnson Street, seven ing of eight rooms, gas, electric rooms, bath, electric lights and ght, furnace and cellar. gas, William Street--aolid brick dwell: $16.00--7 Garrett Street. ing, eight rooms, hardwood $14.00--101 King street, ors, hot water furnace and rooms. electric light, . Fire Insurance Money to Loan seven " Phone 53ow. Saturday! Big One Day Sale Ladies' Black and Brown Oxfords--All {Ms wife and family, was recently brought from Srervens by A. B. Mackay & Company of Ham- New Radio Felts for .. ..$4.00 Toon. has been sold to Captain J. B. New Fall Caps for ......$1.75 Mr. Good states that the men tak- ing part in the raids often came to. his place at night and made off with We have ready for your inspection - a wonderful assortment and it's years §| is one of the best known on the lake > since prices were so reasonable. . Bufit In Glasgow in 1908 for B. Mackay & Company, the boat lakes untfl 1916, when was tallten over for war cervice. 4 J with the |stine has been acting clerk of the LR. peace since the death of the late J. - E. Kidd, M.|L. Whiting, K.C. There has been no regard to the [change yet in the duties of crown campaign to be conducted|attorney, clerk of the county court, end winter, Lieut.-Col. H. or sheriff, as anticipated in the re- Pense, the president, occupled the [port of the public service commis '| chair, after an absence of six months. [sfon. The county erown attorney ' : was expected to be O. T. A. prose cwtor, but this work has been done by C. R. Wobster, who has handled over |all of the business for the Mcense in- torney {spector for the past seven years. A ; Assel- change is ualkely, it 1s said. i