Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Oct 1922, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITiSH w H1E. 2.85 Boys' Brown and Black Box Kip Blucher Boots. Sizes | to 5. These are not too heavy downwards must be stopped and the currency stabalized in order to seitle the Reparations payments, and there | must be a willingness on the part of | 52.95 | Girls' Brown School Boots -- good, full-fitting round toes-- well made and full of good looks. Sizes 11 to 2. We have only enough for a few days at Do not fail to see these values in lat- est patterns . .:..$2.00, $2.50, $3.00 Formerly sold at $3.00 and $4.50. and make a good, dressy School Boot. --$2.85-- --$2.95-- ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE VY VAY "This season's teas have arrived. Enjoy DALY'S GOOD TEA at its best. No other tea quite as goody Bo matter what you may pay for it. Order to-day from Vy hk | . worse than In Germany being' fifteen {are doubtless the profiteers and spec- | * - ndth times depreciated. |ulators. Under the circumstances one-thousand n GERMANY CANNOT PAY A the Aldes to take the settlement in/| leadership it is hard to say. The Re- {can pay the debt is by goods. The | restore wasted parts of France and | Economic State. workingmen and business men object | commercial and industrial life, and, ' there is a degree of poverty not ex- ploral¥e in Vienna, once the commer- Tile for on every there is pov. Austria is absolutely down and out. George VanHorne's (or fa smaler shan betore he we e g | 3D belore the war. |, verty level. Vienna fs dirty, shab. | wages and the standard of living is while it was not a political unit it i it c lovakia and Hun- y | class whose incomes have been cut |5VeR 0 Caecho-Siova ; he best land. It is {the artistic class. The Germax farm- | *2Y service and the | Do you feel weary and| : 1a Y | not sell he can use himself. There Theos, The etale of Ui uy is 'neck after using your| dh Paper currency has done more harm THE FULL REPARATIONS New Shipment of | tr a te Stan PubHcan peace party has at present suggestion has been made that Ger- thus make reparations directly | Paradoxical as it may seem there [to this, but something in this difec- | while Germany is making inroads Austria, . pesieticed {1 buntrods Bf yor, 1a cial centre of a great empire. Here orty. Germanys , consumption of and i8 receiving money from the f The average workingmun is getting by and squalid. One reason is the Phone 362w. 1 213 Princess Street. 'cut in two. The skilled and unskill- was an economic unit. The best | out 30 or 40 per cent. This ap- [527 ay Auswia ig only one-tenth er is the most fortunate. He has |™®V shut out by tariffs. Vienna why have pains in head and eyes ? If so, you will (Continued from page 3.) cannot give gold and the only way she | Shi : ® the uppar hand, and the German |man labor and mazerial be used to | rt J t Ami d workin gmen will stand united against the restoration of the old regime. | A S us ve through her workingmen., French ke Is great activity in every branch of [tion will be done in time." into the trade of other countries, Prof. Skelton found cofiditions de- tre enildren ou 'the sirests you eve there is an entire absence of hostility, cereals, flour, potatoes, meat and bu:- Allies. The people are below the [[ogay about Saif Of the pre-war} 20° quali. owe empire, for rm tri ot a ciorater [ria ors taken: fom Austin and EYE FATIGUE Sd | £}es to doctors, lawyers, teachers and of its former area. It lost the rafl- | | soniething to sell and what he does {2 population of 2,000,000 1a in a state | find your eyesight needs| help--and drugs will not | cure--but only make the detect worse. "Consult: Ty Registered 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Now Is The Time to decorate your Lawns and Cemetery lots with our Cement Flower Vases. Three varieties to choose from. Kingston Jement Products H. F. NORMAN, Manager OFFICE: 09 Patrick Street . Phone 780w. 'Provincial Women's ~ Auxiliary defeats motion to ask for Insure Your Fountain Pen Vy By having your name im- printed in Gold, while you wait. dha utdh a A 2.2 85c¢. Kinnear & d'Esterre AAs dd 5 2-5 2 a Dr. Nash's DENTAL PARLORS 183 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON We specialize on Painless Extraction, Latest Pyorrhea Treatment and X-Ray work. SPECIAL SALES YOU CAN SAVE MONEY At our store on every purchase of Crockery, China, Silverware because we have the largest stock, and believe in giving you good goods at the lowest possible price, quality consider- COME IN AND LOOK AROUND AT. ALL TIMES ROBERTSON'S Limited 73 Princess St. +. SPECIAL . --Women's Brown Calf Oxfords and Strap Slippers. ~--~Women's Patent, Calf and Kid Ox- _. fords and Strap Slippers. : --Footwear of quality and extra valu FO CLEARAT. ...... 32.99 | bow can we explain the paradox that { while- Germany is hard at work the {standard of living is below what it { was before ths war?" | ne. i Decline of the Mark. | "She escaped the destruction of [rer land, her industries are well or- {ganized and she has a well trained | body of workmen. There is one fac- | tor largely responsible for Germany's condition today and that is the de- {cline of the mark which has been | steady and continuous since the arm- pistice. The currency is worth one- { Seven-hundredth of what it wae be- | fore the war and while it stimulated | business for a time, a gradual de- | moratization was the inevitable re- sult. Men engaged in enterprises that gave them what appeared to be {& tremendous profit, but people begiu than the four years of tha war. ---- Czecho-Slovakia, "The population of Czecho-Slova- kia is composed of two allied groups of the Slav race. They are enthusias- tic and confident, and after hundreds of years have come into their own and are determined to build up a na- tion. They have the great bulk of | the industrial and commercial area ! of old Austria. They have a popula- tion of 14,000,000 and an industrial establishment for 45,000,000. The thing that tha people of Europe need most is a &impler plan--freer trade, but you may as well look for heaven at the present time." Asked what was to become of the mark, the speaker sa'd that it would never come back to its old value. He to realize that it would not last for- ever, and that the holders of large amounts of paper money would in six months or a year, not be so very well off. A frantic rush to get rid of the Paper money by buying property | brought about considerable activity. Put there was 'the morning afier.' Froduction is less than it was before the war. Germany lost half of her 'ron and coal deposits to Poland and France, and nine-tenths of her mer- chant shipping. The people are weaker physically than before, and there is the spirit of uncertainty abroad and class friction which slows |up production. Land has deterior- ated from lack of cultivation. Reparations Payments, "Speaking generally, I think that « | We should recognize that a large amoun: of indemnity has been paid in the loss of termitory, and colondes. Cermany has made a very consider- able payment, but not in money and in goods as expected. It is claimed that measures have not been taken to effectually meet her obligations. For instance, that there is a lack of economy in the administration, that the civil service 1s overcrowded with employees and that a good deal of money is being spent on construction that could as well have been post- poned, and that capitalists have large deposits and investments abroad. It greater savings were made nobody outside of France would think that the payments can be made, but that saw better prospect for Russian cur- rency. He thought that the only solution for the currency was an issue of new marks to be exchanged for the 500 and 1,000 old marks. A hearty vote of thanks was ten- dered to Prof. Skelton on the motion of Rev. Dr. R. J. Wilson. ---- The German Mark Swindle. Watertown, N. Y., Standard. The outstanding thing about the swindle of Americans in German marks is that mist of victims are native Germans or 'chixdren of Ger- man parents, ' Some Americans of other stock have caught the fever of speculation but, the Germans and German des- cendants are the ones who have bought heavily in full faith that the value of the mark would be maintain- ed. For every mark bought by spec- the fatherland good gold has been sent into Germany, Germany has played upon gullible Americans to gather in good money for bad, and when 'the victims had been mulcted to the limit, the printing presses were speeded up and the paper mark depreciated to almost nothing. Perhaps the policy was deliberate --probably was--. It may be Ger- mapy"s way of punishing those in America who failed to rise in revolt during the war, but instead remain- ed loyal to America. At any rate the Germans have taken from this coun- try hundreds of thousands of dollars in good money in return for so much paper that has no value. If this fe an indication of the Ger- man attitude toward their friends, what can be expected toward those who were their enemies? The mark fraud has given new evidence of German regard for world friend- ship, ---------- Hon. Mr. Rollo, speaking at Lon- don, says that his hands are tied re- garding fair wage clause Im govern- ment contracts. ia Official declares that Abbe Delor- me, although a public patient, must ee -- MAROOD'S DRUG STORE Se med M ixed Chestnut Coal While it lasts-- $15.00 a Ton W. A. Mitchell & Co. 15 Ontario Street Telephone 67. ulators and Germans having faith in . Right Prices for the Right Kind of Furniture tive in appearance but equally attrac tive in quality and price. pleasure to select Furniture at REID' Pre- vail Every Day at James Reid's Attractive American Walnut Dining Room Sets--not alone attrac- It 1s a S, as we offer you excellent service. James Reid, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER PHONE 147 FOR SERVICE. BATTERIES If you don't feel war- ranted in buying a new Exide Battery at this time, ask our nearest Service Sta- tion -- before you consider / getting a substitute make of Jbattery -- whether your present battery cannot be rebuilt with genuine Exide DAINTY CAFE The place where dining out is truly a delight PRINCESS ST. OPPOSITE BIBBY'S parts. ~ Go to an Official Exide Service Station for Winter Storage-- it will pay you. Prepared Bituminous Coal for use in Furnaces, Quebec Heaters and anges . $15.00 PER TON SOWARDS COAL CO PHONE 156. UP-TOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE PHONE 811, . " pay board in asylum. JH. JARVIS To arrive Tuesday, Oct. 17th. | We have just received a ship- | ment of Nellson's No. 1 Choco- lates to be sold at very low prices. Home-made Fudge, Walnut Tops. Gennesse * Walnuts, Lemon Topping, Bordeaux, Cocoanut Crisp, Peanut Nugget, Orange Marmalade, Chocolates | Marshmallow " Nellson's Ice Cream Bricks, 35c. Bricklets, 10c. Eskimo Piles, 10c. Cor. Princess and Albert Streets. Phone 2373m. OPEN NIGHTS. ee LLL TY NT TI TY TTYL o0] ELLY TIT TTT TIP CLT LI TT STITT irivrens, FAMOUS OPERAS Sung by famous artists, in your own home through the medium of a famous instrument, \ THE COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA Such canbe your enjoyment during the coming winter months or, it you prefer other classes of mausie, the same can be Record supplied through the wonderful Co- lumbia ce. WE STOCK GRAFONOLAS FROM $37.50 SOLD ON EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT, LUMI LI

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