- SATURDAY, ooTORER 31, 1020. _~ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. : {to 5 p.m., and on Thursday and Sat- "1 | and Nicholas Lenine, before they cross i the state border, The first thing they : urday evenings from 7.30 to 9.30 p. t ; . S S i in Churches m. ~All are cordially invited to the |] A Defence of West Virginia [ want to see is a feud. The next thin th day ervice services and to the reading room. ' : 1 | they look for are the "Cossacks grind- ' S] TIN | | CQ | The following is from the pen of V. es Falling to tind a fend, "hey in. oe re a on |e son x weno aves: PANGS OF NEURALGIA [7% Ear Yai Tanne, vriicn abou : , 11 a.m. and {--Rev. Jo .. Waddell, + | : West Va : : i e must h, . . Dla: Survieas, | iri oy | Services, 11 a.m., and 7 p.m. Rev, | Huntingion, bid Pabusl lvertser, in feud of Hipte er jn Sead have stood the test of time 1n all parts of the ar, ; ate} 5 M.A., inal; , : indi hd - | ground, or it won't do. An ng writ. | Students, soldiers and strangers we {o I Fei Saover, MA vaniin} nis F "niu ine Ia Due to Pov- od Fivadical for. pg ten about the coal industry, according country, and when properly made from ) SUR aAY 2.45 2 y As one newspaperman to another, [tO these metropolitan Joris 1313 | i 1 1 BE Pile Mona 3 ey sive], Rr! Neurdigia 1s vie ut Gomis pain I would like to ask what I beliore 1! must have 3 ow dort. hesitls of good live timber, slowly dried and carefully aul's--Morning Prayer, | we : , !|tul maladies that afflicts humanity. (a fair question. That question is this. |® s p.2 me i : : : O'clock. Preacher, Canon FitzGers Wedseplay, 3 p.m, yaa Thar The trouble is usually seated in the| "Is there an organized campaign of cacehil miners = toi put on will last a lifetime. We have them. H é 4 D 7 3 3 "» ald, M.A. Sunday Bchool, 3 p.m j |day, 8 p.m. Strange face or head, following the course of | vilification against West Virginia? romance and piracy. Finding neither, | 3 evening prayer, 7 o'clock. Preacher, | cordially welcomed. some nerve, byt it attacks other parts he ge i el). So Pe they invent both. ERVICE AT THE RICHT PRICE - rald, M.A. -- 1 B; | Canca Fitsgers -- St. James' Church, corner Union [Of the body as well, It is character- more, especially, break out periodical. I am not a West Virginian by birth, | OUR MOTTO Chalmers Church--Rev. R. J. land Arch streets--T. W. Savary, [136d by acute pains, sometimes steady, | ly with a series of the most violent at- {314 have no connection whatsoever y Wilson, D,D., Mini or. Services at rector the rectory, 152 Barrie (at others spasmodic and darting. But tacks, most all of which are directed with the coal industry of the state. I : 11 is a nday sehool in street 's a.m., Holy Communion; 11 | whatever course it takes. the pain is | against hat Claes of Eh iz¢ns who are [pave 0 grievance against unions as he oy yD Sunday shel at a.m morning prayer and litany. |88onizing and almost unbearable. oie te on Wh Se sve. such nor against the United Mine the a iki The minister [Sermon subject, "Studies in the | Medical authorities agree that neu- good government? Apparently anyone oY otleans in particular. But | have been | 1 both services First Epistle of Bt. Peter. Kept oy |ralgia is due to poverty of the blood in West Virginia who dares to h 2 t th NT nions will conduct both se . the Power of God." 3 p.m., Sunday |--that the nerves are actually being | pose, either petively or passively, ap Ref nas o hs upon Hous > i r . : ising of the red in this state |.) " ". During, Cooke's Pres Church, [school; 7 p.m., evening prayer and |starved. It is further agreed that if fasig © ag cited to a "march on Logan". During Brock oul oir ay ro OR . the blood is purified and enriched the > 2 an , thug", or "a tool these occasions I Baye been on both! a yt ' rouble will di 5 1 : ides of the range which forms th W. Taylor Dale, will preach at 11 | --~ a hy dlsaypeer. Jt ta for thin *' it OF Bor onnick tna the Came | teva Baarice: maine Giorn® the : am. and 7 p.m. Sunday School, 11| First Baptist Church, Sydenham n that Dr. 8' Pink Pills align is directed especially against for-me there can be but the conclue. ' '&m. and § p.m.; Bible Class, 3 p.in. |and Johnson streets. Rev. J. S. La- | have been 80 successful In treating |] ogan coutity, where an altogether ion that on one side is a force dom- Ow S e me Students and visitors cordially invit- | Flair, pastor, 11 a.m., sermon Reuralgis. az enrich the god Sousented a cea Hing out 0- | inated by men whose sole purpose is | . Good | whie eeds e starved, aching ons o y more than Hr, i : joes, Sn White. 2.- (nerves and thus bring relief. to the Slediith of al fhe a S now being Bin ae on, Tunes of To prepare for colder weather and make your Bethel: Church, corner Barrie and | 45 p.m., Bible school; 7 p.m., ser-|eutferer, whose general health is also | Produced in the United States, wide strike, which they would be buildings . warm and weatherproof. . .m., Are these miners who are setting ' Johnson streets. Pastor, A. Sidney mon theme, "The Blessed Shadow." Amproved. Proof of the value of these | themselves to'a new production re- Poe Jud thus "the ey Our stock of Builders' Hardware, Tools, Ready n. Services, i Co | sreaker LN Masarshy. The sat ie {a cuss of Die Bind gives byl cord doing so under the lash of dustry; while on the other is an equal. Rooting, Glass, Putty, Roofing Paint, etc., is very coms p.m; Sunday school, 3 p.m.; Christ- | vices will be conducted morning and ( Mrs. M. Brown, R. R. No 1, Warsaw, | "gunmen and thugs?" Are they herd- |, determined group of men who seek ete: ian Endeavor, Monday § p.m.; pray- levening by members of the B.Y. Ont, who says: "I have taken Dr.[ed in company streets early in the ol to her De " ? ti Wednesday, 8 p.m. A |pP.U Williams® Pink Pills and can recom- | morning, marched to the mines under During the recent trial of Bill Bliz. Phone you: needs and they will receive our imme- oF Mosting, ' : -- mend them as being the best medicine | {1¢ Watchful eye of deputy sheriffs | Jord a¢ Charles Town, a number of diate attention. So. Ndicutie aWaita OU St. G } Cathedral Very [[ know of for neuralgia Two years 2h Yi iy achesters, Toe correspondents sent out Jlories, de -- -! COOrpe 8 St tails, and 'other implements to keep | Claring that th isi f last Avg. Zion Presbyterian Church, Pine Rev. G. Lothrop Starr, M.A., D.D., 8g0 I had an attack of this trouble | them in subjection? Do they come at anne at Sie uprising 3 a] ~Rev. Edwi H. Burgess, dean and rector, 78 Wellington in the neck and shoulder, The re- | night to coal blackened houses only to | / ; S Areet.--Rev. Edwin sleep the sleep of an exhausted slay- | 210€T8 Who had rebelled ie emmon ons hinister. 11 a.m., the minister. 7 street, phone 2156. Rev. W. E. Kidd, | peated attacks of the pain were of tyranny of the "coal barons", .m., Rev. Dr Smith principal of M.A, M.C., curate, 7 Wellington such frightful intensity that my lite Sry Soul morning calls them for duty id not mention that the "revolt" was 187 PRINC ESS STREET estminster College, Vancouver, | street, phone 869w. Nineteenth Sun-|was almost unbearable. I consulted nt s staged by miners living approximately - 3.C. Everybody welcome! Sunday day after Prinity. 8 a.m., Holy Com- [two doctors and took their medicine, de 8 Now k oe Daltimory po Silles from Logan sou So Xhool at 3 p.m. munion; 11 a.m., Morning Prayer. [but without relief I had taken Dr. treatment to a count wo forms i alo PD ie har -- Preacher, The Dean. 3 p.m., Sunday ( Williams' Pink Pills yOArs ago, when | the principal bulwark between the invasion were day workers, coal load- | yr-- Calvary Congregational Church. [schools; 4 p.m. Holy Baptism; 7 [they helped me wonderfully, and 1| United States and a nation-wide coal ors machine miners, bookkeepers and i »corner Charles and Bagot streéts p.m., Evensong. Preacher, Rev. W. decided to try them again. Before 1 |famine? Is there one BeWNaper 10 | professional men in the employ of s Pastor, Rev. A. F. Brown, 144 Bar- |E. Kida. had taken more than a half dozen |! the east which will pause nd auc |the "Logan county tyrants'. Were | FORESIGHT and THRIFT . 11; boxes th Qugh in its vituperation to send one these men driven to the front line Me street. Phone 1808w.. Sunday, -- 0Xes the pain had disappeared, and honest representative into the Lo. | Sosse ine Wore thers Wisi oy, line : : ondag, be re arom: | Queen Street Methodist Church, lure slice Shjoved iia best ofl gen on? ey OS ermitie: actual | iotet®™ Nog® vans oud that one [| 0 often forgotten while earning power con- onday, 8 p.m., Christian Endeavor; corner of Queen and Clergy streets. | health, thanks to r. Williams' Pink | conditions en let that newspaper i ir- . ; oe . day | aa ye witnessed the sijost mir) $ir coshut vividly and sadly remembered in ednesday, 8 p.m., prayer meeting. --11 a.m., "Marred, but Remodel- | Pills." send its representative into ay of the aculous answer to the. siren which union* fields of the state to ed." Anthem: ,"O,' Come to My| You can get these pills through arn of | sounded the alarm that told of the the decline of life. ydenham Street Methodist year » Ambrose), with baritone [any medicine dealer or by mai similar conditions there. approach of the invading army. Al 8 = ! 7 at Many newspaper men have come though the alarm was sounded at mid. | Phurch.--R. H. Bell, the minister, |go10 by Judge H. A. Lavell. 7 p.m., | 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 into West Virginia since the battle of |} 16 a 1 [ : r : . 10 will preach. 11 a.m., "Once a Truth, "Church Union, Its Present Posi-|from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., | Blair mountars last August, but the lle ab, fwenty mingies every | Provide for the future by Insuring with Twice'a Lie." 7 p.m. "Sin's Disap- ltjon." Anthem: "The Earth is the Brockville, Ont. character of the material they have moving toward the mountain gaps E DOMINI( JN FE pointing Reward." Sunday School, |1,orqrs (Hollins); solo by Mrs. -------- printed has not been such as to Win | through which the invaders were Raps 3.46 p.m.; W. W. Chown's class, 9. Douglas Pound. Preacher at both| A mule cannot pull while he ts|2 very high regard\ for metropolitan ing to descend upon -the sleeping | : "i. §5 a.m. Social hour after evening | services, Rev. W. S. Lennon. 3 p.m., | kicking, and he cannot kick while he pon Sronirarcutly, these metro- town. or more than a weel they before it 18 too late. : : g t \ Jervice. You are welcome. Sunday sooo). and Bible classes. (is pulling. Neither can you, up with a mixture of John Fox, Jr. pend ry rf Dons: Jes of Rg ARCH. THOMSON, BRANCH MANAGER. You are invited. iid the federal army arrived tardily, | Box 282, Kingston, Ont. Office: 56 Brock St. Phone 68. and disarmed those af the invaders | who had not already hidden their |! HUMAN FACTORS IN THE LABOR rifles in the hills in anticipation of the next "march on Logan. PROBLEM This is Logan county. The same | county that the New York World, in Baptism; 7 p.m., Evening Prayer, p.m, testimonial meeting. Public By the Rev. Charles Stelzle, - a Iocan! Rl Naina one of Wusic~Anthem, "We Would See reading room open every afternoon treason for invading Logan county. Jesus" (Brackett.): except Sunday and holidays, from § Every one called him "Tony." Evi. is less and less inclined to accept the Logan county ought to be invaded." ' | dently that is the generic name of the uation. Not Because Je doesn't like ¥ . : ob", ? Italians in the community. He was good th wy aru hive 2 CPP230009000%0 000 3 ; . short and stocky, but there was a hag- | pally because he is now an old man |® Remem ber j 0 Clip gard look upon his face which plainly |and would rather remain at home. - MOB LAW WAS + PUT INTO FORCE#% + Y. PP Vi 9 showed sulfering. : " 5 For Zhou five years Daniels has +» € was the handy man for the peo- | been t4 ing about quitting, and half|e -- -our ictory Coupons ple living in this fo little suburban {a dozen fellows in the department are * Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 20.-- + + | " .Bt. Luke's Church, Nelson street. -- » --Rev. J. do P. Wright, M.A, B.D., | First Church of Christ, Scientist, | Bend Rector. Nineteenth Sunday After 95 Johnson street. --Services, 11 Trinity (Children's Day). 11 a.m, am. and 7 p.m. Subject, 'Pro- Morning Prayer; 8 p.m., Children's bation After Death." Sunday Service in the Church. 4 p.m., Holy school, 9.45 am.; Wednesday, 8 TISSU Combines the Min Ofl and Carbohydrates es. sential for restoring waste tissue. Especially recommended for Malnu. / trition, Anaemia, Bronchial Affections, Loss story shacks, but it is quite possible | while he is laid up for a couple of (# at Cambeon, early this Resul City. poy Tuben morning and shot to death dn culosis, Actual ts Nothing Short of Ww town. He lived just beyond its borders wondering who will get his job, each Two men, recently convicted : + + +* * to pack as much filth in to a one. days, and the story goes out that + a vacant lot, 200 yards from Put up in 8 oz, Jars. Ask your Druggist, + + * + * + @ Bring them in and we will cash in a Settlement which would have done gne seuraily hoping that he will be credit to a big city slum--so far as|the luc man, although at least two them free of charge. Or you can bad streets and sanitation were con-|are dea sure that they'll get it. open an account with them. cerned. The people lived in one-| But Daniels js holding on. Once in a of manslaughter' in Benton county, last February, were taken from the county jail, > + i * THE \ "wr ! ) » story house as it is into a six story |now he's done for, for "how can an * STANDARD BANK tenement. And the overcrowding | old fellow like him last much longer?" * the jail. The prisoners BEd- QF CANADA ' may be just as great. There was a|and when Daniels drags himself back ward Hartley and - his Son > +» + * ® A a ta a Indolence is a sort of suicide, tor Without the virtue of truth there the man is effectually destroyed, |is no reliance upon language; no though the appetite of the brute confidence in friendship, no security may survive. In promises and Oaths, ; hydrant a block from his home from | to his little greasy desk over in the SE hana F.R which the families in the entire neigh- darkest corner of the shop, after these Were held in connection wit Kingston Branch, oo. J. F. Rowland, Manager borhood drew water. brief periods of illness, the half dozen |# the murder of Connie Hart. There. were some negroes mixed | candidates for his job--when he ley, nephew of Edward Hart- with the Italian families. Somtimes "gives up"--are sullen for at least a ley. the two factions engaged in ragher week, because they feel that they have lo 00 0 0 @ *9N0 000000 fiercely fought rows. been cheated, : WS ------------_ Tony had a wife, also a little baby, Somehow Daniels has come to Often Tony walked the floor a good | sense the situation. He feels that the share of the night, because the aby | men would like to see him quit--no wasn't very well. The next morning | matter how, but quit somehow, . so when he came around to cut the grass that they may step in and boss the he had big rings beneath his eyes. | job. his knowledge doesn't make parently wasn't having a very | Daniels any more cheerful, and so Ppa for days, Occasionally, there's fric. : Tony a Y : Fraded « t th the d . ; Hef i i ig [tion among the men in gang an . How Will : our 5 on nia Pople nthe big secret bitterness in the heart of Dan- hom promptly. They would al els, heir accounts with him to run for There's one certainty about this ® 3 4 several months, just like a department | situation-- the job will never be the 1 ow store account, but in the latter case same that it was while Daniels held it, & there was a rich corporation to pay for tter who may succeed Dane the bills > old 0 he yditon. won't be able to get within ony could no credit. en the ile the If you should die today, would yous doctor came Ayes his money es i? ood aa iret be no widow be able to say, as these ows right away, so Tony didn't call the |to come out to the old man's house, have ? doctor as often as he should. The re- [for he doesn't know the other men, said sult was that his wife and "babine" | not even by name, for even the s were sick much of the time. Incident. erintendent knows most of the men in No.1 feel that fhe whale mount will ally his wife could not speak English. | the plant only by their numbers, if he re a tw "girls." Who was to teach her? & knows them at all. One reason is that ting E A She saw no one excepting her nei- |the men change so often. . Another Brown. ghbors, and she was so busy Spring that most of them are foreigners with No. 2--*T ghall be able to my homé or the boarders and her husband an uncable names, for which I am truly baby that she hadn't much time for I this makes it harder not o h t : nly 5 neighbors. The ders were just|for all the men but for the boss, too, Jean King, aye: fiom Tay and they Pekig During the first twen 3 much help to her in mastering the | firm's histo, No. 3 The Insurance will be a reminder language of the new country. single strike ia the place. RW n the folks in the big ouses all | four during the last five years, and . Mrs ison. : Janted, Tony at fhe {aie time, oe fhe men Tou [Sractically every one. : e couldn't very we! in more than | They gained a few points true enou; HESE are actual quotations from 8 one place at the same time. They | but Yearcely enough to justify the iu) few of the many letters received threatened to hire another Tony if of time and money. However, the from beneficiaries of North he di 4 § Some round Yat When they fost Jefious o is the feel . wante , Do matter who else want- tre American Life policies. ed him just as much as they did. This % worried Tony because he could not | b: afford to lose any of his jobs. And worry didn't help Tony. If the folks while the rest went out, in the big houses had accommodat- To what extent this condition ed themselves a bit to Tony's vails in other he might have gotten alon with any d ter, and he might have i are factors fey in his work, for Tony al % of a happ, od Hind ged ever dischar, ply was too good