18 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. : SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1923. g SSE (VARSITY CONFIDENT DR. TAYLOR'S ASSURANCE THE THRILLING EXPERIENCE fememmmmnn mrempp---- CT TIE TOS Night at GARDEN HALL | < . ment a. by eid : OF BEATING QUEEN $ That No Assistance Whatever Of Mrs. Albert Aikens, Thorn- €¢ 99 | CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. toe Inte to learn ta dance. | -- | Is Given to Student Ath- | Ioe, and Family During 1 indexed, mapdardized aud popular : £1 THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM i i Breen ss "ihone 257. Admit That Queen's Have a letes of Queen's. the Great Fire, ; : Rea, Phone 1578, [ Very Wonderful Team | Fr---- THE LAST WORD IN GASOLINE Inc, Philadelphia, Pa. 1 | At the half-yearly meeting of the| Mpg Pringle, wife of Rev. H. Prin- ; All ads. are restricted to thelr This Year, | trustees of Queen's University, held |gle, the popular rector of the Anglican GREATER MILEAGE proper classification, and to the " Removal Notice ---- lon the 20th of Otcober, a statement | church at Adolphustown, has receiv- CLEANER ENGINES regular Daily Whig style of type. W. H. FRANCIS, PAINTER | A Toronto despatch says: Right|was made by Principal Bruce Tay-|¢d a letter from her mother, Mrs. Al- . CLASSIFIED RATES : > { bert, Aikens, Thornloe, Ont., in. which AND as moved to 438 DIVISION ST | now it is conceded that the intercol- |; ding the athletic situation. ! v , : : Sn pas a card or phone 15%5J and | jogiate team is stronger that it SE a le 88 S29 ub oy in the | She. ells of hes Sreadral SXperiencs EASIER TO START Dally rate per line or consecutive u will receive prompt attention hs tne t "| during the Jorthern ntario. fire. : : } TVorkmananiy guaranteed and [een sian 1930, vhen Laddte Cass! bublic press reflecting upon the SWA- | Mrs. Pringle's sister was in the public IN COLD WEATHER Minimum charge, 25 cents. fj prices right. J #¢is led the Blue and ite to the! ys of some members of the Queen's | school at Thornloe, which was des- NOW READY TO DELIVER Daily rates per line. Charge. Cash Da uPANR Up around | football team, it was thought ad- roped, The school has beer 18-cper: $ days + 3 Queen's Park they have visions of | vigable that the principal's assur-|ed in a private dwelling. It is need- ays .. . ' {another Canadian title, and some of | less to say that Mrs. Pringle put in ' 'PHONE 2107W Births, Engagements, Marraiges, ENNE M D ance should be given to the press. It y ! {the members of the board of strate, . many anxious hours until she learned C. W. B IT, . 1 8Y | follows: that her parents had not lost their Te Shell Company of Canada, Ltd. rer iY ar aerten, charged, . . -50; , $1. SRG i bably lying awake until late | .. | y 1 3 1 133 CLERGY STREET are probably Bg | The trustees are already familiar lives as a result of th . { | l e fire. The letter NGSTON Card' of Thanks and Memoria Office phone 851. Rea. 1345m. ji The wpb alin $ Sat tne | wien the fact thai the Rniversity is as follows: - . Ki ' ONT. Notices ~C Ther aea. $1.60; cash, $1.00, Office Hours 10-12 am, 2-4, 7 to} 208! Way 10 ueens to the g,othall team has distinguished it- Thornloe, that used to be. M| each insertion. 8.30 pm. | Wire. |selt by beating "McGill, and that|Dear Bea: --I suppose you know by Advertising {Srdeted for A esular And the locals are downright con- 2 3 the papers ho P d the fi as u insertions takes the vne-time inser- + . there are good hopes it may win the pap W bad the fire w P tion rate; no ad. taken for less than rn et a -- fident, too, that they will beat the rari- | here, so I will only tell you a little basis of four ilnes. y Intercollegiate championship. Vari . y Y Count six average words to the Tri-color. In past years they were about our own experience. Wednes- ous statements have heen made fin da . 1 ou H ' y the fire was burnin most ever bt " probably ashamed of themselves for | 1p press, both of Toronto and of | jv. i YEE nil g = ery n nnouncemen Chassed adn, wii he feceived wl travelling at top speed against the | nrontreal tendin . . h , g to show that the back ever so far from the house. Mr. F. C. HAMBROOK to announce t he is o) ish Whig office within 6 days from Plucky players from the Limestone | vo airy or the athletic board of| Pratt came over and said ghe fire was : Wishes i yeulng & Ihe Ris: day of insertion, cash rate City, but it is different now, and| "vas encouraging such allow- [bad in Pennock's woods. They live a NEW CAKE AND PASTRY STORE ed Sor mote than one day U. of T. will have to be at their {ances to football players as would be | Mile from Thornloe, on the main road, and stopped before expiration will very best and showing no mercy | "i 2s. | $0 Ab. went back with him, and they 115 BROCK ST only be charged for the number of when they meet, the Batstone-Lead- | '1¢ practical recognition of profes. fought the fire until it lit on Orlie's » | times the ad. appeared And adjusw Ev c i signalism. These statements pro- house, across from Mr. Pennock's ' ment made at the rate earned. iey-rd ~Lvans-) lV 5 ¥ Be, 5 Ar. 2 . Rate a i hi ; as Ey 0 agnivey Jigen] eded upon two lines--either that|Your father said: "I can't do any SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21st [et Sukes line ea Sp ce » c : " ac ting men of athletic | more good here, I will go home." and y . Special rate for ywarly advertisin Xho Public Libigry contains 20,000 11. user's team contains many star | a - reasonable aca- | he a for home. Diy the road was Choice bone ot al isda ol Sars, PASTRY Jama ROMY: Publi aust. : 1 ight t re 3 . A a | - a + . . 'ublishers reserve the rig 0 e yolumes of Food for Thought n performers. In addition to the {demic standing, or that we were | SO full of fire he could not get through, Saturday delivery. 4 or rere an aii EN aay "Reading maketh a full man."-- | players mentioned above there are | oki ments by which they} 3° he thought he could get through copy. n Thomas, Veale, Walker, Lewis and |T8X!ng arrange y i ih Pratt's and Pennock's woods and get : Teiephone 243, ask for a want ad, - ~~ | Campbell, all of more than ordinary |8B0UId be pald for playing on ihe |pome that way. He got in, but the fire taker, a merit. The Queen's management will | UnIVersity team. The trustees should | and smoke was so bad that he could Ng uncement Yave io eho oe if that toa; tails to know that these statements are ab- | hardly get out with his life. He did on ouncemen PAINTING ave hse : m solutely unfounded. No man has |not know which way he was going, win the champipnship. been accepted because of any ath- | but luckily he struck the rocks on the + and Thomas has no peer us da guise) letic reputation. Applications are THE PEOPLE'S FOOD Personals 9 FUTURE FORETOLD birthdate and stamp for truthful, re- liable, convincing trial reading. Prof. Erwing, Box 1120, Station C.,, Los Angeles, California, . HEIRS--At once, 50,000 estates seeking -- Send dime, Crandle place, next to where Pen- ~ 2 rey § 1 4 > nock's used to live. cli d DECORATING ug In Canada, MeXoivey is the | jealt with by the registrar's office TEC and gh he Yon best middle wing of them all; Lead- % l = | : olely on the basis of qualifications | The smoke wa ful. He th if ley, Hardlng and Batstone f the | ® : S awlul. lie threw o E. D U N P H Y Fors Aardas ate Th and documents sabmitled, and the all the brush, and there he had to stay claimants. You may be one. Send 110 CHARLES STREET. {bell, at flying wing, is underrateq, |Tegistrar informs me that there has fall night The day was so hot he did ; 10c. sliver for Bupoun. International PHONE 1198J. he "" 8 mighty useful player any |Dever been any attempt to interfere pot ave, 2 seat, Bue. fire night Yas Claim Agency, A-32, Pittsburgh, Pa, 4 . cold, an e only a in shir 2.8.A. | would fit in on any team. Evans is | With his Judson} Ww to 2ovure any on. In one half hour Pennock's three THE DOMINION GOVERNMENT ANNUITIES SYSTEM MATRIMONIAL -- Lonesome widows, {Just as clever a quarter back as it | Particular consideration for an ap- |; ,yees, 3} that Pratt's owned, the two affords an unequalled opportunity for the investment of small get busy. Write me; marry wealth ADMINISTRATOR'S is possible to find. Queen's should |Plicant. Nor have any pecuniary or { Wards, the school where Bertha or large amounts for the purchase of an annuity of from $50 uit Te Hox 303 119) Sen Francisco, win the Dominion championship. | material allowances, direct or In-| taught, where Bogart's used to live, to $5,000 a year for life, to begin immediately or at any future MATRIMONIAL Catholics Wishing to direct, been made to any man on the [our barns, shed, and two .haystacks, age desired, and to be paid'in monthly or quarterly instal- "marry, wanting introductoins, booklet : Te Srterias hove a Dotter aps ground of athletics. There has been | most of our hens, Billie Dickinson's ments. free. Write Catholic Correspondence Seon y near-us, Vosburgs, and right down to Annuities may be purchased on a single life, or on the d into Club, Grand Rapids, Mich. wore the colors of the Argonaut |no kind of arrangement entere the north road were all burned. It just i MATRIMONIAL --If ye ish a weaith tc . lives of two s jointly. A ti MOD Te you wish a y Club last fall. by the university or by the athlette |," o'r Weve 2 four clock Werions jointly Aft. tract } tricti to id young wife, write, Sncloging envelope. T board of control, or so far as the{ " er contract issues, no restriction as to residence. Violet Ray, Dennison, Ohfo. If | ] d os Ts he Tapverdy o strictest 'enquiry can ascertain, by SE Sark we Seould st see. any Employers may purchase for their employees--School MATRIMONY he ar worth $80." oO > S an those wearing the Tri-colors, but they | any old graduates of Queen's to as- We did not know we were in any Boards for their teachers--Congregations for their Ministers, - RY ohamm pi Play Florida. have good team pla, ad thelr | 81st any member of the football team | danger until four minutes before we Cannot be seized or levied upon. | MATRIMONIAL The Leading Mati- Y, had to get in the well. Oh Bea, it was No medical examination required. | monial Club. Best, largest; establish- ® chances of winning are good, to say [during his college course. Queen's |! fal § . moa) Club, (eat Jargen; satablish- X the least. The home-and-home gam-| does not offer to its athletes even hg ila nets [fame soomed to be > Free from Dominion Income Tax. i Ne a a a ne ' ay, es should be the blue ribbon events |that assistance which is given by the and sparks flying all around us and SECURITY--THE DOMINION OF CANADA Sorption Ire Boi L onoratle, sin. 4 of the present season. athletic boards in MeGill ou in To- | lighting on us, and the fire all around The Old Reliable Club. Mrs. Wruble, EN ® f a training table for the | ys. Billie Dickipson, Bertha, Ross and btai 30x 26, Oakland, California. Twelve O'clock Noon ------ ronto o ; , tha, Descriptive booklet may be obtained by applying to the "s LOT ee . McGill Won Track Honors. tpams. In view of the widespread me, We tried to Ee out, and ye Postmaster or by writing, tage free, to S. T. Bastedo, MA IMONAL- Murer, XX lonely; for « Consisting\ of the property owned One record was broken and ar-|character of the reports it is well wa ann we cof any Feathe, Superintendent minion vernment Annuities, Ottawa. cessful "Home Maker;" hundreds rich by the late George Martin, composed (other was equalled at the annual (that the trustees should have an Berthy Thought x Lh well We gro When writing, kindly state sex, and age or ages last birthday. wish Jharriage soon; $isioy seuflden. ofi-- Intercollegiate track and fleld events | unqualified assurance of this kind." ed our way to it, and the boys tore L - descriptions free. 'The Successful FIRSTLY---The East % of lot 3, meet held at the McGill, stadium in the boards off. Bill and Ross got Sub, Mrs. Nash, Box 856, Oakland, 16th Concession, south of the base |Montreal. Only Toronto and McGill down, and they got us down. Sparks | weeks. He. is in Mr. Backus' barn and Sa ee lino, containing 48 acres. competed, Queen's scratching at the Make It For Bath Sexes. hib and fire were flying all around and in |is being well cared for. The country is es nSLEMISHES A le as last moment when two entries found | The Smith's Falls by-law prohib-|the well--but we had water, and I wet |all one open place, all the fences are xe etc, removed permanently. Satisfac- , SECONDLY---North 1 lot 4, 15th that. nothe Yess ts fo ' iting girls under eighteen years of my apron and the boys their caps. burned, and every field and every- d 5 hn tory Glasses fitted and furnished after tancauion, south of the base line, NE os 1ha8 4 team D age from attending public dance he wind changed after we got | where else is as black as the stove. We CN por 0 24 Sihers have fated Gotire Tura with. - sontaining 64 acres, eight entries could count for points halls will be extended .to youths |down in the well, and saved the house. | are all well, but so tired, I wish we AW TOY Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, "Also Stock and Farm-Implements, |The contest with McGill again car- 11, if Miss | We thought the house was burning | could have saved our cutter and sleigh. : Throat, Skin, 255 Bagot Street. Phone ried off honors for the fourth year Under that age as well, | when we went down. We were there A 301w. House 1135J Sale to be held on Parcel contain- year ark, the city policewoman, has her then A on. We role there FOUR FUTURE. FORETOLD = Send _ Ing 48 acres. in succession with a total of 83 about one hour and a half, then Bi 3 , AYS AND 2 C ith the police commission. limt f h DEPARTMENT OF RAILWA dime, birthdate for truthful, reliable, NICKLE, FARRELL & DAY, points against Toronto Varsity"s 42. | Vay W Simbed 3p to see ne douse Jas ga 4 CANALS convincing trial reading. Hazel Hause, i 2 : r wi, r- ' CANAD. B 0 les, Cal, Solicitors for the Administrator.| W. R. Kennedy, McGill ,was the out prise when he said the house was still Pris TRENT CANAL sir lh 10s Angeles, OO, = standing performer of the lternoon | standing, and that the barns, hay and del YounGs POINT DAM Lost and Found accounting for 16 points for the Me- LY 4 sheds were nearly burned up. So we i otice to Contractors rr en al wold AY : : SEALED tend dad pd th -| BROOCH--Lost, small, gold filigree, Gill team and breaking the record in | Classified Adages got out and the boys fought the fire y dersi LB ary a sey oy ig win opal centre, on Tuesday Svenine. a buil Di # int, t nder please return to.or notify 4 : the high jump when he cleared &|) _________ |fand saved the house, as the grass was ST BE rT EE or Mom ietae retry Lo or Wntify, Mrs H e d h feet, 8 7-8 inches, the former record sll.on fire and eating its way up to the until 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday, No-| CRANK-- Found, for automobile, on a ac es being b feet 8 inches, held jointly by back door. It soon would have gotten vember 7th, 1922. "Queen street, on Saturday night. Own- Are U. Due 0. 8S. Waugh, McGill H. S . into the house. I got burned on the The Late John Tarrant. Plans, specifications and form of con-| er may have same at Bowen's Bakery. 'sually to "SB. augh, Mc » and . Se neck. It was sore, but it is getting bet- tract to be entered into can.be seen on DOG--Found, light brown collie, which Constipation Davis, Toronto. Cecil Ray, captain' ter 'now. ? The death vocurred ja Watarown, SESE tun date at the alice of the followed thé boy home from Princess o 5 . Xi ohn e; r o e Depart, o # 4 é : 7th. # you are constipated, of the McGill track club, came sec- | HE PROOF of the We had a terrible night, Mr. Pratt,|N:Y:» on Thursday no ng d,| Rallways and Canals, Ottawa, at the Siren Tuesday, Sotaver eh. Ho re. not enough of Nature's ond with 13 points. He equalled Mr. Pennock and Mr. Ward came up | Tarrant of heart trouble. Deceased, office of the Superintending Engineer TT eS ho A Inbricating liquid is pro- the intercollegiate 100 yards record pudding is in the eating. when they could get through, and| Who was about gighty years of age,| Trent Canal, Peterborough, Ont. tine, we, WoLls hee Roabing SANG ; 7 ' ' , : a duced in the bowel to keep of 10 seconds flat. fan when your father was not with 'them, was for many y a resident of may oi Dany sna apeeileations AREY to My. Llarsh, 23 Stephon Sirest. the food waste soft and - And the test of the money and they did not know where he was | Kingston, and was In the insurance| on the payment lof the sum of ten dal. BY or iLat, during vias orm moving. Doctors prescribe w-- 1B ? --thought he got home all right, we i T! t retired Jars. To Dona ! fide . tenderers this] W the A-B-C Classified Ads 8 g ght, business. Mr. Tarrant re On| amount will be refunded th -| Unlon street west, containing cheque tis cel ica and fi "OOS DAD | Se mh oi he On| Wodnemday evectag ne em or ES EN RT SL ThE A . . TA ¥ gr rv > v CV . 3 ™, s thas replaces It ENTRENEXT AUEUMN {can save you 3s #0 whe [ oy health, but durin the nish wes tak-| 43 ALEEPint i Shaded 20 Tos yom] brary, ones ¥ peteping 25 ing" /e were near ild, Five men hunt. rans 108 Welly Nujol is a The Limestones Football Club ex- reading. / We ere ay wid, Fw night. and |? ill and expired beside his bed,! the Minister of Rallways and Canals,| GLOVE--Found, gentleman's, kid, on ecutive, at a meeting held last even- : weren't we glad when we saw him | Where members of the family found WIT elt der, which Nay pone Tg fu Ing, decided to discontinue opera- Read them to-day! coming in the morning! bim early Thursday morning. Besid-| dering declines entering into contract) same b calling at Whig Office. tions for this season, to call in uni- Mr. Pratt lost all his stock but oné|es his widow he is survived by six| for the work at the rates stated in the| LADIES PURBE--Lost, containing 6 $1 very active campaign pext fall. The i lost three cows and three yearlings, or turned to 'the respective Contractors to 8 James Street, city. reasons were quite obvious. Lime-|| (Copyright, 1922, by Basil L. Smith) ||calves. Iyan's motor cycle and their Whose tenders are not accepted NECKPIECE--Found, grey squirrel, on \ B ¥ i PUGSLEY, with' Mrs. John A. McMaster, R. R. 3, oF bat could not make sure of dates. TY A ucy Edwards--lost everything. The held on Friday evening. In addition | Department of Railways and ret PARCEL Found containing mans hat wi » i e e . i r a ys and Can ?, ; ou containing man's hat. De iioouted OQuober 25th DOMINION EXPRESS Re ibjass te 1s hus ed, and wvery to the pinch Tey a demon-| _ Ottawa, October 19th, 1922. * | Picked up near the post office Apply sure of this -and, rather than hold NEY ORDER many nice horses were burned. I must | stration in physical training was PIN--Found, gold bar, near Court up thelr own players and other MO lg h NT tell you about Ted. Ross got him out| given by some of the little girls|Many ideas as to what constituted | House, on Saturday. Owner apply 214 -------- REPORT--Found, rolled with to music. Miss Bureau introduced a an elastic, on Wellington vi be- draw, but for this season only, ; i ; unning wild and got quite badly kick- / 2 Sa : ed, but he will be all right in a fewto scholars, which brought out veloped among wild ducks. Whig Office. On Wednesday afternoon next, at g -------- SEE ---- Finder pl 1 : the George Richardson Stadium, the "Union please return te 111 Lower at Grand Trunk Freight Office. offer submitted. bills, five 3c. stamps and 30 cents in The lowest or any tender not neces- road, i . Own- stones had given a bye with Peter- -- ~ * [sheep and lambs. Luey Peckover--| qu. monthly meeting of the Vic- er. inay 'na ie by communjoatin toria Home and School Club was Secretary, | _Gananvque. but the Peterbpro team could not be 0 Postmaster James Ste Phone 1746J. teams on uncertainties, the execu- he was all right the next day, then he d, discussion on the subject of rewards Domestic life is very highly de-| tWeen Barrack and Queen Streets Intermediate Semi-Final, . ee BPECTACLES lost, white shell, rim senior R.M.C. team will meet Mc- SA . ~~ UMBRELLA--Found, on Bagot street, Gill seconds in the semi-final of the {fl Intermediate Intercollegiate. The o ® | my cadets have a strong team this year | {1} ------ and shbuld go far in the intermediate : . semaine fo ma series. : plorms and commence - plans for a cow, and that is badly burned. ' He|daughters and two sons. The cheque thug sent in, will be re-| cnangy. Buftocis Lowang 10 coms .n car, and every thing else, even his Victoria School Club. sarily accepted. er may have same by communicating boro, in the intermediate O.R.F. Jou will remember, she used to be t of the stable when it was on fire, and showing how it could be carried out | Proper rewards. Nelson Street. Phone tive considered it advisable to with- c E 2 PF Ao et with some other horses that were Owner may have same by calling at med, in black case, about October 7th. pear Ordnance. Owner may have same Some Proposed. A Montreal despatch saws that at a meeting held at McGill unfon changes I the progmure ot sven We are pleased to announce that we CHEVROLET cr roased 10 35 away wk tos me i ~ | can make early delivery of McLaughlin Rostioe 40 saate, o Gants mi tion, newly painted and varnished, mer throw and substitute Jave- {IH lin event. It 4s also proposed to add | Ji cars from now on. ; good tires; all worn parts replac- the 220-yard low hurdles to the list Sa ie ¢ i i \ d where necessary. On Satur- SmINg yous wots att oo to tH } Our sales department reports sale of oh October 21st, at 3 pm, this ay Drm, DE (WE. six closed cars so far this month. 'ent will be 301d for cash, $109.0. 's; vice-presii , Rs Ty ; A a 4 : il be bids. The NM. Sobanon, cot sera To see them is to desire one, they are ; er seen oh oo sores ea on beautiful, economical in operation, (oie sikey. rin telr.: Evervors , i i anata : : if has an equal chance and this car is Sp Py n ' = } i an extraordinary bargain. It is : cl «aughlin valve head 1h 11 th $300.00. Don't forget sai at : in motor for I er October 21st, 3 p.m. Come into our ghow rooms and see this car. The Home of Good Used Cars--pBoyd's Garage--129 Brock Oo Pre --=Advertisers who do not wish their & Sts. | . may have replies come ; Hf] to a bor number at the Daily Whig Of -- This information is kept absolute- fidential. ly con Would you like to get rid of your car this fall? There are many people - watching the used car opportunities every day in the Dadly Whig want-ads.