DR.HICKEY'S ~ SPEEDY MIXTURE BRONCHIAL IRRITATION, | We have just Yocatv il ASTHMA, WHOOPING COUGH, CROUP, Etc. 25¢ L.T.BEST Prescription Druggist "OPEN SUNDAY. Phone 59. ed an import ship- ment of French Brilliant | Bar Pins These are most beautifully made, and are set, some with brilliants alone, imitation sapphires and pearls. They are excellent reproduce | tions of the finest Platinum Bars, and are priced from $1.00--$5.00 | SMITH BROS. LIMITED ACCIDENT INSURANCE ESTABLISHED 1840 ' KING STREET, KINGSTON D. WIGHTMAN : ERNIE D. SUTER 151 WELLINGTON 151 CoMOGATION AT QUEERS i] he'd in Grant lf {was marked by several int I convocation || Rev. T. W. Savary, with prayer. Ia [the absence of the others with | | I | i | ras rendered to the university. Dr i fl [in whose memory the Be er rr-------------- oy Some men spend half a day look- ing for the shortest way to do a plece of work that could be done in an hour, The more we possess, the more we DR. H. C. MABEE | 79 WILLIAM STREET Phone 286 are p d by our p i Stoves and Heaters Many people want a cheap Stove to put up for the winter. We have a num- ber of used Stoves, also some rebuilt ones, which can be bought very cheap. We will take your old Stove as part payment on your purchase. See our Electric and Oil Heaters for warming a room. : McClary's Electric Ranges give satisfaction. They have the original protected elements. McKelvey & Birch, Limited ft Heating talists, "Plumbers, Jobbers of Plumbers' a nd Gea-Fitters Supplies, Stoves, Shelf, Heavy and House Furnishing Hardware, Tools, Ofla, Boat Supplies, Sheet Metal and Tin Work; Eiectrie work; Painting ang Paper Hanging. Special work of all kinds undertaken, Our Fall Showing of LIVING ROOM FURNITURE is now on our floors for your | Wo also carry a full Huo of WILTON RUGS and DRAPER. TES that blend with these coverings. * HOOVER VACUUMS, PIANOS, VICTROLAS, McLAGAN PHONOGRAPHS and VICTOR RECORDS at the roduced prices. Ex-Principal 'Gordon Unveiled Tablet in Memory of Late Q.. Y. Chown. The Queen's autumn convocation hell Friday evening ll | veiling of a memorial tablet to the {late G. Y. Chown; the unveiiing of an l§10ll painting of Hamtiton Cassells, the retired chairman of the i board of governors of the university; |and the presentation of a unique volume of philosophical essays to . John Watson as an apprecia- {tion of his fifty years of service on the {staff of the university. There was a good attendance at the which was opened by chancellor, E. W. Beatty, Principal R. Bruce Taylor, who 13 also the vice chancellor, pre- | |s'ded. Principal Emeritus Dr. D. M. {| Gordon, the principal emeritus of {Guenn's unveiled the memorial tablet | 2nd the Painting, which will be added to the treasures of Convocation hall. He sketched the career of Mr. Cas- sells and remarked that the painting Will be a reminder of the service he Gordon also feel'ngly referred to the 'afe and work of the late G. Y. Chown memorial bronze is being erected. Dr. 8S. W. Dyde, principal of | | Queen's Theological College, in an excellent address spoke of the fifty years of teaching service rendered by Dr. John Watson. The speaker referred to Dr. Watson as one who in schools and colleges' the world over has been recognized. as an authority on philosophical study. Gn behalf of the university he presente: Dr Watson with a unique volume of 63says written by teachers of phil- || oeophy. The book is the first of the publications of the faculty of arts and conta'ns cleven essays by men of note tn the wor'd of philosophy. Dr. Watson fittingly replied and in the course of rem 'nicences stated that he had served under four principals. Principal Taylor in adding his word of appreciation said that nothing they could do would sufficiently re- cognize what John Watson has done for Queen's, The homorary degree of LL.D. was Presented to W. H. Ooverdale. Dean O. D. Skelton presented Mr. Cover- dale, in a brief address sketching his career, and the recipient made an eloquent and humorous reply. the course of his reply he remarked. that with the opening of the Welland canal Kingston would greatly bene- fit and briefly spoke of the St. Law- rence canalization scheme reminding his audience of tremendous cost of the undertaking and advising the careful consideration of the con- Sequences resulting from it. About fifteen students received de- Erees these having secured thelr standing through study in the sum- mer school and extra mura] courees. The award of scholarships was also made. --_-- 3 Gananoque-Clayton Ferry. Gananoque, Oct. 21.--Negotiations .|are being carried on between Capt. W. J. Kenney, who has conducted the Gananoque-Clayton ferry busi- ness for the past twelve years, oper- ating a boat in the freight and pass- enger service as wel as the local nal service during the Summer sea- son; and the Rockport Navigation Company, who ran an opposition boat on the route this season. The latter company is now endeavoring to purchase from Captain Kenney his rights and privileges to the route, Captain Kenney is in Kingston in conference with the members of the company as to terms of the deal. If the deal goes through Captain Ken- ney may keep the Yennek and place her lon another route. -- Birth of a Daughter. . Mr. and Mrs. John Aird, Toronto, are rejoicing jover the birth of a daughter, the second in the family. Mrs. Aird is a daughter of Dr. D. E. and Mrs. Mundell, Barrie street. -------- A French plan for financial con- trol of Germany was presented to reparation Committee. The world's leading business men are to consider Germany's capacity to pay. Hatred is a madness of the mind. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. EAT AND GET THIN This is turning an old phrase facé about, but modern. of reducing fat have made this revision possible. f you are overfat and also averse to physical exertion: If you are )ike- Wise fond of the table and still want to reduce your excess several pounds, do this: Go to your drug- Eist (or write the Marmoia Company, 4612 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, h.) and give him ' (or send ihm) one dol- lar. For this modest amount of money the druggist will pu yu in the way of satisfying your ambition for a alice, trim, slim figure. He will hand you & case of Marmola Prescription Tablets, (compounded in accordance with the famous Marmola Prescription), one of which you must take after each meal and at bedtime until you begin to lose your fat steadily and easily. Then con- | tinue the treatment until] your weight is what you desire. Marmola Prescrip- tion Tablets are not only harm) but really beneficial to the general health. d starvation diet or weak. 'ening exercise. Just EO on eating ercising to the wings, leaving behind {it self, neatly clothed in fa trim muscles. |__CANANOQUE Oct. 21.--The funeral of Mrs Sarah Scott took place today: from the residence of her son-in-law, Wil- liath Bates, Stone street south, Misses Mildred Delaney, Helen McDonald, Marie Boyle . and Gretta Beresford went to Kingston Thurs. day for the football 8ame between Gananoque high school and K. C1, | and remained for the K. C. I. dance. Victor Terry of the Eden Grocery, will occupy the north wing of C. 8, MacKenzie's residence, Stone street south, and will take up residenss | there shortly. As a result of a resolution sent to | | the town council this week by the 1i- | brary board, it has béen decided to go ahead and get specifications in connection with the Carnegie lib- rary. Captain N. C. Jones, Toronto, was in town today attending a meeting of the directors of the Ontario Steel Products Limited. H. G. WELLS . As Labor candidate for lord rector ship of Glasgow University, he asks support of students as 'great symbolic act" in favor of the Labor party. ---- -- The Best Christmas Gift. Christmas for the Boy! Christmas for the Girl! Christmas for the Fathers! Christmas for the Mothers! Christmas for one and all bound up in the fifty-two weekly issues of The Youth's Companion for 1923. No other periodical can take 'the place bf The Companion at the family fireside--no other reflects 80 truly the home spirit. The fifty-two issues of 1923 will contain from eight to a dozen serial stories, nearly two hundred short stories, besides sketches, special mat. ter for the boys, the girls, the dom- estic circle. The Children's Page and the Doctor's Corner will, as they have for years, prove Indispensable features of the paper. Subscribe now and receive: 1. The Youth's Companion--1fifty- two issues in 1923. 2, AH the remaining issues of 1922. 3. The Companion Home Calendar for 1923. All for $2.50. 4. Or Include McCall's Magezine, the monthly authority on fashlns. Both I [ a PROBS: --mostly fair, but few scattered showers EE= EER, TO-NIGHT AT STEACY Store Open Until 9.45 O'clock Your last opportunity to avail yourself of many excep- tional bargains of this stupendcus sale event--all previously ad- vertised specials will be on sale until closing time to-night, CHILDREN'S BALKAN MIDDIES, $1.49-- 120 White and Colored Washable Middies; in sizes 6 to 14 years--included also are a few regulation styles -- priced specially at $1.69, $1.85, $1.98 and $2.19 each. 5 «eve ee vv .... Tonight, $1.49 STAMPED NIGHTGOWNS, $1.25 .EACH-- 300 Stamped Nainsook Nightgowns with hemmed bot- toms--all new Royal Society designs--regularly priced at $1.75 each. While they last ...... *-. . To-night, $1.25 Children's | Dresses Regular Bc. $ 1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. H, | ® : . To-night 49¢ ea. 200 only, smart, little Dresses for Kiddies, aged from 3 to 6 years, in Chambrays, Linens and Gingham--a large as- sortment of oglors to choose from -- this is absolutely the greatest bargain we have ever secured in Children's Dress- es, and we are passing on the entire saving to you. TO-NIGHT........ 49¢c. EACH. CASHMERETTE HOSE, 25c. PAIR-- publications, only $3.00, The Youth's Companion, Common. wealth Ave. & St. Paul St., Boston, Mass, ---- Car Rurned Ncar Elginburg. Elginburg, Oct. 20.--The farmers are engaged in plowing ' after the HH £ he 1 a 18 "8 8 . f== 300 pairs only, Black and Cream Cashmerette Hose -- ; splendid values at 35¢c. a pair .......... To-night, 25¢. PENMAN'S CASHMERE, 50c. PAIR-- 180 pairs Penman's Black Cashmere Stockings--all sizes from8itel10.....5.............0;. To-night, 50c. A complete line of flat knit and ribbed Heather and Lovat pure wool Sport Hoseat . ..........75¢c., 89¢. and 95c. WOMEN'S VESTS AND DRAWERS, 50c.-- 25 dozen Knitted Winter Weight Vests and Drawers -- perfect in fit and finish--sold regularly at 60c. and 65c. a. garment .......................... Tonight, 50c. MEN'S CASHMERE SOCKS, 50c. PAIR-- 240 pairs of fine, all-wool Black Cashmere Socks; all sizes from 10 to 1 |--worth 65c¢. a pair, . . .. .To-night, 50c. COLORED STRIPED FLANNELETTE, 19¢c. YARD-- 450 yards only, of Colored Striped Flannelette in a large variety of colors--full 27 inches wide. Sold regularly at Be.ayard ..0 i. i To-night 19¢. a yard Steacy's - Limited - "Kingston's Shopping Centre"