Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Oct 1922, p. 7

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TORDM, ocTORER 31, 1022. ___THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ) CONNYS RY VERDCT)A WE AT ELCNBIRC g : : win Regard to the Death of [Did $1,000 Damage to House ©.P.R. Conductor Harry and Store of E. H. "We are of the opinion that Harry The home of E. H. Stover, groc- | C Cooper came to his death as the er, Elginburg, was partially destroy- | result of being struck, while shunting [ea by fire which broke out in the I lon the C.P.R. main line at Harrow- | kitchen about 3 o'clock on Monday | BOYS' OWN ANNUA smith :eoation, by a C.N.R. etock-car |aiternoon, and only te Plompt and standing on the C.P.R. passing track, [efficient work of the village wolun- GIRLS' OWN ANNUAL-- and we are also of the opinion that |teer bucket brigade prevented the his death was due to there not being | house and store from besoming a : : enough clearance between the cars on | total loss, The fire was discovered The Favorite Books for Christmas. the mata ue nd the ompty Sa of |by Mr. Stover' son, Who Lad been 1 1 nt- 'he passing track, the cars being too | working in the store, but the flames Order early to avoid disappoint near A tar was the verdict | had spread to such an extent that it 1 by the coroner's jury on Mon- [required a real fight to save the ment, at: dbp To after pk minutes de- | dwelling. The damage to the home, Hiberation, and after hearing the evid- [and 4 the stock in the store, which once of the C.N.R. trainmen concern- | Was badly smoked-up, will probably fortunate affair reach $1,000. *d In fhe UNDNuNAS ' At the time when the fire started an ideal School Boot. $2.95 5 The inquest, which had been ad- i U low & Co journed trom Friday evening, was ro- [{rom an overheated stove, there was | ® ® opened in James Reid's undertaking nobody in the house, but the smoke : parlors at 7 o'clock on Monday even- | creeping through the cracks of a ing, with the reading by coroner p. [door leading into the store caused E. Mundell of the previous evidence |Mr. Stover's son to raise the alarm. | heard. Francis King appeared for |Flrtunately there were several men the C.P.R. and A. Fraser for the [lear the building, and with Mr. | CNR, Stover they rushed into the house to find the kitchen in flames. Al E 3 3 or id Pallaniyné, CNR, comdue. bucket brigade was formed among aIrrings mn he 0M of the shunting done at Har- | the villagers, and after several min- rowsmith on Thursday previous to [148 bard work the {flames were : . the accident the following day. His brought under control. ascinating statement brought out the manner in | The interior and furniture of the which his crew had left the empty kitchen were completely deatrcyed, atalit but this constituted the main part Sock iar Concerned 1 Whe 4 Y: lof the damage, and Mr. Stover is Colors He was closely questioned by Dr. Ls congratulating himself tha: she fire Mundell and Mr. King, but he appear- was disqovered in time to save the 20 Sule Pouiite ile quits clear [rest of the building. While in con-| of the main Hine, versation with the Whig on Monday Earrings are again being W. A. Ewing, civil engineer for the afternoon, he told of Se valuable | worn by Dame Fashion, and we C.N.R., was then called by Mr. Salaanee tongerad hie neighboral have been very fortunate in se- Fraser, and he produced a blue-print py Ai y oo : x 0 owl | curiig a very choice selection J |0f the station lines and switches at | Lory &8 LAOUED HON ne fn all the newest colors -- the scene of the accident. The evid- Wore at stake. ere was p eal y no wind at the time, however, and Black, Jade, Amethyst, Topaz, ence drifted off into technicalities there. was no danger at any time of Pearl, Blue, Pink. concerning the tracks and position of i the ceher h s > the stock car, and very little vital he 3% reat i Sx Jor mouse Priced from $1.00 to $5.00 a evidence regarding the affair at hand pair, was brought out, although two more witnesses, Brakeman J. F. Thomas OONFIRMATION SERVICE. and Fireman J. T. Goodfellow were called to corrobora'e the statements | Held at Tweed--Induciion of Rector of the conductor, The hearing last- wn. I slin, . 1 ed for almost two hours, before the The Bishop of Ontario, Rt. Rev. Kinnear & d'Esterre jury were allowed to deMberate on |Dr. Bidwell vieited St. James' 1 the evidence. church, Tweed, on Sunday morning] 4 The jurors were as follows: H.|Oct. 29th, for the sacred rite of cun- JEWELERS 3 | Milne, (foreman), J. J. Hughes, W. |firmation, followed by the holy com- 100 Princess Street, Kingston |} H. Gimblett, G. Van Horne, E. Cain, | munion service. The candidates were ] 4 D. Oollier, A. McKee, C. A. Devlin, | Presented by <he rector, Rev. A. E. F. D. Van Luven, T. A. Dunlop, C. |Smart. A large number >! com- AAA AAAS Attwood and W. Newlands. municants received the Sacrament. -- fhe bishop's address, a most inter- * esting one on "The Church and Crder," was closely followed by a Dr. Nash's|0UMBELLS AT THE GRAND [5s siuepisires, = ---- ---- fertory Mrs. W. E. J. Leal sang ENTAI Qive a Splendi very effectively "0 For A Close D tap de Burlesque | AL (he tries PARLORS pony ind Again «he bishop expressed his apprecia- $s Evening. tion of the manner in which the ser- A A At Et Pd ttt st - TFA §00d man with a good name" | 153 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON -- Vict was conducted. : is as a obituary as anybody . Captain W. M. Plunkett's "Dom- n the evening the bishop visited good ) We specialize on Painless Extraction, | bells" are again paying Kingston a|the parish of Roslin when he induct- wan * A lie has been known to do muc welcome visit and chey were greet-|ed the Rev. Harry Pettem to the more damage than a blow. Px ed at the Grand on Monday evening |rectorship of the parish. The bishop ~ by a full house. There "Revue of | Was accompanied by the Rev. A. E. 1822" constitutes the most elabor-|Smart who, acting as bishop's chap- | ate programme they have yet offer-|lain, read <he license and letters of | . ! ad. "The Dumbells'" were originally | Induction. Rev. Mr. Geen read the | a Canadian soldiers' organizati>n|Psalm and scripture lesson. A crowl- | hat enteniained our men overseas. |©d church, representative of the three | ' Then they appeared on Canadian |Congregations in the parish, were stages after the war and became still | Present. The bishop preached om the more famous when they appeared in| 'Work Of The Ministry" and spoke New York. Now the people look for of the authority of the minister, his . FINE CUT SHERBET GLASSES--the cutting is the GRAPE {het Sach Your, nq Kingston w)duty SWiOtir Mia the euiopsty DESIGN, and the regular price was $7.20 dozen. We are sell" {avored with a two-night engage- [tive effort of the parishioners in ing them for a few days-- mem. "The Dumbells" burlesque je |making an effective ministry guidea . > not excelled by that of any English [by the power and influence of the ompany, and that is saying a great | Holy Spirit. Jeal. The company consists of Ross Hamilton, "Red" Newman, Al Plun- 4 Inch PLATES to match-- sett, Alan Murray, Arthur Holland, : ' dred Fenwick, Charles McLean, Bill 4 dozen for . "ee . $2.50 Tennent, Frank Brayford, Tom Letters to the Editor ---------- Young, Jack Ayer, Jimmy Goode, : fed Charter, Bert Wilkinson, Percy ------ ? WATER GLASSES to match-- Campbell, Arthur Witham and Ar- The Game in Verse. thur Nicholson, wifo appear amid p-- 3 dozen for . . . . . 90¢c. gorgeous eettings. The scene shfting eR gon, Oct 30. re . Fan. . and costume changing ere done With | ronto to see a game when we have CUT FLOWER VASES, 7 inch-- uarked rapidity. two fine teams like th ) The Tuber. which e the R.C.A. and R lar 50c. for 35¢ n w evoked the |yingston furnishes us with enter Negu ----r . Jecatest applause was Albert Plun-|iainment right here at home? The : iste he hase of ae $0m% | pictures will be shown at the local CUT FLOWER VASES, 6 inch-- ra "VER good free. |(heAtres In due course when the bik Xekt also sang with good effeewl,ioy get through with them and - R 'Coal Black Mammy." Red New- egular 40c., for ..... 25¢ n Now- | who sald the cricket field wouldn't -- . man's coster characterizations My! old 25,000 spectators. The man Jle Dutch" and "I'm a Daddy" a We have special prices on many other lines. avoked enthusiasm. Mr. Ys who. sald that ought to have been . Come in and look around evem if you do mot intend to wong Girl of My Dreams" was wei | {18T 0 Saturday and just fancy the make a purchase. ; and the quartette "The cheek of hat peomvies pe wanted scalved, . to take two of Kingston's best play- PHONE AND MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY, Bou to Mandalay: Ne Of he lars over to England to play for As- : funny cb 2 Sema to were a ton Vila. No sir, we need them right here and here's how the game | ROBERTSON'S Limited [55s mes: ro ae wie "The Dumbells" appear again at Played right here on Sat 3 the Grand this evening. This show is Soldiers won by just a shada™ one of the season's very best. Finest e they ever played Lots of people 'Pat,' they'd Watch him! Sic him! put him oat. --Women's Brown Calf Oxfo rds ab d | C. Watsh the force there! Watch the Strap Sli , Meaning Garrity, of course. ~--Women's Patent, Calf and Kid Ox- to Wien they didnt know a nstas fords and Strap Slippers. They'd inventsome just the same: ~--Footwear of quality and extra value. : TE ph 1 "MoO CLEAR AT.......... A few pairs only, Girls' Brown School Boots. Sizes 11 to 2. ofonly............ $285 At ...oovsiner anise 3295 '2.50 °*2.85 Girls' Box Kip Bluchers--solid leather soles. Sizes 11 to 2-- Boys' Black and Brown School Only ........ ....... 532.50 Bluchers. Sizes | to 5. A good, serviceable Shoe at a low price ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE -- -------- Just arrived from countries of growth DALY'S GOOD TEA This is a good time to stock up. En- joy the delicious freshness, Order from MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing and Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 1819w. Choice HARDWOOD Kentucky Cannel Coal Welsh Coal Coke W. A. Mitchell & Co. 15 Ontario Street Telephone 67. J mmr 3 Hallowe'en Novelties Decorations, Masks, Hats, Tally and Place Cards Neilson's Ice Cream Bricks and Neilson"s Chocolates. Everything can be obtained for Hallowe'en parties at: -- J. H. JARVIS Cor. Princess and Albert Streets, Phone 2373m. OPEN NIGHTS. Py LIFE ACCIDENT 1 'he college boys turn out "Watch the guns," you'll hear them shout. -~-H. RALPH. {pid You Ever Stop to Think. That the cities that know what they are doing and where they are going generally get somewhere. That it is time that some cities re- moved their "smoke screens" and let EXPANSION SALE Now Is the Time to Save Money on Furniture ° this If you are refurnishing your apartment or moving into a new home, timely Furniture Sale enables you to select new home furnishing at remarkable low prices. A small deposit will hold VICTORY BONDS Soadrss of tuusnoy and Taken in Full Value as storage till wanted. Cash. James Reid, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER PHONE 147 FOR SERVICER. Watch the Wheels Whirl Round at our machine shop and you will understand why we have most of the machine work to do in this city. We have complete, up-to. date equipment and skilled me- chanics to turn out any special part to order. Bishop Machine Shop KING AND QUEEN STREETS LLL TO LTT TL ELT TTT PE TT TIT ETT FROM OUR STORE YOUR HOME ON PAYMENT OF A SMALL DEPOSIT. That is how we help real home builders to ows A LINDSAY PIANO Our easy terms of payment have made }t possible in an, uae Ne Sa Sor us Trap Fave wh nd in 0d talk the matter over with us. CAT LITT EE LLL RL LL LL LLL I : YBAY IMT Sole Agents in Kingston for Weber Planos 121 PRINCESS 8 TRENT, KINGSTON

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