248. graduates of Queen's Univer- ab Hospital will give their annual Hal- lowe'en party this evening. - . - Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Heward, of == Eee as a may keep business profitably pro gressing. Those whose birthday it is may look for some exciting experiences during the year, They should protect themselves against all manner cf loss, especially through theft or fire. Avoid speculation. A child born on this day is likely to be enterpris- ing and energetic, but may be in- clined to extravagance unless care- fully trained. -------- TUESDAY, OUTOBER 31, - Halifax, N.S., are now residing in town. Mrs. Heward was formerly Miss Edith Drury, a daughter of the late General and Mrs. Drury of residing in Toronto gave a din- in the Pompeian Room of the ward on Saturday evening, by a smoker for the Queen's Varsity football teams. This din- is to be an annual affair. © Miss Gwendolen and Miss Doris Folger, "Edgewater," are entertain- fng at bridge this afternoon. The staff of the General Hospital will give a masquerade dance, in Grant Hall tonight. The staff of the Mowat Memorial If You Don't Need a New Overcoat Let us clean last year's coat fl The Parker process for cleaning men's clothing .Is remarkably successful. If you want to look well- dressed on a modest in- come you will appreciate our service. Send us your last year's coat, suit, cap, and gloves. We will return them with all the tallored smartness of new clothing. Mail Order Depart for our out-of- town cust mers. PARKER'S DYE WORKS LIMITED add Dyers. 69 Princess Street, "For the Home" Kingston. She is a sister of Lady Beaverbrook and of Mrs. Efiol Lan- guedoc of Montreal. Rev. G. A. MacLennen, who spent the week-end in town returned to Montreal on Tuesday. Principal Bruce Taylor, Miss Lois Taylor and Bruce Taylor, Jr., motor- ed back from Toronto Sunday. . . - Mrs. J. C. Harrington, Ottawa, chief superintendent of the Victorian Order Nurses, will arrive in town on Thursday to confer with the local V.O.N. committee. Miss Laura Allen, Toronto, will be the guest of Mrs. Joseph Hiscock for the week-end and Queen's Alumnae dinner. Mr. and Mrs. W. Harty, Kingston, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Cassels, Toronto, for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Livingston, Barrie street, are visiting their son, C. W. Idvingston, and Mrs. Living- ston for a few days. » » . visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Fex, Kingston Mrs. L. Nourry and dhbtldren, visi'- ing her paremts, Mr. and Mrs, Wil- lam Burne, Brockyille, for thé past few days, returned to Kingston on Monday. Miss Muir, Ottawa, Queen's Alumnae, will week-end in town. Mr. and Mrs, John McKay, Syden- Lam street, have returned from New president of spend the Kingston York. Prof. Lindsay Malcolm has turned from Toromto, * * Lionel McKay, Garrett street, has returned from Toronto. E Dr. and Mrs. J, O. Macdonald, Bar- rie street, have returned from To- ronto, Miss Lesslie, Brock street, leaves on Thursday for St. Catharines to visit Mrs. R, W. Leonard. Mrs. Martineau-Striffe and Miss MarNneau-Striffe, England, have sail- ed for Canada "0 spend the winter with Prof. and Mrs. Douglag Jem- mett, Kensington avenue, re- i Prof. John Matheson, Queen's Uni- versity, has Teturned from Toronto. . * Mrs G. E. Campeall and little sons, Robert and Reginald, Harrowsmith, spent Saturday in the city wi'h Mr. Campeall, who is attending Queen's University. Miss Rose Hopkins, Watertown, N.Y., will arrive in town on Wednos- daygto vieit her cousin, Mrs, R. J. Gardiner, "The Chestnuts." Mr. and Mre. James Minnes, Bagot &treel, have returned from 'Toronto. Miss Helen Y. Reid, LL.D., Mont- real, who will reply to the toast "Our Guests" at the Alumnae dinner on Saturday, will be the guest of Mrs. W. F. Nickle, Barl street, during her stay in town. Mrs, Cecil Hay, who has been in town for some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Walsh, Brock Street, returned to Ottawa to-day with her twin babies, To-morrow's . HOROSCOPE By Genevieve Kemble totred . WEDNESDAY, NOV. 1ST. This is forecast as a day of critl- cal fortune if the judgment of the » | astrologers is to be accepted. While there may be a degree of activity, owing to the lunar aspect to the stimulating Mars, yet there is also likely to be a measure of excitemen-, ~-- threatened dangers which it would be well against. Unusual care should be taken of money, which should not be risked in speculation. A firm hand - fp ji Mrs. A. Lachapelle, ,Brockville, is' | What the Edtor Hears | That this 4s Canadian Book week, when special attention will be drawn in the schools to the works of Cana- dian authors, lectures will be given and essays written on the subject and every effort made to draw the atten- tion of the public to the talent with- in our borders. That some of the Kingston girls in Toronto shouted themselves hoarse at the big match on Saturday and are now gebting ready for next week. That the latest sporting touch is a bandeau of knitted silk in Roman stripes to match the stripes of sweat- er coats or tone with the predomina'- ing color of the jumper. That tonight witches will brew dread cauldrons with fearful rights, black cats perched upon their shoul- ders; maidens will ckimb with tremb- ling steps to lonely garrets and at the witching hour of midnight gaze into a mirror wherein they wiil see re- flected beside their own faces, the features of their future husband; Jack-o-lanterns will grin cheerfully on many dinner tables and the boys and girls will ring the bells as they visit their friends as of yore. That Kingston hostesses will have their hospitality heavily taxed next week-end for the town wil b% full for Thanksgiving, the Queen's Alum- nae dinper and the Queen's-Varsity rugby match. possibly owing to loss, theft or fire |; That velvet was the mbst featured fabric with black leading, the brown and dull green tones also coming in for considerable attention, at New York's latest fashion show, RECEPTION TO STUDENTS. Given at Queen Street Methodist Church Monday Evening. A very enjoyable reception to about two hundred and fifty students of Queen's University was given by Queen Street Methodist church peo- ple on Monday evning. The Sunday school room, where the programme was rendered, was very tastefully de- corated by Chief Armstrong with various Hallowe'en novelties, lant- erns, etc., interwoven with the tri-col. or ribbons of the university. The at tendance from the congregation and friends of the students was very large, The feature of the programme was a character sketch given by Erie Len- non, Charles Reynolds, Harold Alan, H. E. Law, A. Middleton, Mrs, Story, K. Moncrieff and Mr. Allen, in which the "ghosts" of various famous per- sonages, long since dead , were brought back to earth and smperson- ated in a very clever manner. The litle play received continued ap- vlause. - Jack Blder entertained with several Scotch character songs, and Corpl. Kelly gave a number of miN- tary selections. The chairman was J. W. McCallum, he the programme the members of the Epworth League served re- freshments, -------- Paris' Queen of Dress. No less an artist than Cecile Sorel arrived in New York on the Homerfe and left for Quebec to Open in Augier's masterpiece. Not only is Mlle. Sorel noted es an ac- tress, but Paris also acclaims her as ts queen of dress. Gowned by Doucet on her arrival the French aotress was wearing a long coat of white leather, collared, cuffed and banded down the front With leopard skin, Her hat, aso of leopard skin, was of the much ex- ploited shape with a flange, but Mlle, : i {EAL 1 Hiss Cheaper than buying new clothes Do you know why your clothes get old so soon--why new underthings, new house- hold linens quickly wear thin and sleazy when they should still be new? Don't blame it-on poor material --those thin spots and broken threads which quickly delicate crepes and silks and laces without harming color and material, they have proved the ideal soap for general laundry use. This is because each curly flake is pure, whole soap, with no fillers and litte mois- ture to rob them of cleansing power. a grand blanket washing, use Palmolive Princess Soap Flakes. No shrinking--no danger of drying harsh and stiff. Instead, everything soft, warm and wooly, just like new. dissolve into holes are not due to faulty fabric. Instead, charge them up to injurious laundry soap. Use pure soap, free from corrosive in- gredients, and your clothes and linens will give the wear they should. Such pure soap, in the ideal form, is yours in Palmolive Princess Soap Flakes. Pure, curly white chip flakes While Palmolive Princess Flakes were perfected for fancy washing--for cleansing farther. This makes Palmolive Princess Flakes highly efficient soap--soap which makes play of the family washing. It makes them the practical, efficient washing machine soap. And it makes them a real economy because they go so much For washing woolens Whether you are squeezing out a sweater or a pair of leggings and mittens or having Convenience and economy Soap flakes are the most convenient form of soap for general household uses and the mosteconomical. Palmolive Princess Flakes come in handy pound packages. Once you learn the value of Palmolive Princess Flakes you will appreciate their superiority and economy. You will use them for every laundry purpose and for THE PALMOLIVE COMPANY OF CANADA, Limited MONTREAL PA PRIN IN CANADA Invalid Reader: "Although it may not be in your line, could you give me directions for a good game of 'Patiencé," to be played with one pack of cards? I sit so much alone and such a game would be a blessing {0 me." Answer: I read your letter to a dear little old lady I know who plays 'Patience' often, and she wrote out the following directions for me to print for you. I hope you will find them clear: ' "The Idle Year" Patience: Deal cards face up, one at a time, in a horizontal row. If the second card is of the saihe suit or same denomin- ation as the first one played, it must be placed upon it; if not, it is placed to the right. The same with the kthird card regarding the second, and the fourth card regarding the third, except that the fourth card can be played upon the first card, skippmg two, if of the same suit or denomin- | ation; but it must be played upon the next card to the left, if possible, in preference to skipping two caras. Follow this rule throughout, play- ing a card of the same suit or a.- nomination upon its next neighbor to the left or, if is not possible, r but two to TORONTO WINNIPEG LM OLIV CESS SOAP FLAKES The building of the Dominion Combing Mills at Trenton has been Pushed with remarkable apeed ana will be completed by Nov. 15th. Pride in boasting of family anti- quity makes duration stand for merit. Ninety-five per cent. of all insects are eaten by birds, general household no=ds. wa At Alexandria Bay, N.Y., on Oct. 26th Rev. Paul Malefyt was forme ally ordained paior of the First Dutch Reformed church there. The man who can enjoy what an- other owns is as rich, in a way, as if it were his own. A caterpillar will eat twice its own weight of food in a day. right must be lifted and placed cn the packet to the left, still giving preference to in so doing. { If the Patience succeeds, when the cards have all been played the whole pack will be one single pile. Mrs. K.: "Is there any way to pre- vent cake icing from cracking and crumbling off irregularly when cut- ting slices from the cake?" Answer: Yes. Heat the knife. A hot knife will ena! you to make a clean-edged cut in the icing. Business Girl: "What is the best thing to apply to blue serge to keep it from looking shiny? The elbows of my serge dress and the back of the skirt, are shiny." Answer: Sponge the shiny Places frequently with hot vinegar before you press the dress. The vinegar leaves no odor when used in this way. School Teacher: "I am going to store some pieces of silverware, and have polished them beautifully. What can I do to kgep them bright while they are laid away?" . Answer: Sprinkle them thickly with flour, wrap each piece in wrap- ping paper, tie up firmly and the silver will be as bright when you take it out of storage as when you put it in. Tomorrow -- More Recipes for Oatmeal Cookies. its nearest neighbor ----- ~The Exclusive Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Store-- THE HOME OF SMART GARMENTS J Where some stunning Velvet Afternoon Frocks have Just arrived from New York, featuring sleeve and metal braid girdle One distinctive model is of brown Vel- vet with side panel lined with Jade Green. 1 Girdle and Fringe Ornament of dull Gold, the smart three-quarter Burberry Plaid Backed Top Coats fa Lovat .. and Heather--the handsomest Coat at the price shown,