DAY SOME CANADIAN AUTHORS OF FACING THE PUBLIC WITH NEW BOOKS LE BLANCHE LAMONTAGNE ° Reuls ef Lépendes® -- CAROL B. S. CORNELL * Velvet Paws and Suiny Eyes" ROBERT STEAD " Renaissance" J. CG, SIME * Neighbours * F.W. WALLACE * Sister Woman" LOUISE MOREY DOWMAN . VILHALMUR STEFFANSON MARJoRiE PrcKTHAL "Noorlipht end Common Day" * The Northward Gurse of Empore" "Salt Seas and Sailormen " he Woodkor vers WiFe O.D. SKELTON "Life MABEL BURKMOLDER oo Sie Wilfred Laugier" "Before the White Men Came * F. P. GROVE "Prairie Trails * .Loonovan(pov)] Ove rer Gust 'PHIL H. MOORE KATHERINE HALE "With Gon & Rod in Gnedle fe Canasiion Ges of Romeace MAZO de la ROCHE "Chitatron of the Dawa" BasiC "KING _ Al The veux de { CLORGE LoOKE io, Dust f z Chon aot ig 4.r Me KISHN\E A Ponse pesitEY® % Bve du Tero" = Newry (evonom i fantockes® REV FA, HENRY Lite Foxes TTE . 3 z massico ne ~ 4 MADGE MACBETH "Us Majesty the Buffalo" "Wistowre au MARSHALL SAUNDERS "Beautiful Joe" Rus Maori LLAN . dian Fairy Tales STEPHEN Lencoex My Discovery of £nglond 4 ~Severiey BAXTER er oo of Bubbles" W.A. FRASER Rev. AR. A on Caste" a) Sores Ackld for he Relokd tour" HECTOR GARNEAU Canada (revised eaition JUDGE EMILY MURPHY * The Black mate" The Refiners Fire" I VI x 3 JEAN BRucHES) "Coups Ailes " Jour Ww. parot.,; Politics * HON. W.L. Mick ENZIE KING @urrer? o study in Introduction fo or "Om Muzray oe 4 "Rogan Love . GEORGE H.HAM Brother hhckd, the Miracle Mon © ARTHUR HEMING * Spivit Lake" VIRNA SHEARD "Ballad of the Quest" : ¥. J. arg son SMY™ ple; Lite of Christ CANADIAN BOOKS FOR CANADIANS Department of Education of the Ontario Government, the names I a circular entitled "Recent Canadian Books" just issued by the of 169 books written by Canadian Authors are cited as having proved popular in the circulating division of the Public Libraries of Toronto. " - way *> Topics of General Interest... 12 History and Biography...... 10 Travel and Deseription The Old Country Through . Canadian Eyes. ...... ews: 4 The War Books Which Illuminate Our History . No greater evidence than this could be produced in proof of the greatly increased output of and interest in Canadian books, for a few years ago the number of Canadian Authors whose names were known to the general public could be counted on the fingers of two ands Much of the credit for this increased interest is un- doubtedly due to the activity of the Canadian Authors' Association, an organization which came into existence just eighteen months ago, but which already numbers nearly 1,000 members with branches from Halifax to Victoria, B.C. A notable achievement of the Canadian Authors last year was the plan of Canadian Book Week, which concentrated the attention of the bookreading public for six days last November by means of bi addresses, newspaper and magazine articles and exhibits at libraries and book stores. The result was that the names of Canadian Authors became familiar to their fel- From this publication it is evident that the writers of - this country are not confining themselves to one field of literary activity, for the books are classified under the*following subjects :-- Platform Sketches ......... Nature Books Social and Religious Educational and Psychological Fiction \ «.covscsressnrenns POBIEY ¢ vetvvineecrsnaiens Dima . eeeversecerrreens Juveniles. ................. } low citizens, and the demand for their books rapidly in- creased. In quite a number of cases these authors were already known in the United States. One recent book entitled "Contemporary American Literature" lists five authors who are really Canadian. The success of the first Canadian Book Week has re- sulted in a decision to repeat the experiment, and a large number of addresses on Canadian Literature are featured in the current programmes of Canadian Clubs, Rotary Clubs, Kiwanis and other organizations. The movement is thoroughly national, as the French-Canadian Section of the Canadian Authors' Association has its "Semaine du Livre" with a similar programme of speak- ers, lectures and library exhibits. Last year, particu- larly fine exhibits of Canadiana, including manuscripts of the first French Explorers, attracted many thousand BE oe wi Jiiters 10 the St. Seipice Library and the Municipal zLLiteaty ia Monreal. VICTOR LAURISTON * The Twenty-First Bure" SIR. Roggry BORDEN adlian Constitutrono! W. S.waALLACE, By Star and Compe®® M.C.RITCHIE "Mayor General Sir Geotfery Twining Mca. L.A.PAQUET Thdmes Sociaux" . LADY RODDICK "The Romance ofa Arincess" IsABELEccLesTone Mackay 985 R y » er auconeS. "Fives of Driftwood ronal Character "ean aewe™ 0, MORIN, % Gungire of O° ork : {480 ge vcr 2 Fayolle , Fodt : | JULES tre Jog, or REMBLAY les Novoles %oroon 1. cRAIE, The Bond Tr A J: Carer, HOPKINS Conactian Annual Rene" 2 MLE CopERRE Sines Jur le Sable" F. A RosinsoN C. nS, * Mastered Mer" ~ JENK) Timber Piraft