THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. gE TH JORRORS OF AGENCY FO | INDIGESTION, Brantford Asphalt 4 Kingston and Vicinity Purchased Farm. le, K.C., MP.P., W. R, Givens |fuel, and there are forty fires when | Roofing Reymond Dickey, Mallorytown, | Postmaster James Stewart, George [two or three steam boilers would | Las purchased the farm owned by the sulltvan and H. Braithwaite, do. This condition of waste cannot | I For a handsome roof, use four-in-one Robert Wood, .ocated near Cain- go on indefinitely, however, and the | es ate Robert Wood, loos . Wil Ciaet at iif Slates or tapered Slates; in colors Green or own, Kingston shopkeepers or the owners, | Red. Sold and stocked by-- Be good to yourself and to your {will have to install mixdern distribu-| S. ANGLIN & CO. | family and to your friends. Growing- |.ion of heat jn order to reduce the | has up children take a keen delight in |cost, while maintaining the highest | degree of comfort." | Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Say and Weimgtos Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phoae 86. Factory Phone 1410. | | Appointed Rector. Rev. Mr. Carpyer, Ottawa, been appointed rector of Aultrsiile automobiles. A good car will do a | by Bishop Roper and will assume great deal toward keeping them out | his new duties shiortly, of mischief. A car is a necessity -- -- you can't afford to be without one. Prescoit IAvoras Qase, Watch our classified ads for the bast | Edgar Lindsay, Prescott, laborer, offerings. will apply at the next session of parliament for a divorce from his | wife, Electa Flaud Lindsay, on the} The work of remodelling the for- usual grounds. | mer George street Methodist churen, | Brockville, into a Masonic temple, 1s Is Doing Nie-ly. proceeding in a satisfactory man- Miss Emily Palmer, Picton, under-' ner. The brick work on a two-story went an operation for appendicitis on addition to the building, 30 by 60 Tuesday at Prince Edward county feet, has been completed and plast- hospital, ts in as favorable a condl- erers-will-at once start work fintsh- i Quecn's Alumni Re-union. { Class 1913 of Queen's University | is holding a re-union on Nov. 3rd And 4th. The university will give an in- formal reception in Grant Hall on the evening of Friday, Nov. 3rd, at 8 o'clock. All alumni and their wivea and friends are invited 0 attend. On | Saturday evening the Kingston Alum- ni Association will hold its annual | dinner in Grant Hall at 7.15. The | class 1913 will be the guests at this | ddnner. All alumni are asked to at-. tend. "This dinner is informe! and DR. A.W.WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON, Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets Phone 363 Nearing Completion. RUBBERS! RUBBERS! The slush is here and that means Rubbers. : Those who bought our Rubbers last year know | OCEAN STEAMSHIP y 5 LINES | Refleved by "Fruit-a-lives" al a n given your family or ar itn = tant from | the Fruit Medicine the Ola Country. Passports arranged Indigestion, Weak Digestion oF For information and rates apply to| partial digestion of food, is one of J. P. HANLEY, C. P. and T.A.G.T.| the most serious of present-day Ry., Kingston, Ont. : | complaints--because it is responsible Office: C.N.-G.T. Station, corner | g many serious troubles. Johnson and ontario Streets, King- Those who suffer with Indigestion, Open Day and Night. | almost invariably are Qroubled with - "PHONE 99. | Rheumatism, Palpitation of the Heart, Sleeplessness and excessive Nervousness, "Fruit-a-tives" will always relieve Indigestion because these tablets strengthen the stomach muscles, increase the flow of the digestive juices and correct Constipation, which usually accompanies Indigestion. 50¢ a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 256. At dealers or sent postpaid by Frult-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. | | Fos moving of | FREIGHT, rLANMTUKLE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF ERY DESCRIPTION --~ -- on Transer Co. mong whi "re o sql. 158 WELLINGTON STREET Foe PIANO TUNING Plane Tuning and Repairing. Also Organ Work, All work guaranteed. PETER D. BROWN {2 Markland St. Phone 2397m. Dentist 106 Wellington Bt... Fhone 256 ar ~ THOMAS COPLEY | Telephone 987. When hating Sarthing duns in Vie ee Co hades hs lao receive prompt attemtion. Shop: 34 Queen Street. { | Dr. Waugh | | rt wr a Take ECHAWS Pi for Constipation rn + Plumber Plumbing and Gas Work a laity. All work guaranteed. dress 145 Frontenac Street. Phone 1277. spec- Ad- Bell's Vanilla HIGH GRADE 26c. A BOTTLE Cheapest in the long run. Made in Kingston by-- DR. BELL WONDER MEDICINE CO. WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, Locks re paired. that is repalral J. M. PATRICK Sewing Machines, Phonographs, Guns, Rifles repaired and refitted. Parts supplied. Saws filed, knives, scissors and edge tools ground. paired. Keyy Mtted (0 all kinds of locks, Au makes vi Lawn Mowers sharpened and re- We van rogais aby Imng 149 Sydenham Street, Kingston Phone 2056J. - WR Mchae & Co NOW Watch or Clock REPAIRED LC. 149 8ydenham St. Just off Princess Is the Time to Get Your HEMSLEY from R. J. Rodger PEA COAL ---- and COKE HARD AND BOFT WOOD Cut in stove lengths. BOOTH & 00. Grove Inn Yard Phone 183 Pr INSURANCE OF PENCILS REPAIRED Prompt service. EVERSHARP We are equipped to make any r "airs to above pencils. We carry a supply of parts. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston, W. H. GODWIN & son | Real Estate and Insurance #0 Brock Street Phome 424 -- Killed a Tagged Duck. On Thursday last E. H. Sills shot a black duck at Hay Bay, and upon examination it was found to have a band on one leg with the inscription: "207747, Notify Biol. Sury." tion as could be expected. Moved §) Ogdensburg, N.Y. Mrs. Ida Wood, formerly of Mall orytown, has purchased a residence at 420 New York avenue, Ogdens- burg, N.Y., and left yesterday to make her home there, For Fall and Winter. We have received all our fall and Men's overcoats, Boys' and Men's suits, also a large range of cloth for suits made to measure at reason able prices. Prevost, Brock street. To Move To Tweed. A panty of friends and neighbors met at the home of C. J. Country- man and his mother, near Chapman, and presented them with a rocking tryman has sold his farm to Murney Robinson and is moving into Tweed. Formerly of Prince Edward. ' Word has been received from South Otselic, N.Y., of the death of Mrs. Charley Cook which oocurred Oct. 18th. Mrs. Cook was formerly Gertie Connor, daughter of T. L. Connor, and the late Mrs. Connor, North Marysburgh.' She was in her forty-third year. Tax-Rate Increased. The tax rate for 1922 for Kempt- ville has been fixed at forty-four mills, an increase of nine mills over last year. There is an increase of three mills {in the rate on the schools, one of three mills to provide !for the cost of street lights and one jot three-quarters of a mill through | the expense of the measles epidemic. Arranging for Banquet. by the Mercantile League to arrange for the first annual banquet, met on Monday evening to consider the final details of the affair. It iw probable that the following will be guests of honor: Arthur Howits, donor of the baseball trophy; Elmer Davis, Leman A. Guild, Noble Steacy, W. F'. Nick- WE SPECIALIZE IN-- winter goods, eonsisting of Boys' and; chair and a small table. Mr. Coun-| ing the interior of the addition. The interior of the main structure is In the hands of the trimmers and it is expected that the building will be ready for occupancy about the mid- dle of December. Married at Selby, A quiet wedding took place at the parsonage, Selby on Oct. 11th, when E. Stella, only daughter of James Denison, was married to Donald W. | Fitzpatrick, Selby. The bride wore {her travelling suit. Omly the mem- bers of the family were present. The nuptial vows were received bw their pastor, Rev. T. H. P. Ander- son. After the ceremomy the young couple motored to Napanee and took ithe train for Ottawa and other points east. Mr, and Mrs. Fitzpatrick will reside at Selby. Fuel Waste in Kingston. The failure to Install central heating plants in the business blocks 'of the city is the cause of the waste of large quantities lof coal, accord- ing to an authority on heating sys- tems. 'Every city business block | should be steam-heated from a cent- 'ral boiler-room that would use cheap fuel such as slack, screenings or run- of-mine bituminous coal," he sayw. "Instead of this each shop owner has a separate furnace and is burn- ing anthracite, the mfost expensive mene dha EN NCL IND The special committee appointed | | | MILK DEALERS MILK BOTTLE STOPPERS, MILK TICKETS AND BUTTER WRAPPERS.' BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO., Limited PHONR 243. Sens STOP IN AT THE NEW ENG- LAND CAFE and enjoy a noon- day lunch. Cheerful surroundings and real home cooking make din- ing here truly a delight. on CAKES AND PASTRY For something good try our CAKES and PASTRY. HOME-MADE BREAD A SPECIALTY F. C. HAMBROOK 115 BROCK STREET -- GUNNS MAPLE LEAF COOKED HAM Made from Pork Sausage. APut up in one pound net tins. Cooked fresh -- the flavor is 3 Se different to what one io the thing for holf | ang hurry-up NA olifey trips BON ROCHE QROCERY S King and Earl Streets, x Phone 1844, tiocke's may be obtained from the sec- retary, Prof. Graham, Nicol Hall, | i | Home From the Far North. Inspector S. T. Wood, of the Rdy- | al Canadian Mounted Police, has Just | reached Vancouver, B.C., after three years spent on Herschel Island, in the Beaufort, north of the mouth of | the Mackenzie river. He describes conditions in the far north in a very 1acy manner, in the Daily Province, | at Vancouver. He is very much in- terested in the proposed flight of Amundsen over the world roof. He will likely start in June. Inspector Wood is well-known in Kingston, where he has many friends, as well 2s in the district. How To Get Money. The happiest way to have money Is to earn it, or a part of it. Now is the time big fortunes are being start- ed. Future wizards of finance are among those who are studying te- day's classified ads. They are alive to the best chances. If you have sec- retely determined to become one ot the big fellows begin now to study our classified ads. They will intro- duce you where you must £0, and they will help you to realize that ambition. Sent To Belleville. The elderly man, who was before Magistrate Farrell, on Monday, on a charge of vagrancy, end who was ordered th rveturn to his home in Belleviile, was escorted to a train on Tuesday afternoon by a police constable. The man told the mag istrate that he had about $130 in a 'bank at Belleville, and why he shoudl loaf around Kingston and Create a nuisance, the local authorit- les are unable to understand. Many complaints were received alirut the man using abusive language to peo- ple on the street, ------------ An 01d Shin Plag)r, A recent reference wus made to some bank bills and coins of the realm of ancient vintaga. George A. Cornell, Carleton Place shows a "shin plaster" for thirty pense or ome half dollar, issued by W. and J. Bell, Perth. It was about a halt larger than the shin plaster of to-day and was numbered 7256 and dated 16th Feb. 1837. Mr. Cornel; says these men did a large business in this section at one time. The bill is in- deed a curio and is remarkably weli preserved notwithstanding its age. It is needless to say it is highly prised by Mr. Cornell. a -- Captain William Skil'yn INes. Captain Willlam Skillen passed away quite unexpectedly at his home on Head street, Picton early Friday evening. The captain had been up town and walked home about tea time. He had just entered the house when he collapsed, falling lifeless to the floor. Capt. Skillen was in his sixty-ninth year. He was born in Picton and for many years had been connected with steamers on the bay. When the Deseronto was built he how good they are. Those who didn't have a treatinstore. A full stock of Men's heavy and light Rubbers, Rubber Boots and Overshoes in the famous Ames Holden make, guaranteed JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street FURS Genuine Beaver Coats Gourdier's BROCK STREET ---------- OVERCOAT *15.0010°30.00 WARM, FANCY BACK WEAVE ULSTERS *25.0010°40.00 YOUNG MEN'S SUITS *15.00t0°35.00 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel ) was placed in command and unti] his retirement a few years ago remained in charge of that steamer, plying be- tween Picton and Deseromto. Capt | Skillen leaves his wife and one bro- | ther, Richard Skillen, * For Fall and Winter Wear Wool Gloves in wrist and gauntlet ength--all the new styles and colors -- beautiful, soft wool in the best Scotch makes for women and children from ,con.......... 50c. a pair up. Men's Wool Gloves in the new light shades and Heather, at 75c., $1.00 "and $1.25 a pair, | Lined Gloves and Mitts in Kid and Mocha, fol Men and Women at $1.50 and $2.00 a pair, W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191. The Waldron Store, GENERAL CIGAR CO. LIMITED _ CONTROLLED OPERATED BY IMPERIAL TOBACCO CO. OF CANADA LIMITED NN --